

  • The Elements of Statistical Learning

    作者:Trevor Hastie,Robert

    During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of color graphics. It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees and boosting---the first comprehensive treatment of this topic in any book. This major new edition features many topics not covered in the original, including graphical models, random forests, ensemble methods, least angle regression & path algorithms for the lasso, non-negative matrix factorization, and spectral clustering. There is also a chapter on methods for "wide" data (p bigger than n), including multiple testing and false discovery rates.
  • 集体智慧编程


    本书以机器学习与计算统计为主题背景,专门讲述如何挖掘和分析Web上的数据和资源,如何分析用户体验、市场营销、个人品味等诸多信息,并得出有用的结论,通过复杂的算法来从Web网站获取、收集并分析用户的数据和反馈信息,以便创造新的用户价值和商业价值。全书内容翔实,包括协作过滤技术(实现关联产品推荐功能)、集群数据分析(在大规模数据集中发掘相似的数据子集)、搜索引擎核心技术(爬虫、索引、查询引擎、PageRank算法等)、搜索海量信息并进行分析统计得出结论的优化算法、贝叶斯过滤技术(垃圾邮件过滤、文本过滤)、用决策树技术实现预测和决策建模功能、社交网络的信息匹配技术、机器学习和人工智能应用等。 本书是Web开发者、架构师、应用工程师等的绝佳选择。
  • Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning

    作者:Christopher Bishop

    The dramatic growth in practical applications for machine learning over the last ten years has been accompanied by many important developments in the underlying algorithms and techniques. For example, Bayesian methods have grown from a specialist niche to become mainstream, while graphical models have emerged as a general framework for describing and applying probabilistic techniques. The practical applicability of Bayesian methods has been greatly enhanced by the development of a range of approximate inference algorithms such as variational Bayes and expectation propagation, while new models based on kernels have had a significant impact on both algorithms and applications. This completely new textbook reflects these recent developments while providing a comprehensive introduction to the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. It is aimed at advanced undergraduates or first-year PhD students, as well as researchers and practitioners. No previous knowledge of pattern recognition or machine learning concepts is assumed. Familiarity with multivariate calculus and basic linear algebra is required, and some experience in the use of probabilities would be helpful though not essential as the book includes a self-contained introduction to basic probability theory. The book is suitable for courses on machine learning, statistics, computer science, signal processing, computer vision, data mining, and bioinformatics. Extensive support is provided for course instructors, including more than 400 exercises, graded according to difficulty. Example solutions for a subset of the exercises are available from the book web site, while solutions for the remainder can be obtained by instructors from the publisher. The book is supported by a great deal of additional material, and the reader is encouraged to visit the book web site for the latest information.
  • 机器学习

    作者:(美)Tom Mitchell

    《机器学习》展示了机器学习中核心的算法和理论,并阐明了算法的运行过程。《机器学习》综合了许多的研究成果,例如统计学、人工智能、哲学、信息论、生物学、认知科学、计算复杂性和控制论等,并以此来理解问题的背景、算法和其中的隐含假定。《机器学习》可作为计算机专业 本科生、研究生教材,也可作为相关领域研究人员、教师的参考书。
  • 大数据时代

    作者:[英] 维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格(Vikt

    《大数据时代》是国外大数据研究的先河之作,本书作者维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格被誉为“大数据商业应用第一人”,拥有在哈佛大学、牛津大学、耶鲁大学和新加坡国立大学等多个互联网研究重镇任教的经历,早在2010年就在《经济学人》上发布了长达14页对大数据应用的前瞻性研究。 维克托•迈尔•舍恩伯格在书中前瞻性地指出,大数据带来的信息风暴正在变革我们的生活、工作和思维,大数据开启了一次重大的时代转型,并用三个部分讲述了大数据时代的思维变革、商业变革和管理变革。 维克托最具洞见之处在于,他明确指出,大数据时代最大的转变就是,放弃对因果关系的渴求,而取而代之关注相关关系。也就是说只要知道“是什么”,而不需要知道“为什么”。这就颠覆了千百年来人类的思维惯例,对人类的认知和与世界交流的方式提出了全新的挑战。 本书认为大数据的核心就是预测。大数据将为人类的生活创造前所未有的可量化的维度。大数据已经成为了新发明和新服务的源泉,而更多的改变正蓄势待发。书中展示了谷歌、微软、亚马逊、IBM、苹果、facebook、twitter、VISA等大数据先锋们最具价值的应用案例。