

  • 魅力學

    作者:Olivia Fox Cabane

    奧麗薇亞.福克斯.卡本尼(Olivia Fox Cabane) 魅力與領導學專家卡本尼,在哈佛、耶魯、史丹佛、麻省理工學院、以及聯合國均有開班授課,並經常受邀為財星五百大企業培訓員工與高階主管。協助學員變得更有說服力、影響力,更能激勵人心。 卡本尼擁有豐富的行為學素養,加上在哈佛與麻省理工學院累積的教學經驗,讓她得以為企業客戶規劃出一套極為實用的魅力學工具和技巧。她的文章散見於《富比士》、《高速企業》、《紐約時報》、《美國商業週刊》以及《華爾街日報》等報章雜誌。 歡迎上www.AskOlivia.com,挖掘更多魅力的祕密。 「卡本尼成功的結合科學研究與個人的精闢分析,以令人信服的說法、有系統的呈現魅力的面貌。」──Stephen M. Kosslyn,史丹福大學行為科學高等研究中心主任
  • Crimes Against Logic

    作者:Jamie Whyte

    This is a witty assault on lame rhetoric, specious logic, and official BS. Here's a fast-paced, ruthlessly funny romp through the mulligan stew of illogic, unreason, and just plain drivel served up daily in the media by pundits, psychics, ad agencies, New Age gurus, statisticians, free trade ideologues, business "thinkers," and, of course, politicians. Award-winning young philosopher Jamie Whyte applies his laser-like wit to dozens of timely examples in order to deconstruct the rhetoric and cut through the haze of shibboleth and doubletalk to get at the real issues. A troubleshooting guide to both public and private discourse, "Crimes Against Logic": analyzes the 12 major logical fallacies, with examples from the media and everyday life; takes no prisoners as it goes up against the scientific, religious, academic, and political establishments; helps you fine-tune your critical faculties and learn to skewer debaters on their own phony logic.
  • 心理学与工作


  • Nonsense

    作者:Robert J. Gula

    Want to differentiate between the heavy emotional language you hear, the logic used, and the various errors in logic? Want to know what that false argument is called? Want to find a book that does not look, feel, and read like a textbook, but can easily be read/perused at your convenience? This little paperback book (174 pages) is one of the best resource for exposing the various arguments and false logic that we humans sometimes use. The prose flows very easily, groups related fallacies together, and the author offers plenty of real-life examples. The first 3 content chapters discuss Emotional Language, its use and misuse. Then there is a chapter on Logical Fallacies. Then the author talks about Irrelevance, Confusion, Oversimplification, Evasion, Erroneous Comparison and Contrast, Arguments, Semantics, and Syllogism. "I just know that that doesn't make any sense, but I'm not sure why" begins the author in the first chapter "Everyday Nonsense." The end of the book has a summary listing of all the fallacies and nonsense terms, a Bibliography, and a useful Index. The author, Robert John Gula (1941-1989) was educated at Colby College and Harvard University. He taught a course on logic (among other subjects) at a very elite private American high school.
  • 每天懂一点行为心理学


    每天懂一点行为心理学,ISBN:9787539945552,作者:(日本)匠英一 著