

  • The Edible Garden

    作者:Fowler, Alys

    In this timely new book, Gardeners' World's thrifty and resourceful Alys Fowler shows that there is a way to take the good life and re-fashion it to fit in with life in the city. Abandoning the limitations of traditional gardening methods, she has created a beautifully productive garden where tomatoes sit happily next to roses, carrots are woven between the lavenders and potatoes grow in pots on the patio. And all of this is produced in a way that mimics natural systems, producing delicious homegrown food for her table. And she shares her favourite recipes for the hearty dishes, pickles and jams she makes to use up her bountiful harvest, proving that no-one need go hungry on her grow-your-own regime. Good for the pocket, good for the environment and hugely rewarding for the soul, The Edible Garden urges urbanites everywhere to chuck out the old gardening rules and create their own haven that's as good to look at as it is to eat.
  • ROSE GARDEN ―ローズガーデン


    内容(「BOOK」データベースより) 森で迷子になったスネアを助けてくれたのは、村外れに住む美しい天使・カイルと、信心深い悪魔・ウォーレンだった。天に戻れず嘆くカイルが可哀相で、スネアは二人を訪ねるようになる。そんな時、スネアはウォーレンから過去の話を聞くが…。―愛を探して彷徨う、天使と悪魔のせつない恋の物語。 内容(「MARC」データベースより) ノベルス界に新風「ボーイズラブ&ファンタジー」。絶大なファンを擁する巨匠・木原音瀬が贈る愛憎のラブストーリー。