

  • STL Tutorial and Reference Guide

    作者:David R. Musser,Gill

    "The second edition is clearer and adds more examples on how to use STL in a practical environment. Moreover, it is more concerned with performance and tools for its measurement. Both changes are very welcome." --Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M University"So many algorithms, so little time! The generic algorithms chapter with so many more examples than in the previous edition is delightful! The examples work cumulatively to give a sense of comfortable competence with the algorithms, containers, and iterators used." --Max A. Lebow, Software Engineer, Unisys Corporation The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide is highly acclaimed as the most accessible, comprehensive, and practical introduction to the Standard Template Library (STL). Encompassing a set of C++ generic data structures and algorithms, STL provides reusable, interchangeable components adaptable to many different uses without sacrificing efficiency. Written by authors who have been instrumental in the creation and practical application of STL, STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, Second Edition includes a tutorial, a thorough description of each element of the library, numerous sample applications, and a comprehensive reference. You will find in-depth explanations of iterators, generic algorithms, containers, function objects, and much more. Several larger, non-trivial applications demonstrate how to put STL's power and flexibility to work. This book will also show you how to integrate STL with object-oriented programming techniques. In addition, the comprehensive and detailed STL reference guide will be a constant and convenient companion as you learn to work with the library. This second edition is fully updated to reflect all of the changes made to STL for the final ANSI/ISO C++ language standard. It has been expanded with new chapters and appendices. Many new code examples throughout the book illustrate individual concepts and techniques, while larger sample programs demonstrate the use of the STL in real-world C++ software development. An accompanying Web site, including source code and examples referenced in the text, can be found at http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/stl-book/index.html. 0201379236B05212001
  • Windows via C/C++

    作者:Jeffrey M. Richter,C

    Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++. Features coverage of classic topics such as thread pooling, heaps, and advanced DLL techniques Provides expert guidance fully updated for Windows Vista Provides extensive sample code in Visual C++ 2005 点击链接进入中文版: Windows核心编程(第5版)
  • Visual C++ 技术内幕(第四版)

    作者:David J. Kruglinski

    在前三版的基础上,本书向读者详尽地介绍了Visual C++开发系统和复杂的32位Windows编程技术,全面诠释了Microsoft 的这个强大而复杂的开发工具的功能。 本书从对Windows,Visual C++和应用程序框架的技术性概述入手,讨论了下列课题:基础知识——事件处理,GDI,对话框,内存管理,SDI和MDI,打印,以及帮助;高级课题——多线程,DIB,ODBC,DLL等等。
  • C++程序设计教程


  • Imperfect C++

    作者:Matthew Wilson

    C++ is one of the most important languages today, but, as with all languages, it is not perfect. Far from it. Hence the topic (and title) of this book: practical techniques for dealing with problems that arise in C++ programming not because the programmer is inexperienced or incompetent, but because this otherwise powerful language is itself deficient in some respect.This book reduces the frustration and indecision programmers experience everyday when using C++. Far from being stymied by a lack of expressiveness in the language, it is commonly the vast array of potential paradigms and techniques supported by C++ that causes the problems. Too many choices.Too much complexity. Where to begin? Where to go? The author, having himself experienced inherent C++ deficiencies for years, presents detailed solutions for dealing with the aggravating problems they cause programmers.
  • 深入实践C++模板编程


    C++模板编程领域的经典著作,由资深C++开发工程师撰写。本书以透彻分析原理为前提,深入讲解了模板编程的基本原理、标准库中算法与容器等模板的实现原理;以实践为导向,通过大量的模板向读者展示了如何使用模板进行编程以及如何编写自定义模板。除此之外,本书还总结了各种常用的模板编程技巧、C++11标准中的模板新特性和新语法,以及C++11中新增的其他语言特性。 全书共16章,分为四部分:第一部分(第1~4章)首先介绍了模板编程的基本概念与用法,然后重点讨论了编译器对模板的具体实现方法及其局限,读者可以通过本部分内容理解模板的基本原理并自行实现简单的类模板与函数模板。第二部分(第5~9章)对标准库中的算法与容器的实现原理和用法进行了深入地剖析,读者通过本部分内容对标准库中的算法、迭代器与容器之间的关系有深入的理解,从而可以精确调节标准容器的行为,自行开发适用于标准算法的容器类模板。第三部分(第10~13章)讨论了模板编程的高级技巧,如模板编程中“概念”的设计、控制代码量的技术、编译期逻辑的控制以及元编程的基本方法等,读者可以通过本部分内容开发更具规模、更加智能的模板库,并利用元编程技术实现编译期的逻辑演绎与类型推导。第四部分(第14~16章)介绍了C++11标准中的新增语言特性,以及对模板编程的影响。
  • Effective STL中文版-50条有效使用STL的经验


    C++的标准模板库(STL)是革命性的技术,但是要想用好STL却并不容易。在本书中,畅销书作家Scott Meyers(Effective C++和More Effective C++的作者)揭示了专家总结的一些关键规则,包括专家们总是采用的做法,以及专家们总是避免的做法。通过这些规则,程序员可以高效地使用STL。 一般书主要描述了STL中有些什么内容,而本书则重点讲述了如何使用STL。本书共有50条指导原则,在讲述每一条原则的时候,Scott Meyers都提供了透彻的分析和详尽的实例,所以读者不仅可以学到要做什么,而且还能够知道什么时候该这样做,以及为什么要这样做。
  • 深入理解C++11

    作者:Michael Wong,IBM XL编

    《深入理解C++11:C++11新特性解析与应用》内容简介:国内首本全面深入解读C++11新标准的专著,由C++标准委员会代表和IBM XL编译器中国开发团队共同撰写。不仅详细阐述了C++11标准的设计原则,而且系统地讲解了C++11新标准中的所有新语言特性、新标准库特性、对原有特性的改进,以及如何应用所有这些新特性。 《深入理解C++11:C++11新特性解析与应用》一共8章:第1章从设计思维和应用范畴两个维度对C++11新标准中的所有特性进行了分类,呈现了C++11新特性的原貌;第2章讲解了在保证与C语言和旧版C++标准充分兼容的原则下增加的一些新特性;第3章讲解了具有广泛可用性、能与其他已有的或者新增的特性结合起来使用的、具有普适性的一些新特性;第4章讲解了C++11新标准对原有一些语言特性的改进,这些特性不仅能让C++变得更强大,还能提升程序员编写代码的效率;第5章讲解了C++11在安全方面所做的改进,主要涵盖枚举类型安全和指针安全两个方面的内容;第6章讲解了为了进一步提升和挖掘C++程序性能和让C++能更好地适应各种新硬件的发展而设计的新特性,如多核、多线程、并行编程方面的新特性;第7章讲解了一些颠覆C++一贯设计思想的新特性,如lambda表达式等;第8章讲解了C++11为了解决C++编程中各种典型实际问题而做出的有效改进,如对Unicode的深入支持等。附录中则介绍了C++11标准与其他相关标准的兼容性和区别、C++11中弃用的特性、编译器对C++11的支持情况,以及学习C++11的相关资源。
  • Effective STL中文版


    《Effective STL中文版:50条有效使用STL的经验》是EffectiveC++的第3卷,被评为“值得所有C++程序员阅读的C++书籍之一”。《Effective STL中文版:50条有效使用STL的经验》详细讲述了使用STL的50条指导原则,并提供了透彻的分析和深刻的实例,实用性极强,是C++程序员必备的基础书籍。C++的标准模板库(STL)是革命性的,要用好STL并不容易。《Effective STL中文版:50条有效使用STL的经验》作者ScottMeyers揭示了专家总结的一些关键规则,包括专家们总是采用的做法,以及专家们总是避免的做法。通过这些规则,STL程序员可以最大限度地使用STL。
  • C++ Primer 英文版(第 5 版)

    作者:[美] Stanley B. Lippm

    这本久负盛名的C++经典教程,时隔八年之久,终迎来史无前例的重大升级。除令全球无数程序员从中受益,甚至为之迷醉的——C++大师Stanley B. Lippman的丰富实践经验,C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准的深入理解,以及C++先驱Barbara E. Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见外,更是基于全新的C++11标准进行了全面而彻底的内容更新。非常难能可贵的是,书中所有示例均全部采用C++11标准改写,这在经典升级版中极其罕见——充分体现了C++语言的重大进展极其全面实践。书中丰富的教学辅助内容、醒目的知识点提示,以及精心组织的编程示范,让这本书在C++领域的权威地位更加不可动摇。无论是初学者入门,或是中、高级程序员提升,本书均为不容置疑的首选。
  • 泛型编程与STL

    作者:Matthew H. Austern

  • 深入解析MFC

    作者:George Shepherd Scot

  • C++ Primer Plus

    作者:Stephen Prata

    C++是在C语言基础上开发的一种集面向对象编程、通用编程和传统的过程化编程于一体的编程语言,是C语言的超集。本书是根据1998年的ISO/ANSI C++标准编写的,通过大量短小精悍的程序详细而全面地阐述了C++的基本概念和技术。 全书分17章和10个附录。分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、
  • Win32多线程程序设计

    作者:[美] Jim Beveridge,Ro

    《Win32多线程程序设计》全书共分三篇。第一篇包括线程的启动和结束、核心对象、激发和未激发状态的意义、同步机制及其用途;第二篇介绍C runtime函数库和MFC对线程的支持、如何在USER和GDI的限制之下施行对线程等内容;第三篇谈论如何组织一个程序,使它有效支持多线程。
  • ACE程序员指南

    作者:[美] Stephen D. Husto

    本书由ACE的几位核心开发者撰写,快速而直接地解释了怎样充分利用ACE。从介绍ACE开始,循序渐进,详细讨论了ACE的IPC设施、进程及线程管理以及一些高级话题,比如共享内存、ACE Streams框架、ACE Service Configurator框架、定时器管理类、ACE Naming Service等等。在这个过程中,作者给出了许多源码例子,通过贯穿全书的ACE应用实例来告诉读者如何应用各种关键的模式和设计原则,去成功地开发面向对象的网络化软件。通过本书的学习,你将能更好地设计并实现性能驱动的、无法在市场上买到的网络化软件,从而始终在竞争中走在前列。
  • C++网络编程 卷2

    作者:Douglas C.schmidt

  • C++ Gotchas

    作者:Stephen C.Dewhurst

  • Elements of Programming

    作者:Alexander A. Stepano

    Elements of Programming provides a different understanding of programming than is presented elsewhere. Its major premise is that practical programming, like other areas of science and engineering, must be based on a solid mathematical foundation. The book shows that algorithms implemented in a real programming language, such as C++, can operate in the most general mathematical setting. For example, the fast exponentiation algorithm is defined to work with any associative operation. Using abstract algorithms leads to efficient, reliable, secure, and economical software. This is not an easy book. Nor is it a compilation of tips and tricks for incremental improvements in your programming skills. The book’s value is more fundamental and, ultimately, more critical for insight into programming. To benefit fully, you will need to work through it from beginning to end, reading the code, proving the lemmas, doing the exercises. When finished, you will see how the application of the deductive method to your programs assures that your system’s software components will work together and behave as they must. Following key definitions, the book describes a number of algorithms and requirements for types on which they are defined that exemplify its abstract mathematical approach. The code for these descriptions—also available on the Web—is written in a small subset of C++ meant to be accessible to any experienced programmer. This subset is defined in a special language appendix coauthored by Sean Parent and Bjarne Stroustrup. Whether you are a software developer, or any other professional for whom programming is an important activity, or a committed student, you will come to understand what the book’s experienced authors have been teaching and demonstrating for years—that mathematics is good for programming, that theory is good for practice.
  • C++语言99个常见编程错误

    作者:Stephen C. Dewhurst

    本书是C++语言大师Stephen C. Dewhurst在多年教授C++课程中所遇到的常见错误的心得笔记之基础上编写而成的。本书所有章节都是从一个众所周知的、在日常编码或设计实践中经常遭遇的问题入手,先指出其不足,再对其背后思想中存在的合理与不合理之处深入剖析;最后取其精华弃其糟粕,给出一个简洁、通用、美轮美奂的方案,指出有关如何规避或纠正它们的建议,从而有助于C++软件工程师们避免重蹈前辈们的覆辙。
  • 深入解析ATL

    作者:Chris Tavares,Kirk F

    本书主要介绍了ATL技术的原理、内部实现和应用技巧,由当今4 位顶尖的 Windows技术专家联合撰写。全书内容丰富,深入浅出,主要涵盖了ATL内部架构和实现方法、运用向导简化ATL开发、C++/COM/ATL中字符串的使用技巧、理解并正确实现IUnknown、充分利用ATL提供的Smart Types、撰写能够暴露COM服务器上COM对象的粘合代码、利用Canned Interface实现来支持对象持久化/COM群集/枚举、利用ATL Windows类建构独立的应用程序和UI组件等的技术内容。本书适合于广大Windows开发人员阅读参考,是ATL开发人员的必备权威参考书籍。