

  • Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting

    作者:Peter J. Brockwell,R

    Some of the key mathematical results are stated without proof in order to make the underlying theory accessible to a wider audience. The book assumes a knowledge only of basic calculus, matrix algebra, and elementary statistics. The emphasis is on methods and the analysis of data sets. The logic and tools of model-building for stationary and nonstationary time series are developed in detail and numerous exercises, many of which make use of the included computer package, provide the reader with ample opportunity to develop skills in this area. The core of the book covers stationary processes, ARMA and ARIMA processes, multivariate time series and state-space models, with an optional chapter on spectral analysis. Additional topics include harmonic regression, the Burg and Hannan-Rissanen algorithms, unit roots, regression with ARMA errors, structural models, the EM algorithm, generalized state-space models with applications to time series of count data, exponential smoothing, the Holt-Winters and ARAR forecasting algorithms, transfer function models and intervention analysis. Brief introductions are also given to cointegration and to nonlinear, continuous-time and long-memory models. The time series package included in the back of the book is a slightly modified version of the package ITSM, published separately as ITSM for Windows, by Springer-Verlag, 1994. It does not handle such large data sets as ITSM for Windows, but like the latter, runs on IBM-PC compatible computers under either DOS or Windows (version 3.1 or later). The programs are all menu-driven so that the reader can immediately apply the techniques in the book to time series data, with a minimal investment of time in the computational and algorithmic aspects of the analysis.
  • Statistics

    作者:David S. Moore,Willi

    The resources that statisticians use directly affect people, government and society. Opinion polls influence political opinion; statistical evidence supports medical advances. In the sixth edition of his groundbreaking text, David Moore emphasizes the concepts and applications of statistics from a wide range of fields - encouraging students to see the meaning behind statistical results whilst retaining their interest. Moore's emphasis on ideas and data with minimal computation is generally acknowledged as the most effective way to teach non-mathematical students.
  • Statistics for High-Dimensional Data

    作者:Peter Bühlmann

    Modern statistics deals with large and complex data sets, and consequently with models containing a large number of parameters. This book presents a detailed account of recently developed approaches, including the Lasso and versions of it for various models, boosting methods, undirected graphical modeling, and procedures controlling false positive selections. A special characteristic of the book is that it contains comprehensive mathematical theory on high-dimensional statistics combined with methodology, algorithms and illustrations with real data examples. This in-depth approach highlights the methods’ great potential and practical applicability in a variety of settings. As such, it is a valuable resource for researchers, graduate students and experts in statistics, applied mathematics and computer science.
  • Think Stats

    作者:Allen B. Downey

    If you know how to program, you have the skills to turn data into knowledge using the tools of probability and statistics. This concise introduction shows you how to perform statistical analysis computationally, rather than mathematically, with programs written in Python. You'll work with a case study throughout the book to help you learn the entire data analysis process—from collecting data and generating statistics to identifying patterns and testing hypotheses. Along the way, you'll become familiar with distributions, the rules of probability, visualization, and many other tools and concepts. Develop your understanding of probability and statistics by writing and testing code Run experiments to test statistical behavior, such as generating samples from several distributions Use simulations to understand concepts that are hard to grasp mathematically Learn topics not usually covered in an introductory course, such as Bayesian estimation Import data from almost any source using Python, rather than be limited to data that has been cleaned and formatted for statistics tools Use statistical inference to answer questions about real-world data
  • Time Series Analysis

    作者:George E. P. Box,Gwi

    A modernized new edition of one of the most trusted books on time series analysis. Since publication of the first edition in 1970, Time Series Analysis has served as one of the most influential and prominent works on the subject. This new edition maintains its balanced presentation of the tools for modeling and analyzing time series and also introduces the latest developments that have occurred n the field over the past decade through applications from areas such as business, finance, and engineering. The Fourth Edition provides a clearly written exploration of the key methods for building, classifying, testing, and analyzing stochastic models for time series as well as their use in five important areas of application: forecasting; determining the transfer function of a system; modeling the effects of intervention events; developing multivariate dynamic models; and designing simple control schemes. Along with these classical uses, modern topics are introduced through the book's new features, which include: A new chapter on multivariate time series analysis, including a discussion of the challenge that arise with their modeling and an outline of the necessary analytical tools New coverage of forecasting in the design of feedback and feedforward control schemes A new chapter on nonlinear and long memory models, which explores additional models for application such as heteroscedastic time series, nonlinear time series models, and models for long memory processes Coverage of structural component models for the modeling, forecasting, and seasonal adjustment of time series A review of the maximum likelihood estimation for ARMA models with missing values Numerous illustrations and detailed appendices supplement the book,while extensive references and discussion questions at the end of each chapter facilitate an in-depth understanding of both time-tested and modern concepts. With its focus on practical, rather than heavily mathematical, techniques, Time Series Analysis , Fourth Edition is the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. this book is also an invaluable reference for applied statisticians, engineers, and financial analysts. 点击链接进入中文版: 时间序列分析:预测与控制
  • Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R (Use R)

    作者:Christian Robert,Geo

    Computational techniques based on simulation have now become an essential part of the statistician's toolbox. It is thus crucial to provide statisticians with a practical understanding of those methods, and there is no better way to develop intuition and skills for simulation than to use simulation to solve statistical problems. Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R covers the main tools used in statistical simulation from a programmer's point of view, explaining the R implementation of each simulation technique and providing the output for better understanding and comparison. While this book constitutes a comprehensive treatment of simulation methods, the theoretical justification of those methods has been considerably reduced, compared with Robert and Casella (2004). Similarly, the more exploratory and less stable solutions are not covered here. This book does not require a preliminary exposure to the R programming language or to Monte Carlo methods, nor an advanced mathematical background. While many examples are set within a Bayesian framework, advanced expertise in Bayesian statistics is not required. The book covers basic random generation algorithms, Monte Carlo techniques for integration and optimization, convergence diagnoses, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, including Metropolis {Hastings and Gibbs algorithms, and adaptive algorithms. All chapters include exercises and all R programs are available as an R package called mcsm. The book appeals to anyone with a practical interest in simulation methods but no previous exposure. It is meant to be useful for students and practitioners in areas such as statistics, signal processing, communications engineering, control theory, econometrics, finance and more. The programming parts are introduced progressively to be accessible to any reader.
  • Introductory Statistics with R

    作者:Peter Dalgaard

    This book provides an elementary-level introduction to R, targeting both non-statistician scientists in various fields and students of statistics. The main mode of presentation is via code examples with liberal commenting of the code and the output, from the computational as well as the statistical viewpoint. Brief sections introduce the statistical methods before they are used. A supplementary R package can be downloaded and contains the data sets. All examples are directly runnable and all graphics in the text are generated from the examples. The statistical methodology covered includes statistical standard distributions, one- and two-sample tests with continuous data, regression analysis, one-and two-way analysis of variance, regression analysis, analysis of tabular data, and sample size calculations. In addition, the last four chapters contain introductions to multiple linear regression analysis, linear models in general, logistic regression, and survival analysis.
  • The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory

    作者:Vladimir Vapnik

    The aim of this book is to discuss the fundamental ideas which lie behind the statistical theory of learning and generalization. It considers learning as a general problem of function estimation based on empirical data. Omitting proofs and technical details, the author concentrates on discussing the main results of learning theory and their connections to fundamental problems in statistics. This second edition contains three new chapters devoted to further development of the learning theory and SVM techniques. Written in a readable and concise style, the book is intended for statisticians, mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists.
  • 统计模型


    《统计模型:理论和实践(英文版·第2版)》内容简介:Some books are correct. Some are clear. Some are useful. Some are entertaining. Few are even two of these. This book is all four. Statistical Models: Theory and Practice is lucid, candid and insightful, a joy to read. We are fortunate that David Freedman finished this new edition before his death in late 2008. We are deeply saddened by his passing, and we greatly admire the energy and cheer he brought to this volume——and many other projects——-during his final months.
  • Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition

    作者:Andrew Gelman,John B

    Incorporating new and updated information, this second edition of THE bestselling text in Bayesian data analysis continues to emphasize practice over theory, describing how to conceptualize, perform, and critique statistical analyses from a Bayesian perspective. Its world-class authors provide guidance on all aspects of Bayesian data analysis and include examples of real statistical analyses, based on their own research, that demonstrate how to solve complicated problems. Changes in the new edition include: Stronger focus on MCMC Revision of the computational advice in Part III New chapters on nonlinear models and decision analysis Several additional applied examples from the authors' recent research Additional chapters on current models for Bayesian data analysis such as nonlinear models, generalized linear mixed models, and more Reorganization of chapters 6 and 7 on model checking and data collection Bayesian computation is currently at a stage where there are many reasonable ways to compute any given posterior distribution. However, the best approach is not always clear ahead of time. Reflecting this, the new edition offers a more pluralistic presentation, giving advice on performing computations from many perspectives while making clear the importance of being aware that there are different ways to implement any given iterative simulation computation. The new approach, additional examples, and updated information make Bayesian Data Analysis an excellent introductory text and a reference that working scientists will use throughout their professional life.
  • Probability and Statistics (3rd Edition)

    作者:Morris H. DeGroot,Ma

    Probability & Statistics was written for a one or two semester probability and statistics course offered primarily at four-year institutions and taken mostly by sophomore and junior level students, majoring in mathematics or statistics. Calculus is a prerequisite, and a familiarity with the concepts and elementary properties of vectors and matrices is a plus. The revision of this well-respected text presents a balanced approach of the classical and Bayesian methods and now includes a new chapter on simulation (including Markov chain Monte Carlo and the Bootstrap), expanded coverage of residual analysis in linear models, and more examples using real data.
  • Asymptotic Statistics

    作者:A. W. van der Vaart

    This book is an introduction to the field of asymptotic statistics. The treatment is both practical and mathematically rigorous. In addition to most of the standard topics of an asymptotics course, including likelihood inference, M-estimation, the theory of asymptotic efficiency, U-statistics, and rank procedures, the book also presents recent research topics such as semiparametric models, the bootstrap, and empirical processes and their applications. The topics are organized from the central idea of approximation by limit experiments, which gives the book one of its unifying themes. This entails mainly the local approximation of the classical i.i.d. set up with smooth parameters by location experiments involving a single, normally distributed observation. Thus, even the standard subjects of asymptotic statistics are presented in a novel way. Suitable as a graduate or Master's level statistics text, this book will also give researchers an overview of research in asymptotic statistics.
  • 实用非参数统计


    非参数统计是21世纪统计理论的三大发展方向之一。标准的参数方法强烈地依赖于对数据分布的假设,而非参数方法对模型要求甚少,且更加简单和稳健。随着计算工具的发展,非参数统计模型在许多领域中有越加广泛的应用。非参数统计不仅是统计类学科的必修课,也是统计应用工作者必须掌握的基本方法和思想。   本书是作者多年从事非参数统计研究和教学的经验总结。作者用清晰、简洁的语言和丰富的实例,为读者介绍了何时以及如何应用最普遍的非参数统计方法。书后配备了大量意义丰富的习题并附有部分答案。本书为国外众多学校所采用,是一本备受赞誉的非参数统计方面的权威教材。   非参数统计为有效地分析试验设计及其实际问题中所获得的数据提供了丰富而有说服力的统计工具,而本书则从问题背景与动机、方法引进、理论基础、计算机实现、应用实例、文献综述等诸多方面介绍了非参数统计方法,其内容包括:基于二项分布的检验、列联表、秩检验、Kolmogorov—Smirnov型统计量等,本书内容丰富、思路清晰、层次分明,在强调实用性的同时,突出了应用方法与理论的结合,书中的正文和习题中都提供了大量的实际案例,书中最后有许多统计用表以及奇数号习题解答和术语索引。 本书作为非参数统计的基础教材,适用于统计学专业的高年级本科生和研究生课程的教学,也可提供给从事统计学应用与研究、数据的分析处理及其相关领域的专业人员阅读与参考。
  • 统计学


    《统计学:在经济和管理中的应用》(第6版)作者三步走的问题解决方法论把统计问题的解答分解成可控的三个部分:识别、计算、解释。此外,读者还可以到相关网站免费下载CD资源,这一有益的工具为学习统计学提供了新的路径,其内容包括19个看图统计控件、Data Analysis Plus 4.0、Microsoft,Excel插件、学习向导以及以Excel、Minitab、JMP、SPSS与ASCⅡ等格式存储的数据文件。
  • 统计决策理论和贝叶斯分析

    作者:James O.Berger

    The relationships (both conceptual and mathematical) between Bayesian analysis and statistical decision theory are so strong that it is somewhat unnatural to learn one without the other. Nevertheless, major portions of each have developed separately. On the Bayesian side, there is an extensively developed Bayesian theory of statistical inference (both subjective and objective versions). This theory recognizes the importance of viewing statistical analysis conditionally (i.e., treating observed data as known rather than unknown), even when no loss function is to be incorporated into the analysis. There is also a well-developed (frequentist) decision theory, which avoids formal utilization of prior distributions and seeks to provide a foundation for frequentist statistical theory. Although the central thread of the book will be Bayesian decision theory, both Bayesian inference and non-Bayesian decision theory will be extensively discussed. Indeed, the book is written so as to allow, say, the teaching of a course on either subject separately.
  • 蒙特卡罗统计方法

    作者:罗伯特(Christian P.Robe

    蒙特卡罗统计方法,ISBN:9787510005114,作者:(法)罗伯特 著
  • Head First Statistics

    作者:Dawn Griffiths

    Wouldn't it be great if there were a statistics book that made histograms, probability distributions, and chi square analysis more enjoyable than going to the dentist? "Head First Statistics" brings this typically dry subject to life, teaching you everything you want and need to know about statistics through engaging, interactive, and thought-provoking material, full of puzzles, stories, quizzes, visual aids, and real-world examples. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just curious about statistical analysis, "Head First's" brain-friendly formula helps you get a firm grasp of statistics so you can understand key points and actually use them. Learn to present data visually with charts and plots; discover the difference between taking the average with mean, median, and mode, and why it's important; learn how to calculate probability and expectation; and much more."Head First Statistics" is ideal for high school and college students taking statistics and satisfies the requirements for passing the College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Exam. With this book, you'll: study the full range of topics covered in first-year statistics; tackle tough statistical concepts using Head First's dynamic, visually rich format proven to stimulate learning and help you retain knowledge; explore real-world scenarios, ranging from casino gambling to prescription drug testing, to bring statistical principles to life; discover how to measure spread, calculate odds through probability, and understand the normal, binomial, geometric, and Poisson distributions; and conduct sampling, use correlation and regression, do hypothesis testing, perform chi square analysis, and more.Before you know it, you'll not only have mastered statistics, you'll also see how they work in the real world. "Head First Statistics" will help you pass your statistics course, and give you a firm understanding of the subject so you can apply the knowledge throughout your life.
  • Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis

    作者:John A. Rice

    This is the first text in a generation to re-examine the purpose of the mathematical statistics course. The book's approach interweaves traditional topics with data analysis and reflects the use of the computer with close ties to the practice of statistics. The author stresses analysis of data, examines real problems with real data, and motivates the theory. The book's descriptive statistics, graphical displays, and realistic applications stand in strong contrast to traditional texts which are set in abstract settings.
  • 数理统计学导论


    《数理统计学导论》(第5版影印版)是系列丛书中的一本,本系列丛书中,有Finney、Weir等编和《托马斯微积分》(第10版,Pearson),其特色可用“呈传统特色、富革新精神”概括,《数理统计学导论(第5版影印版)》自20世纪50年代第1版以来,平均每四五年就有一个新版面世,长达50余年始终盛行于西方教坛,作者既有相当高的学术水平,又热爱教学,长期工作在教学第一线,其中,年近90的G.B.Thomas教授长年在MIT工作,具有丰富的教学经验;Finney教授也在MIT工作达10年;Weir是美国数学建模竞赛委员会主任。Stewart编的立体化教材《微积分》(第5版,Thomson Learning)配备了丰富的教学资源,是国际是最畅销的微积分原版教材,2003年全球销量约40余万册,在美国,占据了约50%~60%的微积分教材市场,其用户包括耶鲁等名牌院校及众多一般院校600余所。本系列丛书还包括Anton编的经典教材《线性代数及其应用》(第8版,Wiely);Jay L.Devore编的优秀教材《概率论与数理统计》(第5版,Thomson Learning)等。