

  • 富人俱乐部的狼


    《阴谋与财富:富人俱乐部的狼》讲述的是一个极富传奇色彩,又绝对真实的故事。 一位来往于国际富豪与政要之间的超级巨编,如何以其高智商的头脑,丰富的法律、金融与国际知识精心实施了一个又一个天方夜谭式的圈钱骗局…… 一位年轻的上海商人,如何由最初的陷入骗局,经十年商场历练,最终揪出了这头“富人俱乐部的狼”,而与此同时,自身也隐隐呈现“狼”的特质。
  • The Accidental Investment Banker

    作者:Jonathan A. Knee

    Jonathan A. Knee had a ringside seat during the go-go, boom-and-bust decade and into the 21st century, at the two most prestigious investment banks on Wall Street--Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. In this candid and irreverent insider's account of an industry in free fall, Knee captures an exhilarating era of fabulous deal-making in a free-wheeling Internet economy--and the catastrophe that followed when the bubble burst. Populated with power players, back stabbers, celebrity bankers, and godzillionaires, here is a vivid account of the dramatic upheaval that took place in investment banking. Indeed, Knee entered an industry that was typified by the motto "first-class business in a first-class way" and saw it transformed in a decade to a free-for-all typified by the acronym IBG, YBG ("I'll be gone, you'll be gone"). Increasingly mercenary bankers signed off on weak deals, knowing they would leave them in the rear-view mirror. Once, investment bankers prospered largely on their success in serving the client, preserving the firm, and protecting the public interest. Now, in the "financial supermarket" era, bankers felt not only that each day might be their last, but that their worth was tied exclusively to how much revenue they generated for the firm on that day--regardless of the source. Today, most young executives feel no loyalty to their firms, and among their clients, Knee finds an unprecedented but understandable level of cynicism and distrust of investment banks. Brimming with insight into what investment bankers actually do, and told with biting humor and unflinching honesty, The Accidental Investment Banker offers a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of the most powerful companies on Wall Street.
  • 对决

