【编辑推荐】 风靡韩国的超人气爱之书。揭示爱与性的奇妙定律和有趣实验 涉及心理学、遗传学、生物学、社会学等,以及滚床单…… 超麻辣的两性科普第一书,一本很黄很黄的书,但这不是黄书,这只是一本“小黄书”~! 【内容简介】 一本外表萌萌哒的书,骨子里啪啪啪的书,超有料。 《爱的小黄书》,“以科学的态度,麻辣手腕解——析关于爱与性的奇妙定律和有趣实验, 书中的主题范围非常广, 涉及心理学、遗传学、生物学、社会学等,以及隐秘的卧室中的啪啪啪… 作者作为韩国最顶级、最流行的科普作家, 将有关爱与性的心理学、遗传学、生物学、社会学……一幅全景图一样展现在大家的面前。 -
纪念《好好爱自己》销量突破三十万册,特别推出《好好爱自己》全新改版。本册附赠完美版心语卡片两套,一套赠予爱人,一套留给自己。和素黑一起,把爱传递。 《好好爱自己》是素黑历时多年的心语结集精华,包含着作者对大自然和人的心灵的独到感受,可谓字字珠玑,希望读者在人生路上,无论是遭遇阻碍,还是伤痛来袭,别紧张难过,要知道心的方向,由你掌控,必先好好爱自己,才能前进或转向。就像素黑所说,就等你一个决定,生命将瞬间改变。 -
P.S. I Love You
Book Description A novel about holding on, letting go, and learning to love again. Now in paperback, the endearing novel that captured readers' hearts and introduced a fresh new voice in women's fiction -- Cecelia Ahern. Holly couldn't live without her husband Gerry, until the day she had to. They were the kind of young couple who could finish each other's sentences. When Gerry succumbs to a terminal illness and dies, 30-year-old Holly is set adrift, unable to pick up the pieces. But with the help of a series of letters her husband left her before he died and a little nudging from an eccentric assortment of family and friends, she learns to laugh, overcome her fears, and discover a world she never knew existed. The kind of enchanting novel with cross-generational appeal that comes along once in a great while, PS, I Love You is a captivating love letter to the world! Amazon.com Cecelia Ahern's debut novel, PS, I Love You, follows the engaging, witty, and occasionally sappy reawakening of Holly, a young Irish widow who must put her life back together after she loses her husband Gerry to a brain tumor. Ahern, the twentysomething daughter of Ireland's prime minister, has discovered a clever and original twist to the Moving On After Death concept made famous by novelists and screenwriters alike--Gerry has left Holly a series of letters designed to help her face the year ahead and carry on with her life. As the novel takes readers through the seasons (and through Gerry's monthly directives), we watch as Holly finds a new job, takes a holiday to Spain with her girlfriends, and sorts through her beloved husband's belongings. Accompanying Holly throughout the healing process is a cast of friends and family members who add as much to the novel's success as Holly's own tale of survival. In fact, it is these supporting character's mini-dramas that make PS, I Love You more than just another superficial tearjerker with the obligatory episode at a karaoke bar. Ahern shows real talent for capturing the essence of an interaction between friends and foes alike; even if Holly's circle of friends does resemble the gang from Bridget Jones a bit too neatly to ignore (her best friend is even called Sharon). While her style can be at times repetitive and her delivery is occasionally amateurish, Ahern deserves credit for a spirited first effort. If PS, I Love You is any indication of this author's talent, readers have much to look forward to as Ahern matures as a novelist and a storyteller. --Gisele Toueg From Publishers Weekly Ahern, the mediagenic 22-year-old daughter of Ireland's prime minister, debuts with a sweet, sentimental tale of a young widow's trials and triumphs in the year after her husband's death. Soul mates Holly and Gerry married in their early 20s; when Gerry dies of brain cancer at 30, Holly is utterly bereft. But Gerry has a final gift: a series of letters, which Holly is to open on the first of each month from March to New Year's, and which will guide her on her journey from grief. Gerry correctly predicts that Holly will not have gone through his belongings by June, found a new job by September or considered falling in love again by December, but with his posthumous epistolary encouragement she does all those things. She also enters a karaoke contest, takes a beach vacation and dances at a holiday ball she'd always attended with Gerry. The months pass as close friends help prop Holly up; around her, a marriage falls apart, a couple gets engaged and a friend announces her pregnancy. Within her tight-knit family, Holly's youngest brother makes a revealing film of her birthday party, her elder brothers change places in her allegiance and her parents take in one stray grown child after another for stays short and long. Ahern's speed (she wrote the book in three months) and her youth do show-the wisdom in evidence owes much to Nicholas Sparks and Sophie Kinsella-and her prose is pedestrian. She boasts a natural storytelling talent, however, resulting in a compelling tale sparked by an unusual premise. From Booklist Ahern, daughter of the Irish prime minister, writes a charming, heartfelt debut. At age 29, Holly Kennedy is reeling from the loss of her soul mate and husband, Gerry, to a brain tumor. Before he died, Gerry mailed her a packet of 10 envelopes, one for each month from March to December. The envelopes contain a list of things for Holly to do to help her get through the coming year and ultimately move on. The instructions range from tasks as simple as buying a new outfit to harder ones, such as going to the ball she used to attend with Gerry. Luckily, she has her best friends, Sharon, who is married to Gerry's best friend, and Denise, to help her through--until she realizes they are moving on with their lives and she isn't. Ahern herself might be all of 22 years old, but she has realistically captured the ups and downs of a woman whose life has fallen apart and how she picks herself back up and moves on, one step at a time. Kristine Huntley From AudioFile Holly and her husband, Gerry, would joke about leaving each other a list of things to do to help them move on if one of them passed away. When Gerry dies, Holly is amazed to find that he actually did make her a list. Each month he has left an envelope with instructions for a task that helps get her back into the world. Victoria Smurfit gives Holly an expressive Irish voice that lacks the depressed tones one would expect from a grieving widow. Rupert Degas portrays the male voices, which are loving and supportive. The story is charming, and the characters are well suited to the tale. J.F.M. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.6 width:(cm)11.2 -
既然俩人彼此相爱,感觉也很好,为什么一定要等? 问题可能困扰你或朋友已经很久,你仿佛有答案,却又模糊说不清。 为什么要等?有如一股难以承载的压力,不仅来自本身,也来自传媒大胆强烈的性鼓噪和周围朋友的津津乐道:性没什么大不了。 满足性渴望是不道德的吗? NO!本书作者根据多年的辅导经验及《圣》原则,给出了为什么值得等的答案,让陷于困境的你,不再犹疑矛盾,不再随波逐渡,活出清新圣洁、气质迷人的生命。 -
爱和美,是哲学中的两大课题,也是人类争论不休的两大难题,每个人一生中都不免与之相遇。 今道友信先生是日本东京大学艺术家、美学教授,是国际著名美学家。他渊博多识,通晓古今,在品味咀嚼了前人智慧结晶之后,记录了他对爱和美的思想。 此书是由今道友信先生的两本书《关于爱》《关于美》合译而成。虽是哲学著作,但通俗易懂,引人入胜。它对发生在我们每个人身边而我们又熟视无睹的事物提出了种种疑问;它对我们每个人都曾遇到,又未深入探究的事物进行了缜密的考考论证,引导人们发现生活中的美和爱,理解生活中的美和爱。 -
《爱人如是陌生人(超值彩图版)》内容简介:“在俗常的爱里没有恒常的幸福,恒常的幸福需要一颗对幸福抱以持之以恒纯念的心灵。”这是一个关于爱与觉醒的故事,围绕三个人物展开:江秀东—— 一个身体性别是男人但没有灵魂性别的灵魂,一个自称裁缝的艺术家。姐姐的死开启了他的灵修历程,最终找到了他的法侣。 蓝心——用爱解开了秀秀的迷惘,祝福了女儿的新生,包覆了丈夫的不成熟。并在爱中学会了真正的静心。 刘贝贝——在事业戛然而止后一个人来到欧洲,在跑步中静心,在静心中学会了爱。 三个人因各自的经历,分别走了不同的觉醒之路,体尝了超越性别、超越亲疏、更高层次的爱。旁人的故事中,何不隐藏着你我的灵魂碎片。在这个都市的初秋——觉醒,静心,去爱。 -
《相思树下》内容简介:余光中先生迄今写作发表诗歌作品约千首,出版原创诗集共十九种。现从其中精选两百余首,依主题编成怀乡、怀古、风物、情爱四卷,各卷书名依次为《乡愁四韵》、《翠玉白菜》、《你是那虹》、《相思树下》,合为《余光中诗丛》。四卷虽各有主题,但多数作品都与文化上的乡愁或中国结相关,相互联系较为紧密,可以视为一体。各卷内部依写作时间或内容再分若干辑。本丛书的编辑设想得到余光中先生的热情支持,书名及全部选目、分卷及各卷书名、各卷分辑及各辑题名,均经其亲自审定。 选本主要依据天津百花文艺出版社2004年版《余光中集》第一、二、三卷所收前十八本诗集,1999年以后的作品则依据台湾九歌出版社2008年版《藕神》。编者对个别文字和标点做了技术性处理,有的是根据作者在审阅书稿或校样时提出的意见修改,有的则是根据原作单行本校订。 -
我们这个时代的爱 ——关于另类情感的心理解析 这个时代爱与分手的正当理由,都在一根扎得太深的“自我”的刺上跳舞,让人们忘记了爱的真实面目,曾是宗教典籍中超越理性的光芒,并籍此魅力令神赢得信众。 每个时代的爱情都是时代的一种图腾,这些特有的形式,探究其心理成因,即能看见生存环境和时代人性的真相。 这是本书写作的初衷所在。 当自恋、劈腿、第四类感情琳琅满目,速配和期限婚姻成为所谓后现代男女的时尚,社交派对和MSN填充心灵需要,你还会有情感匮乏的焦虑吗?你仍会感觉孤单吗?你觉得自己值得被爱吗?爱究竟是都市人孤独的止痛剂,是生存焦虑的安慰剂,还是自我认可必须的呼应? 本书选取了这个时代最具代表性的情感现象,结合故事与案例,以心理学与社会学观点,剖析几类都市人典型的情感障碍,以及背后的社会心理。这些就在身边的分析,将能很实用地令人们更了解他人、自己和彼此间的感情模式,克服孤独和焦虑,调整自我,营造起和谐充实的关系。 简要目录: 首章 爱是一辆填不满的购物车 现代人习惯于推着空荡荡的心灵购物车出门,他们眼中的世界是个巨大的超级市场,他们把各种情感和人际关系像商品一样从货架上取下来,填进他们的购物车里。 贪爱症之一 瓜分心灵领地的“区位情人” 案例1 无奈的不完美 案例2 不愿把感情放在一个篮子里 贪爱症之二 男人的索爱与餍足心理 案例1 寻找多多益善的认同感 案例2 被接纳的补偿 贪爱症之三 “速配”和“期限婚姻” 案例1 高效择偶的诱惑 案例2 爱与期限的悖论 次章 爱是一个自欺欺人的变型魔方 人们希望毫无成本地解决内心的情感需求,不要付出,不用冒险并且不会失控,用经济学的思维方式来经营爱势必使很多情感的代用品倾巢而出。 情感代用品之一 “虚拟恋情”症侯群 案例1 眺望是因为孤单 案例2 请你靠近我 案例3 分裂的自我 案例4 生活在面具背后 案例5 偷窥与控制 案例6 虚拟世界的悲哀 情感代用品之二 “第四类情感”的现代游戏 案例1 安全的爱情替代品 案例2 赢得特殊优待的捷径替代品 案例3 不无遗憾的灰色地带 续章 爱是一面照不见自我的镜子 越来越多的现代人站在镜子前问:镜子,镜子,我是不是值得被他人所爱?他们看上去是最关注自我的人,其实是在情感匮乏的焦虑中丢失自我的人。 自我迷失表征之一 “那喀索斯情结”的盛行 案例1 不懂爱的人 案例2 人见人爱的“爱无能”者 案例3 拿什么来拯救你,自恋男友 自我迷失表征之二 付出太多的女人 案例1 越付出越受伤 案例2 “女超人”的失落 案例3 令人窒息的爱 -
Say Her Name
“This is a beautiful love story, and an extraordinary story of loss. Say Her Name has a forensic honesty, a way of treating each detail, each moment, each emotion, with detailed and exact care. It also has a way of holding the reader, of moving between Brooklyn and Mexico City, capturing the essence of two worlds, capturing the essence of two people who were lucky enough to fall in love.”—Colm Toibin ___________________________________________________ In 2005, celebrated novelist Francisco Goldman married a beautiful young writer named Aura Estrada in a romantic Mexican hacienda. The month before their second anniversary, during a long-awaited holiday, Aura broke her neck while body surfing. Francisco, blamed for Aura’s death by her family and blaming himself, wanted to die, too. Instead, he wrote Say Her Name, a novel chronicling his great love and unspeakable loss, tracking the stages of grief when pure love gives way to bottomless pain. Suddenly a widower, Goldman collects everything he can about his wife, hungry to keep Aura alive with every memory. From her childhood and university days in Mexico City with her fiercely devoted mother to her studies at Columbia University, through their newlywed years in New York City and travels to Mexico and Europe—and always through the prism of her gifted writings—Goldman seeks her essence and grieves her loss. Humor leavens the pain as he lives through the madness of grief and creates a living portrait of a love as joyous as it is deep and profound. Say Her Name is a love story, a bold inquiry into destiny and accountability, and a tribute to Aura, who she was and who she would've been. -
阿狸童话绘本为纯手绘创作,画风成熟稳定,颜色精美靓丽。阿狸绘本的文字脚本立足于挖掘人们内心深处的柔软与坚强,围绕亲情、爱情、友情主题,风格温暖,有发人深省的力量。 -
The Art of Loving
The renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped millions of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. In this astonishly frank and candid book, he explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the whole course of your life. Most of us are unable to develop our capacities for love on the only level that really counts––a love that is compounded of maturity, self–knowledge, and courage. Learning to love, like other arts, demands practice and concentration. Even more than any other art it demands genuine insight and understanding. In this startling book, Fromm discusses love in all its aspects; not only romantic love, so surrounded by conceptions, but also love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, self–love, and love of God. -
The little book of I love you
Yes, the best gifts do come in small packages. When words just aren't enough, this quirky collection of puns, quips, puzzles, and verbal and visual fun does the talking. And since hearts must be handled with care, it comes with a distinctive padded cover. A little book with a big heart -- the perfect gift for Valentine's day, an anniversary, or just because. -
当我们还在抱怨、焦虑和畏缩中仓皇度日时,世界已在他们脚下。 两年前,湖南姑娘和德国小伙子开始了一段疯狂蜜月,他们骑着一辆摩托车,跨越上海到德国的梦想旅程。去时两人,回深圳后变成三人。飞德国养胎,临时在以色列转机,被中东的神秘气质吸引。住在阿尔卑斯山脚下,周游欧洲,每天的生活就是度假。 生下孩子三个星期后,他们带着孩子去死海,在花花公子家里坐沙发客,参加以色列女人“辩论赛”。孩子一岁后,带着孩子爬青藏高原,在最高的哑口高原反应..... 最美的故事正是这样:既然我们既放不下亲人的双手,又想拥有说走就走的自由,就大手拉小手,一起看世界。 -
《爱是一切的答案》作者提出十项生活的秘密,让人了解如何不再破坏自己的快乐,建立内在的自信、清明与平静的状态,并据以创造真实的自由。 也许你渴望在忙碌无比的生活中,得到更多的平静。也许你要追求向来缺乏的自信与自重,实现心中的梦想。也许你希望自己的情绪更稳定,得到更深的灵性发展。无论动机为何,这些秘密都能引导你,将生活的每一刻,化为无限的快乐、满足与爱。 每天,你如何面对生活里的各种波折与隐忧?且让本书的十个生活秘密陪伴你找回内心的平安与自由未来,不管遭遇什么,一切的答案都是爱。 无论问题为何,答案都是爱!无论面对的问题是什么,无论遭遇的困难是什么,解决的办法都是爱。解决每一种问题的真正方法,都是来自于爱——更多的爱,而不是更少的爱。更大的热情,而不是更小的热情。更多的接纳,而不是更少的接纳。无论经历何种困境,我们都要爱自己;无论别人怎么挑战我们,我们都要爱他们;无论我们多想抗拒眼前的处境,我们都要爱它们。爱是走向满足的秘密途径。 《爱是一切的答案》适用于:以都市女性为主,关注心灵成长的广大读者。 -
本书是苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基晚年所写的一部具有独特文学风格的教育评论作品。全书包括《致女儿的信》和《论爱情教育》两部分。作者以一个教育家的经验和智慧,指出青年男女在对待友谊、爱情和婚姻时的种种表现,论述了青年人应当树立怎样的道德观、恋爱观和审美观,并提醒了广大教师、父母及社会应当怎样理解、处理青年人之间的感情问题。在论述这些问题时,作者夹叙夹议,富于感情,读之令人亲切。 -
如果说恋爱是婚姻的序曲,那么从第一次牵手到携手踏上红地毯,这期间我们该做什么?作者将自己的亲身经历娓娓道来,为我们描摹了一幅不同寻常的恋爱场景。从中我们看到,在恋爱期间,我们要明确这段关系的中心和目标;平衡友谊和浪漫;通过沟通更多地了解彼此;让亲朋好友见证这段美好的旅程;保持身体接触的界限,以免陷入情欲的诱惑;勇敢地面对自己的过去;最后做出明智的决定。 -
愛是什麼?為何有些人找不到愛?寂寞是什麼?寂寞為何令人痛苦?大腦深處那個神秘而古老的構造,是如何讓人與人之間的情感產生緊密的連結? 愛,通常是比較屬於精神或心靈的層次。本書最大的特點在於:作者從大腦生理構造的觀點,來告訴我們人類所有情感的真正來源。 我們的大腦中,有一個古老結構叫「邊緣系統」,它會使得大腦產生一種靜默的節奏,與我們的親朋好友產生精神上的連結;進而影響我們的情緒,穩定我們的身體節奏。所以,我們是什麼樣的人,以及未來會成為什麼樣的人,大部分是取決於我們所愛的人。書中討論的主題包括:親密關係如何運作;愛在哪裡出了差錯;天生失明的嬰兒如何學會微笑;小孩的攻擊傾向是受什麼原因影響。 本書說明人與人之間如何產生情感的互動,深入淺出,發人深省。這是一本所有關心愛的人都應該看的書! -
我们都渴望温暖人心、无与伦比的亲密关系。但是,很多时候,这种彻底的、无条件的自我分享都是一项令人畏惧的任务。如今,在《爱与被爱的艺术》一书中,马修·凯利循序渐进地讲述了如何克服我们内心的恐惧,从而体验到真正的亲密。只要达到了凯利在七个层次中的要求,我们和我们的伴侣就能够获得信心,并最终体验到爱、忠诚、信任和幸福。 《爱与被爱的艺术》一书不仅充满了深刻的真知灼见,而且还引用了大量生动有趣的实例。在书中,作者重新定义了我们生活中最重要的人际关系以及我们该如何看待相互的影响。最终,通过对亲密关系的理解和体验,我们将能够创造所有人都渴望已久的牢固的联系、强烈的喜悦和持久的同盟。 这本精心撰写、具有很强的可读性的书对人际关系有着深刻的洞察和实际的指导,相信每个有志于寻求真正和持久亲密关系的读者都能从中受益。 -
《爱上双人舞(第2版)》内容简介:“成功的婚姻,就像是配合默契的双人舞”。只是在这个自我被无限鼓励和放大的年代,多的是才华横溢的独舞,或者潜意识里都希望作领舞的那个人,所以即使有了希望和谐共舞的心,也怕迈错了腿,用错了力。《爱上双人舞(第2版)》是从“我”迈向“我们”的思维与行动指南。这幸福的一步,到底该从哪里开始,相信许多人会豁然开朗。 -
爱是无私的吗?爱是无条件的吗? 爱由美或善引发的吗?爱是永恒的吗? 在这本独特的小书中,哲学家西蒙•梅重新审视了关于爱的永恒的追问,探究爱这种情感的本质。作者认为:爱是一种对人或物的迷恋,我们之所以迷恋是因为他/她/它激发了我们对坚不可摧的生命落地感的渴望。这种迷恋让我们踏上一段旅程,开始在我们自身与他/她/它之间进行对安全关系的漫长探寻。我们都需要爱,在爱中找到家的感觉,给此时此地的生活以归属感,并赋予生命以意义、价值和完整性。 纵览两千多年的西方思想史,梅向我们展示了关于爱的理想如何从“上帝是爱”变成“爱是上帝”。梅一一回顾了那些对爱敢于持不同见解的哲学家和作家们,一次又一次地纠正那些容易使人对爱抱有不切实际的期待的错误见解,从而揭示出究竟什么是爱:爱绝对是有条件的,是对我们所认准了的人的自私自利的欲望,而正是这种欲望使爱具有强大的奉献精神。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友