

  • 绿色奇迹


    美國南部喬治亞州氣氛肅殺的冷山監獄,監獄裡的犯人都是死囚。保羅‧艾吉康是路易斯安那州金山監獄的獄警,關在這個監獄的囚犯大都是已經定罪、等著坐上電椅的死刑犯。保羅看管的犯人名叫約翰‧考菲,他是一名身高二百一十公分的黑人,面貌凶惡身形魁悟,但實際上卻是彬彬有禮、輕聲細語、個性溫和甚至很怕黑的好人。他被控姦殺一對年幼的姐妹,因為他被義警發現在河岸邊抱著這兩具屍體搖晃痛哭。 在監獄度日如年的生活中,保羅發現原來約翰是一名擁有神秘奇蹟力量的奇人,具有不可思議的醫療神力,不但把保羅多年的痼疾治療好了,同時也道出被控姦殺姐妹的真相:「我想讓她們死而復生,只是為時已晚……」像這樣良善的人,犯人都覺得很納悶,他為何不為本身辯解,反而任由他人指為殺人犯? 《綠色奇蹟》雖保有史蒂芬金慣用的驚悚手法,但與他其他小說不同之處在於,這同時也是一則動人且充滿哲思的寓言故事,無論是長生不死的聰明老鼠、面惡心善且擁有奇蹟力量的黑人囚犯、看盡人生百態的獄囚,史蒂芬金運用超現實的手法,寫出這個刻劃人性的奇特故事。
  • 11/22/63

    作者:Stephen King

    11/22/63 is a novel by Stephen King about a time traveler who attempts to prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy which occurred on November 22, 1963 (the date of the novel's title). The novel was announced on the author's official site on March 2, 2011.[1] A short excerpt was released online on June 1, 2011,[2] and another excerpt was published in the October 28, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly[3] The novel was published on November 8, 2011,[4] and quickly became a number-one bestseller. It stayed on the list for an additional seventeen weeks. 11/22/63 won the 2011 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller and the 2012 International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel,[5][6] and was nominated for the 2012 British Fantasy Award for Best Novel[7] and the 2012 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.[8] The novel required deep research to accurately portray the late 1950s and early 1960s.[9] King commented on the amount of research it required, saying "I've never tried to write anything like this before. It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes."[9] The novel's time-travel premise marks it as science fiction, specifically the alternative history subgenre, although the extensive period research undertaken by King, dealing with real-life events and people between 1958 and 1963, gives it a strong feeling of historical fiction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11/22/63