

  • 计算机科学导论

    作者:Behrouz A.Forouzan

    本书是大学计算机相关专业的基础课教材,涉及到计算机科学的各个方面。本书着重讲解基本概念而不是数学模型和技术细节,通过大量的图表和演示范例讲解计算机科学的基础知识;每章后面的关键术语、小结和练习有助于读者掌握和复习知识要点。 本书既适合当作大专院校的计算机基础课教材,也可作为一般的计算机基础入门读物。
  • Concrete Mathematics

    作者:Ronald L. Graham,Don

    This book introduces the mathematics that supports advanced computer programming and the analysis of algorithms. The primary aim of its well-known authors is to provide a solid and relevant base of mathematical skills - the skills needed to solve complex problems, to evaluate horrendous sums, and to discover subtle patterns in data. It is an indispensable text and reference not only for computer scientists - the authors themselves rely heavily on it! - but for serious users of mathematics in virtually every discipline. Concrete Mathematics is a blending of CONtinuous and disCRETE mathematics. "More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems." The subject matter is primarily an expansion of the Mathematical Preliminaries section in Knuth's classic Art of Computer Programming, but the style of presentation is more leisurely, and individual topics are covered more deeply. Several new topics have been added, and the most significant ideas have been traced to their historical roots. The book includes more than 500 exercises, divided into six categories.Complete answers are provided for all exercises, except research problems, making the book particularly valuable for self-study. Major topics include: *Sums *Recurrences *Integer functions *Elementary number theory *Binomial coefficients *Generating functions *Discrete probability *Asymptotic methods This second edition includes important new material about mechanical summation. In response to the widespread use of the first edition as a reference book, the bibliography and index have also been expanded, and additional nontrivial improvements can be found on almost every page. Readers will appreciate the informal style of Concrete Mathematics. Particularly enjoyable are the marginal graffiti contributed by students who have taken courses based on this material. The authors want to convey not only the importance of the techniques presented, but some of the fun in learning and using them. 0201558025B04062001
  • 计算机组成与设计

    作者:(美)David A.Patterson

    这本最畅销的计算机组成书籍经过全面更新,关注现今发生在计算机体系结构领域的革命性变革:从单处理器发展到多核微处理器,从串行发展到并行。与前几版一样,本书采用了MIPS处理器来展示计算机硬件技术、汇编语言、计算机算术、流水线、存储器层次结构以及I/O等基本功能。此外,本书还包括一些关于ARM和x86体系结构的介绍。 本书特色:  涵盖从串行计算到并行计算的革命性变革,新增了关于并行化的一章,并且每章中还有一些强调并行硬件和软件主题的小节。  新增一个由NVIDIA的首席科学家和架构主管撰写的附录,介绍了现代GPU的出现和重要性,首次详细描述了这个针对可视计算进行了优化的高度并行化、多线程、多核的处理器。  描述一种度量多核性能的独特方法——Roofline model模型,自带AMD Opteron X4、Intel Xeon 5000、Sun UltraSPARC T2和 IBM Cell的基准测试和分析。  涵盖一些关于闪存和虚拟机的新内容。  提供了大量富有启发性的练习题。  将AMD Opteron X4和Intel Nehalem作为贯穿本书的实例。  用SPEC CPU2006组件更新了所有处理器性能实例。
  • 计算机科学概论(第11版)

    作者:J. Glenn Brookshear

    本书多年来一直深受世界各国高校师生的欢迎,是美国哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、普林斯顿大学、加州大学伯克利分校等许多著名大学的首选教材,对我国的高校教学也产生了广泛影响。 本 书以历史眼光,从发展的角度、当前的水平以及现阶段的研究方向等几个方面,全景式描绘了计算机科学各个子学科的主要领域。在内容编排上,本书很好地兼顾了 学科广度和主题深度,把握了最新的技术趋势。本书用算法、数据抽象等核心思想贯穿各个主题,并且充分展现了历史背景、发展历程和新的技术趋势,培养读者的 大局观,为其今后深入学习其他计算机专业课程打下坚实的基础。 本书深入浅出、图文并茂,内容引人入胜,极易引发读者的兴趣,绝无一般教材的枯燥和晦涩。此外,本书的教学手段多样、习题丰富,并且每章后都附有与本章内容相关的社会现实问题供读者思考和讨论,这些都很好地体现了作者强调培养学生分析问题能力的教学理念。 第11版新增了手持移动设备,特别是智能手机的相关内容,主要涉及第3章(操作系统)、第4章(组网)、第6章(编程语言)和第7章(软件工程)中。此外,书中还对软件所有权和责任、训练人工神经网络等许多相关内容做了更新,以反映最新技术面貌。
  • The Algorithm Design Manual

    作者:Steven S. Skiena

    ....The most comprehensive guide to designing practical and efficient algorithms.... Written by a well-known algorithms researcher who received the IEEE Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Award, this new edition of The Algorithm Design Manual is an essential learning tool for students needing a solid grounding in algorithms, as well as a special text/reference for professionals who need an authoritative and insightful guide. Professor Skiena is also author of the popular Springer text, Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual.
  • 数据库系统概念


    数据库管理已经从一种专门的计算机应用发展为现代计算环境中的一个核心部分,因此,有关数据库系统的知识已成为计算机科学教育的基本部分。本书介绍了数据库管理的基本概念,包括数据库设计、数据库语言和数据库系统实现。. 本书可作为本科三年级或四年级的数据库入门教材,也可作为研究生一年级的教材。除了具有可作为入门课程的基本内容外,本书还包括可作为课程补充的高级内容或高级课程的入门性材料。
  • Computer Organization and Design

    作者:David A. Patterson,J

    A revised printing for this book will be available in June 2007! Whats New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing The same great book gets better! The revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features: Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book Corrections and bug fixes Click here to request a desk copy of the revised printing! About the Third Edition In addition to thoroughly updating every aspect of the text to reflect the most current computing technology, the third edition *Uses standard 32-bit MIPS 32 as the primary teaching ISA. *Presents the assembler-to-HLL translations in both C and Java. *Highlights the latest developments in architecture in Real Stuff sections: + Intel IA-32 + Power PC 604 + Googles PC cluster + Pentium P4 + SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite for processors + SPEC Web99 benchmark for web servers + EEMBC benchmark for embedded systems + AMD Opteron memory hierarchy + AMD vs. 1A-64 New support for distinct course goals Many of the adopters who have used our book throughout its two editions are refining their courses with a greater hardware or software focus. We have provided new material to support these course goals: New material to support a Hardware Focus +Using logic design conventions +Designing with hardware description languages +Advanced pipelining +Designing with FPGAs +HDL simulators and tutorials +Xilinx CAD tools New material to support a Software Focus +How compilers Work +How to optimize compilers +How to implement object oriented languages +MIPS simulator and tutorial +History sections on programming languages, compilers, operating systems and databases Whats New in the Third Edition New pedagogical features Understanding Program Performance -Analyzes key performance issues from the programmers perspective Check Yourself Questions -Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section Computers In the Real World -Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers For More Practice -Provides students with additional problems they can tackle In More Depth -Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student New reference features Highlighted glossary terms and definitions appear on the book page, as bold-faced entries in the index, and as a separate and searchable reference on the CD. A complete index of the material in the book and on the CD appears in the printed index and the CD includes a fully searchable version of the same index. Historical Perspectives and Further Readings have been updated and expanded to include the history of software R&D. CD-Library provides materials collected from the web which directly support the text. On the CD CD-Bars: Full length sections that are introduced in the book and presented on the CD CD-Appendixes: The entire set of appendixes CD-Library: Materials collected from the web which directly support the text CD-Exercises: For More Practice provides exercises and solutions for self-study In More Depth presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced or curious student Glossary: Terms that are defined in the text are collected in this searchable reference Further Reading: References are organized by the chapter they support Software: HDL simulators, MIPS simulators, and FPGA design tools Tutorials: SPIM, Verilog, and VHDL Additional Support: Processor Models, Labs, Homeworks, Index covering the book and CD contents Instructor Support + Instructor Support is provided in a password-protected site to adopters who request the password from our sales representative + Solutions to all the exercises + Figures from the book in a number of formats + Lecture slides prepared by the authors and other instructors + Lecture notes System Requirements Operating System Most of the content on this CD can be used under any operating system that includes an HTML browser and a PDF viewer. This includes Windows 98 or later, Mac OS 9 and OS X, and most Linux and Unix systems. Some contributed software on this CD is operating system specific. See the installation instructions on the Software page for details. HTML Browser The navigation framework and some of the content on this CD is delivered in HTML and JavaScript. It is recommended that you install the latest version of your favorite HTML browser to view this CD. The content has been verified under Windows 2000 with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla 1.6, Netscape 7.1, Opera 7.23. Under Mac OS X with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 5.2.3, Mozilla 1.6 , Netscape 7.1, Safari 1.2. And under Mandrake Linux with the following browser: Galeon 1.3.8. The content is designed to be viewed in a browser window that is at least 720 pixels wide. You may find the content does not display well if your display is not set to at least 1024x768 pixel resolution. PDF Viewer The CD material includes PDF documents that you can read with a PDF viewer such as Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®. Recent versions of Adobe Reader for supported platforms are included on the CD. Visit the Adobe Reader home page for more information. Browser Plugins Some of the material on this CD makes use of Flash® animations. To view this material, you will need to have Macromedia® Flash Player installed. You can install the Shockwave® Player (which includes Flash) on Windows and Macintosh from this CD. Visit the Macromedia homepage for more information. Note that recent versions of some browsers, including Internet Explorer, Netscape, and AOL, already incorporate Flash Player. Some of the material on this CD contains photographic panoramas that can only be viewed with the iseemedia Zoom Viewer browser plugin on Windows and Mac OS 9 platforms. Visit iseemedia's website for download instructions. For instructor resources click on the grey "companion site" button found on the right side of this page. This new edition represents a major revision. New to this edition: * Entire Text has been updated to reflect new technology * 70% new exercises. * Includes a CD loaded with software, projects and exercises to support courses using a number of tools * A new interior design presents defined terms in the margin for quick reference * A new feature, "Understanding Program Performance" focuses on performance from the programmer's perspective * Two sets of exercises and solutions, "For More Practice" and "In More Depth," are included on the CD * "Check Yourself" questions help students check their understanding of major concepts * "Computers In the Real World" feature illustrates the diversity of uses for information technology *More detail below...
  • 计算机系统概论


    《计算机系统概论(原书第2版)》是计算机科学的经典基础教材。全书以自底向上方法帮助学生理解计算机系统的原理,前半部分阐述了计算机底层结构,后半部分讲解了高级语言编程及编程方法学,主要内容包括数据类型及其运算、数字逻辑、冯·诺伊曼模型、汇编语言、输入和输出、TRAP程序和子程序、C语言编程等内容。 《计算机系统概论(原书第2版)》可用作高等院校计算机及相关专业学生的入门教材,也可作为的计算机专业人土和高级程序员的参考用书。 海报:
  • Algorithms

    作者:Sanjoy Dasgupta,Chri

    This text, extensively class-tested over a decade at UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, explains the fundamentals of algorithms in a story line that makes the material enjoyable and easy to digest. Emphasis is placed on understanding the crisp mathematical idea behind each algorithm, in a manner that is intuitive and rigorous without being unduly formal.
  • Computer Systems

    作者:Randal E. Bryant,Dav

  • Operating System Concepts, Seventh Edition

    作者:Abraham Silberschatz

    Keep pace with the fast-developing world of operating systems Open-source operating systems, virtual machines, and clustered computing are among the leading fields of operating systems and networking that are rapidly changing. With substantial revisions and organizational changes, Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne’s Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition remains as current and relevant as ever, helping you master the fundamental concepts of operating systems while preparing yourself for today’s emerging developments. As in the past, the text brings you up to speed on core knowledge and skills, including: What operating systems are, what they do, and how they are designed and constructed Process, memory, and storage management Protection and security Distributed systems Special-purpose systems Beyond the basics, the Eight Edition sports substantive revisions and organizational changes that clue you in to such cutting-edge developments as open-source operating systems, multi-core processors, clustered computers, virtual machines, transactional memory, NUMA, Solaris 10 memory management, Sun’s ZFS file system, and more. New to this edition is the use of a simulator to dynamically demonstrate several operating system topics. Best of all, a greatly enhanced WileyPlus, a multitude of new problems and programming exercises, and other enhancements to this edition all work together to prepare you enter the world of operating systems with confidence.
  • Introduction to Algorithms

    作者:Thomas H. Cormen,Cha

    自第一版出版以来,Introduction to Algorithms已经成为世界范围内广泛使用的大学教材和专业人员的标准参考手册。书中全面论述了算法的内容,从一定深度上涵盖了算法的诸多方面,同时其讲授和分析方法又兼顾了各个层次读者的接受能力。各章内容自成体系,可作为独立单元学习。
  • 离散数学及其应用(英文版·第5版)

    作者:Kenneth H.Rosen

    本书第4版是全球500多所大学的指之一教材,获得了极大的成功。中文版也已被国内大学广泛有用为教材。第5版在前四版的基础上做了大量的改进,使其成为更有效的教学工具。   本书可作为1至2个学期的离散数学课入门教材,适用于数学、计算机科学、工程等专业的学生。
  • Code

    作者:Charles Petzold

    Paperback Edition What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us the ingenious ways we manipulate language and invent new means of communicating with each other. And through CODE, we see how this ingenuity and our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries. Using everyday objects and familiar language systems such as Braille and Morse code, author Charles Petzold weaves an illuminating narrative for anyone who s ever wondered about the secret inner life of computers and other smart machines. It s a cleverly illustrated and eminently comprehensible story and along the way, you ll discover you ve gained a real context for understanding today s world of PCs, digital media, and the Internet. No matter what your level of technical savvy, CODE will charm you and perhaps even awaken the technophile within.
  • 计算机网络(第5版)

    作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum,

    本书是国内外使用最广泛、最权威的计算机网络经典教材。全书按照网络协议模型自下而上(物理层、数据链路层、介质访问控制层、网络层、传输层和应用层)有系统地介绍了计算机网络的基本原理,并结合Internet给出了大量的协议实例。在讲述网络各层次内容的同时,还与时俱进地引入了最新的网络技术,包括无线网络、3G蜂窝网络、RFID与传感器网络、内容分发与P2P网络、流媒体传输与IP语音,以及延迟容忍网络等。另外,本书针对当前网络应用中日益突出的安全问题,用了一整章的篇幅对计算机网络的安全性进行了深入讨论,而且把相关内容与最新网络技术结合起来阐述。 本书的适用对象非常广泛。由于本书的重点立足于计算机网络的基本原理,同时兼顾了Internet体系结构与TCP/IP协议等内容,因此对于学习计算机网络课程的本科生和研究生,本书都是绝佳的教材或教学参考书。本书每章后面给出了大量练习题,有助于教师根据教学目的酌情安排课后练习。此外,本书对于从事网络相关技术研究和网络应用开发的广大科研工作者也具有重要的参考价值。
  • Computer Networks

    作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum

    Appropriate for courses titled Computer Networking or Introduction to Networking at both the undergraduate and graduate level in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CIS, MIS, and Business Departments. In this highly anticipated revision, Tanenbaum takes a structured approach to explaining how networks work from the inside out. He starts with an explanation of the physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems; then works his way up to network applications. Tanenbaum's in-depth application coverage includes email; the domain name system; the World Wide Web (both client- and server-side); and multimedia (including voice over IP, Internet radio video on demand, video conferencing, and streaming media. Each chapter follows a consistent approach: Tanenbaum presents key principles, then illustrates them utilizing real-world example networks that run through the entire book-the Internet, and wireless networks, including Wireless LANs, broadband wireless and Bluetooth. This new Fourth Edition contains a new chapter devoted exclusively to network security.The textbook is supplemented by a Solutions Manual, as well as a Website containing PowerPoint slides, art in various forms, and other tools for instruction, including a protocol simulator whereby students can develop and test their own network protocols.
  • 具体数学

    作者:Ronald L.Graham,Oren

  • Introduction to the Theory of Computation

    作者:Michael Sipser

    This market leading text on computational theory provides a mathematical treatment of computer science theory designed around theorems and proofs.
  • 现代操作系统(第3版)

    作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum

    本书是操作系统领域的经典之作,与第2版相比,增加了关于Linux、Windows Vista和Symbian操作系统的详细介绍。书中集中讨论了操作系统的基本原理,包括进程、线程、存储管理、文件系统、输入/输出、死锁等,同时还包含了有关计算机安全、多媒体操作系统、掌上计算机操作系统、微内核、多核处理机上的虚拟机以及操作系统设计等方面的内容。此外,还在第2版的基础上对部分习题进行了增删,更有助于读者学习和对知识的理解及掌握。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机专业操作系统课程教材,也是设计、开发操作系统的重要参考书。 Tanenbaum教授作为三个操作系统的设计师或联合设计师,具有长期设计开发操作系统的经验,从而把其对理论的深入理解和具体实践融入书中,使本书成为操作系统领域的经典之作。 在本书第3版中,作者深入讨论了许多主题,包括:进程、线程、存储管理、文件系统、I/O、死锁、接口设计、多媒体、性能权衡,以及有关操作系统设计的最新趋势。书中不仅涵盖了现代操作系统的原理和实践,而且特别关注了Linux操作系统、Windows Vista操作系统、嵌入式操作系统、实时操作系统以及多媒体操作系统。 本书特色: ● 涉及Windows Vista以及最新的Linux/UNIX操作系统。 ● 用一整章(第12章)的篇幅对用于移动设备的Symbian操作系统进行分析。 ● 涵盖更多、更新的安全方面的内容。 ● 重新组织内容,尽早论述关键抽象概念。 ● 给出与未来操作系统发展有关的新研究成果。 ● 更新和增加了编程练习。 ● 在线操作系统练习(http://www.prenhall.com/tanenbaum/details.html)采用主流Windows操作系统以及开源工具。 ● 包括操作系统模拟练习。
  • Modern Operating Systems

    作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum

    For software development professionals and computer science students, Modern Operating Systems gives a solid conceptual overview of operating system design, including detailed case studies of Unix/Linux and Windows 2000. What makes an operating system modern? According to author Andrew Tanenbaum, it is the awareness of high-demand computer applications--primarily in the areas of multimedia, parallel and distributed computing, and security. The development of faster and more advanced hardware has driven progress in software, including enhancements to the operating system. It is one thing to run an old operating system on current hardware, and another to effectively leverage current hardware to best serve modern software applications. If you don't believe it, install Windows 3.0 on a modern PC and try surfing the Internet or burning a CD. Readers familiar with Tanenbaum's previous text, Operating Systems, know the author is a great proponent of simple design and hands-on experimentation. His earlier book came bundled with the source code for an operating system called Minux, a simple variant of Unix and the platform used by Linus Torvalds to develop Linux. Although this book does not come with any source code, he illustrates many of his points with code fragments (C, usually with Unix system calls). The first half of Modern Operating Systems focuses on traditional operating systems concepts: processes, deadlocks, memory management, I/O, and file systems. There is nothing groundbreaking in these early chapters, but all topics are well covered, each including sections on current research and a set of student problems. It is enlightening to read Tanenbaum's explanations of the design decisions made by past operating systems gurus, including his view that additional research on the problem of deadlocks is impractical except for "keeping otherwise unemployed graph theorists off the streets." It is the second half of the book that differentiates itself from older operating systems texts. Here, each chapter describes an element of what constitutes a modern operating system--awareness of multimedia applications, multiple processors, computer networks, and a high level of security. The chapter on multimedia functionality focuses on such features as handling massive files and providing video-on-demand. Included in the discussion on multiprocessor platforms are clustered computers and distributed computing. Finally, the importance of security is discussed--a lively enumeration of the scores of ways operating systems can be vulnerable to attack, from password security to computer viruses and Internet worms. Included at the end of the book are case studies of two popular operating systems: Unix/Linux and Windows 2000. There is a bias toward the Unix/Linux approach, not surprising given the author's experience and academic bent, but this bias does not detract from Tanenbaum's analysis. Both operating systems are dissected, describing how each implements processes, file systems, memory management, and other operating system fundamentals. Tanenbaum's mantra is simple, accessible operating system design. Given that modern operating systems have extensive features, he is forced to reconcile physical size with simplicity. Toward this end, he makes frequent references to the Frederick Brooks classic The Mythical Man-Month for wisdom on managing large, complex software development projects. He finds both Windows 2000 and Unix/Linux guilty of being too complicated--with a particular skewering of Windows 2000 and its "mammoth Win32 API." A primary culprit is the attempt to make operating systems more "user-friendly," which Tanenbaum views as an excuse for bloated code. The solution is to have smart people, the smallest possible team, and well-defined interactions between various operating systems components. Future operating system design will benefit if the advice in this book is taken to heart. --Pete Ostenson --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Product Description The widely anticipated revision of this worldwide best-seller incorporates the latest developments in operating systems technologies. The Third Edition includes up-to-date materials on relevant operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and embedded real-time and multimedia systems. Includes new and updated coverage of multimedia operating systems, multiprocessors, virtual machines, and antivirus software. Covers internal workings of Windows Vista (Ch. 11); unique even for current publications. Provides information on current research based Tanenbaum’s experiences as an operating systems researcher. A useful reference for programmers.