

  • 中国不一样


    当代中国为何会赢得世界各国那么多的关注?中国的一举一动为何会招来国际舆论那么多的议论?是因为中国令人意外的发展成就和社会问题,还是因为出乎意料的中国崛起和中国崩溃的议论,或是因为中国潜在的经济威胁和军事威胁? 通过阅读本书,您会对上述问题有个清晰的认识。其实,中国吸引力的关键原因是“中国不一样”。每个国家说起来都“不一样”,但中国的规模和影响力显然最突出,“中国不一样”的核心是中国的“制度与文化的组合”不一样。中国吸引力的关键原因,是中国的这个“不一样”所包含的种种不确定性带来的震撼和焦虑。焦虑,往往比震撼更加持续有力。 本书一方面回答了“中国为什么不一样”的问题,另一方面也回答了“谁有可能实施什么方案”的问题。通过一种远距离观察中国的理论视角,本书将读者心目中非常熟悉的中国,变成了一个多少有些“不一样”却更加逼真的中国!
  • 中國人的政治文化

    作者:白魯恂(Lucian W. Pye)

  • 神‧鬼‧祖先

    作者:焦大衛(David K. Jordan)

    村落械鬥與聯盟 圓滿平安熱鬧的文化概念 乩童與社區意志的型塑 地方層次的改運與驅邪 冥婚、超自然範疇內的流動 英美世界第一次有學者對台灣鄉村民間信仰 進行全面而系統性的田野民族誌分析 本書主要內容來自焦大衛(David K. Jordan)1966-1968年間在台南縣西港鄉保安村(化名)所做的民族誌。這是英美世界第一次有學者對台灣鄉村民間信仰進行了全面而系統性的田野民族誌分析。本書由移民過程談到家庭與村落的信仰組織,由村民的宇宙觀談到村民與各類超自然範疇間的互動,焦大衛並提出了能有助於理解台灣漢人村落如何來面對自然生態與社會變遷的調適模型。書中觸及的許多主題(村落械鬥與聯盟、圓滿平安熱鬧等文化概念、乩童與社區意志的型塑、地方層次的改運與驅邪、冥婚、超自然範疇內的流動等),在經驗與理論層次都具有開創性,對相關研究領域影響深遠。本書附錄文章(1994)刊出焦大衛1990年代對當時台灣宗教與社會變遷所提出的後續觀察,該論文將時間向度納入考量,也有助於能更凸顯出焦大衛認為台灣民間信仰歷經社會變遷而仍能自行調整的觀點。
  • 鸦片政权

    作者:[加] 卜正民,[加] 若林正 编

  • New Masters, New Servants

    作者:Hairong Yan

  • Chinese Rules

    作者:Tim Clissold

    From the author of the acclaimed Mr. China comes another rollicking adventure story—part memoir, part history, part business imbroglio—that offers valuable lessons to help Westerners win in China. In the twenty-first century, the world has tilted eastwards in its orbit; China grows confident while the West seems mired in doubt. Having lived and worked in China for more than two decades, Tim Clissold explains the secrets that Westerners can use to navigate through its cultural and political maze. Picking up where he left off in the international bestseller Mr. China, Chinese Rules chronicles his most recent exploits, with assorted Chinese bureaucrats, factory owners, and local characters building a climate change business in China. Of course, all does not go as planned as he finds himself caught between the world’s largest carbon emitter and the world’s richest man. Clissold offers entertaining and enlightening anecdotes of the absurdities, gaffes, and mysteries he encountered along the way. Sprinkled amid surreal scenes of cultural confusion and near misses, are smart myth-busting insights and practical lessons Westerns can use to succeed in China. Exploring key episodes in that nation’s long political, military, and cultural history, Clissold outlines five Chinese Rules, which anyone can deploy in on-the-ground situations with modern Chinese counterparts. These Chinese rules will enable foreigners not only to cooperate with China but also to compete with it on its own terms.
  • 奇迹的建构


  • Governing Educational Desire

    作者:Andrew B. Kipnis

  • Making Religion, Making the State

    作者:Yoshiko Ashiwa,David

    Making Religion, Making the State combines cutting-edge perspectives on religion with rich empirical data to offer a challenging new argument about the politics of religion in modern China. The volume goes beyond extant portrayals of the opposition of state and religion to emphasize their mutual constitution. With chapters written by experts on Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Daoism, Islam, and more, this volume will appeal broadly to those interested in politics, religion, and modernity in China.
  • Age of Ambition

    作者:Evan Osnos

  • 移民與興起的中國


  • 中国农民经济


  • Online Society in China

    作者:David Herold,Peter W

  • iChina


  • 魔方式的国家


  • 中国形象

    作者:[美] 乔舒亚·库珀·雷默 等

    中国目前最大的“战略威胁”之一,在于其“国家形象”。中国目前最重大的战略挑战,都与其“国家形象”相关。中国自己如何看待中国,以及其他国家如何看待中国,将在很大程度上决定中国改革和发展的未来。   国家形象直接关系到国家在国际社会的“声誉资本”,而“声誉资本”的缺乏则会增大改革的风险。   对于世界而言,中国首先必须得到国际社会的信任。对于中国而言,必须设计一整套与中国的现状及其理想的未来相适应的观念、标识、品牌和说辞。这不是放弃中国传统文化,而是通过知识产品、文化产品和一般商品展示一个新颖的中国,从而进一步完善和巩固中国的传统声誉。
  • 从群众到公民


  • 公與私:近代中國個體與群體之重建

    作者:黃克武,張哲嘉 主編

  • 州县官的银两


  • Everyday Modernity in China

    作者:Dong, Madeleine Yue,

    Is modernity in non-Western societies always an “alternative” modernity, a derivative copy of an “original modernity” that began in the West ? No, answer the contributors to this book, who then offer an absorbing set of case studies from modern China to make their point. By focusing on people’s ordinary routines of working, eating, going to school, and traveling, the authors examine the notion of modernity as it has been staged in the minute details of Chinese life. Essays explore people’s basic search for food, water, and lighting during the late-Qing -- early republican era; contradictory attitudes toward women and the violence of foot-binding; the role of Chinese scientists in promoting a shift to modern, nationalistic discourses; the growing popularity of savings banks among urban Chinese in the early twentieth century; the transnational and national identities of returned overseas Chinese in Xiamen, Fujian Province; and middle-class “Shanghai travelers” who imagined themselves as cosmopolitan consumers. Looking at the post-Mao reform era of the late twentieth century, contributors explore the theme of “revaluation” – that is, the way China’s move into global capitalism is commoditizing goods and services that previously were not for sale, from domestic labor to recycling and water resources, in an increasingly consumer-oriented society.