

  • Becoming Chinese

    作者:Wen-hsin Yeh (Editor

    This volume evaluates the dual roles of war and modernity in the transformation of twentieth-century Chinese identity. The contributors, all leading researchers, argue that war, no less than revolution, deserves attention as a major force in the making of twentieth-century Chinese history. Further, they show that modernity in material culture and changes in intellectual consciousness should serve as twin foci of a new wave of scholarly analysis. Examining in particular the rise of modern Chinese cities and the making of the Chinese nation-state, the contributors to this interdisciplinary volume of cultural history provide new ways of thinking about China's modern transformation up to the 1950s. Taken together, the essays demonstrate that the combined effect of a modernizing state and an industrializing economy weakened the Chinese bourgeoisie and undercut the individual's quest for autonomy. Drawing upon new archival sources, these theoretically informed, thoroughly revisionist essays focus on topics such as Western-inspired modernity, urban cosmopolitanism, consumer culture, gender relationships, interchanges between city and countryside, and the growing impact of the state on the lives of individuals. The volume makes an important contribution toward a postsocialist understanding of twentieth-century China.
  • Remaking the Chinese City

    作者:Joseph Esherick (Edi

    At the end of the 20th century the attention of some historians focused to a remarkable extent on the experience of Chinese cities in the early decades of the century. This work brings together research by a number of key contributors to this scholarly literature and offers a broadly informed, collective assessment of the late-Qing and Republican elite project fundamentally to remake cities.
  • Imperial China 900-1800

    作者:F. W. Mote

    This is a history of China for the 900-year time span of the late imperial period. A senior scholar of this epoch, F. W. Mote highlights the personal characteristics of the rulers and dynasties and probes the cultural theme of Chinese adaptations to recurrent alien rule. No other work provides a similar synthesis: generational events, personalities, and the spirit of the age combine to yield a comprehensive history of the civilization, not isolated but shaped by its relation to outsiders.

    This vast panorama of the civilization of the largest society in human history reveals much about Chinese high and low culture, and the influential role of Confucian philosophical and social ideals. Throughout the Liao Empire, the world of the Song, the Mongol rule, and the early Qing through the Kangxi and Qianlong reigns, culture, ideas, and personalities are richly woven into the fabric of the political order and institutions. This is a monumental work that will stand among the classic accounts of the nature and vibrancy of Chinese civilization before the modern period.

  • 跛腳的巨人

    作者:Timothy Beardson

    港台、藏疆、社會老化、失業人口、汙染、宗教…… 中國面臨種種威脅與挑戰,可能成為下一個超級強權嗎? 言人所不敢言,最敢說真話的策略觀察家──譚寶信(Timothy Beardson) 以《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》一書 大膽揭開中國面臨的危機與挑戰! 富比世媒體公司董事長兼總編輯福布斯(Steve Forbes)認為,譚寶信的《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》,對中國的觀察發人深省。 《時代周報》社長兼總編輯喬福(Josef Joffe)則表示,譚寶信的《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》是一本精闢入裡、敢說真話的中國研究! 《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》是出版後,深獲Amazon、富比世媒體、《時代周報》《泰晤士報》好評! 中國能取代美國成為下一個超級強權嗎? 觀察家譚寶信在本《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》直指:中國還要面對無數挑戰! ‧人口老化、兩性失衡、勞動力減少,還沒變富裕就開始走向衰退的社會。 ‧醫療體系不足、社會不穩定、缺少有效福利安全網。 ‧亟需社會關照體系,因應失業與就業問題。 ‧建立創新文化必須激進改革教育,鼓勵創造力和批判思維。 ‧知識分子渴望「民主」,企盼能傳達人民聲音的「有效制度」。 ‧中央體制僵化、本位,官員貪瀆問題嚴重。 ‧慈善捐款只占中國GDP0.1%,低於巴西0.3%、印度0.6%。 ‧金融體系和資本市場虛弱。國內債務比外界所知高,地方政府財政一團糟。 ‧人均財富排名全球最富國家百名之外,阻礙成為超級強權。 ‧生態環境遭嚴重破壞,五分之一農地深受重金屬汙染,水資源、空氣品質惡化。 ‧引西藏的水源到華北地區,引發東南亞、印度、俄羅斯等國的抗議。 ‧中亞的騷動對中國極具威脅,不但帶來核子風險,可能導致新疆叛亂活動坐大。 ‧與鄰國有海陸邊界爭議,導致日本和東南亞鼓勵美國重振在亞洲的軍力。和日本、越南、菲國發生的海權衝突劍拔弩張。與台灣的軍事攤牌也可能隨時發生。 近年來有無數書本和文章都預測,中國幾乎可以確定會崛起成為全球霸權,《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》作者譚寶信卻明確地反對這個廣被接受的假設。他揭露現今中國面對難以數計的挑戰,以及當局錯誤的因應方式。針對這些挑戰提出大膽的政策處方,並解釋為何中國不可能取代美國成為下一個超級強權。 譚寶信從過去35年在亞洲生活和工作的廣泛研究和經驗,娓娓道來中國的情勢:無可阻擋的人口結構前景造成的勞力短缺、人口老化、極端的兩性人口差距,甚至人口減少。此外,中國面對社會不穩定、環境遭破壞、普遍的低科技經濟且缺乏創新、缺少有效的福利安全網、僵化的治理結構、激進的伊斯蘭教派潛伏在邊境等等威脅。譚寶信詳實地第一手觀察,既承認它的歷史成就,同時以毫不含糊的現實診斷,調和中國即將成為霸權的預測。 《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》回顧現今中國的背景,探究它如何發展到現今,以及我們可以從中學到哪些因應未來的教訓。同時檢驗中國經濟如何發展到現今的水準,以及它面臨的挑戰。盱衡中國與世界的關係,必須探究今日世界最強國家美國的情況:美國固然正在走下坡,但並未出局。其他與中國發生摩擦的強權:印度、俄羅斯和日本,也被認為對中國帶來不同的挑戰。 譚寶信認為區域關係最大的風險,來自中國計畫把發源於西藏的水引流至中國北部(引發東南亞、印度和俄羅斯的焦慮),以及來自北京對海上邊界問題的好戰立場。因此北京自己的政策可能導致區域衝突。中亞的發展也對中國帶來風險,以及巴基斯坦國家崩解,導致世界成長最快的核武彈藥庫落入激進伊斯蘭教派手中的可能性。 中國能不能解決所有面對的問題?譚寶信通過《跛腳的巨人:中國即將爆發的危機》一書認為:不能,無法在本世紀超越美國。中國的人口展望十分慘澹:兩性失衡、人口老化問題、勞動力減少,這些都會影響社會的穩定,同時令快速經濟成長難以持續。不穩定是成長的威脅。中國對美國的人口比例到2100年預估將從現在的4:1,大幅降低到1.9:1,甚至更低。 在種種威脅下,中國的政策制訂者的行動還不夠急迫。這些威脅的嚴重性都超過帶來的機會。中國將變成一個國內動盪不安、國外衝突不斷的社會。 ※ 國際名人、媒體大力推薦 一本精闢入裡的中國研究,以清醒、尖銳的分析,探究中國無數政治與經濟問題,取代一窩蜂和湊熱鬧。譚寶信是一位老練的觀察家,擅長從浩瀚資訊中掌握趨勢。 ──喬福(Josef Joffe),史丹福大學客座教授、《時代周報》社長兼總編輯 譚寶信是一位睿智的創業家和投資策略師,他對中國的觀察發人深省,是任何資訊追求者必讀的材料。 ──福布斯(Steve Forbes),富比世媒體公司董事長兼總編輯 譚寶信運用他對中國嫻熟的知識和經驗,詳述中國領導人嘗試鞏固過去三十年驚人的經濟成就所面對的挑戰和弱點。《跛腳的巨人》是一本刺激而令人深思熟慮的書,對如何管理中國轉型成為大型中等所得國家提出許多珍貴的建議。 ──尼布賴特(Robin Niblett),皇家國際事務研究所所長 一本深入探究中國前途的權威著作,由三十多年來在亞洲經濟核心工作的觀察家所撰寫。提供廣泛的分析,在各章中討論中國的知識經濟、金融、社會福利、環境、社會安定和認同意識的威脅、國家和共產黨的前途、與美國及中國之鄰國的關係,以及網路戰等,內容客觀、廣泛而又精細,是探究現代中國的成就與挑戰最詳盡的指南。 ──歐尼爾(Mark O’Neill),定居香港的英籍記者及時事撰稿人 本書一反中國即將超越美國、崛起成為全球超級霸權的主流假設,詳述中國的進步面對了種種艱困的挑戰,從人口老化、以低科技為主的經濟,到錯誤的政策反應,不一而足。 ──Amazon 精簡、可讀性高……一本嚴謹的著作,檢討中國在世界新秩序中的地位,根據的是事實,而非天馬行空的臆測。 ──科克斯書評(Kirkus Reviews) 這不是一本悲觀的書……針對各種威脅言論精彩地全面評估。 ──路易斯(Leo Lewis),《泰晤士報》週六書評「每週一書」
  • 誰把艾菲爾鐵塔搬到了中國?

    作者:碧安卡.博斯克(Bianca Boske

    ☆第一本以文化、歷史、時代性的角度探討中國山寨建築! 看中國如何複製全世界 從凡爾賽宮到白宮,從威尼斯小鎮到艾菲爾鐵塔、哥德式城堡…… 世界名建築原尺寸、等比例,原封不動地搬到了中國各地! 這樣的「山寨建築」現象,背後複製的動機到底是什麼?是因為缺乏自信,中國建築仿造成風?抑或是體現了中國人的生活方式與獨特的思考?本書為讀者帶來截然不同的中國觀點。 ●作者走訪中國各地,拍攝實景建築圖片、詳實紀錄● 作者碧安卡.博斯克走訪中國各地,紀錄並拍攝只有出現在中國的奇景── 大量以原尺寸、等比例複製,在中國土地上的法國凡爾賽宮、惠州市仿造成奧地利的哈修塔特村、杭州市仿造成義大利式的威尼斯建築、水道與平底船;上海的英式「泰晤士小鎮」、瀋陽的「新阿姆斯特丹」、法國巴黎鐵塔、德國新天鵝堡……仿效得維妙維肖,任何一絲細節都不放過,即使是巴黎鐵塔前的一盞紅綠燈亦然。 作者碧安卡.博斯克認為,「他們賣的不僅是山寨西方公寓,還有更美好生活的夢想……」不少建築並非簡單、單一的模仿,而是在其中加入了許多的中國元素,讓這些西方建築更符合中國的美學。這些仿造歐美式的建築當中,有不少帶有炫富的土豪成分,但在這些建築的背後,是一個個充滿活力與生機的社區。 作者在書中並沒有對中國這樣廣泛且普遍受到認可的山寨現象做膚淺的解讀。 在整本書當中,「庸俗」這個詞僅出現了三次。在博斯克的眼裡,這種「融西入中」的建築,卻也體現著當代中國人的「生活方式」和「獨特思考」,並對現象背後中國人的心理狀態,做了深刻的著墨及剖析。她認為對中國人來說,複製文化有其獨特的價值。 中國的急速發展給予中國人不小的壓力,也讓人們對西方社會更加嚮往,這些歐式住宅正是顯示他們的世界性和成功的表徵!不論你覺得這些建築是奢華、做作、庸俗,或者驚艷、美麗且神奇,你都不能不驚歎中國的「複製能力」! 驚歎推薦 作家.節目主持人 謝哲青 中央研究院社會學研究所所長 蕭新煌 臺灣大學城鄉所教授 畢恆達
  • 清朝全史(上下)

    作者:[日] 稻葉君山

    日本学者稻叶君山所著的《清朝全史》是第一部全面叙论清朝历史的学术著作,对清朝的历史地位作出了比较公允的评价。这部学术名著,曾一九一四年出版,对学术界是一个十分重要的贡献,从它问世至今,一直受到学界重视,被学者专家作为权威性的引徵之据,在学界长期享有它应得的学术地位,梁启超将其列为瞭解清史的必读书,梁漱溟、萧公权等也都征引及之。 作者有深厚的学养,以时间为经,以清代的政治、军事、经济、文化等方面的重要事件为纬,完整清晰地展示了清代历史发展的基本面貌;所记的史料十分丰富,尤其是对历史细节的描述,更为他书所罕见;所述文字,精细、形象、生动、绝无拖泥带水。 《清朝全史》问世近一个世纪,至今仍闪烁着学术光芒,但学界同人已很难看见此书;即使少数图书馆藏有此书,也是作为珍藏品保管,欲阅者应难见,如今应学界的热切要求,我社根据上海社会科学院图书馆所藏版本影印出版以飨读者。
  • China Marches West

    作者:Peter C. Perdue

    From about 1600 to 1800, the Qing empire of China expanded to unprecedented size. Through astute diplomacy, economic investment, and a series of ambitious military campaigns into the heart of Central Eurasia, the Manchu rulers defeated the Zunghar Mongols, and brought all of modern Xinjiang and Mongolia under their control, while gaining dominant influence in Tibet. The China we know is a product of these vast conquests. Peter C. Perdue chronicles this little-known story of China’s expansion into the northwestern frontier. Unlike previous Chinese dynasties, the Qing achieved lasting domination over the eastern half of the Eurasian continent. Rulers used forcible repression when faced with resistance, but also aimed to win over subject peoples by peaceful means. They invested heavily in the economic and administrative development of the frontier, promoted trade networks, and adapted ceremonies to the distinct regional cultures. Perdue thus illuminates how China came to rule Central Eurasia and how it justifies that control, what holds the Chinese nation together, and how its relations with the Islamic world and Mongolia developed. He offers valuable comparisons to other colonial empires and discusses the legacy left by China’s frontier expansion. The Beijing government today faces unrest on its frontiers from peoples who reject its autocratic rule. At the same time, China has launched an ambitious development program in its interior that in many ways echoes the old Qing policies. China Marches West is a tour de force that will fundamentally alter the way we understand Central Eurasia.
  • 福特基金会与美国的中国学


  • 政治与科学之间的历史编纂


  • Agents and Victims in South China

    作者:Helen F. Siu

    When peasants live in complex agrarian societies with distinct hierarchies of power, how much are they able to shape their world? In this socio economic, political, and anthropological history, Helen F. Siu explores this question by examining a rural community in Guangdong Province from the late nineteenth century to the present.
  • Markets over Mao

    作者:Nicholas R. Lardy

    China's transition to a market economy has propelled its remarkable economic growth since the late 1970s. In this book, Nicholas R. Lardy, one of the world's foremost experts on the Chinese economy, traces the increasing role of market forces and refutes the widely advanced argument that Chinese economic progress rests on the government's control of the economy's "commanding heights." In another challenge to conventional wisdom, Lardy finds little evidence that the decade of the leadership of former President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao (2003–13) dramatically increased the role and importance of state-owned firms, as many people argue. This book offers powerfully persuasive evidence that the major sources of China's growth in the future will be similarly market rather than state-driven, with private firms providing the major source of economic growth, the sole source of job creation, and the major contributor to China's still growing role as a global trader. Lardy does, however, call on China to deregulate and increase competition in those portions of the economy where state firms remain protected, especially in energy and finance. "Everyone concerned with the future of China in the global economy should carefully consider Lardy抯 thesis." ——Lawrence H. Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and Director of the National Economic Council "Nick Lardy is one of the world抯 leading experts on the Chinese economy. This book is critical reading for anyone trying to gauge China抯 economic prospects." ——Robert Rubin, former US Treasury Secretary and cochairman of the Council on Foreign Relations "At a time when the new conventional wisdom is that the Chinese dragon is deploying 'state capitalism' to challenge the international market economy, Lardy has mined the data to discover China抯 real driving engine: its private sector." ——Robert B. Zoellick, former World Bank President, US Trade Representative, and US Deputy Secretary of State
  • Chinese Justice

    作者:Margaret Y. K. Woo,M

    This volume analyzes whether China's thirty years of legal reform have taken root in Chinese society by examining how ordinary citizens are using the legal system in contemporary China. It is an interdisciplinary look at law in action and at legal institutions from the bottom up, that is, beginning with those at the ground level that are using and working in the legal system. It explores the emergent Chinese conception of justice - one that seeks to balance Chinese tradition, socialist legacies, and the needs of the global market. Given the political dimension of dispute resolution in creating, settling, and changing social norms, this volume contributes to a greater understanding of political and social change in China today and of the process of legal reform generally
  • 当代海外中国研究(第1辑)


    《当代海外中国研究(第1辑)》编选录用学术论著将逐步推行国际通行的匿名评审(Peer Review)制度,且实行“资源共享”(Open Access)的原则。在尊重作著译者、编辑委员会和出版社的合法权益前提下,充分满足研究工作者、大专院校师生和其他读者的信息需求。希望通过这样的实践,直观而第一手地介绍国外学术书刊的编选和运营方式。
  • The Great Urban Transformation

    作者:You-tien Hsing

    Product Description As China is transformed, relations between society, the state, and the city have become central. The Great Urban Transformation investigates what is happening in cities, the urban edges, and the rural fringe in order to explain these relations. In the inner city of major metropolitan centers, municipal governments battle high-ranking state agencies to secure land rents from redevelopment projects, while residents mobilize to assert property and residential rights. At the urban edge, as metropolitan governments seek to extend control over their rural hinterland through massive-scale development projects, villagers strategize to profit from the encroaching property market. At the rural fringe, township leaders become brokers of power and property between the state bureaucracy and villages, while large numbers of peasants are dispossessed, dispersed, and deterritorialized, and their mobilizational capacity is consequently undermined. The Great Urban Transformation explores these issues, and provides an integrated analysis of the city and the countryside, elite politics and grassroots activism, legal-economic and socio-political issues of property rights, and the role of the state and the market in the property market. About the Author You-tien Hsing is Associate Professor of Geography at University of California at Berkeley. She is the author of Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection (1998, Oxford University Press) and co-editor (with Ching Kwan Lee) of Reclaiming Chinese Society: Politics of Redistribution, Recognition, and Representation (Forthcoming, Routledge).
  • Mobilizing the Masses

    作者:Odoric Wou

    “This is an absolutely splendid piece of work, a landmark study of the Chinese Revolution. It is the first study of its kind to be based substantially on internal party documents acquired as a result of research access to the People’s Republic of China in the last decade. Mobilizing the Masses is a superb piece of empirical research, placed in a convincing and original analytical framework, that ushers in a new generation of scholarship on the Chinese Revolution.”—Joseph W. Esherick, University of California, San Diego “Wou’s treatment of the Chinese communist movement in Henan province sets a high standard for scholarship in the field. This book has many merits: meticulous use of a variety of understudied archives, effective and knowledgeable deployment of theoretical ideas . . . and an admirable ability to weave together an account of this 25-year period that makes sense of the story.”—American Historical Review
  • Politics, Ideology, and Literary Discourse in Modern China

    作者:Liu Kang,Xiaobing Ta

    This collection of essays addresses the perception that our understanding of modern China will be enhanced by opening the literature of China to more rigorous theoretical and comparative study. In doing so, the book confronts the problematic and complex subject of China's literary, theoretical, and cultural responses to the experience of the modern. With chapters by writers, scholars, and critics from mainland China, Hong Kong, and the United States, this volume explores the complexity of representing modernity within the Chinese context. Addressing the problem of finding a proper language for articulating fundamental issues in the historical experience of twentieth-century China, the authors critically re-examine notions of realism, the self/subject, and modernity and draw on perspectives from feminist criticism, ideological analysis, and postmodern theory. Among the many topics explored are subjectivity in Chinese cultural theory, Chinese gender relations, the viability of a Lacanian approach to Chinese identity, the politics of subversion in Chinese reportage, and the ambivalent status of the icon of paternity since Mao. At the same time this book offers a probing look into the transformation that Chinese culture as well as the study of that culture is currently undergoing, it also reconfirms private discourse as an ideal site for an investigation into a real and imaginary, private and collective encounter with history. Contributors. Liu Kang, Xiaobing Tang, Liu Zaifu, Stephen Chan, Lydia H. Liu, Wendy Larson, Theodore Huters, David Wang, Tonglin Lu, Yingjin Zhang, Yuejin Wang, Li Tuo, Leo Ou-fan Lee.
  • 中国启蒙运动

    作者:[美]舒衡哲(Vera Schwarcz

  • 中国制度史研究

