一個優雅有禮的酒鬼和一個貧窮高貴的私家偵探相遇,會發生怎樣一種誠摯而悲傷的友誼?藍諾士酒醉後被馬羅撿回,藍諾士稍後寄來一張五千美元的巨鈔做為感謝和告別,然而,一連串謀殺,卻跟這個告別綿綿不絕…… 獲獎紀錄: 1955年愛倫坡獎最佳小說 -
故事從加州的一處酒店開場,私家偵探馬羅遇到了爛醉如泥的藍諾士—一個穿著得體、蒼白有禮但臉上有疤的男子,接下來他們將開始一段短暫卻要命的友誼,這段已經被視為偵探小說史上經典的動人友情將會為馬羅帶來難以探測的危機,他將會捲入一段不名譽的婚姻、一場牢獄之災、牽扯出一場讓馬羅動心的感情,以及一位懷才不遇的作家。 本書特色 首次登台:《漫長的告別》中文繁體正式授權版。超值獨家收錄::2007年村上春樹為自己新譯的日版《漫長的告別》所寫譯後記<準經典小說《漫長的告別》>。 這部作品1953年出版,問世至今45年,1973年勞伯.阿特曼曾擔任導演將其搬上大銀幕。 舊金山有家推理專門書店,老版是推理迷,他書店中央擺了張桌子,專門陳列最近的暢銷書或好書,不過有一疊書從來沒有下架過,那就是《漫長的告別》,那疊書的下面夾著一張手寫紙,上面寫著”Best book in the store.” 明年是錢德勒逝世50周年,為了向大師再致敬,時報選擇《漫長的告別》做為重新推出錢德勒譯本的第一砲,一來是因為錢德勒書迷也是時報重量級作家村上春樹在去年推出了新譯本,二來《漫長的告別》是錢德勒最具野心也是最受文學界重視的一本作品,當然無論是哪一本錢德勒都值得編輯們的努力,因為光是因為他給了我們馬羅,就足以讓我們永遠記得他。 獲獎記錄 瑞蒙 錢德勒獲MWA(美國推理作家協會)票選為「150年來最出色推理小說家」第一名。 -
Farewell, My Lovely
All she did was take her hand out of her bag, with a gun in it. All she did was point it at me and smile. All did was nothing...Moose Malloy stepped out of the dressing room, with the Colt .45 still looking like a toy in his big hairy paw. -
The Big Sleep
When a dying millionaire hires Philip Marlowe to handle the blackmailer of one of his two troublesome daughters, Marlowe finds himself involved with more than extortion. Kidnapping, pornography, seduction, and murder are just a few of the complications he gets caught up in. "Chandler [writes] like a slumming angel and invest[s] the sun-blinded streets of Los Angelos with a romantic presence." --Ross Macdonald -
The Simple Art of Murder
Prefaced by the famous Atlantic Monthly essay of the same name, in which he argues the virtues of the hard-boiled detective novel, this collection mostly drawn from stories he wrote for the pulps demonstrates Chandler's imaginative, entertaining facility with the form. -
The Long Goodbye
Marlowe befriends a down on his luck war veteran with the scars to prove it. Then he finds out that Terry Lennox has a very wealthy nymphomaniac wife, who he's divorced and re-married and who ends up dead. and now Lennox is on the lam and the cops and a crazy gangster are after Marlowe.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友