本书是对人类学知识生产方式所作的伦理-哲学反思,将人类学田野工作本身作为研究对象加以探讨。作者描述了自己与作为调查对象的当地人交往的过程,并指出这种过程会在很大程度上影响人类学家对资料的搜集与分析。 -
Time and the Other
Fabian's study is a classic in the field that changed the way anthropologists relate to their subjects and is of immense value not only to anthropologists but to all those concerned with the study of man. A new foreward by Matti Bunzl brings the influence of Fabian's study up to the present. Time and the Other is a critique of the notions that anthropologists are "here and now," their objects of study are "there and then," and that the "other" exists in a time not contemporary with our own. -
《甜蜜的悲哀》是人类学家萨林斯在芝加哥大学开设的西方社会思想史课程的全部内容的浓缩,文章虽短,却蕴含广博艰深的意义。其中的内容是萨林斯思想的精华所在,对中国人类学以至社会科学各学科的理论深化有重要启发――萨林斯的关注点不仅仅是资本主义生成的文化符号逻辑,而且还包括对一系列西方经济学和社会科学基础理论和范式的批判。 -
格尔兹的学术历程可以分作三个阶段,即由初步显示对宗教生活和符号体验的兴趣,到对当时社会经济问题的兴趣,再到对符号和文化的重新关注;格尔兹在描述、地方性知识、文化理解等领域的研究方面都体现了“解释人类学”的基本意味,即肯定人类文化的基本特点是符号的和解释性的,并认为作为文化研究的人类学也是解释性的,由此他也被称为“反思人类学”的最早实践者。 -
露思.貝哈透過揭露自身的生命故事,深刻反思在西班牙、古巴及美國的田野工作,她讓民族誌與回憶錄巧妙交織成這部《傷心人類學》。本書的寫作旨趣融合了反身人類學、女性主義自傳性書寫,以及多元文化與離散論述。即使受傷累累仍無懼地穿越漫長的隧道、雖然步履維艱仍勇敢地跨過各藩籬邊界,由此露思.貝哈向世人宣告:「不讓你傷心的人類學就不值得從事!」 -
《人类学讲演集》同文集中其他的著作有些不同。它的内容基本上是斯特劳斯在法国高等实验研究院(L’EC0lCPratiquedeSHautesEtudes)和随后的法兰西学院(CollegedeFrance)任教期间的讲义。正像作者在前言中说的那样,他不像有些同事那样把已经成书的或即将发表的材料抛给学生,而是把课堂当作一个试验室,以新的视角或新的理论框架探讨新近和以往的人类学发现。读者可以在他的讲义中发现原始状态的、尚未定形的种种理论讨论,就像是在曲折的道路上进行摸索。但是作为一位严肃的学者和教师,他觉得要对得起自己的学生,就一定要把这些最初的探讨变成最终的研究成果。这就是为什么法语原书的标题为“诺言”(ParolesDonnees),意思是他暗地已经向时而堕入五里迷雾的听众们许下了诺言。确实,我们在讲义中看到了《忧郁的热带》、《结构人类学》卷一和卷二、《图腾制度》、《野性的思维》、四卷神话学、《面具之道》、《遥远的目光》等著作的雏形。 -
这是一本人类学著作,讲述礼物交换在人类多种社会形态中的地位和重要性,以及它在社会关系的生产和再生产中的作用。礼物和礼物赠与的理论,基本上就是研究那种其价值可以转移的物件交换,无论是其象征价值还是经济价值。在本书中,著名法国人类学家莫里斯·古德利尔对关于礼物在社会生活和社会关系中重要性的各种观念进行了重新探讨,他着重研究的是那些神圣之物,它们具有价值,但从不交换。 本书的开头部分对马塞尔·莫斯和克劳德·列维-斯特劳斯在这一方面的开创性著作进行了仔细分析,然后介绍作者自己在美拉尼西亚的田野调查。古德利尔认为,那些传统的礼物理论都有缺陷,因为它们只考虑那些交换性的物件。他本人在神圣之物和与神圣之物相联系的权威授予这个领域中来解释礼物赠与,对当代和传统的礼物赠与理论都提出了挑战,为这个传统性的争辩课题注入了令人兴奋的活力。 在礼物理论方面,《礼物之谜》是当前一份重大的理论贡献,也是礼物理论史的一本精要指南。 -
From Publishers Weekly The timely question, What caused the current global financial crisis? provokes answers usually aimed at the level of institutions and the more abstract market logic. Ho's refreshing ethnography of the daily lives of Wall Street investment bankers takes another tack and outlines a web of practices, beliefs and structures that may be vital to understanding what keeps the market system in place despite built-in instabilities. Ho, a former business analyst and now an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota, unpacks constant downsizing, high risk/high reward job liquidity, shortsighted compensation structures, prestige and the ruse of shareholder value. Her keen eye for the significance of space illuminates workplace narratives, e.g., segregating staff by floor, function and prestige; constant and lavish recruiting events at Princeton and Harvard; and anticlimactically tawdry office space for most workers. The author exposes how elite undergraduates are immersed in a culture promoting finance as the only legitimate job, how educational pedigrees reinforce the financial world's self-image—while the actual jobs remain rigidly hierarchical (stratifying women, people of color and non–Ivy League graduates), highly unstable and isolating, encouraging a culture in which making money is the only value. (Aug.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Review "We're pretty familiar with the economic rationale for the regime of cost-cutting and downsizing throughout corporate America in recent decades. But Karen Ho's research greatly enriches our understanding of how Wall Street's own peculiar culture of transient relationships and relentless competition has contributed to the shareholder revolution. And, along the way, her interviews and fieldwork offer a very revealing picture of the mind of Wall Street. A fascinating and important book." Doug Henwood, editor of Left Business Observer " Karen Ho has picked an excellent time to publish her fascinating new study...patient ethnographic analysis has produced a fascinating portrait that will be refreshingly novel to most bankers...Ho peppers her account with revealing eyewitness stories...Most fascinating of all is her account of how Wall Street becomes deluded by its own rhetoric about "market efficiency"...I, for one, would vote that Ho's account becomes mandatory reading on any MBA (or investment banking course); if nothing else, it might be more entertaining than the other texts that bankers swallow so uncritically." Gillian Tett, Financial Times, 2nd October 2009 -
Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters
A lively and provocative look at how evolution shapes our behavior and our lives.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, our brains and bodies are hardwired to carry out an evolutionary mission that determines much of what we do, from life plans to everyday decisions.
With an accessible tone and a healthy disregard for political correctness, this lively and eminently readable book popularizes the latest research in a cutting-edge field of study-one that turns much of what we thought we knew about human nature upside-down.
Every time we fall in love, fight with our spouse, enjoy watching a favorite TV show, or feel scared--walking alone at night, we are in part behaving as a human animal with its own unique nature-a nature that essentially stopped evolving 10,000 years ago. Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa re-examine some of the most popular and controversial topics of modern life-and shed a whole new light on why we do the things we do.
Reader beware: You may never look at human nature the same way again. -
Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society
An outstanding compendium of fourteen papers, almost exclusively based on recent anthropological field research in Hong Kong and Taiwan on the diverse Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist beliefs and practices of the Chinese peasant ... This collection is of great value in explicating the structure of the supernatural world as seen by the Chinese peasant, its similarity to the formal imperial bureaucracy, and the effect of economic conditions on the carrying out of related practices.'Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies This volume examines aspects of religion and ritual in China. Various topics are covered including the sociology of Chinese religion, religion and ritual in Lukang, religious organization in the history of a Taiwanese town, and village alliance temples in Hong Kong. -
The Art of Not Being Governed
For two thousand years the disparate groups that now reside in Zomia (a mountainous region the size of Europe that consists of portions of seven Asian countries) have fled the projects of the organized state societies that surround them?slavery, conscription, taxes, corvée labor, epidemics, and warfare. This book, essentially an ?anarchist history,? is the first-ever examination of the huge literature on state-making whose author evaluates why people would deliberately and reactively remain stateless. Among the strategies employed by the people of Zomia to remain stateless are physical dispersion in rugged terrain; agricultural practices that enhance mobility; pliable ethnic identities; devotion to prophetic, millenarian leaders; and maintenance of a largely oral culture that allows them to reinvent their histories and genealogies as they move between and around states. In accessible language, James Scott, recognized worldwide as an eminent authority in Southeast Asian, peasant, and agrarian studies, tells the story of the peoples of Zomia and their unlikely odyssey in search of self-determination. He redefines our views on Asian politics, history, demographics, and even our fundamental ideas about what constitutes civilization, and challenges us with a radically different approach to history that presents events from the perspective of stateless peoples and redefines state-making as a form of ?internal colonialism.? This new perspective requires a radical reevaluation of the civilizational narratives of the lowland states. Scott?s work on Zomia represents a new way to think of area studies that will be applicable to other runaway, fugitive, and marooned communities, be they Gypsies, Cossacks, tribes fleeing slave raiders, Marsh Arabs, or San-Bushmen. -
王铭铭最近同时推出了三种人类学作品,《西学“中国化”的历史困境》之外的两种实际上只是改订后的旧作,只有此书才是值得留意的新书。“本土化”问题,一直是王铭铭的焦虑所在,而他对此问题其实有着相互矛盾的两种感情:一方面,作为中国人类学者,他当然希望能搞出针对中国本土问题的人类学来,而不只是照搬西方理论;而另一方面,他又强烈地感到,人类学在“本土化”过程中出现了很多问题。实际上,全书有一个贯穿始终的论点,即与海外人类学一样,中国人类学有值得自己珍惜的历史遗产。要想走出一条人类学的“中国之路”,就必须有反思地继承中国人类学的这笔历史遗产。 -
The Shape of Time
When it was first released in 1962, "The Shape of Time" presented a radically new approach to the study of art history. Drawing upon new insights in fields such as anthropology and linguistics, George Kubler replaced the notion of style as the basis for histories of art with the concept of historical sequence and continuous change across time. Kubler's classic work is now made available in a freshly designed edition. -
The Paper Road
This interesting book interweaves the stories of two early twentieth century botanists to explore the collaborative relationships each formed with Yunnan villagers in gathering botanical specimens from the borderlands between China, Tibet, and Burma. Mueggler introduces Scottish botanist George Forrest, who employed native ethnic Naxi adventurers in his fieldwork from 1906 until his death in 1932. We also meet American Joseph Francis Charles Rock, who, in 1924, undertook a dangerous expedition to Gansu and Tibet with the sons and nephews of Forrest's workers. Mueggler describes how the Naxi workers and their Western employers rendered the earth into specimens, notes, maps, diaries, letters, books, photographs, and ritual manuscripts. Drawing on an ancient metaphor of the earth as a book, Mueggler provides a sustained meditation on what can be copied, translated, and revised, and what can be folded back into the earth. -
The Golden Bough
First published in 1890, The Golden Bough is a seminal work of modern anthropology. A classic study of the beliefs and institutions of mankind that traces the development and confluence of thought from magic and ritual to modern scientific theory, it has been a source of great influence upon such diverse writers as T.S. Eliot, Wyndham Lewis, and D.H. Lawrence. This edition restores many of the controversial passages expurgated in the 1922 edition that elucidate Frazer's bolder theories, and sets them within the framework of a valuable introduction and notes. -
作者从利科尔、弗洛伊德、黑格尔和荣格的著作以及象征人类学著作中吸收了一些观点并加以综合,认为礼仪式食人俗根据人对生命力和死亡的理解,表达了人在世界中存在的本体论结构,并运用这种理解来控制那种被认为是社会再生产所必需的生命力。食人俗在某一文化中存在与否,源于人对生命和死亡的基本态度,并与物质世界的实在性结合在一起。本书不仅在食人俗以及由食人现象所决定的一般人类问题的理解上做出了独创性的贡献,而且在通常的人类学分析上也提出了一些相当中肯的理论观点。 -
所谓“超社会体系”,对应的是我们现在以“民族国家”和“世界”为两极的固化时空观和世界观,它介于社会共同体与世界之间,是一种被冠以“文明”称号的地区性体系和人文空间,这一空间凌驾于我们通常所说的“社会”之上,但也以社会性为内涵,共同具有历史地形成的处理人与人、人与物、人与神之间关系的知识、制度与风俗习惯。 作者探讨了文明体系内在的文化复合性和文明的“杂糅现象”,并试着将之与清末民初以来的多民族国家(多元一体格局)理论联系起来,将文明社会的人类学与比较文明研究相结合,围绕中国的历史经验,展望欧亚大陆文明动态,重新思考“夷夏之辨”,重新比较罗马王权神话与“夷夏”差序格局。 -
Coming to Terms with the Nation
China is a vast nation comprised of hundreds of distinct ethnic communities, each with its own language, history, and culture. Today the government of China recognizes just 56 ethnic nationalities, or minzu, as groups entitled to representation. This controversial new book recounts the history of the most sweeping attempt to sort and categorize the nation's enormous population: the 1954 Ethnic Classification project (minzu shibie). Thomas S. Mullaney draws on recently declassified material and extensive oral histories to describe how the communist government, in power less than a decade, launched this process in ethnically diverse Yunnan. Mullaney shows how the government drew on Republican-era scholarship for conceptual and methodological inspiration as it developed a strategy for identifying minzu and how non-Party-member Chinese ethnologists produced a "scientific" survey that would become the basis for a policy on nationalities. -
人类学是一门非常关尖自身历史的学,作者写了一本清晰而睿智的教科书,其纵览人类学学科重大争论的历史场景,追寻理论和思想流派的谱系,对评价这些理论所涉及到的问题进行了思考。这本书包括了人类学的先驱者、各种各样的进化论、传播论和文化区域理论、功能主义与结构-功能主义、行动中心理论、过程论和马克思主义观点、相对论的多种面目、结构主义和后结构主义,以及最近的阐释论和后现代主义的观点。 作者阿兰·巴纳德现任南非开普顿大学人类学系教授,兼任爱丁堡大学社会与政治研究学院教授。他曾著有《亲属关系研究的探索实践》、《南非的猎人与牧民》等,并与乔纳森·斯潘塞合编《社会文化人类学百科全书》。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友