

  • 宋徽宗书法全集


    宋徽宗赵佶虽然在政治上昏庸无能,但在艺术上却拥有较高的造诣,其独创的“瘦金体”书法笔道瘦细有弹性,运笔挺劲犀利,具有秀美洒脱的风骨。本书收录了赵佶的楷、行、草书作品多幅,较全面地展示了赵佶在小、中、大楷及行书、草书方面的造诣。 本书印刷精美,较好地再现了“瘦金体”的独特风格,可供广大书法爱好者欣赏及临摹。
  • 赵佶瘦金书千字文


  • Emperor Huizong

    作者:Patricia Buckley Ebr

    China was the most advanced country in the world when Huizong ascended the throne in 1100 CE. In his eventful twenty-six year reign, the artistically-gifted emperor guided the Song Dynasty toward cultural greatness. Yet Huizong would be known to posterity as a political failure who lost the throne to Jurchen invaders and died their prisoner. The first comprehensive English-language biography of this important monarch, Emperor Huizong is a nuanced portrait that corrects the prevailing view of Huizong as decadent and negligent. Patricia Ebrey recasts him as a ruler genuinely ambitious—if too much so—in pursuing glory for his flourishing realm. After a rocky start trying to overcome political animosities at court, Huizong turned his attention to the good he could do. He greatly expanded the court’s charitable ventures, founding schools, hospitals, orphanages, and paupers’ cemeteries. An accomplished artist, he surrounded himself with outstanding poets, painters, and musicians and built palaces, temples, and gardens of unsurpassed splendor. What is often overlooked, Ebrey points out, is the importance of religious Daoism in Huizong’s understanding of his role. He treated Daoist spiritual masters with great deference, wrote scriptural commentaries, and urged his subjects to adopt his beliefs and practices. This devotion to the Daoist vision of sacred kingship eventually alienated the Confucian mainstream and compromised his ability to govern. Readers will welcome this lively biography, which adds new dimensions to our understanding of a passionate and paradoxical ruler who, so many centuries later, continues to inspire both admiration and disapproval.
  • 一个帝国的生与死


    千古第一淫妇潘金莲的真实原型是谁,她究竟被谁诛杀,当年这一惊动并决定了整个帝国未来的谜案为何延绵16年才尘埃落定?鲁智深到了东京大相国寺,在菜园里倒拔垂杨柳,而曾经的大相国寺旁,又燃起了怎样的一把火,直接焚烧和注定了帝国武将们的命运?作为柴氏皇族的后嗣,柴进有着怎样的生命不能承受之痛,让他走上了上山为寇的不归路,而最后,他又看到了什么样的历史真相,让他悔不当初、痛彻心腑?《水浒》中的第一反面武生童贯,是怎样走向帝国的权力巅峰,而他心中又有着怎样的极终梦想?宋江最终反上梁山,有着怎样的迫不得已,他真的是为了推翻赵氏王朝吗?到底什么才是压倒这个帝国的最后一根稻草呢? 诸如此类历史谜团,本书都以一种别开生面的视角给予了有趣解读和考证,一方面品读水浒人物,一方面通过水浒人物沿伸品读宋江起义的真实历史动因及北宋帝国灭亡的真正渊源,让人在正儿八经的国史之外,一睹民间读史彰显出的野性力量、“歪打正着”和横生妙趣。