

  • 当代数学


    本书作者让·迪厄多内是著名数学家,布尔巴基学派的代表人物之一。本书是特地为这样一些读者写的:他们由于各种原因对科学感兴趣,但不是职业数学家。虽然这些人喜欢阅读和听取关于自然科学的讲解,并感到从这些讲解中获得了知识,开阔了眼界,但他们发现关于当代数学的文章都是用无法理解的行话写就,而且讨论的概念过于抽象,使人趣味索然。本书的目的是试图解释这种对数学缺乏理解的现象的原因,并试图打破这种隔阂。 本书是为广大受过教育而又对科学尤其是数学感到兴趣的公众写的,因此作者限于从代数、数论和集合论中撷取例证,作者在书中着重阐明数学在现代其实经历了真正的变革。如果说19世纪以前数学的特征之一是具有高度的抽象性,那么现代数学则更加抽象,它研究的是数学结构,其主要特征是研究对象之间的关系而不是这些对象本身的具体性质,因此它更加得不到外须的、可以感知的形象来显现或支撑。但是,这种变革又是必然的、自然的。为攻克经典时代遗留下来的数学问题或其他科学部门要求数学解决的问题,数学家们必须创造成为当代数学发展主流的对象和方法。
  • How to Prove It

    作者:Daniel J. Velleman

    Many students have trouble the first time they take a mathematics course in which proofs play a significant role. This new edition of Velleman's successful text will prepare students to make the transition from solving problems to proving theorems by teaching them the techniques needed to read and write proofs. The book begins with the basic concepts of logic and set theory, to familiarize students with the language of mathematics and how it is interpreted. These concepts are used as the basis for a step-by-step breakdown of the most important techniques used in constructing proofs. The author shows how complex proofs are built up from these smaller steps, using detailed 'scratch work' sections to expose the machinery of proofs about the natural numbers, relations, functions, and infinite sets. To give students the opportunity to construct their own proofs, this new edition contains over 200 new exercises, selected solutions, and an introduction to Proof Designer software. No background beyond standard high school mathematics is assumed. This book will be useful to anyone interested in logic and proofs: computer scientists, philosophers, linguists, and of course mathematicians.
  • Journey through Genius

    作者:William Dunham

    Praise for William Dunhams Journey Through Genius The Great Theorems of Mathematics "Dunham deftly guides the reader through the verbal and logical intricacies of major mathematical questions and proofs, conveying a splendid sense of how the greatest mathematicians from ancient to modern times presented their arguments." —Ivars Peterson Author, The Mathematical Tourist Mathematics and Physics Editor, Science News "It is mathematics presented as a series of works of art; a fascinating lingering over individual examples of ingenuity and insight. It is mathematics by lightning flash." —Isaac Asimov "It is a captivating collection of essays of major mathematical achievements brought to life by the personal and historical anecdotes which the author has skillfully woven into the text. This is a book which should find its place on the bookshelf of anyone interested in science and the scientists who create it." —R. L. Graham, AT&T Bell Laboratories "Come on a time-machine tour through 2,300 years in which Dunham drops in on some of the greatest mathematicians in history. Almost as if we chat over tea and crumpets, we get to know them and their ideas—ideas that ring with eternity and that offer glimpses into the often veiled beauty of mathematics and logic. And all the while we marvel, hoping that the tour will not stop." —Jearl Walker, Physics Department, Cleveland State University Author of The Flying Circus of Physics
  • 数学(第三卷)

    作者:[俄] A. D. 亚历山大洛夫

    《数学:它的内容方法和意义(第3卷)》是前苏联著名数学价位普及数学知识撰写的一部名著,用极其通俗的语言介绍了现代数学各个分支的内容,历史发展及其在自然科学和工程技术中的应用。本书内容精炼,由浅入深,只要具备高中数学知识就可阅读。《数学:它的内容方法和意义(第3卷)》共20章,分三卷出版。本卷是第三卷,内容包括实变函数论、线性代数、抽象空间、拓扑学、泛函分析、群及其他代数系统。 本书可供高等院校理工科师生、中学教师和学生、工程技术人员和数学爱好者阅读。
  • Mathematical Logic

    作者:H.-D. Ebbinghaus,J.

    This introduction to first-order logic clearly works out the role of first-order logic in the foundations of mathematics, particularly the two basic questions of the range of the axiomatic method and of theorem-proving by machines. It covers several advanced topics not commonly treated in introductory texts, such as Fraisse's characterization of elementary equivalence, Lindstrom's theorem on the maximality of first-order logic, and the fundamentals of logic programming.
  • Mathematics

    作者:Timothy Gowers

    The aim of this book is to explain, carefully but not technically, the differences between advanced, research-level mathematics, and the sort of mathematics we learn at school. The most fundamental differences are philosophical, and readers of this book will emerge with a clearer understanding of paradoxical-sounding concepts such as infinity, curved space, and imaginary numbers. The first few chapters are about general aspects of mathematical thought. These are followed by discussions of more specific topics, and the book closes with a chapter answering common sociological questions about the mathematical community (such as "Is it true that mathematicians burn out at the age of 25?")
  • 数学(第一卷)

    作者:[俄] A. D. 亚历山大洛夫 等

  • 数盲


  • Solving Mathematical Problems

    作者:Terence Tao (陶哲軒)

    Authored by a leading name in mathematics, this engaging and clearly presented text leads the reader through the various tactics involved in solving mathematical problems at the Mathematical Olympiad level. Covering number theory, algebra, analysis, Euclidean geometry, and analytic geometry, Solving Mathematical Problems includes numerous exercises and model solutions throughout. Assuming only a basic level of mathematics, the text is ideal for students of 14 years and above in pure mathematics.
  • 基础拓扑学


    这是一本拓扑学的入门书籍。本书的特点是:1.注重培养学生的几何直观能力;2.对于单纯同调的处理重点比较突出,使主要线索不至于被复杂的细节所掩盖;3.注意使抽象理论与具体应用保持平衡。 全书内容包括:引言,连续性,紧致性和连通性,粘合空间,基本群,单纯剖分,曲面,单纯同调,映射度与Leschetz数,纽结与复迭空间。 读者对象为大学数学系学生、研究生,以及需要拓扑学知识的科技人员、教师等。
  • e的故事

    作者:(以) 马奥尔

    银行存款利息、向日葵种子的分布以及圣路易斯大拱门的外形,因为神秘的数字e而有了千丝万缕的联系。e的背后隐藏着无数鲜为人知的传奇,牛顿与莱布尼茨到底谁才是微积分的¬¬发明者?二人的宿怨在科学界引起了怎样的轩然大波?伯努利家族缘何在科学领域称霸了一百多年?数学家约翰伯努利与音乐家巴赫这两位貌似毫无交集的人物会面时是什么情景?听Maor讲述e的故事,一一解开你心中的谜团。 这里包罗万象,既描绘了数学、物理、生物、音乐、金融等众多领域中与e密切相关的现象,也展示了关于e的著名公式、定理和法则。这些趣味横生的历史故事和缜密严谨的数学论断交织在一起,让你从全新的角度去审视这一熟悉又陌生的常数,更让人于走马观花之间了解几千年来数学发展的一个侧影。
  • 基础拓扑学


    “这是一本不可多得的优秀教材,内容精心选择,阐述出色,图示丰富……对于作者来说,拓扑学首先是一门几何学……” ——数学公报(MATHEMATICAL GAZETTE) 本书是一部拓扑学入门书籍,主要介绍了拓扑空间中的拓扑不变量,以及相应的计算方法。内容涉及点集拓扑、几何拓扑、代数拓扑中的各类方法及其应用,包含139个图示和350个难度各异的思考题,有助于培养学生的几何直观能力,加强对书中内容的理解。本书注重抽象理论与具体应用相结合,要求读者具有实分析、初等群论和线性代数的知识。作者在选材和阐述上都着意体现数学的美,注重培养读者的直觉,经常从历史的观点介绍拓扑学。 本书是许多国外知名高校的拓扑学指定教材,在我国也被许多大学采用。
  • The Princeton Companion to Mathematics

    作者:Gowers, Timothy (EDT

    This is a one-of-a-kind reference for anyone with a serious interest in mathematics. Edited by Timothy Gowers, a recipient of the Fields Medal, it presents nearly two hundred entries, written especially for this book by some of the world's leading mathematicians, that introduce basic mathematical tools and vocabulary; trace the development of modern mathematics; explain essential terms and concepts; examine core ideas in major areas of mathematics; describe the achievements of scores of famous mathematicians; explore the impact of mathematics on other disciplines such as biology, finance, and music--and much, much more. Unparalleled in its depth of coverage, The Princeton Companion to Mathematics surveys the most active and exciting branches of pure mathematics, providing the context and broad perspective that are vital at a time of increasing specialization in the field. Packed with information and presented in an accessible style, this is an indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics as well as for researchers and scholars seeking to understand areas outside their specialties. * Features nearly 200 entries, organized thematically and written by an international team of distinguished contributors * Presents major ideas and branches of pure mathematics in a clear, accessible style * Defines and explains important mathematical concepts, methods, theorems, and open problems * Introduces the language of mathematics and the goals of mathematical research * Covers number theory, algebra, analysis, geometry, logic, probability, and more * Traces the history and development of modern mathematics * Profiles more than ninety-five mathematicians who influenced those working today * Explores the influence of mathematics on other disciplines * Includes bibliographies, cross-references, and a comprehensive index
  • Calculus, 4th edition

    作者:Michael Spivak

  • Calculus

    作者:James Stewart

    Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS: EARLY TRANCENDENTALS, Sixth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course!
  • Differential Topology

    作者:Victor Guillemin,Ala

  • 基本拓扑学

    作者:M. A. Armstrong

    《基本拓扑学(英文版)》主要内容:This is a topology book for undergraduates,and in writing it I have had two aims in mind.Firstly,to make sure the student sees a variety of defferent techniques and applications involving point set,geometric,and algebraic topology,without celving too deeply into any particular area.Secondly,to develop the reader's geometrical insight;topology is after all a branch of geometry.
  • Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint

    作者:John Willard Milnor

    This elegant book by distinguished mathematician John Milnor, provides a clear and succinct introduction to one of the most important subjects in modern mathematics. Beginning with basic concepts such as diffeomorphisms and smooth manifolds, he goes on to examine tangent spaces, oriented manifolds, and vector fields. Key concepts such as homotopy, the index number of a map, and the Pontryagin construction are discussed. The author presents proofs of Sard's theorem and the Hopf theorem.
  • A Mathematical Introduction to Logic

    作者:Herbert B. Enderton

    A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, Second Edition, offers increased flexibility with topic coverage, allowing for choice in how to utilize the textbook in a course. The author has made this edition more accessible to better meet the needs of today's undergraduate mathematics and philosophy students. It is intended for the reader who has not studied logic previously, but who has some experience in mathematical reasoning. Material is presented on computer science issues such as computational complexity and database queries, with additional coverage of introductory material such as sets.