

  • 微积分五讲


  • 数学与猜想(第二卷)

    作者:[美] G. 波利亚

    第二卷系统地论述了合情推理的模式,评述它们彼此之间以及与概率计算的关系,并扼要地讨论了它们与数学发现及教学的关系。 书中将数学中的推理模式与生活中的实例相联系,论述深入浅出,读来令人兴味盎然。全书有大量习题,书末附有习题解答。
  • 数学分析(第一卷)


  • Probability Theory

    作者:E. T. Jaynes

    The standard rules of probability can be interpreted as uniquely valid principles in logic. In this book, E. T. Jaynes dispels the imaginary distinction between 'probability theory' and 'statistical inference', leaving a logical unity and simplicity, which provides greater technical power and flexibility in applications. This book goes beyond the conventional mathematics of probability theory, viewing the subject in a wider context. New results are discussed, along with applications of probability theory to a wide variety of problems in physics, mathematics, economics, chemistry and biology. It contains many exercises and problems, and is suitable for use as a textbook on graduate level courses involving data analysis. The material is aimed at readers who are already familiar with applied mathematics at an advanced undergraduate level or higher. The book will be of interest to scientists working in any area where inference from incomplete information is necessary.
  • Linear Algebra, 4th Edition

    作者:Stephen H. Friedberg

    This top-selling, theorem-proof book presents a careful treatment of the principle topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate. Chapter topics cover vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, elementary matrix operations and systems of linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner product spaces, and canonical forms. For statisticians and engineers.
  • 来自圣经的证明


    作为一门历史悠久的学问,数学有她自身的文化和美学,就像文学和艺术一样。一方面,数学家们在努力开拓新领域、解决老问题;另一方面他们也在不断地从不同的角度反复学习、理解和欣赏前辈们的工作。的确,数学中有许多不仅值得反复推敲理解,更值得细心品味和欣赏的杰作。有些定理的证明不仅想法奇特、构思精巧,作为一个整体更是天衣无缝。难怪,西方有些虔诚的数学家将这类杰作比喻为上帝的创造。 本书已被译成8种文字。这不是一本教科书,也不是一本专著,而是一本开阔数学视野和提高数学修养的著作。书中介绍了35个著名数学问题的极富创造性和独具匠心的证明。出于可读性的考虑,本书侧重于研究生水平并且局限于数论,几何,分析,组合与图论五个数学领域。但我们确信,每一个数学工作者都会喜欢这本书,并且从中学到许多东西。
  • An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol. 1, 3rd Edition

    作者:William Feller

    Major changes in this edition include the substitution of probabilistic arguments for combinatorial artifices, and the addition of new sections on branching processes, Markov chains, and the De Moivre-Laplace theorem.
  • 矩阵分析

    作者:[美] Roger A.Horn, Ch

    有:特征值、特征向量和相似性、酉相似、Schur三角化及其推论、正规矩阵、标准形和包括Jordan标准形在内的各种分解、LU分解、QR分解和酉矩阵、Hermite矩阵和复对称矩阵、向量范数和矩阵范数、特征值的估计和扰动、正定矩阵、非负矩阵。 《矩阵分析.卷1(英文版)(本科)》可作为理工科专业研究生或数学专业高年级本科生教材,也可供数学工作者和科技人员参考。
  • Concrete Mathematics

    作者:Ronald L. Graham,Don

    This book introduces the mathematics that supports advanced computer programming and the analysis of algorithms. The primary aim of its well-known authors is to provide a solid and relevant base of mathematical skills - the skills needed to solve complex problems, to evaluate horrendous sums, and to discover subtle patterns in data. It is an indispensable text and reference not only for computer scientists - the authors themselves rely heavily on it! - but for serious users of mathematics in virtually every discipline. Concrete Mathematics is a blending of CONtinuous and disCRETE mathematics. "More concretely," the authors explain, "it is the controlled manipulation of mathematical formulas, using a collection of techniques for solving problems." The subject matter is primarily an expansion of the Mathematical Preliminaries section in Knuth's classic Art of Computer Programming, but the style of presentation is more leisurely, and individual topics are covered more deeply. Several new topics have been added, and the most significant ideas have been traced to their historical roots. The book includes more than 500 exercises, divided into six categories.Complete answers are provided for all exercises, except research problems, making the book particularly valuable for self-study. Major topics include: *Sums *Recurrences *Integer functions *Elementary number theory *Binomial coefficients *Generating functions *Discrete probability *Asymptotic methods This second edition includes important new material about mechanical summation. In response to the widespread use of the first edition as a reference book, the bibliography and index have also been expanded, and additional nontrivial improvements can be found on almost every page. Readers will appreciate the informal style of Concrete Mathematics. Particularly enjoyable are the marginal graffiti contributed by students who have taken courses based on this material. The authors want to convey not only the importance of the techniques presented, but some of the fun in learning and using them. 0201558025B04062001
  • 数学分析八讲


    短短八个讲座,让你不仅了解数学分析的概貌,更让你领会数学分析的精髓。这本由伟大的数学教育家辛钦潜心编著的经典教材,思路清晰、引人入胜,全面梳理了数学分析的主要内容。 本书是作者在国立莫斯科大学为工程师授课的教案,书中选材独到,叙述深入浅出,娓娓道来。即使是只学过最简单的数学分析课程的人也能容易地阅读理解。在此基础上,你可以进而深入学习本课程的任何专题。无论你是工程师、经济学人、数学教师,还是数学系的学生,阅读本书都能收益匪浅。
  • Fourier Analysis

    作者:Elias M. Stein,Rami

    This first volume, a three-part introduction to the subject, is intended for students with a beginning knowledge of mathematical analysis who are motivated to discover the ideas that shape Fourier analysis. It begins with the simple conviction that Fourier arrived at in the early nineteenth century when studying problems in the physical sciences - that an arbitrary function can be written as an infinite sum of the most basic trigonometric functions. The first part implements this idea in terms of notions of convergence and summability of Fourier series, while highlighting applications such as the isoperimetric inequality and equidistribution. The second part deals with the Fourier transform and its applications to classical partial differential equations and the Radon transform; a clear introduction to the subject serves to avoid technical difficulties. The book closes with Fourier theory for finite abelian groups, which is applied to prime numbers in arithmetic progression. In organizing their exposition, the authors have carefully balanced an emphasis on key conceptual insights against the need to provide the technical underpinnings of rigorous analysis. Students of mathematics, physics, engineering and other sciences will find the theory and applications covered in this volume to be of real interest. "The Princeton Lectures in Analysis" represents a sustained effort to introduce the core areas of mathematical analysis while also illustrating the organic unity between them. Numerous examples and applications throughout its four planned volumes, of which "Fourier Analysis" is the first, highlight the far-reaching consequences of certain ideas in analysis to other fields of mathematics and a variety of sciences. Stein and Shakarchi move from an introduction addressing "Fourier" series and integrals to in-depth considerations of complex analysis; measure and integration theory, and Hilbert spaces; and, finally, further topics such as functional analysis, distributions and elements of probability theory.
  • 代数(英文版)

    作者:[美]Michael Artin

    本书由著名代数学家与代数几何学家Michael Artin所著,是作者在代数领域数十年的智慧和经验的结晶。书中既介绍了矩阵运算、群、向量空间、线性变换、对称等较为基本的内容,又介绍了环、模型、域,伽罗瓦理论等较为高深的内容,本书对于提高数学理解能力。增强对代数的兴趣是非常有益处的。此外,本书的可阅读性强,书中的习题也很有针对性,能让读者很快地掌握分析和思考的方法。 本书在麻省理工学院、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学等著名学府得到了广泛采用,是代数学的经典教材之一。
  • 古今数学思想(四)

    作者:[美] 莫里斯·克莱因

  • 数学分析新讲(第三册)


    本书的前身是北京大学数学系教学系教学改革实验讲义。改革的基调是:强调启发性,强调数学内在的统一性。重视学生能力的培养。书中不仅讲解数学分析的基本原理,而且还介绍一些重要的应用(包括从开普勒行星运动定律推导万有引力定律)。从概念的引入到定理的证明,书中作了煞费苦心的安排,使传统的材料以新的面貌观出。书中还收入了一些有重要理论意义与实际意义的新材料(例如利用微分形式的积分证明布劳沃尔不动点定理等)。   全书共三册。第一册内容是:一元微积分,初等微分方程及其应用。第二册内容是:一元微积分的进一步讨论,广义积分,多元函数微分学,重积分。第三册内容是: 曲线、曲面与微积分,级数与含参变元的积分等。   本书可作为大专院校数学系数学分析基础课教材或补充读物,又可作为大、中学教师,科学工作者和工程技术人员案头常备的数学参考书。
  • 数学分析(上册)

    作者:华东师范大学数学系 编

    《数学分析(上册)(第3版)》是教育部“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”的研究成果,是面向21世纪课程教材,普通高等教育“九五”国家教委考点教材,内容包括实数集和函数,数列极限,函数极限,连续性,导数和微分,微分中值定理及其应用,实数完备性,不定积分,定积分及其应用,反常积分等,附录为微积分学简史,实数理论,积分表。 《数学分析(上册)(第3版)》可作为高等师范院校或其他类型学校数学专业的教材使用。
  • 数学与猜想(第一卷)

    作者:[美] G. 波利亚

    《数学与猜想》是著名数学家G. 波利亚撰写的一部经典名著,书中讨论的是自然科学、特别是数学领域中与严密的论证推理完全不同的一种推理方法——合情推理(即猜想)。这部著作通过许多古代著名的猜想,讨论了论证方法,阐述了作者的观点:不但要学习论证推理,也要学习合情推理,以丰富人们的科学思想,提高辩证思维能力,书中的例子不仅涉及数学各学科,也涉及到物理学,全书内容丰富,谈古论今,叙述生动,能使人看到数学中真正的奥妙。 全书共分两卷,第一卷为数学中的归纳和类比,第二卷为合情推理模式。第一卷主要讲述数学中各种合情推理的实例。
  • 经典力学的数学方法

    作者:[俄] В. И. 阿诺尔德

    《经典力学的数学方法(第4版)》以最优美的现代数学形式讨论经典力学问题,它本是数学或力学专业的学生学习理论力学的教材,但实际上。它的范围已经远远超越理论力学,是现代数学的一个重要方面——辛几何。原书被译为多国文字出版,并由Springer收入GTM丛书,以英文广泛发行。本书已修订为第4版,主要内容包括牛顿力学、拉格朗日力学和哈密顿力学三大部分,通过经典力学的数学工具,考察了动力学的所有基本问题。特别是16个附录,使原书的主题更为鲜明:辛几何与辛拓扑,它们反映了几十年来数学科学在一个方面的发展。这些附录都属于专题介绍性质,是作者和他的学生们在有关方面近年来研究工作的总结。 《经典力学的数学方法(第4版)》可供高等学校数学、物理、力学及相关专业的本科生、研究生、教师,以及相关领域的研究人员参考使用。本书由阿诺尔德著。
  • 代数学基础


  • 代数几何


    This book provides an introduction to abstract algebraic geometry using the methods of schemes and cohomology. The main objects of study are algebraic varieties in an affine or projective space over an algebraically closed field; these are introduced in Chapter I, to establish a number of basic concepts and examples. Then the methods of schemes and cohomology are developed in Chapters II and III, with emphasis on applications rather than excessive generality. The last two chapters of the book (IV and V) use these methods to study topics in the classical theory of algebraic curves and surfaces.   本书为英文版。