

  • The Crisis of Global Modernity

    作者:Prasenjit Duara

    In this major new study, Prasenjit Duara expands his influential theoretical framework to present circulatory, transnational histories as an alternative to nationalist history. Duara argues that the present day is defined by the intersection of three global changes: the rise of non-western powers, the crisis of environmental sustainability and the loss of authoritative sources of what he terms transcendence - the ideals, principles and ethics once found in religions or political ideologies. The physical salvation of the world is becoming - and must become - the transcendent goal of our times, but this goal must transcend national sovereignty if it is to succeed. Duara suggests that a viable foundation for sustainability might be found in the traditions of Asia, which offer different ways of understanding the relationship between the personal, ecological and universal. These traditions must be understood through the ways they have circulated and converged with contemporary developments.
  • 历史意识与国族认同


    《历史意识与国族认同:杜赞奇读本》内容简介:文化、权力、民族国家,是贯穿杜赞奇学术研究的关键词,他始终在探索这样的问题:现代国家如何构造新的文化?如何从历史的极权话语里找回被压抑者的声音,以及民间团体如何“抵抗”来自上面的“攻击”。 《历史意识与国族认同:杜赞奇读本》收录了五篇杜赞奇的代表性文章。其中,“复划符号:关帝的神话”一文,通过研究关帝神话的衰落和破灭过程、由清朝到共产主义革命的中国历史转型,揭示了在帝国政体中,神话与仪式作为一种交流手段的重要性;“中国与印度的现代性批评者”一文,通过将中国与印度的历史作对比,杜赞奇考察了另一种话语,在以现代性为导向的、西方的、启蒙主义的文明史语境之外,“小写”的文化及文明。尤其在“历史意识与国族认同”一文中,杜赞奇重点考察了中国如何从一个儒家、帝制社会转变成为一个现代民族国家,以及与其他非西方社会相对比,中华帝国拥有哪些能促成其转变的特点。
  • Culture, Power, and the State

    作者:Prasenjit Duara

  • Sovereignty and Authenticity

    作者:Prasenjit Duara

    In this powerful and provocative book, Prasenjit Duara uses the case of Manchukuo, the Japanese puppet state in northeast China from 1932-1945, to explore how such antinomies as imperialism and nationalism, modernity and tradition, and governmentality and exploitation interacted in the post-World War I period. His study of Manchukuo, which had a population of 40 million and was three times the area of Japan, catalyzes a broader understanding of new global trends that characterized much of the twentieth century. Asking why Manchukuo so desperately sought to appear sovereign, Duara examines the cultural and political resources it mobilized to make claims of sovereignty. He argues that Manchukuo, as a transparently constructed "nation-state," offers a unique historical laboratory for examining the utilization and transformation of circulating global forces mediated by the "East Asian modern." Sovereignty and AUthenticity not only shows how Manchukuo drew technologies of modern nationbuilding from China and Japan, but it provides a window into how some of these techniques and processes were obscured or naturalized in the more successful East Asian nation-states. With its sweepingly original theoretical and comparative perspectives on nationalism and imperialism, this book will be essential reading for all those interested in contemporary history.
  • 从民族国家拯救历史


  • 文化、权力与国家


  • 从民族国家拯救历史


  • Rescuing History from the Nation

    作者:Prasenjit Duara

    Prasenjit Duara offers the first systematic account of the relationship between the nation-state, nationalism, and the concept of linear history. Focusing primarily on China and including discussion of India, Duara argues that many historians of postcolonial nation-states have adopted a linear, evolutionary history of the Enlightenment/colonial model. As a result, they have written repressive, exclusionary, and incomplete accounts. The backlash against such histories has resulted in a tendency to view the past as largely constructed, imagined, or invented. In this book, Duara offers a way out of the impasse between constructionism and the evolving nation; he redefines history as a series of multiple, often conflicting narratives produced simultaneously at national, local, and transnational levels. In a series of closely linked case studies, he considers such examples as the very different histories produced by Chinese nationalist reformers and partisans of popular religions, the conflicting narratives of statist nationalists and of advocates of federalism in early twentieth-century China. He demonstrates the necessity of incorporating contestation, appropriation, repression, and the return of the repressed subject into any account of the past that will be meaningful to the present. Duara demonstrates how to write histories that resist being pressed into the service of the national subject in its progress—or stalled progress—toward modernity.
  • 从民族国家拯救历史

