

  • Anyuan

    作者:Elizabeth J. Perry

    How do we explain the surprising trajectory of the Chinese Communist revolution? Why has it taken such a different route from its Russian prototype? An answer, Elizabeth Perry suggests, lies in the Chinese Communists' creative development and deployment of cultural resources - during their revolutionary rise to power and afterwards. Skillful "cultural positioning" and "cultural patronage," on the part of Mao Zedong, his comrades and successors, helped to construct a polity in which a once alien Communist system came to be accepted as familiarly "Chinese." Perry traces this process through a case study of the Anyuan coal mine, a place where Mao and other early leaders of the Chinese Communist Party mobilized an influential labor movement at the beginning of their revolution, and whose history later became a touchstone of "political correctness" in the People's Republic of China. Once known as "China's Little Moscow," Anyuan came over time to symbolize a distinctively Chinese revolutionary tradition. Yet the meanings of that tradition remain highly contested, as contemporary Chinese debate their revolutionary past in search of a new political future.
  • Patrolling the Revolution

    作者:Elizabeth J. Perry

    This pioneering study explores the role of working-class militias as vanguard and guardian of the Chinese revolution. The book begins with the origins of urban militias in the late nineteenth century and follows their development down to the present day. Elizabeth Perry focuses on the institution of worker militias as a vehicle for analyzing the changing (yet enduring) impact of China's revolutionary heritage on subsequent state-society relations. She also incorporates a strong comparative perspective, examining the influence of revolutionary militias on the political trajectories of the United States, France, the Soviet Union, and Iran. Based on exhaustive archival research, the work raises fascinating questions about the construction of revolutionary citizenship; the distinctions among class, community, and creed; the open-ended character of revolutionary movements; and the path dependency of institutional change. All readers interested in deepening their understanding of the Chinese Revolution and in the nature of revolutionary change more generally will find this an invaluable contribution.
  • Challenging the Mandate of Heaven

    作者:Elizabeth J. Perry

    Social science theories of contentious politics have been based almost exclusively on evidence drawn from the European and American experience, and classic texts in the field make no mention of either the Chinese Communist revolution or the Cultural Revolution - surely two of the most momentous social movements of the twentieth century. Moreover, China's record of popular upheaval stretches back well beyond this century, indeed all the way back to the third century B.C. By bringing together studies of protest that span the Imperial, Republic, and Communist eras, this book introduces Chinese patterns and provides a forum to consider ways in which contentious politics in China might serve to reinforce, refine or reshape theories derived from Western cases.
  • Mao's Invisible Hand

    作者:Sebastian Heilmann,E

    Observers have been predicting the demise of China’s political system since Mao Zedong’s death over thirty years ago. The Chinese Communist state, however, seems to have become increasingly adept at responding to challenges ranging from leadership succession and popular unrest to administrative reorganization, legal institutionalization, and global economic integration. What political techniques and procedures have Chinese policymakers employed to manage the unsettling impact of the fastest sustained economic expansion in world history? As the authors of these essays demonstrate, China’s political system allows for more diverse and flexible input than would be predicted from its formal structures. Many contemporary methods of governance have their roots in techniques of policy generation and implementation dating to the revolution and early PRC—techniques that emphasize continual experimentation. China’s long revolution had given rise to this guerrilla-style decisionmaking as a way of dealing creatively with pervasive uncertainty. Thus, even in a post-revolutionary PRC, the invisible hand of Chairman Mao—tamed, tweaked, and transformed—plays an important role in China’s adaptive governance.
  • 上海罢工


  • 安源

    作者:裴宜理 (Elizabeth J. Pe

    我們該如何詮釋中國共產黨出人意料的革命軌跡?為什麼中國共產黨會走上與俄國模式大相逕庭的道路?裴宜理教授認為,箇中原因在於中國共產黨從革命起義到奪取政權及之後的各階段中創新地發展和部署文化資源。毛澤東、他的同志們以及其繼任者通過精巧地運用「文化置位」和「文化操控」建立其獨有的政治形態,使人們逐漸接受那曾經陌生的共產主義體系,成為熟悉的「中國特點」。在革命初期,毛澤東和黨的早期領導人曾在安源煤礦發動過一次影響深遠的工人運動,裴宜理教授以此地為案例進行分析。安源曾被認為是「中國的小莫斯科」,其所象徵的獨特的中國革命傳統逐漸成為中國語境下「政治正確」的試金石。在當代中國學界為尋求嶄新的政治前景而就其過往的革命歷史進行爭論時,裴宜理教授對充滿爭議的中國革命傳統之意涵進行了深入分析。 「本書帶有裴宜理明顯的個人風格:優雅而清晰的文筆、充足又前所未聞的原始資料、對於基層政治參與者人性細節的充分描述等。這些特點不僅使本書的敘事引人入勝,而且也對主題提供了清晰有效的分析。裴宜理對安源的觀點原創而新穎,就這一地區對革命所作的持續貢獻進行分析,使之成為一個令人信服的案例分析。」 ──周錫瑞 (Joseph W. Esherick),加州大學聖地亞哥分校,著有Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey through Chinese History 「裴宜理從中國共產主義革命的源頭,探討安源工人運動的歷史,揭示1920年代毛澤東、李立三和劉少奇三位共產黨員如何利用文化資源在安源煤礦發動一次影響深遠的工人運動,並詳述1949年革命勝利以後,當權者如何扭曲和操弄安源工人運動的歷史,藉以築造和淨化革命傳統,更討論改革開放以後,官方和民間如何透過各種文化媒介如美術、電影、小說、學術和紅色旅遊等來回憶、重現或挪用安源的革命過往。作者相信中國的未來將取決於如何發掘、認識和掌握中國共產主義革命的傳統,她在安源革命傳統的溯源和發掘上開創了一個學習典範。」 ──陳永發,中央研究院院士,著有《中國共產革命七十年》 「在越來越多的研究者轉去挖掘查找毛澤東時代中國失敗的各種原因的時候,裴宜理教授的這本書可謂獨樹一幟。作者不僅直截了當地追問那些只着眼於批判的學者,而且致力於重建當年特定的歷史場景,並用同情的眼光來了解那段歷史形成的複雜原因,以求回答那些有關中共歷史成敗的令人困擾的問題。比如,如果毛澤東等人向來偏激且無情,那麼他們當年在幾乎不掌握任何國家機器的條件下,又如何能夠影響數百萬計的底層民眾,使之信服並願為他們的革命事業而犧牲呢。」 ──楊奎松,中共黨史研究專家,華東師範大學特聘教授
  • 华北的叛乱者与革命者(1845—1945)


  • 上海罢工

    作者:[美] 裴宜理

    20世纪的中国经历了一系列根本性政治变革,从推翻帝制的辛亥革命到共产党取得全国政权,所有这些变革都曾受到工人运动的极大影响。 《上海罢工:中国工人政治研究》这部专著在广泛吸收欧美工人问题研究成果的基础上,将工人政治放在比较的角度加以研究,以一种更普遍的眼光关注罢工、工会、政党等问题,探讨了工人的文化与生活状况,为人们展示了一幅20世纪上半叶中国工人丰富多彩的画像。