

  • 远大前程

    作者:Sam Lightstone

    本书浓缩了作者20年职场生涯的经验总结,提供了很多原本应该由你的导师或职业规划师教给你的有用信息。从如何找到合适的工作,到职场中的发展和晋升,再到登上职业顶峰,提供了职业发展的全程指导。 书中每章均有对业界名流的访谈,接受专访的有:Steve Wozniak, John Schwarz, James Gosling, Marissa Mayer, Jon Bentley, Marc Benioff, Grady Booch, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Vaskevitch, Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, Peter Norvig, Mark Russinovich, Tom Malloy, Diane Greene, Robert Kahn, Ray Tomlinson. 内容精彩,不容错过。
  • Alan Turing

    作者:Andrew Hodges,Dougla

  • Alan Turing: The Enigma

    作者:Andrew Hodges

    It is only a slight exaggeration to say that the British mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954) saved the Allies from the Nazis, invented the computer and artificial intelligence, and anticipated gay liberation by decades--all before his suicide at age forty-one. This New York Times-bestselling biography of the founder of computer science, with a new preface by the author that addresses Turing's royal pardon in 2013, is the definitive account of an extraordinary mind and life. Capturing both the inner and outer drama of Turing's life, Andrew Hodges tells how Turing's revolutionary idea of 1936--the concept of a universal machine--laid the foundation for the modern computer and how Turing brought the idea to practical realization in 1945 with his electronic design. The book also tells how this work was directly related to Turing's leading role in breaking the German Enigma ciphers during World War II, a scientific triumph that was critical to Allied victory in the Atlantic. At the same time, this is the tragic account of a man who, despite his wartime service, was eventually arrested, stripped of his security clearance, and forced to undergo a humiliating treatment program--all for trying to live honestly in a society that defined homosexuality as a crime. The inspiration for a major motion picture starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley, Alan Turing: The Enigma is a gripping story of mathematics, computers, cryptography, and homosexual persecution.
  • 微交互

    作者:塞弗 (Dan Saffer)

    平庸的产品与伟大的产品差就差在细节上。作者Dan Saffer将通过这本书展示怎么设计微交互,即位于功能之内或周边的那些交互细节。你的手机怎么静音?你怎么知道有新邮件了?怎么修改应用的设置?诸如此类的交互细节,既可以毁掉一个产品,也可以成就一个产品。高效而有趣的微交互 ,涉及触发器、规则、循环和模式,还有反馈。透过书中生动、真实的设备及应用示例,读者将理解微交互对于塑造产品个性、赋予产品卖点的重要意义。
  • Alan Turing

    作者:Andrew Hodges

  • 图灵和ACM图灵奖


  • The Annotated Turing

    作者:Charles Petzold

    (excerpts from my proposal for the book) Anyone who has explored the history, technology, or theory of computers has likely encountered the concept of the Turing Machine. The Turing Machine is an imaginary — not even quite hypothetical — computer invented in 1936 by English mathematician Alan Turing (1912–1954) to help solve a question in mathematical logic. As a byproduct, Turing also founded the field of computability theory — the study of the abilities and limitations of digital computers. Although the concept of the Turing Machine is well known, Turing’s original 1936 paper is only rarely read. This neglect may have something to do with the paper’s title — “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” — and perhaps the paper’s extensive use of a scary German gothic font. That’s too bad, because the paper is not only a fascinating read but a milestone in the history of computing and 20th century intellectual thought in general. This book presents Turing’s original 36-page paper (and a follow-up 3-page correction) with background chapters and extensive annotations. Mathematical papers like Turing’s are often terse and cryptic. I have elaborated on many of Turing’s statements, clarified his discussions, and provided numerous examples. Interwoven into the narrative are the highlights of Turing’s own life: his years at Cambridge and Princeton, his secret work in cryptanalysis during World War II, his involvement in seminal computer projects, his speculations about artificial intelligence, his arrest and prosecution for the crime of “gross indecency,” and his early death by apparent suicide at the age of 41. The book is divided into four parts: Parts I and II together are about 200 pages in length and cover the first 60% of Turing’s paper, encompassing the Turing Machine and computability topics. This part of the book is entirely self-contained and will be of primary interest to most readers. Part III is a faster paced look at the remainder of Turing’s paper, which involves the implications for mathematical logic. Some readers might want to skip these chapters. Part IV resumes the more "popular" presentation showing how the Turing Machine has become a vital tool in understanding the workings of human consciousness and the mechanisms of the universe. Although I expect the primary readers of the book to be programmers, computer science majors, and other “techies,” I have tried my best to make the book accessible to the general reader. There is unavoidably much mathematics in the book, but I have tried to assume that the reader only has knowledge of high-school mathematics, and probably a foggy one at that.
  • 煮酒论科学

    作者:[ 韩] 姜锡基

  • ACM图灵奖


  • 线性代数及其应用


    本书全面覆盖线性方程组、矩阵、向量空间、博弈论和数值分析等内容, 理论和应用相结合. 尤其介绍了凸集、对偶定理、赋范[线性]空间、赋范[线性]空间之间的线性映射以及自伴随矩阵本征值的计算等一般教材上没有的内容. 为方便读者学习, 每章都有练习, 并提供解答. 书后还有辛矩阵、洛伦兹群、数值域等16个附录. 本书是一本可供高年级本科生和研究生使用的优秀教材, 同时也是数学教师和相关研究人员的一本很好的参考书.
  • 艾伦图灵传

    作者:[英] 安德鲁·霍奇斯

  • 电脑先驱-图灵


  • 图灵的秘密

    作者:Charles Petzold

    图灵机是英国数学家阿兰•图灵提出的一种抽象计算模型,本书深入剖析了图灵这篇描述图灵机和可计算性的原始论文《论可计算数及其在判定性问题上的应用》。书中在详解论文的同时,也附带了大量的历史背景资料、图灵的个人经历,以及图灵机对于人们理解计算机、人类意识和宇宙所产生的影响。 本书适合所有计算机科学专业的学生、程序员或其他技术人员,同时也适合欲了解图灵生平及其构建图灵机的思维的读者阅读。
  • 艾伦·图灵传

    作者:[英] 安德鲁·霍奇斯

    本书是公认的图灵最权威传记。艾伦·图灵是现代计算机科学之父,在24岁时奠定了计算机的理论基础。二战期间,他为盟军破译密码,为结束战争做出巨大贡献。战后,他开创性地提出人工智能的概念,并做了大量的前期工作。因同性恋问题事发,被迫注射激素,后来吃毒苹果而死。他吃毒苹果的原因 至今不明,一代科学大师,是自杀、他杀还是不小心,成为20世纪的谜。