

  • Masters of Doom

    作者:David Kushner

    Masters of Doom is the amazing true story of the Lennon and McCartney of video games: John Carmack and John Romero. Together, they ruled big business. They transformed popular culture. And they provoked a national controversy. More than anything, they lived a unique and rollicking American Dream, escaping the broken homes of their youth to produce the most notoriously successful game franchises in history— Doom and Quake — until the games they made tore them apart. This is a story of friendship and betrayal, commerce and artistry—a powerful and compassionate account of what it's like to be young, driven, and wildly creative.
  • DOOM启世录

    作者:(美)卡什诺著 孙振南译

  • DOOM启世录

    作者:[美] 大卫·卡什诺

    由David Kushner 撰写之著作 《Master of DOOM》在 Amazon 和 eBook上的销售喜人。本书的中文版权由我公司拿到,将在2004年4月出版。本书忠实详尽地讲述了两个玩家是如何走上游戏之路,如何制作出迄今为止影响力最大的游戏作品--DOOM和Quake,以及他们为何在最辉煌的时候分道扬镳。本书是国内第一部游戏领域的传记。与所有传记一样,不同的读者能从中得到不同的体验:或是那游戏制作的背景内幕、光环之中的趣闻轶事、年少创业的梦想豪情、奋斗途上的汗水艰辛,亦或是那成名之后的势易情迁,独辟蹊径的商业模式、天下为公的黑客精神、众说纷纭的暴力问题…