Driven From Within
Michael Jordan is the rare global icon whose celebrity extends beyond his original stage and onto multiple platforms. His relentless determination produced six NBA Championships and some of the most spectacular performances in sports history, while his enduring grace and unique sense of style made him equally famous in the worlds of fashion, business, and marketing. In Driven from Within, Michael makes it clear that the basis for his phenomenal success came from the inside out, thanks in part to those who guided him along the way. His skill, work ethic, philosophy, personal style, competitiveness and presence have flowed from the basketball court and into every facet of his life. Nearly three years removed from his last turn as an athlete, Michael's 20th Air Jordan shoe has helped push Nike's Brand Jordan division to nearly $500 million in sales. "Nothing of value comes without being earned, That's why great leaders are those who lead by example first.You can't demand respect because of a title or a position and expect people to follow. That might work for a little while, but in the long run people respond to the what they see." This is a book about the power of collaberation and teamwork, the awe-inspiring energy generated when people combine their creativity and passion, and a fearless desire to lead. Whether waking at 6 A.M. to work out as a high school junior, or spending hours with legendary designer Tinker Hatfield on the intricacies f state-of-the-art shoe design, Michael Jordan has never wavered in his desire to be the best. "It all started with an appetite to prove. Whether it was competing with my siblings or trying to get attention from my parents, I wanted to show what I could do, what I was capable of accomplishing. I wanted results, and I was driven to find out the best way to get them." Everyone knows the results. In Driven from Within, Michael Jordan and those in his inner circle reveal the philosophy that makes it all happen. -
他是集优雅、艺术、力量、即兴能力于一身的顶级体育明星,他拥有一个男人渴望拥有的一切:财富,荣耀,权利,名望……他是迈克尔.乔丹,他为篮球而生并成为人们心中永不失色的光芒之神。 与其它美国先驱一样,如莱特兄弟一样,迈克尔.乔丹证明了人类的确可以飞翔。如果说这是上天的一场恩赐,那么这样的恩赐太过让人艳羡甚至让人嫉妒,他拥有一个40岁男人渴望拥有的一切:财富,荣耀,权利,名望。人们给他太多的称号:飞人,上帝,神,每一个都份量十足。而他必须面对现实,他必须离开,他需要用什么样的方式审视自我? -
本书是迄今为止最为完备的乔丹写照,客观地将38岁的乔丹再度进军赛场的这段经历作了最可靠的描述,向我们展示了公众乔丹和真实乔丹之间的显著区别,我们即将读到的不是一个在天际驰骋的神,而是一个最终回到地上的凡人,尽管他在退役前几乎囊括了篮球方面所有的奖项和所能想像得到的一切荣誉…… -
著名篮球评论员杨毅作序推荐 “我们热爱乔丹,我们膜拜他的成就,因为当我们仰视他的时候,就像仰视一场命运缔造的奇迹,感慨自然的力量,叹服造化的神奇。”《NBA档案解密:乔丹传奇》完整地记录了飞人伟大的篮球生涯,揭秘乔丹职业生涯中传奇式的经典战役,再现了篮球巨星的崛起之路。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友