

  • 金融工程原理


    《金融工程原理:无套利均衡分析》全面而系统地围绕现代金融学的基本方法论——无套利均衡分析讨论金融工程的原理。通过研读《金融工程原理:无套利均衡分析》,读者将能通晓现代金融学的核心内容,掌握设计、开发和实施新型金融产品的基本方法、技术和工具,完成作为金融工程师的基础训练。 全书共分10章。第一章引入基本的无套利均衡分析方法;第二章讨论利率的期限结构,帮助读者建立正确的货币的时间价值概念;第三章和第四章介绍基本的投资和资产定价理论;第五章和第六章通过介绍期权定价理论讨论动态无套利均衡分析;第七章是理论核心,讲解等价鞅测度模型和无套利均衡基本定理。阐明无套利均衡定价与风险中性定价之间的关系,第八章将无套利分析用于各种或有要求权的估值,进而介绍企业融资和投资决策的新技术与新工具;第九章讨论市场环境、交易方式与资产定价,引导读者认识市场结构;第十章概述各种新型的风险管理技术与工具。 《金融工程原理:无套利均衡分析》可用作文科和理工科院校金融、财务、会计、经济和企业管理等专业高年级本科生和研究生相关课程的教材和教学参考书,也可供银行、证券、保险等金融业从业人员或有兴趣的读者阅读与学习参考。
  • 金融工程


    内容简介 金融工程是现代金融学的最新发展,标志着金融科学走向产品化和工程化。本书正是一部系统、全 面介绍这一新兴学科的名著。作者约翰・马歇尔(JohnF.Marshall)是国际金融工程师协会执行主席,金 融工程学科的创始人之一。 全书共分五篇二十七章,分别讲述了金融工程发展的基本概况、金融工程师所必备的概念性工具和 实体性工具、金融工程的手段和策略以及金融工程的未来发展前景。 该书适合高等院校金融专业及相关专业师生、金融理论研究者或爱好者、金融领域工作者阅读。
  • 金融工程学


    本书全面集中地介绍了金融工程的产品及其应用。 第一部分分别介绍了重要的金融工程工具:远期利率合约、SAFEs、期货、互换和期权; 第二部分泽介绍如何使用这些金融工具:或者是单独使用、或者是几个工具合在一起使用,以管理利率风险、货币风险、股权风险和商品风险。
  • Inside the Black Box

    作者:Rishi K. Narang

    New edition of book that demystifies quant and algo trading In this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style-supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes-a reliable resource takes you on a detailed tour through the black box. He skillfully sheds light upon the work that quants do, lifting the veil of mystery around quantitative trading and allowing anyone interested in doing so to understand quants and their strategies. This new edition includes information on High Frequency Trading. Offers an update on the bestselling book for explaining in non-mathematical terms what quant and algo trading are and how they work Provides key information for investors to evaluate the best hedge fund investments Explains how quant strategies fit into a portfolio, why they are valuable, and how to evaluate a quant manager This new edition of Inside the Black Box explains quant investing without the jargon and goes a long way toward educating investment professionals.
  • 金融工程与风险管理技术


    《金融工程与风险管理技术》是著名金融工程学家保罗·威尔莫特的力作。《金融工程与风险管理技术》主要讲述经典数量金融方面的内容,内容极为基础,其中的“小贴士”介绍更多数学方面的内容。《金融工程与风险管理技术》也以非常简单的方式解释随机微积分,并诠释了当前所有的金融理论。《金融工程与风险管理技术》的写作风格是通俗易懂,图文并茂。 《金融工程与风险管理技术》适用于本科高年级的金融、IVIBA以及研究生课程。
  • 金融工程


  • 量化投资


    《量化投资—策略与技术》是国内第一本有关量化投资策略的著作,首先介绍了量化投资大师西蒙斯的传奇故事(连续20年,每年赚60%);然后用60多个案例介绍了量化投资的各个方面的内容,主要分为策略篇与理论篇两部分,策略篇主要包括:量化选股、量化择时、股指期货套利、商品期货套利、统计套利、期权套利、算法交易和资产配置等。理论篇主要包括:人工智能、数据挖掘、小波分析、支持向量机、分形理论、随机过程及it技术等;最后介绍了作者开发的d-alpha量化对冲交易系统,该系统全球市场验证显示具有长期稳健的收益率。 《量化投资—策略与技术》适合基金经理、证券分析师、普通散户及有志于从事金融投资的各界人士阅读。
  • 金融衍生品建模


    《金融衍生品建模:基于Matlab、C++和Excel工具》主要讲述重要的衍生品定价模型,并运用Matlab、C++和Excel对包括信用衍生品(如信用违约掉期和信用关联记录)、债务抵押债券(CDO)、住房抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)、资产支持证券(ABS)、互换、固定收益证券,以及日渐重要的天气、电力、能源衍生品等进行建模.《金融衍生品建模:基于Matlab、C++和Excel工具》提供了Matlab和C++的示例代码,这些代码都可以更改和扩展,以满足实际需要读者将从衍生品模型的数据、理论和代码执行上获益。 《金融衍生品建模:基于Matlab、C++和Excel工具》适合作为统计、金融数学、经济管理等相关专业的教材,也可供对金融衍生品建模感兴趣的读者参考。
  • The Volatility Surface

    作者:Jim Gatheral

    在线阅读本书 Praise for The Volatility Surface "I′m thrilled by the appearance of Jim Gatheral′s new book The Volatility Surface. The literature on stochastic volatility is vast, but difficult to penetrate and use. Gatheral′s book, by contrast, is accessible and practical. It successfully charts a middle ground between specific examples and general models––achieving remarkable clarity without giving up sophistication, depth, or breadth." ––Robert V. Kohn, Professor of Mathematics and Chair, Mathematical Finance Committee, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University "Concise yet comprehensive, equally attentive to both theory and phenomena, this book provides an unsurpassed account of the peculiarities of the implied volatility surface, its consequences for pricing and hedging, and the theories that struggle to explain it." ––Emanuel Derman, author of My Life as a Quant "Jim Gatheral is the wiliest practitioner in the business. This very fine book is an outgrowth of the lecture notes prepared for one of the most popular classes at NYU′s esteemed Courant Institute. The topics covered are at the forefront of research in mathematical finance and the author′s treatment of them is simply the best available in this form." ––Peter Carr, PhD, head of Quantitative Financial Research, Bloomberg LP Director of the Masters Program in Mathematical Finance, New York University "Jim Gatheral is an acknowledged master of advanced modeling for derivatives. In The Volatility Surface he reveals the secrets of dealing with the most important but most elusive of financial quantities, volatility." ––Paul Wilmott, author and mathematician "As a teacher in the field of mathematical finance, I welcome Jim Gatheral′s book as a significant development. Written by a Wall Street practitioner with extensive market and teaching experience, The Volatility Surface gives students access to a level of knowledge on derivatives which was not previously available. I strongly recommend it." ––Marco Avellaneda, Director, Division of Mathematical Finance Courant Institute, New York University "Jim Gatheral could not have written a better book." ––Bruno Dupire, winner of the 2006 Wilmott Cutting Edge Research Award Quantitative Research, Bloomberg LP
  • 金融工程学


  • An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, Second Edition

    作者:Salih N. Neftci

    This popular text, publishing Spring 1999 in its Second Edition, introduces the mathematics underlying the pricing of derivatives. The increase of interest in dynamic pricing models stems from their applicability to practical situations: with the freeing of exchange, interest rates, and capital controls, the market for derivative products has matured and pricing models have become more accurate. Professor Neftci's book answers the need for a resource targeting professionals, Ph.D. students, and advanced MBA students who are specifically interested in these financial products. The Second Edition is designed to make the book the main text in first year masters and Ph.D. programs for certain courses, and will continue to be an important manual for market professionals.
  • 金融衍生工具中的数学

    作者:Salih N.Nrftci

    《金融衍生工具中的数学(第2版)》以现代资产定价理论所需的基本数学工具进行了系统全面的介绍,主要内容包括套利定理、风险中性概率、维纳过程、泊松过程、Ito微积分、鞅、偏微分方程、Girsanov定理、Feynman-Kac公式等。该书的一个特色,用简单、清晰的方式将相关数学知识与金融应用很好地结合起来,既为读者弥补了相应数学知识,又能让读者明白这些数学知识在资产定价中是如何应用的。 总的来说,与第一版相比,这一版本的内容几乎增加了一倍。前15章以对印刷和其它错误进行了修订,并新增了几节内容。《金融衍生工具中的数学(第2版)》的新颖之处体现在第二部分的7章内容之中。这几章使用的方法与第一部分类似,涉及固定收益产品和利率产品中的数学工具。最后一章是停时和美式衍生工具的简略介绍。
  • Financial Calculus

    作者:Martin Baxter,Andrew

    The rewards and dangers of speculating in the modern financial markets have come to the fore in recent times with the collapse of banks and bankruptcies of public corporations as a direct result of ill-judged investment. At the same time, individuals are paid huge sums to use their mathematical skills to make well-judged investment decisions. Here now is the first rigorous and accessible account of the mathematics behind the pricing, construction and hedging of derivative securities. Key concepts such as martingales, change of measure, and the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model are described with mathematical precision in a style tailored for market practitioners. Starting from discrete-time hedging on binary trees, continuous-time stock models (including Black-Scholes) are developed. Practicalities are stressed, including examples from stock, currency and interest rate markets, all accompanied by graphical illustrations with realistic data. A full glossary of probabilistic and financial terms is provided. This unique, modern and up-to-date book will be an essential purchase for market practitioners, quantitative analysts, and derivatives traders, whether existing or trainees, in investment banks in the major financial centres throughout the world.
  • Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time

    作者:Tomas Björk

    The third edition of this popular introduction to the classical underpinnings of the mathematics behind finance continues to combine sound mathematical principles with economic applications. Concentrating on the probabilistic theory of continuous arbitrage pricing of financial derivatives, including stochastic optimal control theory and Merton's fund separation theory, the book is designed for graduate students and combines necessary mathematical background with a solid economic focus. It includes a solved example for every new technique presented, contains numerous exercises, and suggests further reading in each chapter. In this substantially extended new edition Bjork has added separate and complete chapters on the martingale approach to optimal investment problems, optimal stopping theory with applications to American options, and positive interest models and their connection to potential theory and stochastic discount factors. More advanced areas of study are clearly marked to help students and teachers use the book as it suits their needs.
  • 金融数学

    作者:Martin Baxter

    Baxter和Rennie极其出色地将困难而且不那么直观的概念讲述得通俗易懂。建议那些对现有的定量化金融思维模式有兴趣的读者,如果你还不知道为什么不是鞅就不可交易,那就立即购买这《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》,一页一页地阅读,或许还要多读几遍。 ——泰晤士高教增刊 《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》作为金融数学的基础教材,适用于相关专业的本科生和研究生课程.也可供金融行业的市场实践者、定量分析师和衍生品交易者等相关领域专业人士参考。 睿智、优雅、紧凑,为我们带来了一股清新的空气。这是一本优秀的关于衍生品定价理论的入门之书,应用了现代的概率方法,开金融数学书籍一代风气之先。                          ——Risk杂志   总之,Baxter和Rennie清楚地解释了鞅方法的目的,对更现代的数学方法也作了非常清晰的介绍,……他们对这一前沿理论的表述是如此得出色和清晰。强烈建议读者购买《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》,仅仅第三章就物有所值。                            ——英国  《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》揭示了隐藏在衍生证券定价、结构和套期保值背后的数学。作者既有相当深厚的数学功底,又长期在商学院执教。《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》精选素材,巧妙地将衍生产品定价的严格数学模型和推导加以简化,并与市场的实际相结合,成就了这本通俗易懂又不失科学性的教材。《金融数学:衍生产品定价引论》原版自出版以来重印已经超过了11次,非常畅销。适用于商学院和数学系本科生作为金融数学或金融工程课程的教材,也是金融人员的必备参考书。
  • Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus

    作者:Ioannis Karatzas,Ste

    A graduate-course text, written for readers familiar with measure-theoretic probability and discrete-time processes, wishing to explore stochastic processes in continuous time. The vehicle chosen for this exposition is Brownian motion, which is presented as the canonical example of both a martingale and a Markov process with continuous paths. In this context, the theory of stochastic integration and stochastic calculus is developed, illustrated by results concerning representations of martingales and change of measure on Wiener space, which in turn permit a presentation of recent advances in financial economics. The book contains a detailed discussion of weak and strong solutions of stochastic differential equations and a study of local time for semimartingales, with special emphasis on the theory of Brownian local time. The whole is backed by a large number of problems and exercises.
  • 市场的(错误)行为:风险、破产与收益的分形观点


  • 运筹学导论


    《运筹学导论(第8版)》是运筹学经典著作,在美国高校有很高的采用率。两位作者是运筹学领域的大师。本书内容丰富,覆盖运筹学各个分支,主要内容包括:运筹学建模方法、线性规划、灵敏度分析与对偶理论、网络优化模型、排队论、动态规 划等。内容的讲述深入浅出,使具有高等数学和线性代数、概率基础知识的读者均能读懂。