

  • Patti Smith

    作者:Stafanko, Frank/ Smi

  • Punk Diary

    作者:George Gimarc

    Punk Diary is a comprehensive chronicle of the punk rock era, combining for the first time in one volume the previously published Punk Diary and Post Punk Diary, and expanded with new material never before published. Readers can experience this volatile period in popular music and culture firsthand, as author George Gimarc uses original archival material and in-depth interviews to present a day-by-day accounting of over 1,000 bands and 4,000 recordings, including record releases, live gigs, band breakups, riots, arrests, and revealing quotes. The story begins with the 1970 release of the second LP by The Stooges and details the careers of well-known bands like The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and The Clash, as well as giving credit to many smaller, often unfairly forgotten, bands who helped mold the punk revolution. Readers can make their own connections between the people and events to see who influenced whom, what was real, and what was contrived. The companion CD includes interviews with many of the book's subjects.
  • 我是天使我不骗你


  • 英格兰之梦

    作者:[英]乔 萨维奇

    亚马逊书店不供货,不出电子书,仅在母语文化淘宝店 70年代之初,所有参与了后来所谓“朋克”运动的人都还活着,但绝大部分人彼此互不相识。1976年到1977年间,他们将走到一起,组成一个错综复杂的关系网,其乱不亚于狄更斯 小说中所描写 的兔子洞似的伦敦贫民窟。朋克诞生所需的一切 因素皆已具备 本书是英国著名音乐记者乔•萨维奇(Jon Savage)所著的一部记载英国朋克 文化的经典之作。该书“权威可靠地记录了英国朋克运动历史”(《纽约时报》 书评),被公认为是迄今为止关于朋克音乐文化的最佳作品。全书以编年的形 式记录了20世纪70年代英国朋克运动的兴起和衰落,包括朋克运动中重要人物的活动,如“性手枪”乐队(Sex Pistols)、“冲撞”乐队(The Clash)、“朋克之父”马尔科姆•麦克拉伦(Malcolm McLaren)和“朋克教母”——英国国宝级服装设计师薇薇安•韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)等等。
  • 请宰了我

    作者:[美] 莱格斯·麦克尼尔,吉里安・麦凯恩
