

  • Inside the Black Box

    作者:Rishi K. Narang

    New edition of book that demystifies quant and algo trading In this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style-supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes-a reliable resource takes you on a detailed tour through the black box. He skillfully sheds light upon the work that quants do, lifting the veil of mystery around quantitative trading and allowing anyone interested in doing so to understand quants and their strategies. This new edition includes information on High Frequency Trading. Offers an update on the bestselling book for explaining in non-mathematical terms what quant and algo trading are and how they work Provides key information for investors to evaluate the best hedge fund investments Explains how quant strategies fit into a portfolio, why they are valuable, and how to evaluate a quant manager This new edition of Inside the Black Box explains quant investing without the jargon and goes a long way toward educating investment professionals.
  • 宽客

    作者:[美] 斯科特•帕特森

    《宽客》是一本讲述华尔街顶级数量金融大师的另类人生的书。2007年金融危机爆发以来,作者采访了大量加州抵押贷款违约业主、对冲基金经理和顶尖经济学及金融学学者,在《华尔街日报》上对危机做了全方位、多角度的报道。本书对华尔街新兴的主宰者“宽客”进行了前所未有的深入描述,其中既有宽客新锐中的佼佼者:穆勒、格里芬、阿斯内斯和魏因斯坦,又有隐士般的吉姆• 西蒙斯,史上最成功对冲基金的创始人阿伦•布朗,以及多位宽客中的异类。这群数学天才就像闯进华尔街糖果店的小孩——他们从华尔街的最底层开始一步步登上最高峰,又造成了一次又一次的市场崩溃。