For more than forty years Miles Davis has been in the front rank of American music. Universally acclaimed as a musical genius, Miles is one of the most important and influential musicians in the world. The subject of several biographies, now Miles speaks out himself about his extraordinary life. Miles: The Autobiography, like Miles himself, holds nothing back. For the first time Miles talks about his five-year silence. He speaks frankly and openly about his drug problem and how he overcame it. He condemns the racism he has encountered in the music business and in American society generally. And he discusses the women in his life. But above all, Miles talks about music and musicians, including the legends he has played with over the years: Bird, Dizzy, Monk, Trane, Mingus, and many others. The man who has given us some of the most exciting music of the past few decades has now given us a compelling and fascinating autobiography, featuring a concise discography and thirty-two pages of photographs. -
爵士大师迈尔斯•戴维斯逝世20多年来留下的唯一自传! 从13岁时得到生命中第一支小号起,迈尔斯就认定爵士便是他的命运。他在19岁时就已经和当时的爵士大师“大鸟”和“眩晕”同台;23岁组建了自己的第一支乐队,正式确立属于自己独一无二的爵士风格。他从不沉溺于已有的音乐曲调,也不在乎评论和观众是否买账,他的一生只在乎创新,接连缔造了冷爵士、硬波普、调式爵士、融合爵士等多种音乐风格,即使后浪不断推来,但几次音乐潮流的带领者依然是他。如果没有迈尔斯,爵士乐必不会像今天这样丰富多彩。 而迈尔斯的人生也同他的音乐一样,传奇多变——他曾深陷毒瘾4年之久,又完全凭借自己的意志力克服毒瘾,从泥沼走向巅峰。他曾深受疾病困扰,沉寂6年之久,55岁时却突然复出,再掀乐坛风云。他荣获9座格莱美奖杯,含1次终身成就大奖,却在颁奖现场公然质疑格莱美的种族偏见。他受邀白宫宴会,却敢在面对不礼貌的待遇时当场翻脸:“我这一生做的事,就是将音乐潮流改变了五六次。那么你呢?” 迈尔斯是爵士乐辉煌时期的最好记述者。他回忆起和“大鸟”、“眩晕”、蒙克、科川、明格斯等多位爵士界风云人物的深厚友谊,牵扯马龙•白兰度、伊丽莎白•泰勒、芭芭拉•史翠珊、萨特、里根等各界名人的八卦逸事,漫谈几十年乐坛风云,让人唏嘘不已。 在这本传记中,迈尔斯用最直接的方式向你道来他的传奇一生,有关音乐和大师;有关社会万象;有关人生巅峰和低谷间的绝望、意志、奇迹;有关那个令人不断回望的传奇时代。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友