

  • 气候经济与人类未来

    作者:[美国] 比尔·盖茨










  • Thing Explainer

    作者:Randall Munroe

    Have you ever tried to read up on some incredible part of the world, only to find yourself faced with incomprehensible terminology and jargon? It’s nice to know what the parts of a thing are called, but it’s even more interesting to know what they do. What if you had something that could clearly explain it all using simple words? Thing Explainer, by Randall Munroe, does just that. Using line drawings and only the thousand (or, rather, “ten hundred”) most common words, he provides simple explanations for some of the world’s most interesting things: our food-heating radio boxes (microwaves), our very tall roads (bridges), and our computer buildings (datacenters). He also explains the other worlds around our sun (the solar system), the big flat rocks we live on (tectonic plates), and even the stuff inside us (cells). Where do these things come from? How do they work? What do they look like if you open them up? What would life be like without them? And what would happen if we heated them up, cooled them down, pointed them in a different direction, or pressed this button? In Thing Explainer, Munroe gives us the answers to these questions and so many more. Funny, interesting, and always understandable, this book is for anyone—age 5 to 105—who has ever wondered how things work, and why.
  • 万物解释者

    作者:[美] 兰道尔·门罗

    入选比尔·盖茨2015年度推荐图书! 用小学生都能看懂的文字+大幅蓝图 解释多学科事物 你有没有想要进一步了解复杂的事物,却被那些烦人的专业名词搞得一头雾水?这本书会帮上大忙!作者用大幅蓝图和小学生都能看懂的文字,以严谨的科学家态度,解释了世界上有趣又难懂的45种事物:围着太阳转的其它世界(太阳系),构成世间万物的各种玩意(元素周期表),在你体内装着很多水的小袋子(细胞)…… 这些东西从哪儿来?它们各部位的用途和运作原理是什么?不需要知道那些高冷的专业词汇,就能秒懂世间万物的运作方式。 【编辑推荐】 ★被奉为美国“国宝”的趣味科普作家、2015畅销科普书《WHAT IF那些古怪又让人忧心的问题》作者新书:再次荣登美国亚马逊NO.1,作者出版的三部作品均被比尔·盖茨推荐。 ★用小学生都能看懂的文字解释万事万物,满足5~105岁人类的好奇心:没有难懂的专业词汇,全部汉字选自人教版小学生低年级生字表,用大幅信息图重新解读生活中常被提及的有趣事物,涵盖天文、物理、生物、化学、机械等多个学科。 ★八开精装超大开本,专色印刷,45张大幅蓝图+多幅大拉页+四开大海报。
  • The Road Ahead

    作者:Bill Gates

    The Road Ahead is for people with disabilities and their families and those who help them transition to a quality adult life. This new edition adds fifty pages to a book that has received rave reviews from a wide range of readers. Covering key areas in the transition from school to adult life, it is edited by Keith Storey, Paul Bates, and Dawn Hunter, nationally recognized transition experts. The Road Ahead is a must resource, featuring twenty-one experts in eleven broad-ranging chapters. It explores transition planning, assessment, instructional strategies, career development, adult employment, community functioning skills, social life, quality of life, supported living, and post-secondary education. Each chapter begins with a group of key questions that are addressed in the text and the index gives you quick access to important topics. When you want cutting edge ideas to help students have a meaningful life after school, turn to The Road Ahead it provides strategies for improving the lives of people with disabilities now and tomorrow.
  • CEO巅峰对决:乔布斯VS比尔·盖茨


  • 比尔·盖茨私人相册


    比尔·盖茨,曾连续6年被美国《福布斯》杂志评为世界首富,并被美国《时代周刊》评为数字技术领域影响重大的50人之一。2005年再次登上了世界首富的宝座。他14岁开始接触商业软件的设计,关于17岁成立了首家公司。20岁时成立了微软公司,从哈佛退学后,全心经营微软业务,于31岁时成为百万富翁,不到40岁即被《福布斯》评为世界首富。 是他加速了数字时代的到来并站在了这个时代潮头的最前端。
  • 未来之路


  • 比尔·盖茨全传


    进入哈佛,他却退学;转手之间,他与巨人合作,一花即成世界,他创造了微软帝国,他是人类有史以来影响最广泛的商人!他和他的商业帝国对我们的生活的影响深远而持久! 20岁开始领导微软,31岁成为有史以来最年轻的亿万富翁;37岁成为美国首富并获得国家科技奖章;39岁身价一举超越华尔街股市大亨沃伦·巴菲特而成为世界首富。 比尔·盖茨也曾经和我们一样不名一文,但他知道如何利用自身的优势去抓住身边的机遇,于是,他成功了。 在比尔·盖茨的财富后面,还隐藏着一种更为根本的东西,那就是让他成名或致富的秘密;让他跌倒后重新站起来的经验教训;他经年累月与人与物周旋所摸索出来的黄金法则;他在关键时刻力挽狂澜的精神支持……正是靠着这些,盖茨走到了让我们无比钦羡的人生巅峰。 欲知详情,请看解密他成功的“六卷”圣经……