

  • Soros on Soros

    作者:George Soros

    在线阅读本书 George Soros Ends the Speculation The outcome [of this book] is a summing up of my life′s work. . . As I finish the book, I feel I have succeeded."–George Soros from the Preface Critical praise for Soros on Soros If you have ever wanted to sit down for a candid conversation with a phenomenal financial success, George Soros′s book provides the opportunity. You will meet a complex man and a first–rate mind."–Henry A. Kissinger The best expert on Soros is undoubtedly George Soros! After all, who is better equipped to tell us what he really thinks and how he thinks, a matter of some importance given the fact that he has translated a remarkable personal financial success into a truly generous and historically significant effort to promote postcommunist democracy." –Zbigniew Brzezinski The best X–ray of the mind of the master yet." –Barton M. Biggs George Soros brings a lot more to the world of finance than the intuition and nerve of a born trader–and in Soros on Soros he′s no longer bashful about telling us about it. A philosopher at heart, George attributes his success at investing to a theory of the interaction of reality and human perception. What really drives the man now, with a personal fortune beyond all personal need, is a different kind of strategic investing–investment to build in Eastern Europe the kind of open societies he came to value in his own life." –Paul A. Volcker Financial guru George Soros is one of the most colorful and intriguing figures in the financial world today. Now in Soros on Soros, readers are given their most intimate and revealing look yet into the life and mind of the one BusinessWeek dubbed, "The Man Who Moves Markets." Soros on Soros interweaves financial theory and personal reminiscence, political analysis and moral reflection to offer a compelling portrait of the world (and its markets) according to Soros. In an interview–style narrative with Byron Wien, Managing Director at Morgan Stanley, and with German journalist Krisztina Koenen, Soros vividly describes the genesis of his brilliant financial career and shares his views on investing and global finance, politics and the emerging world order, and the responsibility of power. Speaking with remarkable candor, he traces his progress from Holocaust survivor to philosophy student, unsuccessful tobacco salesman to the world′s most powerful and profitable trader and introduces us to the people and events that helped shape his character and his often controversial views. In describing the investment theories and financial strategies that have made him "a superstar among money managers" (The New York Times), Soros tells the fascinating story of the phenomenally successful Soros Fund Management and its $12 billion flagship, Quantum Fund. He also offers fresh insights into some of his most sensational wins and losses, including a firsthand account of the $1 billion he made going up against the British pound and the fortune he lost speculating on the yen. Plus: Soros′s take on the devaluation of the peso and currency fluctuations internationally. He tells of the personal and professional crises that more than once threatened to destroy him and of the personal resources he drew upon to turn defeat into resounding victory. And he explains his motivations for establishing the Soros Foundation and the Open Society Institute through which he worked to build open societies in postcommunist countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Finally, turning his attention to international politics, Soros offers keen insights into the current state of affairs in Russia and the former communist bloc countries and analyzes the reasons behind and likely consequences of the West′s failure to properly integrate them into the free world. He also explores the crisis of the ERM and analyzes the pros and cons of investing in a number of emerging markets. Find out what makes one of the greatest financial wizards of this or any age tick. Soros on Soros is a must read for anyone interested in world finance and international policy.
  • The Soros Lectures

    作者:George Soros

    Five lectures George Soros recently delivered at the Central European University in Budapest - which he founded in 1991 - distill a lifetime of thinking on finance, capitalism and open society In a series of lectures delivered at the Central European University in October 2009, George Soros provided a broad overview of his thoughts on economics and politics. The lectures are the culmination of a lifetime of practical and philosophical reflection. In the first and second lecture, Soros discusses his general theory of reflexivity and its application to financial markets, providing insight into the recent financial crisis. The third and fourth lectures examine the concept of open society, which has guided Soros' global philanthropy, as well as the potential for conflict between capitalism and open society. The closing lecture focuses on the way ahead, closely examining the increasingly important economic and political role that China will play in the future. "The Budapest Lectures" presents these five seminal talks into one volume, which offers a condensed and highly readable summary of Soros' world view. 点击链接进入中文版: 超越金融:索罗斯的哲学
  • The Alchemy of Finance

    作者:George Soros

    在线阅读本书 Book Description New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ... inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." - "The Wall Street Journal". George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by "BusinessWeek" as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competing with the British pound and remains active today in the global financial community. Now, in this special edition of the classic investment book, "The Alchemy of Finance", Soros presents a theoretical and practical account of current financial trends and a new paradigm by which to understand the financial market today. This edition's expanded and revised Introduction details Soros's innovative investment practices along with his views of the world and world order. He also describes a new paradigm for the "theory of reflexivity" which underlies his unique investment strategies. Filled with expert advice and valuable business lessons, "The Alchemy of Finance" reveals the timeless principles of an investing legend. This special edition will feature a new chapter by Soros on the secrets of his success and a new Foreword by the Honorable Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. George Soros (New York, NY) is President of Soros Fund Management and Chief Investment Advisor to Quantum Fund N.V., a GTB 12 billion international investment fund. Besides his numerous ventures in finance, Soros is also extremely active in the worlds of education, culture, and economic aid and development through his Open Society Fund and the Soros Foundation. Book Dimension length: (cm)22.8                 width:(cm)15.4
  • Soros

    作者:Robert Slater

    《索罗斯传》是罗伯特·斯莱特1996年版索罗斯传记的全面升级。其中增加了许多新内容,包括对索罗斯及其亲密伙伴的独家专访,深入挖掘在未来不稳定的、 变幻无常的信贷市场中的投资战略。书中描述了索罗斯的思想对2004年美国大选的作用,他在2006年《纽约时报》上对驻伊拉克美军最高指挥官裴卓斯中将 的抨击,以及他对慈善和政治活动的宏大计划。 作为世界上最成功的投资家,同时也是自由政治活动的代表人物,乔治·索罗斯是我们这个时代最吸引人、最具极端性的人物。他最初的声誉来自他非凡的投资才能,而最近十几年,索罗斯开始关注国际政治领域。 "A penniless survivor of the Nazi occupation of Hungary, George Soros is now one of the richest men in the world, and Robert Slater does an excellent job of helping us understand how Soros did it. . . . Slater distinguishes Soros from other great investors by explaining his mental processes . . . . He explains how Soros views markets as chaotic, not efficient, and very prone to boom-bust sequences. . . . Slater has written a fascinating volume." --Barron's . . The highly acclaimed bestseller updated to reveal Soros' role in our new economic and political era . . As a financial genius, global philanthropist, political activist, man of conscience, and the world's only investor with his own foreign policy--it cannot be denied that Soros is an enigmatic man of enormous influence. For more than four decades he has been so successful that he has been accused of directing the course of global markets and shaping the destinies of nations. . . Now, in this exhaustively updated and expanded edition of his 1996 bestseller, biographer Robert Slater separates fact from fiction to get at the truth about the mysterious figure of George Soros. Working from extensive interviews with Soros and those closest to him, Slater combines compelling biographical detail with scrupulous analysis to: . . Detail how Soros made his billions as a global currency trader and stock operator . Chronicle his role in bringing down communism and establishing open societies to Eastern Europe and the former USSR . Demystify Soros's macroeconomic approach to investing and his oft-misunderstood theory of reflexivity. Explore his fanatical obsession with unseating George W. Bush in 2004 and his growing involvement with left-wing political activist groups. Reveal George Soros's strategies for surviving and thriving in the chaos of today's credit markets . . --------. . He's been hailed as the �World's Greatest Investor� and �King of the Hedge Funds.� In the 1980s he worked tirelessly and spent lavishly to help bring down communism in Eastern Europe and establish open societies where none existed. Yet he now asserts that his life's mission is to defend democracy against capitalism and �excessive individualism�. An avowed liberal, he's vilified on the right and admired by many on the left. . . George Soros has been making headlines for more than four decades, yet he remains as much an enigma as ever--especially to those who would divine the secrets behind his phenomenal success as a global investor. Now, in this thoroughly updated, substantially expanded edition of his 1996 bestseller Soros, biographer Robert Slater goes beyond the headlines and the oft-told tales to reveal the man behind the legend. . . Working from extensive interviews with Soros himself, as well as Soros's business associates and friends, Slater traces his subject's life across two continents and more than seven decades. We see Soros as a Hungarian boy whose favorite game was Monopoly; a Jewish teenager on the run from the Gestapo; an �migr� in England who waited tables and served as a lifeguard tp survive; a burgeoning intellectual at the London School of Economics with a flair for analytical philosoph; and as a new arrival to his adoptive homeland, the USA. . . Slater also closely tracks Soros's meteoric rise from unsuccessful gold arbitrageur to �The Man Who Moves Markets.� He chronicles many of Soros's financial triumphs and missteps, digging deep to provide new insights into some of his most sensational coups, including Soros's history-making move against the Pound-a play that netted him a cool $1 billion and seemingly threatened to break The Bank of England. . . And in entirely new chapters devoted to Soros's political awakening, Slater describes his growing involvement with national politics during the 1990s, his role in helping to launch the liberal political action group, Americans Coming Together, his mounting obsession with George W. Bush following 9/11 and his efforts to unseat him in the 2004 election, and his widely misunderstood involvement with Moveon.org. .
  • 索罗斯


  • 索罗斯传


    众多全球领袖媒体曾这样评价他  《商业周刊》喻为“市场驱动者”  《纽约时报》推崇为“金融界的超级明星”  《时代》称其为“慈善家”  《亚洲华尔街日报》封他为“投机客” 美国著名传记作家力作。 内容简介—————————————————————————————————————— 他有一双发现经济泡沫的锐利慧眼 他有一个扫荡市场的冷酷心肠 他一边无孔不入的赚取财富,一边大把地向慈善机构慷慨解囊 他是一位一生都充满了掌声与责骂的大赢家 他以平均每年35%的综合成长率令华尔街同行望尘莫及 他拥有超能的力量左右着世界金融市场 他的一句话就可以使某种商品或货币的交易行情突变,市场的价格随着他的言论上升或下跌 与世人一致推崇巴菲特不同,索罗斯一直是毁誉参半。众多全球领袖媒体曾这样评价他:《商业周刊》喻为“市场驱动者”、《纽约时报》推崇为“金融界的超级明星”、《时代》称其为“慈善家”、《亚洲华尔街日报》封他为“投机客”,而他却自诩为“金融哲学家”、“无国界的政治家”。面对这位曾掀起东南亚金融危机的魔鬼投资大师,马来西亚总理马哈蒂尔曾这样愤闷地叹道:“我们花了40年建立起来的经济体系,就被这个带着很多钱的白痴一下子搞垮了。” 这本书是罗伯特•斯莱特1996年版索罗斯传记的全面升级。其中增加了许多新内容,包括对索罗斯及其亲密伙伴的独家专访,深入挖掘在未来不稳定的、变幻无常的信贷市场中的投资战略。 书中描述了索罗斯的思想对2004年美国大选的作用,他在2006年《纽约时报》上对驻伊拉克美军最高指挥官裴卓斯中将的抨击,以及他对慈善和政治活动的宏大计划。 作为世界上最成功的投资家,同时也是自由政治活动的代表人物,乔治•索罗斯是我们这个时代最吸引人、最具极端性的人物。他最初的声誉来自他非凡的投资才能,而最近十几年,索罗斯开始关注国际政治领域。 这是一本对投资大师的思想进行深入探讨的作品。 媒体推荐—————————————————————————————————————— “乔治•索罗斯的人生跌宕起伏、绚烂多彩,充满了戏剧冲突,像谜一样引人入胜。为什么他能在难以‘基业长青’、充满诡异与风险的资本竞技场中长期胜出?他异乎寻常的敏锐洞察力、不屈不挠的意志力来自哪里?无疑,这本书值得你细细品味。” ——但斌,深圳东方港湾投资管理有限责任公司董事总经理 “如果你想要成为伟大的人,你需要注视和思考大师们的生平和言行。想在当今动荡的金融市场中繁荣发展的投资者,就必须探索世界上最伟大的投资者的心理。最好的做法就是阅读罗伯特•斯莱特的《索罗斯传》。” ——罗伯特•莱特,美国金融博物馆馆长 简要目录————————————————————————————————————— 第1章 世界上最伟大的投资家 第2章 男孩与父母 第3章 布达佩斯的地窖 第4章 弗洛伊德抑或爱因斯坦 第5章 瞎子给盲人引路 第6章 痴迷于“混乱” 第7章 先投资再调查 第8章 敏于行而讷于文 第9章 量子跃进 第10章 认同危机 第11章 帝国循环 第12章 一生难逢的暴利 第13章 一个哲学投机者 第14章 廉价的自由 第15章 展现自己的渴望 第16章 大崩盘 第17章 做头“猪”也需要勇气 第18章 驯服“蛇” 第19章 单向赌博 第20章 黑色星期三 第21章 对冲基金之王 第22章 领袖人物 第23章 狂妄自大的通病 第24章 我是一个匈牙利犹太人 第25章 情人节大屠杀 第26章 奔赴华盛顿 第27章 富可敌国 第28章 转向美国 第29章 金融灾难,初涉政治 第30章 锁定小布什 第31章 79岁高龄的投资家、慈善家、哲学家