The Well of Loneliness
Book Description Stephen is an ideal child of aristocratic parents - a fencer, a horse rider and a keen scholar. Stephen grows to be a war hero, a bestselling writer and a loyal, protective lover. But Stephen is a woman, and her lovers are women. As her ambitions drive her, and society confines her, Stephen is forced into desperate actions. It was banned for obscenity in 1928. It became an international bestseller, and for decades was the single most famous lesbian novel. From Booklist Hall (1880-1943) was legendary in her own time--or infamous, some might say--for her fifth novel, The Well of Loneliness (1928). The book was banned for obscenity because its main character is a lesbian, and it subsequently became a notorious best-seller, thrusting Hall into a literary rogues' gallery of fame. Cline uses previously unexplored material to create a biography of the now largely forgotten author that portrays the dense interrelationship of her writings, her childhood, and her friends and loves. Hall called herself by three names: Marguerite, the name with which she had been christened and which she hated, given as it was by the mother she despised; John, her chosen name, which she used among her associates; and Radclyffe, her pen name. The three often enigmatic selves these names indicated formed her public and private personae. The roots giving rise to her international lesbian best-seller are traceable to her early adolescent loves as well as her affairs with married sculptor Una Troubridge and many others--matters that Cline presents in a lively and readable style. Whitney Scott From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Heather Downey The Well of Loneliness is a path-breaking novel. Published by Radclyffe Hall herself in 1928, it was immediately banned in Britain due to its lesbian theme and was allowed in the United States only after a long court battle. Once it was available, The Well of Loneliness sold more than 20,000 copies its first year and paved the way for other works with lesbian themes. The novel concerns a girl born into a wealthy English family at the turn of the century and named Stephen by her father who desperately wanted a boy. Practically from birth, Stephen is described as "different," yet while Radclyffe Hall delivers the powerful message that lesbianism is natural, she also asks the reader to have pity on Stephen Gordon, for, along with the popular psychoanalysts of her day, Radclyffe Hall describes lesbianism as an "inversion." The "terrible mark of Cain" compels Stephen to forsake the woman she loves to protect her from a life of ostracism. This message, along with Radclyffe Hall's portrayal of lesbians in stereotypical "butch" and "femme" roles, caused the book to be written off by feminists in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In addition, many readers today may find the language long-winded and the characters one-dimensional, with the exception of the thinly-veiled portrait of the author as Stephen Gordon. Nonetheless, The Well of Loneliness is worth reading because it shattered the silence of oppression and conveys a message about homophobia and internalized shame relevant to lesbians even today. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
The Age of Turbulence
美国联邦准备理事会前主席葛林斯潘,对世界金融市场的影响力仍举足轻重。九一一事件的冲击也让他看清,我们已然处于更弹性、变动更快速的动荡新世界。本书分为两部分,前半回顾一生,从孩提到联准会十八年的任期;后半则是淬炼其智识与洞见,以之解释全球化的趋势。 由本书高达八百五十万美金的版税即可推知它的重要性。 葛林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)从1987年开始担任美国联邦准备理事会主席,甫于2006年1月退休。他在世界金融圈呼风唤雨,影响力无人能及,是全球最有权势的人士之一。国际媒体对他推崇备至,人人视他为英雄与远见者、也是史上最棒的经济学家之一,但也有人批评他每每发言影响金融市场、干扰经济。 1987年,他担任联准会主席不久之后发生了股灾,造成全球经济风暴及恐慌;在这样的前车之鉴下,911事件发生之后,他立即着手准备相关的应变措施,避免严重的经济衰退、意图将911事件的经济冲击降到最低;但没想到在911事件之后,什么事也没有发生!在 911事件之后, Greenspan认知到了全球资本经济环境已经和二十年前大不相同,更加开放、弹性、自主,而变化快速,带给人们前所未有的诸多机会。在本书中,Greenspan以他自身的经验,带领读者检视了这个新经济世界的本质。他从911事件发生的早晨开始谈起,并回顾了他的童年时期对他后来人生的影响。在书中他也谈到了在他十八年的美国联准会主席任期中所经历的转变。 本书是 Greenspan 的自传性质作品。在本书的前半段,Greenspan分享了他的经验,在这一个绝无仅有的经济环境中,他经历了、又创造了什么,Geenspan 为读者描绘出他所经历的学习曲线、分享他当前经济的了解,让读者可以更快抓住这个驱使世界不断变化的动态环境。而在本书的后半,Geenspan则是为读者介绍了了解全球经济最重要的概念工具:他举出经济成长的共通点、探究各个主要地区及国家所发生的特殊事件、并解释了今后全球化的趋势导向。 作者将其一生的智慧学识和观察浓缩在这本书之中,传达他一以贯之的世界价值观,本书将成为 Geenspan 送给人类社会最珍贵的智慧遗产。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友