

  • 水原希子フォトブック KIKO

    作者:水原 希子 (著)

  • 北京女孩平面模特成就手册


  • Pricing Beauty

    作者:Ashley Mears

    Sociologist Ashley Mears takes us behind the brightly lit runways and glossy advertisements of the fashion industry in this insider's study of the world of modeling. Mears, who worked as a model in New York and London, draws on observations as well as extensive interviews with male and female models, agents, clients, photographers, stylists, and others, to explore the economics and politics - and the arbitrariness - behind the business of glamour. Exploring a largely hidden arena of cultural production, she shows how the right 'look' is discovered, developed, and packaged to become a prized commodity. She examines how models sell themselves, how agents promote them, and how clients decide to hire them. An original contribution to the sociology of work in the new cultural economy, "Pricing Beauty" offers rich, accessible analysis of the invisible ways in which gender, race, and class shape worth in the marketplace.
  • 沙漠之花


    全球知名的超级模特华莉丝•迪里出生于非洲索马里,和家人在游牧生活中度过了童年和少年。十三岁时,天性反叛的华莉丝勇敢逃婚,只身穿越荒漠,来到索马里首都摩加迪沙。之后她又离乡背井来到英国,做过女佣、麦当劳清洁工,直到被一位慧眼的摄影师发现,由此踏上模特之路。华丽丝通过艰辛的奋斗成为世界名模,足迹遍布全球;她基于自身的苦难经历,大胆反抗针对非洲女性的割礼陋习,并成为联合国特使,创办了沙漠之花基金会,为非洲女性的权益奔走呼吁。 从非洲牧羊女到国际超模,再到联合国特使,她的生命饱满而传奇,她是索马里沙漠开出的一支美丽傲然的奇葩,一朵透着灼灼坚强的沙漠之花。