成为一名顶尖创意高手需具备哪些条件? 在这本独特的书中,13位活跃在当今美国广告业的著名艺术指导和文案撰稿人将与你分享获得创意生涯成功的历程与经验。每章一人,每一章都包含以下四个部分: ●成功之路――记述他们各自不同的事业道路以及如何利用天赋、技能、充足精力和竞争精神为一个杰出创意生涯奠定根基。 ●作品精选――精选了每位创意人最为著名的广告作品和一些从未公开的他们刚入行时的作品。 ●重要建议――汇集了他们的创意理念以及对创意人各种各样中肯的忠告。 ●附言――对于创意的思考和对广告业未来的预测。 -
Truth, Lies, and Advertising
在线阅读本书 Judging by all the press it's received lately, account planning must be the biggest thing to hit American advertising since Doyle Dane Bernbach's Volkswagen campaign. Agencies are falling over each other to establish account planning departments and arm themselves with what Jay Chiat of Chiat/Day once described as "the best new business tool ever invented." Despite this enthusiasm, account planning remains shrouded in mystery. Is it, as Chiat suggested, merely a tool for attracting new clients? Or is it, as many critics have suggested, no more than traditional consumer research dressed up in new clothes? In the first book devoted exclusively to the subject of account planning in the United States, Jon Steel, Vice Chairman and Director of Account Planning for San Francisco advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, argues that it is neither of these things. Account planning exists for the sole purpose of creating advertising that truly connects with consumers. While many in the industry are still dissecting consumer behavior, extrapolating demographic trends, developing complex behavioral models, and measuring Pavlovian salivary responses, Steel advocates an approach to consumer research that is based on simplicity, common sense, and creativity—an approach that gains access to consumers' hearts and minds, develops ongoing relationships with them, and, most important, embraces them as partners in the process of developing advertising. A witty, erudite raconteur and teacher, Steel describes how successful account planners work in partnership with clients, consumers, and agency creatives. He criticizes research practices that, far from creating relationships, drive a wedge between agencies and the people they aim to persuade; he suggests new ways of approaching research to cut through the BS and get people to show their true selves; and he shows how the right research, when translated into a motivating and inspiring brief, can be the catalyst for great creative ideas. He draws upon his own experiences and those of colleagues in the United States and abroad to illustrate those points, and includes examples of some of the most successful campaigns in recent years, including Polaroid, Norwegian Cruise Line, Porsche, Isuzu, "got milk?" and others. The message of this book is that well-thought-out account planning results in better, more effective marketing and advertising for both agencies and clients. And also makes an evening in front of the television easier to bear for the population at large. "Jon Steel is one of the great practitioners in advertising today. This book captures the essence of how to understand and connect with other human beings—not just to sell them something, but to create strong, long-lasting brand connections. It should be required reading for all planners, creative people, and account people." — Lee Clow, Chairman of TBWA Chiat/Day, Chief Creative Officer, Worldwide "A very smart, very funny look at what works, what doesn't, and why, in the sometimes maddening, sometimes inspiring business of advertising. One of the brightest books about the subject in a long, long time." — Geoffrey Frost, Director of Global Advertising, Nike Inc. "Jon Steel is one of the top five account planners in the world. The depth and breadth of this book reflects his vast personal experience and exceptional talent. It's not just a great book about account planning, it's a great book about advertising." —Jane Newman, Partner, Director of Strategic Planning, Merkley, Newman, Harty. "The beauty of this book is that it discusses the theories and practice of one of the brightest minds in advertising today, yet never loses its irreverent tone. It's a great book for the advertising industry and a must read for planners." —Rob White, Director of Planning, Fallon McElligott ". . . I was glued to Jon's book. Best practice, common sense, and extraordinary intelligence throughout." —David Wheldon, President, BBDO Europe. "Jon Steel's book is the perfect insight into a discipline that for some time has been misunderstood, misused, and maligned by most agencies and clients in the U.S. So, run it up the flag pole, put it to groups, check it against the norms, the answer is the same—Truth, Lies, and Advertising should be read by anyone who has to make or approve advertising." —Rick Boyko, President, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy & Mather, New York. -
国内十年来唯一的本土广告文案专业书 台湾广告业蓬勃发展,但却少有人把广告创作的经验传承下来,终于有一本以本土观点结合第一手案例的广告文案专业书诞生了,也是国内十年唯一谈广告文案创作法的书籍。作者陈雪凤,现任互得广告执行创创意总监,以18年的文案创作经验和心得,引用创作实例,包括TOYOTA、YAMAHO、台湾大哥大以及3M博视灯等作品,采说故事的方式,深入陈述文案创作的心路历程和各种可能的方式。广告人看了会心有戚戚焉,不是广告人看了也能轻易理解广告创作是怎么一回事。 本书分为11章,作者从肯定当个文案人是上辈子修来的福气开始,娓娓道来什么样特质人适合当文案人,到开始写文案之前要先做什么准备功夫,收集、阅阅读什么资料;发想文案时,有什方式可以想;文案写出来后又要面对什么样的事情。都是用活生生的实例向你说明。当然还有广告文案的结构和布局安排,平面广告、电视广告、卖场广告的文案又要怎么掌握,甚至连广告人最重要的提案技巧,别人没谈过的命名诀窍,以及每一个创作人不可或缺品味养成,都在她巧思妙笔下,一一为你陈述。全书内容丰富而生动,故事中的相关的人物,都还活跃在当今的广告舞台,所举实例,也都是依然火红的广告商品,让人看来更有趣味、更能理解行。作者是把这本书当一个广告作品在创作,用最浅的文字,表达了最深入的观点。 对那些刚进入广告这个行业,或广告这个梦想行业深感兴趣的学子和社会人士!这真是一本引领它进入广告创意、文案创作天地的必读的一本书。 强力推荐 国内少数广告人以本土观点,结合第一手案例说明的精彩故事。广告人、营销人员和想进广告业学子们都值得一读。 ──美商3M公司消费及办公用品事业群总经理 林正冠 探究广告文案创作领域的入门书,作者用18年心血与体验,省去你碰撞与盲目摸索的路程。 ──资深广告人∕大好工作室负责人 王念慈 汇整二十年的广告文案实务,一本文案人员驾驭创意的魔法书,特别推荐给营销广告人以及有志于从事广告文案者。 ──亚太电信集团营销传播处协理∕文化大学广告系讲师 林意诚 一本国内空前的专业文案know how书,本书对广告人及广告相关科系的学生,真是福气啦! ──台湾电通广告资深副总经理∕前4A广告理事长 -
霍普金斯用自己切身的经历和朴实的语言为广告界留下了经典的传世之作——成书于1923年的《科学的广告》和1927年的《我的广告生涯》。 《科学的广告》写于作者就职于当时营业额高居美国首位的洛德暨托马斯广告公司期间,对广告的基本原则和具体运作细节都做了完整而深刻的总结。90年过去了,他所倡导的“科学的广告”理念并没有褪色,蕴含其中的基本原则对今天的广告实践依然有很强的指导意义。《我的广告生涯》写于作者退休之后,是霍普金斯一生完整广告生涯的再现。从中我们可以看到一个终生勤奋努力的广告先驱是如何在一次又一次成功中积累经验的,而这每一条经验都开启了现今广告的原则。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友