The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook
Alan Lee, the Oscar-winning conceptual designer for the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, discusses his approach to depicting Tolkien's imaginary world. The book presents more than 150 of Lee's celebrated illustrations to show how his imagery for both the illustrated Lord of the Rings and the films progressed from concept to finished art. In addition, the book contains 20 full-color plates and numerous examples of the conceptual art produced for Peter Jackson's film adaptation. The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook provides a wealth of background information and will be of interest to those who know and love Tolkien's work, from books to films to DVDs, as well as to budding artists and illustrators interested in how to approach book illustration. -
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Chronicles: Art and Design marks the beginning of a series of comprehensive and beautifully presented books created by the artists at the heart of the film-making process. The book presents hundreds of full colour conceptual drawings and paintings, along with set designs, sculpture and glorious photography across more than 200 pages. The book showcases art by the film’s concept art directors Alan Lee and John Howe, alongside work from other artists of the film’s 3 foot 7 Art Department, Costume Department and Weta Workshop. It truly is a unique opportunity to see artwork by a wide range of artists across a multitude of disciplines in the film-making community of Wellington, New Zealand and to hear directly from them about the inspiration behind their work. Included is a Foreword by Academy Award winner Dan Hennah, 3 foot 7 Production Designer for the films. The book also features commentaries by Dan, 3 foot 7 Costume Designer Ann Maskrey, Academy Award Winners Peter King, 3 foot 7 Make-up and Hair Designer, and Weta Workshop’s Design and Special Effects Supervisor Richard Taylor. In addition to artist quotes, cast members reflect on the work and share insights into their involvement in the design process. -
魔戒中文论坛:http://www.lotr.cn 同人本官方博客:http://lotrcn.blogbus.com 还记得吗? Hobbiton嬉戏玩闹的孩子, Rivendell藤蔓缠绕的小径, Lóthlorien落叶金黄的树厅。 还记得吗? Moria幽深空旷的遗迹, Gondor傲然挺拔的白塔, Rohan辽阔雄浑的草原。 可还记得,中州深黑色夜空中璀璨的繁星? 我们记得,因为我们不曾离去。 所以请允许我们拨响竖琴,唱一曲旅途上的风景。 Arda大地,让我们且行且吟。 ―――――――――――――――――――― [巡游艺人的帐篷] 旅人之忆 [献艺内容] 小说、单幅绘画和插图 [音调/色调] 原著向正常向 [帐篷尺寸] B5, 145-155p [观众席] 根据预订情况入席 [票价] 70RMB [Encore] 前25名预定者赠送全彩特典别册:"The Three Hunters' Club (by evenlong)" (13cm×18cm, 12p) [Cast] [吟游诗人] 列奥诺拉、evagreen、fenrir、紫云英、夏时、Elrond、variola、Ecthelion、Aquarius、proudnoldo、Elsie、Thomas Chien [流浪画家] Tyche、VigShane、ilxwing、Lavender、压缩饼干、Yuxi、Lavir、Tristan Wang、漂泊、幽草 [幕后苦力] 雅典娜、Nimloth、Jill、firemourne [特别嘉宾] 花袭人、Darkmage、上邪、悠奇薰、evenlong [售票时间] 2008年10月14日 [购票方式] 宣传blog处专贴留言 [公演日期] 2009年1月17日 [承办者] 魔戒中文论坛 (www.lotr.cn) 这是一个有着神奇色彩的巡游艺人班子。 他们之中有着会编织最美妙故事的吟游诗人,也有着能描绘最灿烂画卷的流浪画家。他们的作品风格各异,有的温暖、有的冷峻,有的清雅、有的绮丽。但他们却也有着一个共通点——他们都被托尔金教授笔下那个称为Arda的世界所吸引着,所以日复一日地,在那片叫做Middle-earth的大陆上旅行着,用出色的歌喉和灵巧的双手描摹着她的美好。 我们这一次为您奉上的演出,荣幸地邀请到了这些往日里不会轻易聚集到一处的艺人们。这些漂泊在Arda世界各处的旅人们,将在同一个舞台上以不同的方式为您讲述他们在旅行中的珍贵回忆。那些美丽的风景和传奇的故事,我们诚挚地邀请您一起来分享。 -
The Lord of the Rings
The Fellowship of the Ring, part one of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, and#64257;rst reached these shores on October 21, 1954, arriving, as C. S. Lewis proclaimed, "like lightning from a clear sky." Fifty years and nearly one hundred million American readers later comes a beautiful new one-volume collector's edition beand#64257;tting the stature of this crown jewel of our list. With a text fully corrected under the supervision of Christopher Tolkien to meet the author's exacting wishes, two large-format fold-out maps, a ribbon placemarker, gilded page edges, a color insert depicting Tolkien's own paintings of the Book of Mazarbul and exceptionally elegant and sturdy overall packaging housed within an attractive slipcase, this edition is the and#64257;nest we've ever produced. -
超人的力量能被用来从善,还是常常会诱惑人,从而导致恶果?自然会起而反抗技术吗?长生不老本是令人讨厌的负担? 托尔金引入胜的史诗《指环王》所提出的扰人问题还有很多。托尔金希望,他的故事可以帮助变得更善良。他有意识地从神话、宗教和哲学思辨中选择了一些最麻烦、最具争议的主题。 巴沙姆和布朗森教授召集了一批既富哲学素养,又熟知中土之事的学者,来研究《指环王》所提出的这些令人着迷的问题。对这部我们时代最宏伟的传奇。大家的目的是要求得更真的理解。 希望本书不仅能帮助您理解一些《指环王》里饶有深意的深层问题,还能激发起您对一些亘古而常青的哲学问题的兴趣。 -
“1914年正当年的时候被征召入伍,与1939年那次经历相比,可怕情形毫不逊色……到了1918年,我亲密的朋友,活着的就剩一个了。” 托尔金用此回应了那些认为《指环王》是反映第二次世界大战的评论家们。托尔金年轻时,他周遭的世界被卷进了一场大的灾难当中,他也由此开始着力对中土世界的“构建”。《托尔金与世界大战》一书第一次对上述事实做了全景式的展示。 着手描述托尔金个人的战时生活,这本重要的传记讲述了他作为一名信号官在索姆河一役中的恐怖经历和展现出的英雄主义精神,以及触动他开始奇幻文学创作的那个朋友圈子。约翰·加思探讨了第一次世界大战中的经历才是托尔金“构建”中土世界的持久动力的关键。托尔金运用天马行空的想像映射出他这一代人所经历的巨大灾难,并由次改变了西方的文学传统,直至今日依旧能引起人们的共鸣。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友