

  • 爱因斯坦奇迹年


    爱因斯坦是人类历史上最伟大的物理学家之一。1905年,他26岁,大学毕业已经5年,在瑞士专利局工作。当时他已结婚,有一个男孩,家累不轻。然而,他却利用业余时间,在一年之中发表了5篇划时代的物理学论文,创造了科学史上的一大奇迹。 本书由美国波士顿大学爱因斯坦研究中心主任施塔赫尔主编并详撰导言。书中汇编了上述5篇经典性论文,包括爱因斯坦的博士论文,论布朗运动的论文,两篇奠定狭义相对论的论文,以及关于量子假说的论文,并对每篇论文作出背景说明、加上编者注,卷首则冠以当代数学、理论物理学名家罗杰?彭罗斯撰写的序言。因此,本书对于了解爱因斯坦在20世纪初的原始思想及其如何改变物理学的面貌,不仅有很高的文献价值,而且还有更为深刻的启迪作用。
  • Albert Einstein the Human Side

    作者:Albert Einstein

    Modesty, humor, compassion, and wisdom are the traits most evident in these personal papers, most of them never before published, from the Einstein archives. The illustrious physicist wrote as thoughtfully to an Ohio fifth-grader, distressed by her discovery that scientists classify humans as animals, as to a Colorado banker, who asked whether he believed in a personal God. Witty rhymes, and exchange about fine music with Queen Elizabeth of Belgium, and expressions of his devotion to Zionism are but some of the highlights found in this rare, warm enriching book.

  • Ideas And Opinions

    作者:Albert Einstein

    IDEAS AND OPINIONS contains essays by eminent scientist Albert Einstein on subjects ranging from atomic energy, relativity, and religion to human rights, government, and economics. Previously published articles, speeches, and letters are gathered here to create a fascinating collection of meditations by one of the world's greatest minds.
  • Einstein

    作者:Walter Isaacson

    As a scientist, Albert Einstein is undoubtedly the most epic among 20th-century thinkers. Albert Einstein as a man, however, has been a much harder portrait to paint, and what we know of him as a husband, father, and friend is fragmentary at best. With Einstein: His Life and Universe, Walter Isaacson (author of the bestselling biographies Benjamin Franklin and Kissinger) brings Einstein's experience of life, love, and intellectual discovery into brilliant focus. The book is the first biography to tackle Einstein's enormous volume of personal correspondence that heretofore had been sealed from the public, and it's hard to imagine another book that could do such a richly textured and complicated life as Einstein's the same thoughtful justice. Isaacson is a master of the form and this latest opus is at once arresting and wonderfully revelatory. --Anne Bartholomew