

  • Audrey in Rome

    作者:Dotti, Luca

    "Audrey in Rome" offers a revealing portrait of the star's life in the Eternal City as she truly lived it for more than two decades. This collection is a rare treat for Audrey fans, for thumbing through its pages is like having Hepburn's family scrapbook in hand. Here's Audrey strolling with a good friend on the city streets, shopping for flowers or stationery, eating breakfast on the Piazza Navona, or walking her Yorkie, Mr. Famous. Throughout the book, commentary by stylist Sciascia Gambaccini sheds light on her glamorous clothes and accessories - from the little black dress and straw handbag to the ballet flats - that comprised Audrey's distinctive, elegant, and still much-imitated look. Candid on-set photographs taken during the filming of movies made during that era, such as "Roman Holiday", "War and Peace", "The Nun's Story", and "Breakfast at Tiffany's" are included as well. With candid imagery and text, "Audrey in Rome" provides a wholly new perspective on one of the world's most enduring and beloved film and fashion icons - making it a unique collector's item for Audrey fans worldwide.
  • Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit

    作者:Sean Hepburn Ferrer

    She dazzled millions as Gigi. Eliza Doolittle. Holly Golightly. But to her most adoring fan, Audrey Hepburn was best known for her role as "Mummy."In this heartfelt tribute to his mother, Sean Hepburn Ferrer offers a rare and intimate glimpse into the life of one of Hollywood s brightest stars. Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit is a stunning compilation of nearly 300 photographs, many straight from the family album and never before published; archival documents, personal correspondence, and mementos; even paintings and illustrations from the actress herself. Sean tells Audrey Hepburn s remarkable story, from her childhood in war-torn Holland to the height of her fame to her autumn years far from the camera and the crush of the paparazzi. Sean introduces us to someone whose grace, charm, and beauty were matched only by her insecurity about her appearance and talent, and who used her hard-won recognition as a means to help children less fortunate than her own. With this unique biography, Sean celebrates his mother s history and humanity--and continues her charitable work by donating proceeds from this book to the Audrey Hepburn Children s Fund.
  • Audrey Hepburn

    作者:Ferrer, Sean Hepburn

    作者Sean Hepburn Ferrer是奧黛麗赫本與演員Mel Ferrer生下唯一一個兒子,這本《Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit》就是由兒子所寫下對於母親的回憶傳記。以電影《羅馬假日》成名的奧黛麗赫本,為影壇創造一個清新雋永的形象,獲得全世界影迷的愛戴。他書中提到他母親對於他父親的遠離產生的思念與二次大戰期間出生地比利時遭到波及後的憂慮,書中關於電影的部分有與赫本合作的音樂家們對她的想法,但書中最重要的是為聯合國兒童基金會作義工時對於第三世界兒童的悲苦生活,讓她對世人大聲疾呼對於孩子的保護與照顧,書中包括三百張的照片與許多珍貴的資料,讓我們瞭解Audrey Hepburn一生除了對於兒子的摯愛之外,對於世界上的孩童的博愛精神。
  • 遇見完美: 永恆經典奧黛麗.赫本的一生

    作者:唐納.史波托 (Donald Spoto

    「我的人生比童話故事還精采。我也曾遇到困境,但在隧道那一頭,總有一盞燈。」 ――奧黛麗‧赫本 她是《羅馬假期》裡的俏麗公主、《甜姐兒》中的爛漫灰姑娘、《修女傳》裡全心奉獻的修女、《第凡內早餐》中汲汲躋身上流社會的交際花、《窈窕淑女》裡的粗俗賣花女。她是銀幕上演繹美麗童話的閃耀明星。她是優雅、高貴、格調的同義詞。她是奧黛麗•赫本。 出生於比利時,成長於戰火下的荷蘭和物資匱乏的英國,熠熠閃耀於好萊塢,一生傳奇的奧黛麗不僅虜獲了全世界影迷的心,也創造出近代史上最知名、最受喜愛的形象。但除了響亮的名聲,以及為聯合國兒童基金會無怨無悔的奉獻,她也極力保護自己的私生活,因此銀幕下的奧黛麗罕為人知。 聲譽卓著的本書作者史波托以電影公司的檔案紀錄及資料為經、摰愛奧黛麗的至親和友人、同事所描述的事實為緯,交織出動人的篇章。本書追溯她自沒沒無聞到絢爛發光的歷程,從二次大戰期間在納粹掌控下荷蘭痛苦的歲月,到在倫敦芭蕾舞學校力爭上游但受挫夢碎,到赴百老匯發展而終獲東尼獎,勾勒出她年輕時代就展現的堅毅精神和熱情天性。 而在奧黛麗光鮮亮麗的外表背後,這位渴望愛和情感的女性有更深沉的一面。史波托以深入的角度,透視她的事業生涯,以及她與兩任丈夫之間的關係,並探究她與影視名流交往的始末,包括葛雷哥萊•畢克、威廉•荷頓、弗雷•亞斯坦、賈利•古柏、羅伯•安德森、卡萊•葛倫、彼得•奧圖、亞伯•芬尼和賓•加薩拉。奧黛麗年輕時熾熱的戀情、對飢童困境的感同身受、身為母親的歡喜與憂懼,讓她的一生凝聚為最璀燦的結晶。 本書刻畫這位世人難忘女星精采的一生,完整揭露奧黛麗‧赫本洗盡鉛華後的真實人生,讓人喟嘆之餘,不由更加喜愛永遠的奧黛麗。 「她是看不見自己光芒的星星。」 ――奧黛麗之子 西恩•赫本•法拉(Sean Hepburn Ferrer) 「她風趣又幽默。她是優雅時尚與樂觀進取精神的絕妙組合。」 ──演員 葛雷哥萊•畢克(Gregory Peck) 「雖然她外表脆弱,內心卻如鋼鐵般堅強。」 ──演員 卡萊•葛倫(Cary Grant) 「奧黛麗所代表的一切,如今已經消逝,那就是高尚、優雅、禮儀……上帝吻了她的頰,她就出現在我們眼前。」 ──導演 比利•懷德(Billy Wilder) 「她的魅力無與倫比,人人都希望接近她。她就像在自己與世界之間放了一塊玻璃,無法輕易看透,讓她更加迷人。」 ──導演 史丹利•杜寧(Stanley Donen) 「世上沒有一個女人不夢想著能像奧黛麗•赫本一樣。」 ──時裝設計師 紀梵希(Hubert de Givenchy) →→前往活動頁【永遠的奧黛麗赫本】 ■作者簡介 唐納•史波托(Donald Spoto) 紐約佛罕大學(Fordham University)博士,著有二十一本著作,包括希區考克(Alfred Hitchcock)、田納西•威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)、瑪琳•黛德麗(Marlene Dietrich)、勞倫斯•奧利佛(Laurence Olivier)、瑪麗蓮•夢露(Marilyn Monroe),以及英格麗•褒曼(Ingrid Bergman)等人的傳記,暢銷國際。他的妻子是丹麥學校校長及藝術家歐蕾•佛萊明•拉森(Ole Flemming Larsen),兩人住在距哥本哈根一小時車程的寧靜村莊。 ■本書目錄 第一部 初步 [ 1929-1950 ] 第一章 童年往事 〜1929-1939〜 第二章 戰火下起舞 〜1939-1946〜 第三章 星光乍現 〜1947-1951〜 第二部 名揚四海 [ 1951-1956 ] 第四章 初登百老匯 〜1951〜 第五章 驚奇之旅 〜1952〜 第六章 迷人精靈 〜1953〜 第七章 儷人雙行 〜1954〜 第八章 甜姐兒童話 〜1955-1956〜 第三部 輝煌人生 [ 1957-1970 ] 第九章 親愛的靈魂 〜1957〜 第十章 探索自我 〜1958.01-06〜 第十一章 挫折與新生 〜1958.07-1960.12〜 第十二章 聚光燈下 〜1961-1962〜 第十三章 難道不美好嗎? 〜1963-1965〜 第十四章 彩虹盡頭 〜1966-1970〜 第四部 萬人迷 [ 1971-1993 ] 第十五章 失落的一角 〜1971-1986〜 第十六章 神聖使命 〜1987-1990〜 第十七章 最後的微笑 〜1991-1993〜
  • Audrey Style

    作者:Pamela Clarke Keogh

    Everyone, it seems, is a fan of Audrey's. She was Gigi, a princess, Holly Golightly, a nun, Maid Marian, even an angel. And we believed her in every role. But Audrey Hepburn was also one of the most admired and emulated women of the twentieth century, who encouraged women to discover and highlight their own strength. By example, she not only changed the way women dress--she forever altered the way they viewed themselves. But Audrey Hepburn's beauty was more than skin deep. "You know the Audrey you saw onscreen? Audrey was like that in real life, only a million times better," says designer Jeffrey Banks. For the first time, this style biography reveals the details--fashion and otherwise--that contributed so greatly to Audrey's appeal. Drawing on original interviews with Hubert de Givenchy, Gregory Peck, Nancy Reagan, Doris Brynner, and Audrey Wilder, as well as reminiscences of professional friends like Steven Spielberg, Ralph Lauren, noted Hollywood photographer Bob Willoughby, Steven Meisel, and Kevyn Aucoin, Audrey Style brings the Audrey her family and friends loved to life. With more than ninety color and black-and-white photographs, many of which have never before been published, and original designer sketches from Edith Head, Hubert de Givenchy, Vera Wang, Manolo Blahnik, Alexander McQueen, and others, Audrey Style gives measure to the grace, humor, intelligence, generosity, and inimitable fashion sense that was Audrey Hepburn.
  • 奧黛麗‧赫本:好萊塢的時尚傳奇

    作者:潘蜜拉.克拉克.基爾 (Pamela C

    人人都愛奧黛麗•赫本,在羅馬假期認識她之後,大概很難移情別戀去愛上同一時代其他的女明星,於是你跟著她剪赫本頭、穿平底鞋、到羅馬遊玩一定要在西班牙廣場吃冰淇淋。她是甜姐兒、是公主、是修女、是瑪莉安、甚至還是天使。時至今日,我們隨著她所扮演的角色,直到她逝世或許直到天堂為止。 葛莉絲•凱莉以她的愛馬仕皮包著稱,Co Co香奈兒著名的是她黑色小外套,但奧黛麗•赫本令人津津樂道的是她的赫本頭髮型、平底鞋、立領套頭毛衣、剪裁簡單的合身長褲、誇張的黑色太陽眼鏡、緊束的腰身、三分袖以及在腰上打結的合身襯衫。「在二次大戰前沒有人像她這樣打扮……但現在則有成千上萬的人都在模仿她的穿著。」Cecil Beaton如是說。當與她同時的其他影星大多星光褪盡而沒沒無名時,奧黛麗的一舉一動仍是世人捕捉的焦點,1990年被時人(People)推舉為「全球最美麗的50人之一。」1996年,具她辭世已屆3年,最有影響力的英文雜誌Harpers&Queen舉辦了一項民意調查,找出當代最美麗的女性,赫然高居榜首的便是奧黛麗•赫本。奧黛麗•赫本所塑造的風格不受時間限制,她穿出了優雅、流行、精緻的個人風味,並且傳頌至今。本書讓你充分體會到奧黛麗•赫本優雅、幽默、聰明、仁慈的一面,以及她無可比擬的時尚風格。
  • Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit

    作者:Sean Hepburn Ferrer

    日前由全球饮料巨头依云公司组织的一次评选中,电影界传奇人物奥黛丽-赫本被专家团选为所有时代最具自然美的女性。 她主演的影片《罗马假日》风靡全球,至今令人称道。 亚马逊为您带来奥黛丽赫本的传记,让您再次走近这位永远优雅、美丽的传奇女人。 Book Description 'God kissed the face of Audrey Hepburn, and there she was'. Billy Wilder Audrey Hepburn was loved by millions of movie fans and reflected that love back on her audience. Her warmth and grace, both onscreen and off, endeared her to millions and her humanitarian efforts made her a role model to countless more. When she died from colon cancer in 1993, the loss was felt all over the world. Audrey Hepburn was more than a movie star, more than a style icon. She considered her most important role to be wife and mother. In this beautiful memoir, her son, Sean Ferrer, remembers their life together. This is the story of her life from her childhood during WWII, to Hollywood, to her work for the United Nations. It is a story about Audrey Hepburn as only her son could tell it, and it is also an incredible account of the steadfast bond between them. Intimate, inspiring and including more than 300 photographs and drawings - many of which have never before published - "An Elegant Spirit" is an illustrated memoir of the woman the world adored, by the son who adored her and was adored by her. There have been a number of books about Audrey, but few have truly captured her essence. Sean Hepburn Ferrer's beautiful memoir does just that. Book Dimension length: (cm)24.4   width:(cm)19.2
  • 永远的奥黛丽.赫本


    《永远的奥黛丽·赫本》由台湾资深电影及电影海报收藏者李达翰先生撰写。收集了赫本从影生涯的黄金时段,从《罗马假日》开始的十七部电影中,来自世界各国的原版海报、剧照、场刊。这些原版中,有相当多数是当年电影上片时,就在剧院被张贴、使用过之后被有心人取下来特意收藏的。无论是圆钉穿过的小孔、胶带撕下的痕迹,都仿佛是岁月烙下的印记般历历在目。这是目前市面上关于奥黛丽?赫本的各种书籍都未能拥有的。本书另外一个亮点就是真实的记录了赫本在拍摄影片的前后与过程中的一些鲜为人知的内幕和花絮以及赫本情感历程中关于婚姻与家庭的风雨,尤其是一些挫折和伤痛的经历,都有比较详尽的记述。这些都是对目前市面上关于赫本的书籍最大的补充和升华。   这本书,献给奥黛丽?赫本及所有怀念她的影迷们。
  • 奥黛丽·赫本


    “你在银幕上看到奥黛丽·赫本,和真实生活的奥黛丽·赫本并无二致,并且还要好一百万倍。”设计师杰弗里·班克斯如是说。这是一本赫本的传记,书中钜细靡遗地透露了奥黛丽魅力十足的原因。作者亲自访问了纪梵希、格雷戈里·贝克、南希·里根、奥黛丽·怀尔德、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、拉尔·劳伦等人,记录了他们对她的追思与怀念。 书中附有九十余黑白照片,许多是首次发表的作品,还包括名设计师伊迪丝·黑德、纪梵希、王薇拉、布拉尼克及麦克昆恩等人的设计手稿;充分展现了奥黛丽赫本优雅、幽默、联盟、仁慈的一面,以及她无可比拟的时尚风格。