Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions
A comprehensive exploration of the world's financial markets and institutions. Introduction; Financial Institutions, Financial Intermediaries, and Asset Management Firms; Depository Institutions: Activities and Characteristics; The U.S. Federal Reserve and the Creation of Money; Monetary Policy in the United States; Insurance Companies; Investment Companies and Exchange-Traded Funds; Pension Funds; Properties and Pricing of Financial Assets; The Level and Structure of Interest Rates; The Term Structure of Interest Rates; Risk/Return and Asset Pricing Models; Primary Markets and the Underwriting of Securities; Secondary Markets; Treasury and Agency Securities Markets; Municipal Securities Markets; Markets for Common Stock: The Basic Characteristics; Markets for Common Stock: Structure and Organization; Markets for Corporate Senior Instruments: I; Markets for Corporate Senior Instruments: II; The Markets for Bank Obligations; The Residential Mortgage Market; Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Market; Market for Commercial Mortgage Loans and Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities; Market for Asset-Backed Securities; Financial Futures Markets; Options Markets; Pricing of Futures and Options Contracts; The Applications of Futures and Options Contracts; OTC Interest Rate Derivatives: Forward Rate Agreements, Swaps, Caps, and Floors; Market for Credit Risk Transfer Vehicles: Credit Derivatives and Collateralized Debt Obligations; The Market for Foreign Exchange and Risk Control Instruments MARKET : Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions , offers a comprehensive exploration of the revolutionary developments occurring in the world's financial markets and institutions –i.e., innovation, globalization, and deregulation–with a focus on the actual practices of financial institutions, investors, and financial instruments. -
《期权、期货和其他衍生品(第6版)》是一本在西方金融界广泛流传的名著,被誉为“华尔街的圣经”。衍生品理论在现代金融学中占有核心地位。衍生品理论(尤其是期权定价理论)的提出,不但建立了金融经济学的基本理论框架,而且在理论的指导下推动了期货、期权、互换等市场的发展,使金融在全球范围内发展到今天如此巨大的规模。《期权、期货和其他衍生品(第六版)》全面系统地讲解了衍生品定价与金融风险管理的基本理论和方法。在本版中,作者不仅增加了一些新内容,而且对一些议题和章节进行了重新编写,使全文更易于阅读和讲解。通过阅读《期权、期货和其他衍生品(第六版)》,读者可以系统掌握现代金融学的核心理论和基本方法,尤其是对有志于学习金融工程和投身于资本市场业务的人来说,是非常有价值的。 -
Business Adventures
From Wall Street to Main Street, John Brooks, longtime contributor to the New Yorker, brings to life in vivid fashion twelve classic and timeless tales of corporate and financial life in America What do the $350 million Ford Motor Company disaster known as the Edsel, the fast and incredible rise of Xerox, and the unbelievable scandals at GE and Texas Gulf Sulphur have in common? Each is an example of how an iconic company was defined by a particular moment of fame or notoriety; these notable and fascinating accounts are as relevant today to understanding the intricacies of corporate life as they were when the events happened. Stories about Wall Street are infused with drama and adventure and reveal the machinations and volatile nature of the world of finance. John Brooks’s insightful reportage is so full of personality and critical detail that whether he is looking at the astounding market crash of 1962, the collapse of a well-known brokerage firm, or the bold attempt by American bankers to save the British pound, one gets the sense that history repeats itself. Five additional stories on equally fascinating subjects round out this wonderful collection that will both entertain and inform readers . . . Business Adventures is truly financial journalism at its liveliest and best. 该内容有淘宝网乐读书屋提供 http://l-books.taobao.com -
心理因素会影响到股票市场价格的波动。股票市场上的心理现象是如何产生的?如何利用这些现象提高投资者们对股票市场的认识? 《金融心理学》是一本研究投资者心理和股票市场价格变化之间关系的经典图书。作者让我们看到,股票市场巧妙地把客观的交易方法和主观的心理因素结合在一起,许多技术性分析的结论都印证了这一点。 书中详细介绍了投资者的心理因素如何影响股票市场的价格变化,从心理学角度为投资者揭开了股票交易的神秘一面,你可以了解到: ·趋势市时投资者的心理是怎样的? ·平衡市时投资者的心理又是怎样? ·趋势反转时投资者心理会发生什么变化? ·崩盘时投资者有什么样的心理? 用心理学理论解释股票市场中的投资行为,在此基础上进行技术分析,本书为每一个股民、金融分析师和银行家提供了绝佳的投资参考。 -
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors aim to present corporate finance as the working of a small number of integrated and powerful intuitions, rather than a collection of unrelated topics. They develop the central concepts of modern finance: arbitrage, net present value, efficient markets, agency theory, options, and the trade-off between risk and return, and use them to explain corporate finance with a balance of theory and application. The well-respected author team is known for their clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool. The ninth edition has been fully updated to reflect the recent financial crisis and is now accompanied by Connect, an exciting new homework management system. -
Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments" is the leading textbook for the graduate/MBA investments market. It is recognized as the best blend of practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and clear writing style. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are usually priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocation, and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. -
《公司理财(原书第8版)》分8篇,共计31章,涵盖了公司财务管理的所有问题,包括:资产定价、投资决策、融资工具和筹资决策、资本结构和股利分配政策、长期财务规划和短期财务管理、收购兼并、跨国公司财务和财务困境等。《公司理财(原书第8版)》篇章结构十分精巧,逻辑严密、内容新颖、资料翔实,易教易学。既适合作为大学商学院MBA、财务管理和金融管理本科生、研究生的教科书,也适合作为财务和投资专业人士、大学相关教师和研究人员的必读名著或参考书。 -
The Intelligent Investor
More than one million hardcovers soldNow available for the first time in paperback!The Classic Text Annotated to Update Graham s Timeless Wisdom for Today s Market ConditionsThe greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham taught and inspired people worldwide. Graham s philosophy of "value investing" -- which shields investors from substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies -- has made The Intelligent Investor the stock market bible ever since its original publication in 1949.Over the years, market developments have proven the wisdom of Graham s strategies. While preserving the integrity of Graham s original text, this revised edition includes updated commentary by noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, whose perspective incorporates the realities of today s market, draws parallels between Graham s examples and today s financial headlines, and gives readers a more thorough understanding of how to apply Graham s principles.Vital and indispensable, this HarperBusiness Essentials edition of The Intelligent Investor is the most important book you will ever read on how to reach your financial goals. -
金融学作为一门学科,主要研究如何在不确定的条件下对稀缺资源进行跨时期的分配。金融学的分析方法有三个“支柱”:跨时期的最优化(不同时期的利益权衡)、资产估值、风险管理(包括投资组合理论)。这些内容的核心是一些运用于所有分支领域的基本法则和原理。 本书分为六个主要部分。第一部分解释金融学是什么,对金融体系进行了概要介绍,并描述了公司财务报表的结构与运用。第二、三、四部分分别阐述了金融学的三个理论支柱.并重点说明金融原理如何运用于家庭《生命周期的财务计划与投资)与企业(资金预算)的决策。第五部分是资产定价的理论与实践,解释了资本资产定价模型;并对期货、期权以及高风险公司债券、贷款担保、杠杆融资等或有要求权的定价进行了分析。第六部分讲述公司财务问题:资本结构、兼并与收购、投资机会的选择权分析。 -
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Rich Dad, Poor Dad chronicles the story of the authors two dads, his own father, who wa the superintendent of education in Hawaii and who ended up dying penniless and his best friends father who dropped out of school at age 13 and went on to become one of the wealthiest men in Hawaii. Kiyosaki uses the story of these two men and their varying financial strategies to illustrate the need for a new financial paradigm in order to achieve financial success in the new millennium. -
The Black Swan
在发现澳大利亚的黑天鹅之前,欧洲人认为天鹅都是白色的,“黑天鹅”曾经是欧洲人言谈与写作中的惯用语,用来指不可能存在的事物,但这个不可动摇的信念随着第一只黑天鹅的出现而崩溃。 黑天鹅的存在寓意着不可预测的重大稀有事件,它在意料之外,却又改变一切。人类总是过度相信经验,而不知道一只黑天鹅的出现就足以颠覆一切。然而,无论是在对股市的预期,还是政府的决策中,黑天鹅都是无法预测的。“9•11”事件、美国的次级贷危机、我国的雪灾,都是如此。 生活中,随机性随处可见,在资本市场也是一样。人们总是以自己有限的生活经验和不堪一击的信念来解释不可预测的事件;即便是精于算计的专业人士,也难保不被随机性愚弄,其实我们应该做的是顺应这种不可知的未来。本书会教你改变自己的思维方式,把握黑天鹅带来的机会,采取应对策略,从中受益。这本书将改变我们对世界、人性和金钱的看法。 -
Monkey Business
As eager-beaver business school students, Rolfe and Troob garnered job offers as junior associates at the elite Wall Street investment bank Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, lured by dreams of wealth, glamour and power. Readers whose fascination with Wall Street shenanigans has been fueled by Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker will find this thorough rundown of an investment bank associate's daily routine sobering. By the time Rolfe and Troob were able to discern the key fact that the "investment banking community has long been an oligopoly, with only a handful of real players with the size and scale to drive through the big deals," they were already grappling with the gritty reality of performing grunt labor in an environment ruled by despotic senior partners who called innumerable meetings to set unrealistic deadlines and make superhuman demands on anybody within screaming distance. The authors' resulting disappointment and disaffection leaps off every page. Unfortunately, they take out their frustrations with indiscriminate potshots at such easy targets as word processors ("Christopher Street fairies"), copy center personnel ("a platoon of patriotic Puerto Ricans" they offhandedly refer to as "militants") and female research analysts (whom they describe as "under-sexed, eager-to-please"). Long before the hapless authors have stooped to expressing their fury at the bank by such puerile antics as urinating into a beer bottle while seated at a banquet table at the Christmas party, readers will have had enough. (Apr.) Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. -
Liar's Poker
This is a great book to see in life in Investment Bank and Wall Street. Perhaps it's just a novel, but it can offer much more to the reader. -
The Alchemy of Finance
在线阅读本书 Book Description New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ... inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." - "The Wall Street Journal". George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by "BusinessWeek" as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competing with the British pound and remains active today in the global financial community. Now, in this special edition of the classic investment book, "The Alchemy of Finance", Soros presents a theoretical and practical account of current financial trends and a new paradigm by which to understand the financial market today. This edition's expanded and revised Introduction details Soros's innovative investment practices along with his views of the world and world order. He also describes a new paradigm for the "theory of reflexivity" which underlies his unique investment strategies. Filled with expert advice and valuable business lessons, "The Alchemy of Finance" reveals the timeless principles of an investing legend. This special edition will feature a new chapter by Soros on the secrets of his success and a new Foreword by the Honorable Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. George Soros (New York, NY) is President of Soros Fund Management and Chief Investment Advisor to Quantum Fund N.V., a GTB 12 billion international investment fund. Besides his numerous ventures in finance, Soros is also extremely active in the worlds of education, culture, and economic aid and development through his Open Society Fund and the Soros Foundation. Book Dimension length: (cm)22.8 width:(cm)15.4 -
Too Big to Fail
Andrew Ross Sorkin delivers the first true behind-the-scenes, moment-by-moment account of how the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression developed into a global tsunami. From inside the corner office at Lehman Brothers to secret meetings in South Korea, and the corridors of Washington, Too Big to Fail is the definitive story of the most powerful men and women in finance and politics grappling with success and failure, ego and greed, and, ultimately, the fate of the world’s economy. “We’ve got to get some foam down on the runway!” a sleepless Timothy Geithner, the then-president of the Federal Reserve of New York, would tell Henry M. Paulson, the Treasury secretary, about the catastrophic crash the world’s financial system would experience. Through unprecedented access to the players involved, Too Big to Fail re-creates all the drama and turmoil, revealing never disclosed details and elucidating how decisions made on Wall Street over the past decade sowed the seeds of the debacle. This true story is not just a look at banks that were “too big to fail,” it is a real-life thriller with a cast of bold-faced names who themselves thought they were too big to fail. -
这本花旗银行史在经济史书的写作领域是一件划时代的事情。花旗银行的历史和故事超过一个半世纪,从1812年建立的一家商人银行开始,到第一次世界大战爆发时,它已经是美国最有影响的商业银行和投资银行之一。到了20世纪20年代,它将其业务多元化发展,进入了其他相关的金融服务领域。在1929-1933年世界经济危机中受到重创并幸存下来之后,它又遇到了第二次世界大战带来的挑战。在银行战略选择与制定和银行业务流程改革方面,花旗银行再次成为革新者和引领潮流的“排头兵”。本书的研究是第一次对第二次世界大战后美国银行业的最显著的变化与发展进行系统深入的研究和高度的概括。 本书还以非常细腻的笔锋和戏剧性的手法,生动地描述和分析了花旗银行从一家由个人控制的银行转变成一家由职业经理人管理的企业的过程。 本书的作者还非常成功地解释了美国的金融机构和商业机构的那些根本性的改变。 -
Buffett : The Making of an American Capitalist
Starting from scratch, simply by picking stocks and companies for investment, Warren Buffett amassed one of the epochal fortunes of the 20th century -- an astounding net worth of $10 billion and counting. That awesome record has made him a cult figure. This illuminating biography reveals a man whose conscientiousness, integrity, and good humor exist alongside an odd emotional isolation. Buffett also masterfully traces his life: his enormously successful partnership; his early, inspired investments in American Express and Geico; his companionship and investment with Katharine Graham of the Washington Post; his role in the Capital Cities purchase of ABC; his unique relationship with his wife and mistress; and his rescue of the scandal-ridden Salomon Brothers. -
The House of Rothschild
The first authoritative and compulsively readable history of the rise of this legendary banking dynasty In his rich and nuanced portrait of the remark- able, elusive Rothschild family, Oxford scholar and bestselling author Niall Ferguson uncovers the secrets behind the family's phenomenal economic success. He reveals for the first time the details of the family's vast political network, which gave it access to and influence over many of the greatest statesmen of the age. And he tells a family saga, tracing the importance of family unity and the profound role of Judaism in the lives of a dynasty that rose from the confines of the Frankfurt ghetto and later used its influence to assist oppressed Jews throughout Europe. A definitive work of impeccable scholarship with a thoroughly engaging narrative, The House of Rothschild is a biography of the rarest kind, in which mysterious and fascinating historical figures finally spring to life. "A great biography." -- Time magazine "Absorbing. . . .Their enthralling story has been told before, but never in such authoritative detail." -- The New York Times Book Review "Niall Ferguson's rich and compelling new book . . . is a feast." -- The Wall Street Journal * Chosen by Business Week as one of the Best Business Books of 1998 * A finalist for the National Jewish Book Award 点击链接进入中文版: 罗斯柴尔德家族.第1部:金钱的先知 -
My Life as a Quant
在线阅读本书 In My Life as a Quant, Emanuel Derman relives his exciting journey as one of the first high–energy particle physicists to migrate to Wall Street. Page by page, Derman details his adventures in this field—analyzing the incompatible personas of traders and quants, and discussing the dissimilar nature of knowledge in physics and finance. Throughout this tale, he also reflects on the appropriate way to apply the refined methods of physics to the hurly–burly world of markets. -
The House of Morgan
Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly J. P. Morgan Sr.'s close relationship with Teddy Roosevelt; his son Jack Morgan's clientele of governments, finance ministers and central banks; and the Morgan realm's split under New Deal legislation are examined in detail in this National Book Award winner. "Packed with revelations, Chernow's mammoth history demystifies the inner workings of the secretive Morgan banking empire," PW said . Photos . Author tour. Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Library Journal Chernow vividly portrays the influence that the Morgan banks have had on the history of the Western economy since the late 18th century. The epic story of the development of the American industrial experience is inextricably related to the history of the Morgan banks. Though this fascinating story is virtually the same as that told by Kathleen Bunk in Morgan Grenfell 1838-1988 ( LJ 12/89), Chernow adds color and personality with an emphasis on the 20th-century development of the bank. Working with recently discovered Morgan archives, he reveals institutional details long hidden by the protective secrecy of the family. This superb history will be an important book. BOMC, Fortune, and History Book Club featured alternates. --Joseph Barth, U.S. Military Acad. Lib., West Point, N.Y. Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Book Description The winner of the National Book Award and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Acclaimed by The Wall Street Journal as "brilliantly researched and written," the book tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. It is the definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. A gripping history of banking and the booms and busts that shaped the world on both sides of the Atlantic, The House of Morgan traces the trajectory of the J. P. Morgan empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987. Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the private saga of the Morgans and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved. Based on extensive interviews and access to the family and business archives, The House of Morgan is an investigative masterpiece, a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years. Book Info The most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. A definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. Softcover.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友