

  • The Poetry of Pablo Neruda

    作者:Pablo Neruda

    The most comprehensive English-language collection of work ever by "the greatest poet of the twentieth century--in any language" (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) "In his work a continent awakens to consciousness." So wrote the Swedish Academy in awarding the Nobel Prize to Pablo Neruda, the author of more than thirty-five books of poetry and one of Latin America's most revered writers, lionized during his lifetime as "the people's poet." This selection of Neruda's poetry, the most comprehensive single volume available in English, presents nearly six hundred poems, scores of them in new and sometimes multiple translations, and many accompanied by the Spanish original. In his introduction, Ilan Stavans situates Neruda in his native milieu as well as in a contemporary English-language one, and a group of new translations by leading poets testifies to Neruda's enduring, vibrant legacy among English-speaking writers and readers today.
  • 聂鲁达自传


    本书是智利著名诗人、诺贝尔文学奖获得者聂鲁达晚年撰写的一 部文学性自传。本书未及定稿,诗人就不幸逝世,后由诗人之妻马蒂 尔德・乌鲁蒂亚和好友、委内瑞拉著名作家米格尔・奥特罗 席尔瓦 共同整理,才得以问世。 全书分为《年轻的外省人》、《浪迹城市》、《灿烂的孤独》、《黑暗中的 祖国》、《流亡始末》等十二章共123节,真实而详尽地勾勒出诗人不平凡 的一生。诗人早年生活在多雨的智利南部,成年后曾担任外交官多年, 足迹遍及世界各地,尤其是他流亡巴黎、投身西班牙内战、赴前苏联考 察等经历,使他的创作和生活发生了很大的变化。他曾于50年代和60 年代初两次访问中国,和中国人民及文学界结下了深厚的友谊。 本书是用富有诗意的散文语言写成,书中还写了不少作家和艺术 家的趣闻轶事,读来颇为引人入胜。