

  • 栗树下的晚餐



    作者:Sir Arthur Conan Doy

    The terrible spectacle of the beast, the fog of the moor, the discovery of a body, this classic horror story pits detective against dog. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on the wild Devon moorland with the footprints of a giant hound nearby, the blame is placed on a family curse. It is left to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to solve the mystery of the legend of the phantom hound before Sir Charles' heir comes to an equally gruesome end. "The Hound Of The Baskervilles" gripped readers when it was first serialised and has continued to hold its place in the popular imagination.
  • 变形记


    故事开篇告诉我们, 可怜的推销员早晨醒来发现自己变成了一只大甲虫。从这个开始,不同的人有不同有不同的感受:有人会从小说中看到一套普通的居室,它的内部结构和家餐的陈设似乎是历历在目有人可能会对变成甲虫的人抱有同情,好像通过这样的一事件能够让人看到,主人公周围的人有人或许对甲虫的生存状态几乎着了迷。
  • 百万英镑


  • 一生


    《一生》是法国19世纪著名的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑的长篇处女作,是其生平仅有的6部长篇小说中影响较大的一部。小说以朴实细腻的笔调,描写一位出身破落贵族的纯洁天真、对生活充满美好憧憬的少女雅娜进入人生旅程后,遭遇丈夫背叛、父母去世、独子离家出走等一系列变故,在失望中逐渐衰老的过程,概括出了人们生活的一种基本状态:人生既不像我们想象的那么好,也不像我们想象的那么坏。   小说显示了擅长短篇小说创作的莫泊桑在长篇小说上的创作功力,使他赢得了大作家的声誉,巩固并提高了他在法国文坛上的地位。同时也体现了莫泊桑主张的表现自然主义观点,具有他所追求的“以单纯的真实来感动人心”的艺术效果。   茅盾推荐的中国读者要读的37部世界名著之一。   入选日本城冢登等著名学者开列的世界优秀古典名著书目。
  • 尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记


  • 斯巴达克思


    长篇历史小说《斯巴达克思》是意大利民主主义作家拉乔万尼奥里最出色的一部作品。小说以历史的真实事件为依据,叙述公元前73年罗马爆发的最大一次奴隶起义。奴隶起义军在卓越的军事统帅斯巴达克思的指挥下,在3年多时间里转战南北,出奇制胜,所向披靡,屡屡击溃优势的敌人。维苏威山奇袭官军,两败瓦利尼乌斯,轻取瑙拉城,阿昆纳城的芬提城大捷等战役给罗马大军以致命打击,使他们闻风丧胆,落荒而逃。本书同时描写主人公与范莱丽雅在战火中的真挚爱情,反映了革命者在战场上的悲欢离合,人情世态。   《斯巴达克思》是一部杰出的历史小说,问世以来,赢得了世界各地读者的喜爱,曾先后被译成数十种语言。   意大利共产党创始人葛兰西曾高度赞扬了《斯巴达克思》的人民性,指出它是当时风行国外的为数极少的意大利小说之一。
  • 没有麦田的守望者


  • 安徒生童话全集(全4册)


  • 苦难的历程(全三册)


  • 猎人笔记


  • 夏洛的网


  • 居里夫人传


  • 圣经故事


    《圣经的故事(季羡林主编,双色印刷)(名家名译)》根据《圣经》原著编写而成,包括“旧约篇”和“新约篇”两部分,以优美的语言、浅显的故事形式向读者全面展示了《圣经》中的内容精华:上帝创世、挪亚方舟、摩西出生、力土参孙、重建耶路撒冷、耶稣降生、施洗约翰、登山宝训、最后的晚餐、耶酥受难…… 《圣经》是世界上流传范围最广、对人类影响最大、在全球发行量最多的一部书,它不仅是一部宗教经典,也是整个西方文明的基石,对西方社会、政治、教育、思想等方面产生了深远影响;同时也成为全人类文明的一个重要组成部分。迄今为止,它已被译成2000多种语言。其抄写印刷次数之多、拥有读者之众是有史以来所有书籍之最。从国家元首到著名的政治家、科学家、文学家到普通百姓,各行各业的人都在阅读《圣经》。

    作者:Mary Wollstonecraft

    Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel is the deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation which has terrified and chilled readers ever since its first publication in 1818. The novel is the outcome of reflection on Gothic horror, galvanism, the then theories concerning the origin of life and the myth of Prometheus. Amazon.com Frankenstein, loved by many decades of readers and praised by such eminent literary critics as Harold Bloom, seems hardly to need a recommendation. If you haven't read it recently, though, you may not remember the sweeping force of the prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multilayered doppelg?nger themes of Mary Shelley's masterpiece. As fantasy writer Jane Yolen writes of this (the reviewer's favorite) edition, "The strong black and whites of the main text [illustrations] are dark and brooding, with unremitting shadows and stark contrasts. But the central conversation with the monster--who owes nothing to the overused movie image … but is rather the novel's charnel-house composite--is where [Barry] Moser's illustrations show their greatest power ... The viewer can all but smell the powerful stench of the monster's breath as its words spill out across the page. Strong book-making for one of the world's strongest and most remarkable books." Includes an illuminating afterword by Joyce Carol Oates. From 500 Great Books by Women; review by Jesse Larsen After being rescued from an iceberg, Dr. Frankenstein relates his autobiography to the ship's captain, complete with vivid descriptions of his idyllic childhood and passionate cries of regret that not even his love for Elizabeth could control his fanatic ambition. Dr. Frankenstein has been consumed by his desire to create a fully-grown living creature. When he reaches his goal, he perceives his creation as a monster, immediately regrets his work, and promptly abandons it. We also hear the poignant voice of the monster as he describes the spurning and physical attacks he has endured because of his ugliness; his desolate pain and loneliness; how he learns to love; how he finally finds and tries, unsuccessfully, to make peace with his maker; how he learns to hate. A story within a story, Frankenstein is a subtle and ironic prophecy that raises the question of who exactly is the real monster in this story. From Booklist Part of the Whole Story series, this is the full text of Mary Shelley's classic gothic story, which was first published in 1818 and has been a wild success ever since. Philippe Munch's illustrations have none of the power of Barry Moser's unforgettable woodcuts that evoke the loneliness of the grotesque outsider (in the Pennyroyal edition published by the University of California Press in 1984). The design here is crowded, and the type is small. However, the many period prints and maps in color and in black and white, with long, detailed captions, do provide the historical setting for the story, its geography, customs, and ideas. Teens enthralled by pop versions of the myth as well as science fiction fans will be interested in going back to the full version of what has been called the first science fiction novel and learning about the circumstances under which it was written by a woman, just 18 years old, 170 years ago.                               Hazel Rochman From School Library Journal Grade 9 Up-Full-color drawings, photographs, and reproductions with extended captions have been added to the unedited text of Shelley's novel, thus placing the work in the context of the era in which it was written. The artwork faithfully represents the text and makes this edition appealing to reluctant readers. Unfortunately, many of the captions provide tangential information that, although interesting, interrupts the flow of the story. However, readers will quickly learn that it is not necessary to read every caption and appreciate this volume for its many quality illustrations.                                 Michele Snyder, Chappaqua Public Library, NY From AudioFile With so many poor adaptations of Mary Shelley's classic work in all forms of media, it's refreshing to come across a production that retains the quality, premise, and themes of the original book. As the title and principal character, Dr. Frankenstein has an affected voice that suits his tragically ambitious character. The supporting cast works well in a full range of emotions. The script and vocal characterizations de-emphasize Shelley's vision of an intelligent and cunning monster, but this is a quibble. This production is a boon for students new to the book, teachers looking for supplemental classroom materials, and fans of classic literature. A.F. About Author Mary Shelley was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin on August 30, 1797 in London, the daughter of William Godwin--a radical philosopher and novelist, and Mary Wollstonecraft--a renowned feminist and the author of Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She eloped to France with Shelley in 1814, although they were not married until 1816, after the suicide of his first wife. She began work on Frankenstein in 1816 in Switzerland, while they were staying with Lord Byron, and it was published in 1818 to immediate acclaim. She died in London in 1851. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 契诃夫短篇小说精选


  • 蒲宁精选集


    《里尔克精选集》内容简介:要想真正了解和熟悉里尔克,当然就要阅读他的作品,《里尔克精选集》为您提供了一种阅读的可能性,使您可以深入地与这位诗人作一番心与心的交流与对话。“外国文学名家精选书系”是由我国著名的学者、理论批评家、散文家、翻译家柳鸣九先生策划主编的一套文学名著精选集。 “外国文学名家精选书系”,以“名家、名著、名译、名编选”为目标,分批出版,每批十种。在已经出版了四十种的基础上,计划总共达到八十至一百种,以期构成一个完整的人文经典文库。是展示中国外国文学翻译领域最高境界的一个窗口。柳先生说:这套选本“传承积累,为了一个人文书架”
  • 欧洲小说史


  • 契诃夫精选集


    《契诃夫精选集》精选契诃夫中短篇小说佳作19篇,戏剧作品4篇,这些作品或嘲弄官场丑态,或调侃人生尴尬,亦庄亦谐,妙趣横生,令人忍俊不禁,思绪万千。契诃夫是与莫泊桑齐名的举世闻名的短篇小说大师。列夫•托尔斯泰说他是一个“无比伦比的艺术家”。 契诃夫的创作活动是从短篇幽默作品开始的,其幽默名篇《跳来跳去的女人》、《胖子与瘦子》、《变色龙》、《套中人》等,早已被译成中文,为我国广大读者所熟悉,其中《变色龙》、《套中人》还被选入中学语文课本。
  • 马丁·伊登


    美国文坛上杰出的批判现实主义杰作,世界文学史上的经典名著。   杰克·伦敦是20世纪美国的著名小说家,是最受中国读者欢迎的外国作家之一。   杰克·伦敦最伟大的作品是他自己的生活故事,《马丁·伊登》是一部半自传小说,更是一部个人奋斗史。它所洋溢出的那种生之动力和阳刚之气,不仅深受广大普通读者的欢迎,其字里行间所透射出的健康乐观、积极向上的奋斗精神,更是催人奋进,激励了一代又一代的伟人,列宁就曾对其作品大加赞赏。   杰克·伦敦的作品一经出版即被翻译成法、俄、德、瑞典、丹麦、荷兰、西班牙、意大利、希伯来等多种文字,畅销于全世界。