

  • 珍妮姑娘


    《珍妮姑娘》和《嘉莉妹妹》(均为德莱塞的作品)同时跻身于美国《现代文库》所评选出的“20世纪100本最佳英文小说”之中。   著名评论家詹姆斯·胡尼克称《珍妮姑娘》是一部伟大的小说,令他想起俄国的最伟大的作品,并称此小说有力地表现了人性。      德莱塞是20世纪美国最杰出的现实主义作家之一,也是美国文坛自然主义的先驱,被称为继惠特曼、马克·吐温之后的又一位现实主义大师,《先驱时报》、《内务报》等媒体将德莱塞视力美国的左拉。美国评论家将他与海明威、福克纳并称为美国现代小说的三巨头。
  • Through the Looking Glass

    作者:Lewis Carroll

    在线阅读本书 I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole ...without the least idea what was to happen afterwards,' wrote Charles Dodgson, describing how Alice was conjured up one 'golden afternoon' in 1862 to entertain his child-friend Alice Liddell. His dream worlds of nonsensical Wonderland and the back-to-front Looking-Glass kingdom depict order turned upside-down: a baby turns into a pig; time is abandoned at a disordered tea-party; and a chaotic game of chess makes a seven-year-old girl a Queen. But amongst the anarchic humour and sparkling word play, puzzles, paradoxes and riddles, are poignant moments of elegiac nostalgia for lost childhood. Startlingly original and experimental, the Alice books provide readers with a double window on both child and adult worlds.
  • Heart of Darkness

    作者:Joseph Conrad

    "Heart of Darkness" has been considered for most of this century as a literary classic, and also as a powerful indictment of the evils of imperialism. It reflects the savage repressions carried out in the Congo by the Belgians in one of the largest acts of genocide committed up to that time. Conrad's narrator encounters at the end of the story a man named Kurtz, dying, insane, and guilty of unspeakable atrocities.
  • 吉卜林 动物小说


    吉卜林的《丛林之书》和它的续篇一共包括一十五篇故事,其中七篇是互不相关的动物故事,如《白海豹》和《“里基——蒂基——塔维”》就属于这一类。另八篇则是以少年莫格里为中心人物的系列动物故事。我手头中的这本书只有其中的六篇故事,分别是: 《莫格里的兄弟们》 《老虎!老虎!》 《白海豹》 《“里基——蒂基——塔维”》 《国王的象叉》 《在丛林里》
  • 红字·福谷传奇


  • 藻海无边


    《简·爱》问世将近一个半世纪以来,世界各国到底有多少痴心的女读者在这个相貌平平、过早饱尝人生辛酸、但终末失去与生活搏斗勇气的简·爱身上找寻自己的影子,寄予同情,其人数当然无法统计,但肯定是大有人在。然而,若要问有多少女读者对简·爱追求幸福的苦难历程上的障碍——幽禁在顶楼上的疯女人感到一丝一毫同情,甚或对她产生一点儿好感的,那倒大概可以说为数不多吧。但就在为数不多的人中,却有一位对疯女人产生了浓烈的兴趣,她就是英国当代女作家简·里斯(Jean Rhys,1894—1979)。凭她对《简·爱》一书的深刻研究,对疯女人出生时代背景和社会环境——十九世纪英国在西半球的殖民地——的充分了解,再加自己对这一人物的理解和同情,经过多次修订再全部推翻重写的痛苦创作过程,终于完成定稿,并于1966年出版,书名《藻海无边》(Wide Sargasso Sea),而且于同年获得英国皇家文学会奖,1967年又获W.H.史密斯奖,还被接纳为英国皇家文学会会员。
  • 莎士比亚全集㈧


    罗密欧与朱丽叶 雅典的泰门 裘力斯•凯撒 麦克白
  • 莎士比亚全集㈥


  • 将军的女儿


    一位在军中极受尊重的将军的女儿:伊莉莎白坎贝尔上尉,被发现惨死在麦高伦基地的训练场上,军方一流的刑事调查人员保罗布莱纳准尉被指派调查这件人人避之唯恐不及的谋杀案,并赋予他可逮捕任何军方人员的特权。同时,另一位资深的军方调查员莎拉桑希尔以及保罗的好友宪兵司令官肯特上校也加入调查的行列。 在他们三人的抽丝剥茧下,伊莉莎白的私生活一一被揭发,基地的每一个人似乎都脱不了嫌疑。从当地警局的副局长、她的直属长官到将军的副官、同袍间多年好友、甚至将军本人,都被列为嫌疑犯。 但是当他们越接近事实的真相,他们却发现其中暗藏著更多的谎言以及欺骗,足以摧毁整个军方的形象。
  • 康素爱萝

    作者:[法] 乔治·桑

  • 生命的目录

    作者:(挪威) 乔斯坦·贾德(Jostein

  • 烟草路


  • 沙与泡沫



    作者:Sparks, Nicholas

    The novel was Sparks' first published novel, and the third written after The Passing of Wind and The Royal Murders, which were never published. It was written over a period of six months in 1994. Literary agent Theresa Park discovered Sparks after picking the book out of her agency's slush pile. Park liked it and offered to represent him. In October 1995, Park secured a $1 million advance for it from Time Warner Book Group, and the novel was published in October 1996. It was on the New York Times best-seller list in its first week of release. The Notebook spent over a year as a hardcover best seller.
  • Crime and Punishment


    With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Keith Carabine,University of Kent at Canterbury 陀思妥耶夫斯基是俄国著名的批判现实主义作家。《罪与罚》是他的一部卓越的社会哲理小说,它的发表标志着他艺术风格的成熟。小说成功地反映农奴制改革后,资本主义的发展在俄国生活的各个方面,探讨了贫穷与犯罪等社会哲理问题,但小说也暴露了作者世界观的全部矛盾。小说于1866年一发表,立即引起强烈的反响,使作者获得世界声誉。 Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written.From the beginning we are locked into the frenzied consciousness of Raskolnikov who,against his better instincts,is inexorably drawn to commit a brutal double murder.   From that moment on,we share his conflicting feelings of self-loathing and pride,of contempt for and need of others,and of terrible despair and hope of redemption:and,in a remarkable transformation of the detective novel,we follow his agonised efforts to probe and confront both his own motives for,and the consequences of,his crime.   The result is a tragic novel built out of a series of supremely dramatic scenes that illuminate the eternal conflicts at the heart of human existence:most especially our desire for self-expression and self-fulfilment,as against the constraints of morality and human laws;and our agonised awareness of the world's harsh injustices and of our own mortality,as against the mysteries of divine justice and immortality. Book Description Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. "Crime and Punishment", based on Dostoevsky's own experience of the justice and penal system of Tsarist Russia, is a dark tale set in the dingy streets of St Petersburg, concerning the actions of a murderer who decides to commit homicide as a matter of principle. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6

    作者:Kenneth Grahame

    Book Description The highest standards in editing and production have been applied to the Wordsworth Children's Classics, while the low price makes them affordable for everyone. Wordsworth's list covers a range of the best-loved stories for children, from nursery tales, classic fables, and fairy tales to stories that will appeal to older children and adults alike. Many of these volumes have contemporary illustrations, and while they are ideal for shared family reading, their attractive format will also encourage children to read for themselves. Like all Wordsworth Editions, these children's books represent unbeatable value. The tales of Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad. When Mole goes boating with the Water Rat instead of spring-cleaning, he discovers a new world. As well as the river and the Wild Wood, there is Toad's craze for fast travel which leads him and his friends on a whirl of trains, barges, gipsy caravans and motor cars and even into battle. Amazon.com If you ever feel like falling into a beautiful comic-book story--in the same way one falls back into a warm field of grass--reach for Michel Plessix's lush adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's Wind in the Willows. The artwork is an aquarelle, with thin, precise, detailed lines. It's no wonder he received numerous awards for his previous effort, Julien Boisvert, a contemporary take on the Tintin character type. In Wind in the Willows, Plessix breathes life into Mole, Rat, and Toad (of Toad Hall) as they picnic on the riverbank, indulge in Toad's latest fad, and get lost in Wild Wood. The pacing is masterful: each panel lingers just long enough to make you appreciate the simple pleasures of life. From Booklist Gr. 4^-6. In spirit, in style, and in technique, Benson's illustrations for The Wind in the Willows are first cousins to the book's original ink drawings by Ernest H. Shepard, which many consider so nearly perfect any new artwork is superfluous. However, from the endpaper maps to the quiet scenes of woods and riverbanks to the comical pictures of Toad's adventures, Benson's sensitive cross-hatched drawings offer excellent interpretations of characters and events. The best choice for any library would be to add this to the collection and let children choose the version that suits them. If they come across the other editions later, it will be like looking through a cousin's photos of a long-ago family reunion: so familiar and so full of beloved characters, yet seen from a slightly different perspective. Any way you look at it, this new edition will be treasured. Carolyn Phelan From AudioFile This classic adventure story, set in early twentieth-century Britain, features the lovable characters Rat, Toad, Mole, and Badger. Narrator Shelly Frasier's clear, pleasant voice carefully distinguishes these four creatures, and it's easy to keep their identities straight, though her throaty characterization of Ratty's voice occasionally makes one want to cough. However, Frasier must constantly switch from her native American accent to the British voices of her characters, which is somewhat distracting at first, though one gets used to it as the story moves along. The naughty toad is her best creation--she seems to understand his dreamy but destructive love of motor cars completely. J.C.G. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature A linked series of animal tales by Kenneth Grahame, considered a classic of English children's literature. The book was begun as a series of bedtime stories for Grahame's son and was published in 1908. The tales relate the adventures of four animal friends and neighbors in the English countryside--Mole, Rat, Toad (of Toad Hall), and Badger. Although the animals converse and behave like humans, each creature also retains its distinctive animal habits. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 与乌托邦赛跑


    格拉斯是德国当代最杰出的文学家,他的撼世之作《铁皮鼓》被译成数十种文字,销售了近500册;根据它改编的电影分别于1979年和1980年获得戛纳电影节金棕榈奖和奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。他创作的《狗年月》、《猫与鼠》、《相聚在特尔格特》、《母鼠》、《蟹行》等小说,脍炙人口,享誉世界;他获得的桂冠如落英缤纷,除最耀眼的诺贝尔文学奖外,还有四七社奖、不来梅奖、汉堡自由艺术科学院奖章、巴伐利亚艺术科学文学大奖、毕希纳奖、冯塔纳奖、托马斯·曼奖、德国图书和平奖、法国最佳图书奖、意大利蒙德罗国际文学奖、波兰亚历山大—马亚可夫斯基金质奖章、罗马国际安东尼奥—费特利内里小说奖、西班牙希达尔戈奖、捷克卡雷尔—卡佩克奖、丹麦索宁奖等数十种德国和国际有影响的奖项;格拉斯多才多艺,他不仅写小说,还创作了许多诗歌和剧本;他还是一个雕塑家和版画家。鉴于他在文学艺术领域做出的贡献,德国授予他柏林科学艺术院院士,美国、波兰等许多国家的大学授予他荣誉博士和荣誉教授的称号。 格拉斯获得如此多的殊荣,除其作品外,其人品也是主要因素。他为普通人立言,他的行为举止也一如普通人,他的人格魅力在于光明磊落,敢于直言,他对现代社会中的种种弊端,无论是国内的还是国际的,有机会都要仗义执言,口诛笔伐。为此,我们在出版了他的九部长篇小说的基础上,再从他三大卷浩瀚的《言论随笔集》中选出作者40年来最为精彩的56篇演讲和随笔。这些文章表露了作者对当今社会政治、军事、经济、科技、教育、文化以及文学艺术等领域一系列重大问题的观点和见解;可以说,它们是格拉斯这位德国当代最杰出的文学家的思想精髓,相信它们也能对我们了解和探索格拉斯独特的艺术创作思想轨迹及其脉络带来帮助。