本书著者彻底否定了宗教哲学思想,主张张扬权利和意志,建立比神高大的“超人”的新型人格。鼓励人类超越自我和软弱,直面痛苦和希望,才是充实丰富、伟大完全的人。 -
当让娜遇见莫迪利亚尼时,她还是在美术学院念书的一个平凡女孩。从她的面庞里,莫迪看到了乌菲齐博物馆里圣母的轮廓。这位英俊的意大利画家吸引了让娜,她很快就成为了他的专有模特儿。然而,此时的莫迪正在慢慢地走进被诅咒的命运,病魔和贫困接踵而至,年轻的让娜无法挽救恋人的自我毁灭,但她选择了留下来,陪伴莫迪直至停止呼吸。1920年1月24日,莫迪利亚尼在巴黎一家医院死去。两天之后,让娜从她父母家六楼的窗户跳了下去。 -
《希梅内斯诗选》收录了希梅内斯的经典诗歌作品。胡安•拉蒙•希梅内斯是西班牙著名作家,是二十世纪西班牙新抒情诗的创始人,在西班牙现当代的两个著名的作家群——“九八年一代”和 “二七年一代”之间起着承上启下的作用。1956年10月25日,“由于他的西班牙语抒情诗为高尚的情操和艺术的纯真树立了典范”,希梅内斯荣获诺贝尔文学奖。 -
深入历史上最受期待电影的台前幕后;奥斯卡奖得主朗·霍华德、布赖恩·格雷泽和阿基沃·哥尔斯曼联手推出。 从未有过的电影制作过程揭秘——领你走进封闭的摄影棚。 哥尔斯曼电影剧本全文,275张精美插图——辅以情节幅、拍摄笔记和评论。 电影制作爱好者、《达·芬奇密码》迷的珍贵收藏。 -
SELECTED POEMS Jorge luis borges
Poetry is the heart of Borges' metaphysical, mythical, and cosmopolitan oeuvre, and this bilingual collection of nearly 200 poems aptly forms the centerpiece of a triptych of new volumes that began with Borges' fiction and will conclude with nonfiction. Borges' first published works were poems, and it was poetry he returned to in his later years once his eyesight began to fail. Borges acknowledged the persistence and significance of poetry in his 1960 poem "Ars Poetica": "To see in death sleep, and in the sunset/a sad gold--such is poetry,/Which is immortal and poor. Poetry/Returns like the dawn and the sunset." Over the decades, Borges pondered time, conjured the many moods of his beloved Buenos Aires, and wrote of tigers, rivers, mirrors, and the moon, often in response to the musings of great poets and novelists of the past. Editor Coleman commissioned a wealth of new translations for this unprecedented and invaluable collection, and the roster of translators includes such luminaries as Robert S. Fitzgerald, W. S. Merwin, Mark Strand, and John Updike. --Donna Seaman; Copyright© 1999, American Library Association. All rights reserved Until recently, English translations of Borges' poetry have been exceedingly rare. Only now, with the release of Selected Poems, can a reader ignorant of Spanish enjoy the marvelous poetry of Jorge Luis Borges. For that reason, this section of "Borges' Works" remains incomplete and very sketchy. I would certainly welcome any commentary from Spanish-speaking visitors! Until then, I will offer a few words touching the new Viking collection; and merely outline the twelve or so volumes comprising Borges' poetic oeuvre, filling them in as I progress through the poems sampled in Selected Poems. -
《德国当代儿童文学经典作品集(全两辑)(当当网全国独家销售)》为孩子们业余时间的阅读带来一种新意,它由短篇和长篇故事,动物和魔法故事,逗人发笑和引人思考的故事构成,这些故事由奥特弗里德·普罗伊斯勒、乌尔苏拉·沃尔夫、乔希姆·弗里德里希和 Thienemann(出版社)的其他著名作家讲述。本作品集既适合那些喜欢自己读故事的大孩子,又适合那些喜欢听人讲故事的小孩子。 -
《名著名篇双语对照丛书·假如给我三天光明》中,译者编选了海伦·凯勒较为著名的作品《我的生活》、《我生活的世界》、《我的宗教》、《莎莉文老师:她心灵所抚养的孩子对她的颂赞》、《敞开的门》以及著名散文《名著名篇双语对照丛书·假如给我三天光明》等相关篇目,并在每一小节后附有“译者感言”,帮助读者更深刻地认识这位伟大女性,汲取她的思想和精神财富,感悟她的卓越人生。此外,书中还精选了近30幅海伦·凯勒的珍贵照片,绘制了十几幅精美插图,让我们更直观地了解这位不平凡的女性,跟随她去“看”、去“听”,去感受这颗不掘不挠、对生命充满无限激情的顽强心灵,是 怎样一步步、一点点创造出令世人瞩目的伟大奇迹。想到海伦·凯勒的一切,我们每个人都应该——像明天就要失眼那样去利用自己的眼睛! -
Memories of My Melancholy Whores
The year I turned ninety, I wanted to give myself a gift of a night of wild love with an adolescent virgin' He has never married, never loved and never gone to bed with a woman he didn't pay. But on finding a young girl naked and asleep on the brothel owner's bed, a passion is ignited in his heart - and he feels, for the first time, the urgent pangs of love. Each night, exhausted by her factory work, 'Delgadina' sleeps peacefully whilst he watches her quietly. During these solitary early hours, his love for her deepens and he finds himself reflecting on his newly found passion and the loveless life he has led. By day, his columns in the local newspaper are read avidly by those who recognise in his outpourings the enlivening and transformative power of love. The publication of "Memories of My Melancholy Whores" spearheads "Penguin's" celebration of Marquez's 80th birthday in 2007. -
《红与黑》是法国著名作家司汤达的代表作,是欧洲批判现实主义文学的奠基作。小说紧紧围绕主人公于连个人奋斗与最终失败的经历这一主线,广泛展现了“19世纪最初30年间压在法国人民头上的历届政府所带来的社会风气”,反映了19世纪早期法国的政治和社会生活中的一些本质问题。在艺术上,小说以深刻细腻的笔调,广泛运用独白和自由联想等多种艺术手法,充分展示了主人公的心灵空间,挖掘出了主人公深层意识的活动,从而开创了后世“意识流小说”、“心理小说”的先河,司汤达因此被后人称为“现代小说之父”。 -
The Annotated Hunting of the Snark
The definitive guide to one of the most baffling epics of nineteenth-century literature—a companion to The Annotated Alice. "It's a Snark!"…for whatever else can it be?" Published on April Fools' Day in 1876, Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark remains one of the most amusing and bizarre works of modern verse. Carroll, who completed this classic poem eleven years after the publication of Alice in Wonderland, invites readers along on a fictitious hunt to determine who—or what—the Snark actually is. More than 130 years later, the indomitable Martin Gardner returns to the Snark with a trove of new annotations and illustrations, uncovering some of the most confounding literary, linguistic, and mathematical references embedded in any of Lewis Carroll's many works. Included in this gorgeous, two-color volume is an introduction by Adam Gopnik, as well as Henry Holiday's distinctive, original illustrations, a substantial bibliography, and a suppressed drawing of the infamous Boojum. With a host of other Snark resources, this is the most ambitious work on Lewis Carroll's masterpiece in many decades. -
Any Human Heart
William Boyd’s masterful new novel tells, in a series of intimate journals, the story of Logan Mountstuart—writer, lover, art dealer, spy—as he makes his often precarious way through the twentieth century. -
書中的短篇小說大多寫於五、六0年代。有遇人不淑的痴情女,有遭家人遺棄的老婦,有讓男人神魂顛倒的貴婦,因婚姻而喪失創作力的女人,或保持獨立自主的女性。同時也有高高在上,毫無涵養的男人,但他們並不全站在女性敵對者的位置。兩性衝突只因都想把自身的煩惱和創傷扔給對方,卻不會想到主動去接取別人手中握著的心。 女性問題是萊辛作品中的重要主題之一,不僅討論女性所遭受的不平等,也探討愛情的真義:女性與事業、家庭、婚姻和男人的關係,尤其是女性的成長和省悟,以及女性追求自由的過程。而女人在現實社會壓力之下,如何認定自己的身分(有別於妻子、母親、情婦),乃至如何走出自我,是值得關心和注意的。 -
《专横》由上海译文出版社出版。 -
古希腊悲剧是一座丰富的宝藏,是人类共同的精神财富。它带给我们永远的深刻的哲学思考和强大的精神震撼。 只有在希腊人那里,大自然才得到它的艺术欢呼,痛极生乐,乐极而惶恐惊呼,而为悠悠千古之恨悲鸣,简直是大自然呼出的一口感伤之气。 ——傅雷 古希腊有三位杰出的悲剧作家:埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯。他们都生活在公元前5世纪希腊奴隶主民主制的黄金岁月里,他们的悲剧在城邦国家的大剧院里隆重上演,贵族与平民倾城而看、万人空巷,那是很壮观、很热闹的。 相传,三位悲剧诗人共创作了260多部悲剧。流传至今的,仅有32部。 -
在莫桀精心布局之下,王后與騎士的祕密戀情,終於在卡美洛宮廷掀起軒然大波。尊貴的王后被控叛國,送上火刑臺,藍斯洛會再次甘冒大不韙挺身拯救她嗎?亞瑟王為維護和平公義而建立法治,為何淪為邪惡操弄的工具?他如何面對摯愛一再背叛的打擊? 亞瑟王與他的私生子莫桀,猶如光與暗般對立。亞瑟王終生悔恨自己過往輕率犯下的罪愆,但儘管他一生奉獻為國,感召多少英雄信奉騎士精神,為和平理想奔走,最終仍無法贖罪嗎?莫桀的心結,在母親摩高絲扭曲的愛與奧克尼一族復仇的怒火推波助瀾下,如何侵蝕亞瑟王無私的愛?將光輝燦爛的卡美洛王朝推向衰亡的這段命運悲劇,又是在多久之前就開始轉動呢? -
古罗马“镀金时代”的爱情大师奥维德专为世间恋人谱写的情爱教科书。历史上屡次被禁,但也受到更多人的追捧。奥维德一生非常传奇,不但诗才横溢,而且是一个恋爱大师,照今天国人的话说,是一个泡妞高手。本书对于研究世界性学文化乃至世界文化都具有重要意义。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友