

  • Measure for Measure

    作者:William Shakespeare

    John Dover Wilson's New Shakespeare, published between 1921 and 1966, became the classic Cambridge edition of Shakespeare's plays and poems until the 1980s. The series, long since out-of-print, is now reissued. Each work contains a lengthy and lively introduction, main text, and substantial notes and glossary.
  • 绿衣亨利(上下)


    《绿衣亨利》主人公亨利·雷生在城市,是瑞典古老乡村中一个石匠的儿子,父亲早死,母亲抚养其成人。由于他常穿一件用父亲的旧衣服改成的绿外衣,因此他被叫做绿衣亨利。 小说着眼于个人与社会的关系,写亨利在怎样的社会环境中成长,利用各种各样条件发展教育自己,具有教育小说特点。除母亲外,亨利先后的三个恋人成为他品德、事业、世界观的重要引路人,全文娓娓谈来,字字句句紧扣读者心弦。
  • 娜拉离开丈夫以后


    本剧进述的故事发生在20世纪20年代。但是剧中那种对于当下时间的超越,尤其是对未来的预见,则是可以通过人物的服装稍加暗示的。 娜拉一定要由一个受过杂技训练,而且会跳舞的女演员来饰演。她还应该能够根据剧情的要求表演体操,做的时候是否专业并不重要,完全可以显得笨拙一点。艾娃的言行应该总是显得有点儿冷漠和玩世不恭。
  • The Metamorphosis

    作者:Franz Kafka

    Writings by and about Kafka and textual notes accompany this translation of his early-twentieth-century work. The Metamorphosis (in German, Die Verwandlung) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915, and arguably the most famous of his works along with the longer works The Trial and The Castle. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a giant "monstrous vermin" (see Lost in translation, below). It is widely regarded as a highly symbolic tale with various interpretations. From Publishers Weekly Kuper has adapted short works by Kafka into comics before, but here he tackles the most famous one of all: the jet-black comedy that ensues after the luckless Gregor Samsa turns into a gigantic bug. The story loses a bit in translation (and the typeset text looks awkward in the context of Kuper's distinctly handmade drawings). A lot of the humor in the original comes from the way Kafka plays the story's absurdities absolutely deadpan, and the visuals oversell the joke, especially since Kuper draws all the human characters as broad caricatures. Even so, he works up a suitably creepy frisson, mostly thanks to his drawing style. Executed on scratchboard, it's a jittery, woodcut-inspired mass of sharp angles that owes a debt to both Frans Masereel (a Belgian woodcut artist who worked around Kafka's time) and MAD magazine's Will Elder. The knotty walls and floors of the Samsas' house look like they're about to dissolve into dust. In the book's best moments, Kuper lets his unerring design sense and command of visual shorthand carry the story. The jagged forms on the huge insect's belly are mirrored by folds in business clothes; thinking about the debt his parents owe his employer, Gregor imagines his insectoid body turning into money slipping through an hourglass. Every thing and person in this Metamorphosis seems silhouetted and carved, an effect that meshes neatly with Kafka's sense of nightmarish unreality. From School Library Journal Adult/High School-Gregor Samsa wakes up and discovers he has been changed into a giant cockroach. Thus begins "The Metamorphosis," and Kuper translates this story masterfully with his scratchboard illustrations. The text is more spare, but the visuals are so strongly rendered that little of the original is changed or omitted. Though the story remains set in Kafka's time, Kuper has added some present-day touches, such as fast-food restaurants, that do not detract from the tale. He has used the medium creatively, employing unusual perspectives and panel shapes, and text that even crawls on the walls and ceilings, as Gregor does. The roach has an insect body but human facial expressions. Once he is pelted with the apple, readers can watch his rapid decline, as his body becomes more wizened and his face more gaunt. This is a faithful rendition rather than an illustrated abridgment.     ---Jamie Watson, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore Book Dimension Height (mm) 175                      Width (mm) 105
  • 流放者的归来

    作者:[美] Malcolm Cowley

  • Frankenstein

    作者:Mary J Shelley

    在线阅读本书 Edited by Maurice Hindle.
  • Hard Times

    作者:Charles Dickens

    在线阅读本书 Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Kate Flint.
  • 莎士比亚名篇赏析


  • Unfinished Tales

    作者:J. R. R. Tolkien

    The popular paperback edition of this fascinating collection of stories, which continue the tales of The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and contains an alternative version of The Children of Hurin. Unfinished Tales is a collection of narratives ranging in time from the Elder Days of Middle-earth to the end of the War of the Ring, and provides those who have read The Lord of the Rings with a whole collection of background and new stories from the twentieth century's most acclaimed popular author. The book concentrates on the realm of Middle-earth and comprises such elements as Gandalf's lively account of how it was that he came to send the Dwarves to the celebrated party at Bag-End, the emergence of the sea-god Ulmo before the eyes of Tuor on the coast of Beleriand, and an exact description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan. Unfinished Tales also contains the only story about the long ages of Numenor before its downfall, and all that is known about such matters as the Five Wizards, the Palantiri and the legend of Amroth. The tales were collated and edited by JRR Tolkien's son and literary heir, Christopher Tolkien, who provides a short commentary on each story, helping the reader to fill in the gaps and put each story into the context of the rest of his father's writings.
  • 自己的房间

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    作者簡介:維金尼亞•吳爾芙Virginia Woolf (1882 ~ 1941)---英國當代小說家、散文家及文學評論家。以其作品風格細緻微妙見長,並奠定女性主義文學及現代文學之雛形。為入選二十世紀十大小說家中唯一的女性,並榮獲〈TIME〉雜誌名人榜。 ◎由於天性敏感,十三歲喪母之慟所帶來的精神創傷延續了她的一生,影響創作甚巨:在寫完長篇小說時,她總會寫一些文章來釋放強大而窒息的焦慮,本書即是其中之一。但終因長期為憂鬱症所苦,於41歲投水而死。作品有:《波浪》The Waves、《日與夜》Day and N 內容簡介:若莎士比亞有個才華洋溢的妹妹,她會一樣成名立萬……?在維多利亞時期,女子是不能受教育的。而吳爾芙卻在封閉古老的社會裡帶你進入另一個想像的空間。 ◎本書是由吳爾芙在英國紐南母(Newnham)和格登(Girton)兩間女子學院的演講〈婦女與小說〉兩篇講詞合併而成。其中對女性書寫的空間與意義作精闢的闡述,並做了一個結論:『女性若是想要寫作,一定要有錢和自己的房間』。這篇精彩獎稿發出了女性的聲音,視為女性主義的重要著作。
  • 永恒之王四部曲之一:石中劍

    作者:特倫斯.韓伯瑞.懷特,Terence H

  • Holes

    作者:Louis Sachar , Kerry

    Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnatses. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment -- and redemption.
  • Jennifer Government

    作者:Max Barry

  • Poems New and Collected

    作者:Wislawa Szymborska

    Described by Robert Hass as "unquestionably one of the great living European poets" and by Charles Simic as "one of the finest poets living today," Szymborska mesmerizes her readers with poetry that captivates their minds and captures their hearts. This is the book that her many fans have been anxiously awaiting-the definitive, complete collection of poetry by the Nobel Prize-winning poet, including 164 poems in all, as well as the full text of her Nobel acceptance speech of December 7, 1996, in Stockholm. Beautifully translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, who won a 1996 PEN Translation Prize for their work, this volume is a must-have for all readers of poetry.
  • 二人證據


    在《惡童日記》中,描述著一對孿生兄弟在一個戰亂的國家,如何利用惡劣、殘暴的環境,轉換成繼續存活下去的資源。之後,這對雙胞胎分開了。 其中一個人跨越了邊界進入另一個國家,另一人則留在穩定而專制的祖國。路卡斯是其中留下來的那個人。自此以後,他便獨自一人過活。他似乎想致力於協助周遭不幸的人們。他收留雅絲密娜和他的私生子瑪迪阿斯;他每餐必定會帶食物前往鎮上神父家;他試圖安慰因丈夫被判通敵罪吊死的克蘿拉;他傾聽文具店老闆維多長久以來的作家夢想……然而,在以二次大戰中歐極權政體國家的背景之下,這些事情的背後,卻直指人類最初的原始本性。 在千呼萬喚中翩然現身的另一個孿生兄弟克勞斯,為通篇控訴的敘述,帶來急轉直下的情節,幾乎推翻了原有的架構。在結尾裡,文學與欺騙已融入故事中,而人人急欲知曉的最終結果竟然是……真正可怕的噩運正一步步向他們逼近,他們的命運將會如何呢?
  • 雅姆抒情诗选


  • 简·爱

    作者:[英] 夏洛蒂·勃朗特

  • 两年假期

    作者:(法)儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Vern

    本书中十五名孩子在一座荒无人烟的小岛上,克服了种种困难,最终平安健康地生存下来。孩子们的这些经历,对今天众多经风雨的孩子们来说,实在是难得的经验。从中,读者们可以学到许多生存技能,如如何借助自然界所提供的种种宝贵资源来维持生存。当然,更重要的不在于此,而在于,让读者们明白,当身处艰难之境时,只要有热情、理性和勇气,终会摆脱困境的。这是本书中这群孩子在经历种种困难后所体会到的,也是本书留给读者最大的启示。 本书中为众人所称道的“少年政治”的描写。孩子们在小岛中选举长官、规定职权、任期,进行奖惩,以及选举时的各人反应等等,不正是成人世界的缩影吗? 总之,这是一部内容精彩丰富,令人受益匪浅,上人入胜的小说。环环相扣紧密发展的情节,可爱善良的主人公们使得读者会不自觉地为他们喜为他们忧。相信,当最后主人公们都平安返家时,读者虽明知必然如此,也会大舒一口气,这也正是本书的魅力所在。
  • 钦差大臣


  • 玫瑰迷宫


    伊丽莎白统治时期是一个充满秘密的时代,据传,“玫瑰十字会”的创立者、伊丽莎白女王的顾问、著名的星象家、哲学家兼数学家约翰•迪曾经解开了宇宙的奥秘,并有能力与天使对话。因为担心被视为异端邪说,他将秘术偷偷隐藏,仅在家族内选择女性后裔传承守护。 二○○三年春,一位守护圣女安娜悄然离世。仅有两个儿子的她,临终前将朴素的银钥匙、古老的羊皮纸连同她写的字条一起留给了次子威尔。对家族历史知之甚少的威尔满腹疑窦地踏上了追寻和解秘之旅。正当他沉迷其中,步步逼近真相时,却突然遭人暗杀。 此时,在威尔的哥哥亚历克斯任主治医师的医院里,有位漂亮的女病患露西需要接受换心手术, 她在等待一颗合适心脏的过程中,不由自主地爱上了亚历克斯……