1430年夏,寄宿在卢森堡的少女雅格塔,结识了被软禁于此的圣女贞德。贞德教给她命运之轮的含义:诸行无常,众生皆身处命运之轮上,却只能任由其摆布。此后风云变幻,雅格塔预言了贞德的陨落,亲历了英法战争的创伤、夫妻间牵肠挂肚的分离、宫闱里最难以启齿的丑闻……她将一切深埋心底, 以沉默守护着身边最爱的人们。河流女神的哀歌彻夜不息,被命运之轮又会将哪个幸运儿推上巅峰? “不列颠最美的女人”伊丽莎白·伍德维尔、“都铎王朝之母”玛格丽特·博福特以及“拥王者的女儿”安妮·内维尔交织在一起的命运之线缓缓收紧,最终会扼住谁的咽喉——《玫瑰战争》系列精彩呈现,历史的真相终将于此大白于世。 -
加拿大作家文森特·林(中文名:林浩聪)以处女作《停止呼吸》,一举摘得加拿大最高文学奖——吉勒奖,成为获此殊荣的首位华裔作家。 《停止呼吸》讲述了十二个小故事,又串联成一个完整的大故事,以短篇小说的结构写出了长篇小说的力度和深度,震撼人心。小说不仅探究了医生在日常工作和极端情境下的道德困境,还为今天的医疗界画出了一幅令人震撼的白描。 急诊室、手术台,医生通常陷于暴风骤雨般的戏剧场面里,医疗伦理、个人命运在此交织;生死攸关,分分秒秒、不可预期。文森特·林曾任急诊医生和加拿大空中医疗队成员的独特经历与笔下的小说形成呼应,格外贴近现实而扣人心弦。一个个故事彼此呼应,法度井然,直呈医生的情感世界,在精准的手术刀下,层层洞见生命的真相。 -
缅因州的四个男孩,曾并肩做了一件勇敢的事。这件事无意中使他们发生巨大改变,只是他们还不知道。男孩们渐渐长大成人,有了各自的生活,但他们仍然每年聚会打猎。但这一次,一个迷路的男人摇摇晃晃地走进他们的营地,嘟囔着谜一般的话语。很快,这几个老朋友先后遭遇了可怕的事件。他们生存 的唯一希望系于共同的往事…… -
广告经纪人拉乌尔在事业上颇为顺利,拥有一家小公司,家庭生活和美安逸,妻子漂亮柔顺,女儿天真可爱,他很心满意足。唯一的遗憾是他容貌丑陋。有一天,他突然发现自己变得相当年轻漂亮,这张漂亮的面孔立即像一堵无形墙把他和从前的生活分隔开来。 他化名隐居巴黎,继续与秘书、亲戚朋友和爱人交往,舅舅深深同情他的不幸,朋友于连却怀疑他杀害了拉乌尔冒名顶替。 他在电梯里与妻子罗蕾频繁接触,用美貌勾引她,使原来忠贞贤淑的妻子成了自己的情妇…… 法国著名作家埃梅的这部《变貌记》一问世即风靡欧美各国。构思上超自然的怪异,描写上求实的真切,思想上的哲理寓意,使这部小说成为堪与奥维德的《变形记》相媲美的佳作。 -
《东方之旅》是黑塞写作态度的转折点,从强调自我的完美个人主义,到献身给团体的崇高服务精神。描写生之追寻者的心路历程。我们不再有一位朝着模糊的理想奋斗的主角,而只有试图表达和实现理想的一个中心思想。透过十八世纪流行的“盟会小说”引人入胜的技巧,象征黑塞自己的书中主角H.H,为盟会所做的象征性旅行——一次穿越时空的“卡夫卡式”经验,终于为他所追求的永恒精神领域——“第三王国”下了有效的定义。 以象征性的自传开始的这本书,卒以艺术的神圣化结束。黑塞在此已经到达唯美的理想境界了。 -
Life of Pi
One boy, one boat, one tiger ...After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is set for one of the most extraordinary and best-loved works of fiction in recent years. -
穷哥儿,预言者,乞讨人,流浪歌手,拉撒路,云游派教徒,先知,朝圣香客,愚人,癫僧――神圣罗斯生活中这些名异实同的芸芸众生,以上帝名义乞讨和募化的人,装点着自有罗斯以来,自伊万王朝以来的几千年历史。一切俄国的史学家、民族学家和作家无不埋首笔耕,追忆这些逝者。这些疯子或痞子,煞有介事的虔诚信徒,都被称为教堂的骄傲之花,上帝的使徒,来世的祈求者。俄国的正统历史和经典文学也这样赞颂他们。…… -
一代英雄,惨遭杀害,但他们是一座座高大雄伟的雕像,矗立在大地上,鲜花环绕,阳 光沐浴,人们把最崇敬的感情献上。一伙魑魅魍魉,蝇营狗苟,虽生犹死,都是些朽木雕成 的木偶,人们投之以冷眼、蔑视与嘲笑。捷克民族英雄伏契克在他举世闻名的《绞刑架下的 报告》(以下简称《报告》)这部不朽的作品里,深刻地揭示了人的伟大与渺歇—雕像与木 偶的根本区别。读了它,使我们深深热爱那些为了人类社会的前进而献出自己一切力量乃至 宝贵生命的英雄们,憎恨那些集卑鄙、残暴和可耻于一身的丑类。 伏契克是捷克劳动人民的忠诚儿子、捷共中央委员。第二次世界大战前夕,德国法西斯 军队于一九三九年三月占领了捷克后,共产党被迫转入地下,伏契克毅然留在布拉格领导斗 争。一九四一年春,党的第一个地下中央委员会被破坏不久,他又以坚强的毅力和无畏的精 神,主动与另外两位中央委员一起,建立了第二个中央委员会。那些年月,希特勒的盖世太 保疯狂搜捕共产党地下领导人。数以千计的共产党人和爱国志士被逮捕,受酷刑,遭屠杀。 由于叛徒的出卖,一九四二年四月二十四日,伏契克在布拉格被捕了。《报告》就是他在庞 克拉茨盖世太保监狱里迭遭酷刑、备受折磨、随时都有被送上绞刑架的处境中,得到一个捷 克看守的帮助,用铅笔头在碎纸片上写成的。这是一个优秀的共产主义战士用鲜血凝成的一 部壮丽的诗篇。 死,对于怯懦者来说,具有无比的威胁力量。然而在英雄们面前,它却是那样地简单、 平常。伏契克跟他的同志们就是这样:“我们对死亡有足够的估计。我们都知道:一旦落到 盖世太保手里,就不会再有生还的希望。在这里我们正是根据这一点来行动的。”伏契克从 被捕的那天起,就受到极其残酷的拷问和毒打,处于死亡的边缘,难友们都为他做了临终祈 祷。但他却以坚强的毅力,忍受着一般人难以忍受的折磨,从死亡的床上醒来了。敌人见棍 子和镣铐未能制服伏契克,便从精神上来折磨他:带来他的爱妻跟他“对质”,当着他的面 毒打他的战友,带他去“逛”他所热爱的金色布拉格……这一切手段,无非是想诱使他产生 一分钟的动尧一瞬间的犹豫、一闪念的恐惧,从而毁灭他毕生的信念。然而,敌人的鬼蜮伎 俩落空了,伏契克不曾闪现过一丝杂念,他对人民事业充满必胜的信心,活一天就同敌人斗 争一天。他组织并领导“狱中集体”向纳粹匪徒进行不屈不挠的斗争。“为了把铁窗里的今 天和自由的明天连接在一起”,他也用笔作刀枪,在狱中坚持写作。 伏契克在《报告》中怀着热爱和感激之情,谈论“狱中集体”。受尽折磨的人们的兄弟 般的友爱,具有一种向心力,能把大家凝结成一个整体。伏契克在《报告》里用许多生动的 事例,说明这种友爱的威力,它能穿透墙壁,拥抱所有牢房。这是一种用鲜血和生命换来 的、不可征服的力量。伏契克在《报告》中,怀着极其深厚的爱,写出了这个集体里众多的 英雄人物的真实特征。如工人阶级出身的共产党员叶林涅克夫妇,平时显不出是英雄人物, 可是在敌人面前却坚强如钢。当盖世太保闯进他们的家时,他们并肩站着。妻子问丈夫: “现在怎么办?”丈夫回答:“我们去死。”她没叫喊一声,也没摇晃一下,而是面对瞄准 他们的枪口,用一种十分优美的姿势把手递给他的丈夫。她以往是爱哭的,可是在狱中却不 曾流过一滴泪。她最后的遗言是:“请转告外面的同志,不要为我难过,也不要被这件事吓 祝我做了工人阶级要求我做的一切,我也将按照它的要求去死。” 伏契克向那些经过这场灾难而活下来的人们提出一个要求:不要忘记这些好人,要热爱 这些为他人、也为自己而牺牲了的人。他以全部热情赞颂:“每一个忠实于未来,为了美好 的未来而牺牲的人都是一座石质的雕像。”是的,人们热爱、崇敬他们。伏契克在《报告》 里雕塑了一座座高大的英雄雕像。他冒着生命危险,以火一般的热情,忠实地记录下这些肝 胆照人的英雄。他笔下的英雄人物朴实无华,个个都表现出真金不怕火炼的坚强性格。他们 的英雄主义是无私的、谦逊的。他们真正当得起大写字母的“人”的称呼。 伏契克也要求人们警惕那些“妄想阻挡革命洪流的腐朽过时的人”——那些大大小小的 木偶。他们是些出卖灵魂、丧尽天良的禽兽,用别人的生命来保持自己的地位,用别人的鲜 血来填塞自己的欲壑。有奶便是娘,苟且偷安就是他们的处世哲学。伏契克那双无比敏锐的 眼睛,从死亡中复活而被唤醒的感官,最能觉察这伙败类。像叛徒米列克,这个曾经冒过枪 林弹雨的人,现在却在盖世太保的皮鞭下,丧失了勇气,于是用出卖组织、同志以及自己的 恋人来保全自己的生命。他终于被集体所摒弃。伏契克在《报告》里痛斥了那些不配作捷克 人的刽子手。这些把灵魂出卖给魔鬼的人,变得比魔鬼更可恨。他们都是些极为阴险、狡 猾、凶残的木偶,受法西斯和各种反动势力牵动的木偶。正是这些木偶构成纳粹反动统治的 支柱,是黑暗时代的灾星。 伏契克英勇就义已经五十年了。《报告》不仅是捷克无产阶级文学中的经典著作,也是 全世界进步人民的共同的精神财富,自一九四五年在捷出版以来,已被译成九十多种文字, 在世界各国人民中广为流传。在我国,早在五十年代,就先后发行过两个根据其他文字转译 的版本,对我国读者起了极大的教育和鼓舞作用。今天,当我重读自己于一九七九年根据捷 克原文本译出的这部闪耀千秋的著作时,耳际好似又响起了伏契克被押赴刑场时高唱的《国 际歌》歌声,眼前呈现出一座座巍然矗立的高大的英雄雕像,但同时,也瞧见了正在地球上 一些阴暗角落晃动的一只只木偶的黑影。我想,所有读过或将要读到伏契克这本《报告》的 正直的人们,都会永远记住伏契克用鲜血和生命发出的谆谆嘱咐:“人们,我是爱你们的。 你们可要警惕埃”是的,一切为人类进步事业而献身的人们,都无不感谢伏契克真诚的提 醒:无论何时何地,都要警惕那些公开的和隐藏的、残忍的和阴险的、形形色色的木偶。 伏契克,这位优秀的共产主义战士、革命的新闻工作者、作家和评论家,一九○三年二 月二十三日出生于布拉格的斯米霍夫工人区的工人家庭。从少年时代起,他就过着工人阶级 的苦难生活,立志为无产阶级事业奋斗终身。在伟大的十月革命的鼓舞下,他积极参加革命 活动。他刚满十八岁就加入了诞生不久的捷克共产党。一九二一年他进入布拉格查理大学文 学院学习;同时为了维持生活,当短工和街头广告员。 在学校期间,他就为党的报刊和其他进步刊物撰写文章。后来他被党指派为文艺与政治 评论周报《创造》的总编辑和党中央机关报《红色权利报》的编辑。他曾两次到过苏联,写 了许多报告文学作品,满腔热情地歌颂世界上第一个无产阶级专政的国家。为此,曾被捷克 反动当局逮捕入狱。出狱后他又积极参加了一九三二年春捷克北部矿工大罢工,报道了矿工 斗争的真相。一九三六年以后,捷克的独立日益受到纳粹德国的严重威胁。慕尼黑协定出卖 了他的祖国。伏契克以强烈的爱国主义感情写了许多政论文章、传单、宣言和告人民书等, 揭露国内外敌人的叛卖行为及纳粹匪徒的侵略野心,号召人民起来斗争。 一九三九年三月十五日捷克全部被希特勒德国占领。伏契克一面积极参加并领导地下斗 争,一面继续研究捷克十九世纪的文学。他对捷克文学史上占有重要地位的作家如聂姆曹 娃、扬·聂鲁达等都著有专论。这些用马克思主义的立场观点写成的文学研究著作,为捷克 无产阶级文学评论事业作出了贡献。 由于叛徒出卖,伏契克于一九四二年四月不幸被捕。敌人用尽各种酷刑,软硬兼施,但 他经受住了肉体上和精神上最严峻的考验,毫不动摇自己的信念。他在布拉格庞克拉茨纳粹 德国盖世太保监狱里被监禁了四百一十一天,一九四三年九月八日被杀害于柏林的勃洛琛斯 狱中。 伏契克光辉的战斗的一生,将永远铭刻在捷克人民心上,成为捷克民族胜利的象征,也 将永远鼓舞着人们为自由、民族独立和美好的未来去进行英勇顽强的斗争。 -
本書出版至今,銷售已超過一千六百萬冊,並被翻譯成三十五種語文。除了榮獲義大利和法國的文學獎外,並席捲歐美各地的暢銷排行榜之外,尚被改編成電影,是既叫好又叫座的當代小說經典鉅作。作者安伯托•艾可 Umberto Eco 一九三二年生於義大利的亞歷山卓亞。目前任教於波隆納大學,住在米蘭。艾可身兼哲學家、歷史學家、文學評論家和美學家等多種身分,更是全球最知名的記號語言學權威。他的學術研究範圍廣泛,從聖多瑪斯•阿奎納到詹姆士•喬艾思乃至於超人,知識極為淵博。個人藏書超過三萬冊,已發表過十餘本重要的學術著作,其中最著名的是《讀者的角色--記號語言學的探討》一書。《玫瑰的名字》是他的第一本小說,自一九八○年出版後,迅速贏得各界一致的推崇與好評,榮獲義大利和法國的文學獎外,亦席捲歐美各地的暢銷排行榜,銷售迄今已超過一千六百萬冊,並被翻譯成三十五種語文。日本的譯者河島英昭更窮極七年的時間,歷經無數次的修稿翻譯此書,由此可見艾可作品的份量。儘管第一本小說《玫瑰的名字》獲得了非凡的成就,他卻遲至八年後才再出版第二本小說--《傅科擺》,一如各方預料,又再度在世界各地引起極大的轟動,成為最熱門的閱讀話題。《昨日之島》是艾可的第三本小說,自一九九四年出版後,亦已暢銷逾二百萬冊。艾可另著有《如何帶著鮭魚去旅行》(How to Travel with a Salmon and Other Essays)、《誤讀》(Misreadings)等雜文集,皇冠亦已獲得授權出版中文版。 -
《黑暗托馬》為布朗修的第一部「虛構作品」,一九四一年於法國出版,創作期間長達九年。之後作者重新修改,新版《黑暗托馬》於一九五○年問世,此即目前可見版本。兩個版本之間,正好可見作者從「小說」走向「敘述」的轉變過程。 《黑暗托馬》英德文譯者都不諱言翻譯甚至閱讀的困難性。傅柯曾在《外邊思維》這本專論布朗修的書中,指出其作品特色之一在於「脫離表象的王朝」。這正符合《黑暗托馬》的閱讀經驗:沒有過去、未來,沒有動力、原因的一場愛情,輕淺地難以讓人有明確的形象;但這些沒有形象的意象卻又如同惡夢般讓人難以捨棄。 《黑暗托馬》本身是個不安定的作品,有人認為這是奧菲斯與尤莉狄絲故事的重寫,有人認為這就是本談論書寫的書寫。哈洛‧布倫在《西方正典》的附錄將此書放在混亂時代的推薦書單,可說是意外地恰如其份。 布朗修的作品影響了整個當代思想界。除了與他有私交的勒維納斯、巴塔耶,還有傅柯、羅蘭‧巴特、德希達等當代頂尖的思想家。精神分析大師拉崗也在他著名的講座中盛讚《黑暗托馬》是一種「幻想的實現」。對於中文讀者而言,《黑暗托馬》中文版的問世,無疑能夠補充法國思想中的失落環節。 -
Burning Your Boats
From reflections on jazz and Japan through vigorous refashionings of classic fairy tales to stunning snapshots of modern life in all its tawdry glory, "Burning Your Boats" charts the evolution of Angela Carter's marvelous magic vision in a volume that assembles her considerable legacy of short fiction, including early and previously unpublished stories. -
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Winner of the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a coming-out novel from Winterson, the acclaimed author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. The narrator, Jeanette, cuts her teeth on the knowledge that she is one of God’s elect, but as this budding evangelical comes of age, and comes to terms with her preference for her own sex, the peculiar balance of her God-fearing household crumbles. Jeanette Winterson's semi-autobiographical novel is one of the most beautifully written story of a middle-class girl struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, creativity, passion vs. her family/society's inflexible "formed opinions". The story of the persecution of a girl because of her sexual preference (in this case, lesbianism) is not new. It's how Ms. Winterson presents her story. Fresh. Alive. Witty. Funny. Heartbreaking at times. Imaginative. Almost like you were holding a piece of someone's soul in your hands rather than merely a book. I noticed that one reviewer mentioned that the book's sexual nature is vulgar. I do not find this so. Even if it is, so what? Life is vulgar. Only those fond of sweeping the dirt under the carpet so that it stays out of sight (or those who drive lesbian girls from their house/church and pretend they don't exist) will disagree with the innate vulgarity of all life. This book is the antidote for that kind of sanitized thinking. This book exposes that sanitized Christian middle-class thinking is weird, almost alien when observed sanely by a third party standing on the outside. This book celebrates life. Read it. -
看过《挪威的森林》,喜欢村上春树的读者,都知道这本书。许多文学家受这本小书影响,许多普通读者把这本书读了又读。美国兰登书屋的《当代文库》编辑小组于1998年7月间选出了本世纪一百大英文小说,它排名第二,仅次于乔伊斯的《尤里西斯》。大陆又译为《了不起的盖茨比》。乔志高先生的译本,一直受称道。书前有林以亮的文章《介绍<大亨小传>》。今日世界出版社当年出了许多好书,这是其中一本,只是错别字多的令人怀疑,是自己水平有限,还是编辑当时在打荷马的瞌睡。 -
The Power and the Glory
Unabridged on mp3 audio disk. How does good spoil, and how can bad be redeemed? In his penetrating novel The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene explores corruption and atonement through a priest and the people he encounters. In the 1930s one Mexican state has outlawed the Church, naming it a source of greed and debauchery. The priests have been rounded up and shot by firing squad--save one, the whisky priest. On the run, and in a blur of alcohol and fear, this outlaw meets a dentist, a banana farmer, and a village woman he knew six years earlier. For a while, he is accompanied by a toothless man--whom he refers to as his Judas and does his best to ditch. Always, an adamant lieutenant is only a few hours behind, determined to liberate his country from the evils of the church. On the verge of reaching a safer region, the whisky priest is repeatedly held back by his vocation, even though he no longer feels fit to perform his rites: "When he was gone it would be as if God in all this space between the sea and the mountains ceased to exist. Wasn't it his duty to stay, even if they despised him, even if they were murdered for his sake? even if they were corrupted by his example?" As his sins and dangers increase, the broken priest comes to confront the nature of piety and love. Still, when he is granted a reprieve, he feels himself sliding into the old arrogance, slipping it on like the black gloves he used to wear. Greene has drawn this man--and all he encounters--vividly and viscerally. He may have said The Power and the Glory was "written to a thesis," but this brilliant theological thriller has far more mysteries--and troubling ideals--than certainties. --Joannie Kervran Stangeland -
Bridge to Terabithia
在线阅读本书 A secret world of their own Jess Aaron's greatest ambition is to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. He's been practicing all summer and can't wait to see his classmates' faces when he beats them all. But on the first day of school, a new kid, a new girl, boldly crosses over to the boy's side of the playground and outruns everyone. That's not a very promising beginning for a friendship, but Jess and Leslie Burke become inseparable. It doesn't matter to Jess that leslie dresses funny, or that her family has a lot of money -- but no TV. Leslie has imagination. Together, she and Jess create Terabithia, a magical kingdom in the woods where the two of them reign as king and queen, and their imaginations set the only limits. Then one morning a terrible tragedy occurs. Only when Jess is able to come to grips with this tragedy does he finally understand the strength and courage Leslie has given him. -
Gone with the Wind
Margaret Mitchell's epic novel of love and war won the Pulitzer Prize and went on to give rise to two authorized sequels and one of the most popular and celebrated movies of all time. Many novels have been written about the Civil War and its aftermath. None take us into the burning fields and cities of the American South as Gone With the Wind does, creating haunting scenes and thrilling portraits of characters so vivid that we remember their words and feel their fear and hunger for the rest of our lives. In the two main characters, the white-shouldered, irresistible Scarlett and the flashy, contemptuous Rhett, Margaret Mitchell not only conveyed a timeless story of survival under the harshest of circumstances, she also created two of the most famous lovers in the English-speaking world since Romeo and Juliet. -
《亚森•罗平探案全集2:亚森•罗平智斗福尔摩斯》主要内容亚森•罗平智斗福尔摩斯:亚森•罗平与福尔摩斯的首战不分胜负。有人又将福尔摩斯请至法国来对付罗平。一个是英国的名探,一个是法国的智多星,究竟谁能占上风?请看本篇。 空心岩柱:深夜一古宅传出枪声,主人倒地,秘书奄奄一息小姐开枪击倒了窃贼,可瞬间就找不到他的踪影。一少年侦探参与破案,发现古宅中怪事重重名画变赝品,石雕变石膏…他寻踪觅迹,几番较量后,却在一神秘的洞府中成了亚森•罗平的贵宾。 碧眼姑娘:亚森•罗平遇见两位绝色美女,一位眼睛碧绿,一位眼睛发蓝罗平与蓝眼姑娘同车外出,途中姑娘遇害,现场出现了碧眼姑娘的踪影,罗平跟踪追击,发现碧眼姑娘是一个善良女子,却与歹徒过从甚密碧眼姑娘是不是真正的凶手?请看本篇。 钟敲八点:一座荒弃了几十年的古堡中,突然传出了八下奇怪的钟声,引出了一段尘封的奇案。亚森•罗平牛刀小试,即探出了真相。接着他又发现了更加扑朔迷离的一串奇案,他到底能不能破案? -
达希伍德一家定居苏塞克斯己有很长时间了。他们的家业颇大,住宅坐落在他们地产的中心,诺兰德庄园,他们家好几代人都住在这里,在四邻中享有很高的声望。这份家业后期的主人是个长寿的单身汉。在他的一生中,许多年都是他妹妹做他的伙伴和女管家。但是她先他十年去世了,这使他家里发生了天翻地覆的变化。为了弥补她的离去,他把他的侄儿亨利·达希伍德先生一家接到了他家里。他侄儿是诺兰德庄园的合法继承人,他打算把这笔遗产交给他。这位老绅士的晚年是和侄儿、侄媳以及他们的孩子们共享天伦之乐。他越来越喜欢他们。亨利·达希伍德先生和太太不仅对他的兴趣,而且对他善良的愿望都十分关心,这使他的晚年甚得安慰,孩子带来的欢乐,更为他增添了生活的乐趣。 亨利·达希伍德先生的前妻生了一个儿子,现在的太太生了三个女儿。儿子是个沉着可敬的年青人,有生母留给他的那笔财产,他生活得很自在。他生母有一大笔财产,他长大以后,她把一半的财产给了他。 -
Jude the Obscure
在线阅读本书 Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. Jude Fawley is a rural stone mason with intellectual aspirations. Frustrated by poverty and the indifference of the academic institutions at the University of Christminster, his only chance of fulfilment seems to lie in his relationship with his unconventional cousin, Sue Bridehead. From Library Journal Jude the Obscure created storms of scandal and protest for the author upon its publication. Hardy, disgusted and disappointed, devoted the remainder of his life to poetry and never wrote another novel. Today, the material is far less shocking. Jude Fawley, a poor stone carver with aspirations toward an academic career, is thwarted at every turn and is finally forced to give up his dreams of a university education. He is tricked into an unwise marriage, and when his wife deserts him, he begins a relationship with a free-spirited cousin. With this begins the descent into bleak tragedy as the couple alternately defy and succumb to the pressures of a deeply disapproving society. Hardy's characters have a fascinating ambiguity: they are victimized by a stern moral code, but they are also selfish and weak-willed creatures who bring on much of their own difficulties through their own vacillations and submissions to impulse. The abridgment speeds Jude's fall to considerable dramatic effect, but it also deletes the author's agonizing logic. Instead of the meticulous weaving of Jude's destiny, we get a somewhat incoherent summary that preserves the major plot points but fails to draw us into the tragedy. Michael Pennington reads resonantly and skillfully, his voice perfectly matching the grim music of Hardy's prose, but this recording can only be recommended for larger public libraries. -John Owen, Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, CA From AudioFile Author Thomas Hardy espoused Shakespeare's dictum (from King Lear): "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport." He particularly exhibits this pessimism in Jude the Obscure, his tragedy about Jude Fawley, a stonemason torn by ambitions both intellectual and carnal, and Sue Whitehead, an early feminist whom Jude loves and who sometimes loves Jude. A compelling novel is made more so in this audio version by the outstanding work of Frederick Davidson. Always dependable, Davidson here excels in his use of measured dramatics; his consistent differentiation of a large cast of characters from varying social, educational and, therefore, dialectal groups; and his obvious personal involvement in the miseries of the two main characters. T.H. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1894-95 in Harper's New Monthly as Hearts Insurgent; published in book form in 1895. Hardy's last work of fiction, Jude the Obscure is also one of his most gloomily fatalistic, depicting the lives of individuals who are trapped by forces beyond their control. Jude Fawley, a poor villager, wants to enter the divinity school at Christminster (Oxford University). Sidetracked by Arabella Donn, an earthy country girl who pretends to be pregnant by him, Jude marries her and is then deserted. He earns a living as a stonemason at Christminster; there he falls in love with his independent-minded cousin, Sue Bridehead. Out of a sense of obligation, Sue marries the schoolmaster Phillotson, who has helped her. Unable to bear living with Phillotson, she returns to live with Jude and eventually bears his children out of wedlock. Their poverty and the weight of society's disapproval begin to take a toll on Sue and Jude; the climax occurs when Jude's son by Arabella hangs Sue and Jude's children and himself. In penance, Sue returns to Phillotson and the church. Jude returns to Arabella and eventually dies miserably. The novel's sexual frankness shocked the public, as did Hardy's criticisms of marriage, the university system, and the church. Hardy was so distressed by its reception that he wrote no more fiction, concentrating solely on his poetry. About Author Rosellen Brown is the author of Half a Heart, The Autobiography of My Mother, Tender Mercies and Before and After. She lives in Chicago. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
The Waves
《海浪》中每个引子都是一篇精致的散文诗,以太阳和海浪的涨落与变迁对应生命的兴衰沉浮;跟在每段引子后面的是六个没有姓氏的、高度形式化的人物在各自相应人生阶段——从儿童时代、学生时代、青春时代、中年时代直到 老年时代的瞬间内心独白。引子与正文互相映射,为读者的感官辟开前所未有的、细致入微的通道,最大限度地接近生命、时间、意识以及感觉的实质。这是一部在现代文学的殿堂中占据重要地位的作品,时至今日,仍以其精美绝伦的文本结构和诗意盎然的笔调激荡着我们的灵魂。 Book Description Tracing the lives of a group of friends, this novel follows their development from childhood to youth and middle age. Separately and together, they query the relationship of past to present, and the meaning of life itself. From AudioFile This narrative traces the lives and friendships of six childhood friends from their childhood to their old age. It tells of the friends' true feelings, which are often different from the ones they portray to each other. The narration is done in a light, airy poetic voice by Frances Jeater, who comforts the listener with her reading but fails to provide enough differentiation to the characters, making it difficult to know who is the focus of each point of the story. J.F.M. About Author Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. From 1915 onward, she maintained an astonishing output of fiction, literary criticism, essays and biography. She married Leonard Woolf and in 1917 they founded the Hogarth Press. She died in 1941. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友