埃莱娜一家十月革命后辗转来到巴黎定居,她父亲是个犹太商人,整天忙于生意:母亲贝拉是一位沙俄没落贵族小姐,与女儿感情疏远。埃莱娜从小生活在孤独之中,她对母亲从生疏到憎恨,心中暗暗打定主意,要让他们为此付出代价…… -
A Little Princess
在线阅读本书 The heart-warming rags-to-riches tale of Sara Crewe, whose grace and generosity endure through happy times and sad. A beloved classic, this tale of timeless good will and imagination rewarded is now a major motion picture. Complete and unabridged. 4 cassettes. -
本书收入诺贝尔文学奖获得者波兰作家显克维支的十四部中短篇小说,其中包括《灯塔看守人》、《音乐迷扬科》、《音乐迷扬科》、《炭笔素描》、《错误的戏剧》等。这些中短篇小说题材广泛、主题深刻、艺术精湛、影响广大,具有很强的可读性。 -
豪夫在创作这些童话时模仿《一千零一夜》的叙述手法,以首篇《打扮成年鉴的童话》为引线,道出一个又一个惊险离奇的故事,它们语言风趣诙谐,情节怪诞浪漫,一会儿把你带到古代的东方,一会儿又把你带到遥远的西方;让你在读这些神奇的故事的同时,可获得许多无穷的乐趣;在看众多异国他乡风土人情、逸闻趣事的同时,又增添许多知识和智慧。它们会让你看得眼花缭乱,当然它们也会让你懂得什么是丑恶,什么是美好;会教你恨什么,爱什么;它们是非常有意义的。 豪夫的童话被称为别开生面的创作童话。这些童话虽然也取材于民间故事和传说,但经过作者的艺术加工,已和原来的风味大不一样了。在这些童话中已经融入了现实的内容和作家的生活体验。他通过童话的形式,揭露当时德国庸俗的社会现实,批判和讽刺统治阶级的愚蠢和贪婪。 豪夫的童话因思想内容深刻,故事情节生动,受到读者的喜爱,成为世界儿童文学中的瑰宝,闪耀着璀璨的光芒。 -
Oliver Twist
查尔斯·狄更斯,十九世纪英国最著名的现实议作家,一生写有十多部长篇小说。他写作《雾都孤儿》时,年仅二十五岁。这部小说曾被改编、拍摄成多种电影、电视片,放映和播映,影响广泛、深远。他一生写有十多部长篇小说,被称为杰出的语言大师。他擅长运用讽刺、幽默和夸张的手法,他笔下的人物风貌和语言风格,都富有浓厚的浪漫主义特色。《雾都孤儿》(即《奥立弗·退斯特》)是狄更斯的一部伟大的社会小说,在世界文学史上占有重要的位置。 《雾都孤儿》是狄更斯的第一部社会批判小说。富人的弃婴奥利佛在孤儿院里挣扎了9年,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱,迫使奥利佛逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。他曾被富有的布莱罗先生收留,不幸让小扒手发现又入贼窝。善良的女扒手南希为了营救奥利佛,不顾贼头的监视和威胁,向布莱罗报信,说奥利佛就是他找寻已久的外孙儿。南希被贼窝头目杀害,警察随即围剿了贼窝。奥利佛终于得以与亲人团聚。 卓越亚马逊为您带来英文原版《雾都孤儿》。 The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel contains many of the classic Dickensian themes of grinding poverty, the eventual triumph of good in the face of great adversity, the lures of temptation and the terrors of fear, desperation and menace. It presents some of Dickens's most enduring characters, such as Fagin. A Twist of Beauty An inviting design may inspire readers of a newly abridged edition of Charles Dickens's classic Oliver Twist to join the hero in asking, please sir, for more. Christian Birmingham spots nearly every page of text with a small, charcoal-gray image, and complements important scenes with full-page color illustrations. Birmingham's hues are predominantly deep, somber and gritty, but not without occasional flashes of royal blues and golds. Text is shaded in the faintest yellow, soft on the eye. Let's face it, there are dreary passages in Dickens and convoluted sentences that are impenetrable for young readers and that put them off a great story. This retelling works well: it gets rid of a lot of the padding while keeping the narrative tension of the original. Oliver's stark request, "Please, sir, I want some more," will thrill kids today as it always has, and the story of the street boy on the run, who lives with outlaws and then finds a safe home, is an archetypal adventure. The problem here is the illustrations. Dickens' novel is scary. Cruickshank's original pictures were true to the terror as well as the comic absurdity of the story, but Birmingham's large, soft pastel pictures are sunny and sweet and angelic, with no hint of darkness and grime. Yes, Dickens' story does end in sentimental togetherness, but the terror is always there. Fagin's crowd was never this cute. Hazel Rochman Oliver Twist was Dickens's second novel and one of his darkest, dealing with burglary, kidnapping, child abuse, prostitution, and murder. Alongside this gallery of horrors are the corrupt and incompetent institutions of 19th-century England set up to address social problems and instead making them worse. The author's moral indignation drives the creation of some of his most memorably grotesque characters: squirming, vile Fagin; brutal Bill Sykes; the brooding, sickly Monks; and Bumble, the pompous and incorrigibly dense beadle. Clearly, a reading of this work must carry the author's passionate narrative voice while being flexible and broad enough to define the wide range of character voices suggested by the text. John Wells's capable but bland reading only suggests the rich possibilities of the material. Restraint and Dickens simply don't go together. The abridgment deftly and seamlessly manages to deliver all major characters and plot lines, but there are many superior audiobook versions of this material, both abridged and unabridged. Not recommended. -John Owen, Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale, CA This abridged version of the trials of Oliver Twist makes the tale quite accessible to young listeners. Dick Cavett does an excellent job of moving from his familiar, level voice in the narrative passages to the true vibrancy of the dialogue. He handles British accents of the more lowly characters quite well, his characterization of Fagin being especially insidious and distinct. Mr. Brownlow and Monks are less developed, and their characterizations rely more on the text. The abridgment is quite a feat, having reduced a tumultuous tale into a tight storyline. However, some of the final sequences require more careful listening to absorb plot developments. E.S.B. Novel by Charles Dickens, published serially from 1837 to 1839 in Bentley's Miscellany and in a three-volume book in 1838. The novel was the first of the author's works to depict realistically the impoverished London underworld and to illustrate his belief that poverty leads to crime. Written shortly after adoption of the Poor Law of 1834, which halted government payments to the poor unless they entered workhouses, Oliver Twist used the tale of a friendless child, the foundling Oliver Twist, as a vehicle for social criticism. While the novel is Victorian in its emotional appeal, it is decidedly unsentimental in its depiction of poverty and the criminal underworld, especially in its portrayal of the cruel Bill Sikes, who kills his kindly girlfriend Nancy for helping Oliver and who is himself accidentally hung by his own rope. Founded in 1906 by J.M. Dent, the Everyman Library has always tried to make the best books ever written available to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible price. Unique editorial features that help Everyman Paperback Classics stand out from the crowd include: a leading scholar or literary critic's introduction to the text, a biography of the author, a chronology of her or his life and times, a historical selection of criticism, and a concise plot summary. All books published since 1993 have also been completely restyled: all type has been reset, to offer a clarity and ease of reading unique among editions of the classics; a vibrant, full-color cover design now complements these great texts with beautiful contemporary works of art. But the best feature must be Everyman's uniquely low price. Each Everyman title offers these extensive materials at a price that competes with the most inexpensive editions on the market-but Everyman Paperbacks have durable binding, quality paper, and the highest editorial and scholarly standards. Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, England in 1812. With The Pickwick Papers, he achieved immediate fame; in a few years, he was the most popular and respected author of his time. Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, and The Old Curiosity Shop were all huge successes for Dickens. A Christmas Carol, Bleak House, and Hard Times reveal his deepening concern for the injustices of British society, while A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations complete his major works. length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 -
达特安是17世纪法国加司科尼一个没落贵族家庭的子弟,他怀着对时任国王火枪队队长并深受国王宠爱的同乡特拉维先生的崇拜。赤手空拳来到巴黎,希望当上一名火枪手他遇上阿多斯、波托斯和阿拉米斯三个火枪手,四人不打不相识,后结成生死与共的知己。 当时,国王路易十三与红衣主教明争暗斗,国王对达特安等人几次打败主教部下暗自褒奖,主教则怀恨在心。红衣主教早就垂涎王后安娜·奥地利的美貌,但一直未获王后垂青,便心生恨意,挑拨国王与王后的关系。红衣主教伪造王后的书信将王后的旧情人——英国白金汉公爵骗至巴黎,公爵则将计就计终于见了王后,倾诉相思之苦,王后遂以钻坠相赠以表怀念。主教便利用这个机会,向国王屡进谗言,要国王派人组织宫廷舞会。让王后配戴国王送给她的那条钻坠出席舞会。王后眼见舞会日期逼近,愁苦无计,幸得侍女波那瑟太太献计。请达特安帮忙相助。达特安对波那瑟太太一见钟情,便不顾个人安危,满口答应,在三个朋友的全力支持下。四人分头赴英。经过一路曲折离奇的磨难,唯有达特安如期抵达,向白金汉公爵说明原委,及时索回钻坠,解救了王后的燃眉之急,粉碎了红衣主教的阴谋。 于是主教妒火中烧,移恨于情敌白金汉公爵,利用新旧教徒的矛盾引发法英战争,妄图除掉白金汉以解心头之恨。为达此目的,红衣主教暗派心腹密探——艳若桃李、毒如蛇蝎的美妇米拉迪赴英卧底,乘机行刺白金汉。不料,达特安的仆人普朗歇预先赶到英国通知了温特勋爵,米拉迪一踏上英国土地。即被温特勋爵抓获,并将其软禁起来。囚禁中,她诱惑了温特勋爵的心腹看守费尔顿,后者救出米拉迪,并刺死了白金汉。米拉迪在归法途中,巧遇达特安的情人波那瑟太太,便将她毒死。达特安、阿多斯、波托斯、阿拉米斯四位朋友苦苦追踪。会同温特勋爵和一名刽子手,终于抓到企图潜逃的米拉迪,揭开了米拉迪的老底:原来她早年为一贫困修女。不甘青春寂寞,便勾引一个年轻的神父带其私奔。因偷卖教堂圣器作盘缠,神父身陷囹圄,她也被刽子手——神父的胞兄在肩头烙下囚犯印记。后来米拉迪抛弃了年轻的神父。以欺骗手段和当地伯爵结婚,当其秘密被发现后便逃到英国。骗取温特勋爵兄弟之爱成婚。米拉迪罪恶累累,天怒人怨,当即在河畔被杀正法。 红衣主教得知达特安曾屡次破坏他的计划,便命亲信罗什福尔将其捉拿。达特安不卑不亢,坦言相陈,明示原委。主教为他的勇气和机智所感动,动了爱才之念,非但不治罪于他,反而耀升其为火枪队副队长。而阿多斯、波托斯、阿拉米斯三人也各自找到了自己的归属。 -
这是一位可怜、可笑、可悲的绅士。一支长枪、一面老式盾牌、一匹瘦马和一只猎狗竟会是他生活的全部。 一个瘦弱的没落贵族吉柯德因迷恋古代骑士小说,竟像古代骑士那样用破甲驽马装扮起来,以丑陋的牧猪女作美赛天仙的崇拜贵妇,再以矮胖的农民桑丘·潘札作侍从,三次出发周游全国,去创建扶弱锄强的骑士业绩。以致闹出不少笑话,到处碰壁受辱,被打成重伤或被当作疯子遣送回家。小说中出现的人物近700个,描绘的场景从宫廷到荒野遍布西班牙全国。 -
《欧洲文学史(第1卷):古代至十八世纪欧洲文学》是商务印书馆出版的,目录简介:古希腊文学、希腊神话、荷马史诗、古希腊诗歌和伊索寓言、古希腊戏剧、古希腊散文、新喜剧及田园诗等、古罗马文学、古罗马戏剧、古罗马散文、古罗马史诗等。 -
所罗门宝藏 一个是千里寻弟的男爵,一 个是为父复仇的王子,仅凭一张 三百年前的血图及狩猎师的帮助, 以毅力 与智慧终于越过 杀 沙漠, 战胜可怕的妖婆,得到最后胜利。 -
前夜 父与子
本书收有屠格涅夫的两部代表作。 《前夜》的主人公是热情、正直、有自我牺牲精神、美丽的俄罗斯姑娘叶连娜,她爱上了一个以解放自己祖国为已任的保加利亚青年。她不管你母反对,嫁给了他。她决心为解放保加利而献身。虽然她的丈夫在他们回保加利亚的路上病故,她忠于自己的信仰,一个人出发到保加利亚去了。 《父与子》的主人公是平民知识分子巴扎罗夫,他坚强、沉着、自信、重视实际行动,专心科学实验,但否定艺术,诗歌和人的内心感情,特别是爱情,可是他违背了自己的信念,真心实意爱上了贵族妇女奥金佐娃。他企图克制自己浪漫倾向,用心一切力量压制自身的天性而未能成功。他向奥金佐娃表达了自己对她的爱,遭到了她的拒绝。巴扎罗夫因爱情失败而变得怀疑、悲观,带着未遂之志,憾恨地离开了人世。 -
The Call of the Wild
The Call of the Wild is a novel by American writer Jack London. The plot concerns a previously domesticated and even somewhat pampered dog named Buck, whose primordial instincts return after a series of events finds him serving as a sled dog in the treacherous, frigid Yukon during the days of the 19th century Klondike Gold Rushes. Published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is one of London's most-read books, and it is generally considered one of his best. Because the protagonist is a dog, it is sometimes classified as a juvenile novel, suitable for children, but it is dark in tone and contains numerous scenes of cruelty and violence. From Wikipedia -
“我对死亡感到唯一的痛苦,是没能为爱而死。” 软弱者永远爱情的王国,爱情的王国是无情和吝啬的,女人们只肯委身于那些敢做敢为的男子汉,正是这样的男子汉能使她们得到她们所渴望的安全感,使她们能正视生活。 她从来没有想到,好奇也是潜在的爱情的变种。 一个人最初和父亲相遇之日,也就是他开始衰老之时。 “社会生活的症结在于学会控制胆怯,夫妻生活的症结在于学会控制反感。” 找出儿童和成年人之间的差别,对她来说殊非易事,但分析来分析去,她还是更喜欢儿童,因为儿童的观念更真实。 《霍乱时期的爱情》摈弃了《百年孤独》时期的魔幻现实主义手法,在这部小说里,“一切都是严肃的,有分寸”。 小说写一个男人和一个女人之间爱的故事。他们在二十岁的时候没能结婚,因为他们太年轻了;经过各种人生曲折之后,到了八十岁,他们还是没能结婚,因为他们太老了。在五十年的时间跨度中,马尔克斯展示了所有爱情的可能性,所有的爱情方式:幸福的爱情,贫穷的爱情,高尚的爱情,庸俗的爱情,粗暴的爱情,柏拉图式的爱情,放荡的爱情,羞怯的爱情……甚至,“连霍乱本身也是一种爱情病”。
《神曲》(套装共3册)(精装)的作者是“中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人”——但丁,一生著作甚丰,其中最有价值的就是这部带有“百科全书”性质的、长达一万四千余行的长篇史诗《神曲》,由“地狱篇”、“炼狱篇”和“天堂篇”共一百首构成。 -
“白雪公主”是家喻户晓的童话故事,本书中的白雪公主完全摆脱了童话的模式,成了一个普通的现代女性,有烦恼,有心事。会压抑,也会有妒忌心,还充满了女权意识。此书充满了一种黑色幽默,堪称荒诞派文学的经典之作。 《白雪公主后传》是美国文学大师巴塞尔姆最重要的作品。在大师的笔下,白雪公主已成为一个普通的现代女性,是个有七情六欲的真实人:有压抑感,落魄感和妒忌心,也仍然想入非非,做着与现实生活格格不入的童话中的梦。她仍然希望像原来那样,成为关注的中心。她已经厌烦了这个“家”和自己的家庭角色,对歧视女性的社会忿忿不满,听厌了“矮人们”喋喋不休的陈问滥调,因此内心充满改变现状的渴求。绝望中,她甚至盼望着能有一次带性丑闻的冒险,能打破单凋乏味的生活……作家用貌似疯狂的叙述来表达一种玩世不恭的讥诮,以反映当代人滑稽无奈的众生相。 -
耳证人 五十种性格
内容提要 : 译自: Der Ohrenzeuge : funfzig Charaktere Fischer Taschenbuch/Elias Canetti(1905~ ); 沙儒彬译. -- 1983:阿里阿斯·卡内蒂曾荣获1981年诺贝尔文学奖,本书是他的散文力作。书中描写了五十种不同的极端性格 -
A Walk to Remember
In the prologue to his latest novel, Nicholas Sparks makes the rather presumptuous pledge "first you will smile, and then you will cry," but sure enough, he delivers the goods. With his calculated ability to throw your heart around like a yo-yo (try out his earlier Message in the Bottle or The Notebook if you really want to stick it to yourself), Sparks pulls us back to the perfect innocence of a first love.In 1958 Landon Carter is a shallow but well-meaning teenager who spends most of his time hanging out with his friends and trying hard to ignore the impending responsibilities of adulthood. Then Landon gets roped into acting the lead in the Christmas play opposite the most renowned goody two-shoes intown: Jamie Sullivan. Against his best intentions and the taunts of his buddies, Landon finds himself falling for Jamie and learning some central lessons in life.Like John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany, Sparks maintains a delicate and rarely seen balance of humor and sentiment. While the plot may not be the most original, this boy-makes-good tearjerker will certainly reel in the fans. Look for a movie starring beautiful people or, better yet, snuggle under the covers with your tissues nearby and let your inner sap run wild. --Nancy R.E. O'Brien -
奥古斯都・斯特林堡是瑞典现代文学的奠基人,瑞典文学史上最杰出的小说家和戏剧家。尽管他生活的时代与今天相差一个多世纪,但是瑞典驻华大使仍然用了“令人惊异地现代和当代”来形容斯特林堡作品之于当今的意义。因为作品屡屡犯禁,斯特林堡也与诺贝尔文学奖失之交臂,但是瑞典皇家文学院却至今还承受着舆论的谴责。1936年的诺贝尔文学奖得主尤金・奥尼尔则公开坦言:“第一次激起我对现代戏剧观念的,是斯特林堡的作品。” 斯特林堡生前被人描绘成“怪人”和“疯子”,但在后世,瑞典人却将他视为一个扰人灵魂的朋友。“如果你是瑞典人的话,斯特林堡就生活在你的内心,并且时不时激怒你。他的极端,实际上是在追问人生的本质问题。一旦你被他的病毒感染,他就会一辈子跟着你,缠绕着你。”不仅瑞典驻华大使,就连来华演出斯特林堡话剧的演员都有同样的感受,瑞内・布莱诺夫森,这位《斯特林堡的独白》的主演,更因为有过两个月在图书馆阅读斯特林堡的经历,而把他形容成一位这样的朋友:“他绝对不让你如沐春风,但他会告诉你真实的想法,我觉得他一直在我身边。” 斯特林堡的名字在中国也不算完全陌生。据介绍,早在上世纪三十年代,他的作品《谁是父亲》就被译成中文,上世纪八十年代人民文学出版社也出版过他的代表作《红房间》以及相关传记。但以前的这些作品均非瑞典文翻译而来,出版规模也属零敲碎打。此次由人民文学出版社推出的这套文集,据出版者介绍,依据的是瑞典文,版本则是从瑞典文国家版《全集》翻译而成。瑞典国家版全集是迄今为止瑞典最大的人文科学项目,从1980年开始一直持续到今,计划出版七十余卷,涵盖斯特林堡全部创作和批注。中译本《斯特林堡文集》收入斯特林堡的小说、戏剧、散文、书信等150万字,篇目都由参与国家版编纂的瑞典斯特林堡研究专家选定,中文版索引与注释,也直接沿用瑞典国家版。由于斯特林堡的作品中有一些宗教背景的内容以及瑞典历史上的事件,这些注释与索引对于初步接触斯特林堡的读者来说,无疑是必不可少的。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友