

  • 百年世事

    作者:[德] 赫尔穆特•施密特(Helmut

    《百年世事》不是一本历史书,而是一本对话录,凭借赫尔穆特•施密特的丰富政治阅历和弗里茨•斯特恩的深厚历史素养,为回顾世界史提供了一种独具洞察力的眼光。两人相交已久,三天时间内促膝而谈,谈的都是上心话题:从历史吸取哪些经验教训?百年之末如何总结共同经历的20世纪?遇到的人里,谁给他们留下的印象最深?…… 一席谈同样成就了一本激动人心且风声水起、坦诚相见又不失幽默的书。书中政治家与史学家传球,讨论中求同存异,各自立场都经过深思熟虑,解释则入木三分,其间不乏名人轶事。两位耄耋智者谈天说地,跨越世纪,驰骋当今世界,成就了这部空前的史普著作,读者从中当能获取点滴智慧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们也清楚,高寿未必睿智。不过我们希望,题目的多姿多彩和双方的唇枪舌战能弥补读者可能感到的不足之处。一个根在德国的美国史学家和一个不在职的德国政治家围绕他们经历的世纪和世界的重大问题交流记忆、经验和观点。交谈伊始,我们就明白,不可能找到完满答案,但可能在探讨这个或那个问题时前进一步。到最后,我们感到彼此都受益匪浅。 ﹝德﹞赫尔穆特•施密特 ﹝美﹞弗里茨•斯特恩
  • 后知后觉


    《后知后觉》内容简介:当前干部队伍中弄虚作假、吹牛拍马、以权谋私等不良风气的滋生蔓延,同干部考评中忽视人品有很大的关系。选拔干部,关键是抓住两头:一头是掌握上线,选贤任能;一头是守住底线,提防小人。群众不讲真话,不怪群众,只怪领导;下面不讲真话,不怪下面,只怪上面。 对领导干部来说,无功即是过,不干事是最大的错误。这种占着位子不想干事的干部,比那种虽然有错误但想干事的干部要差许多。 在应对突发事件时,处理不当固然应当承担责任,而逃避责任、贻误战机更是不可原谅的错误。 后知后觉 任彦申 亲情奉上!
  • Benjamin Franklin

    作者:Walter Isaacson

    在线阅读本书 Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who winks at us, the one who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In this authoritative and engrossing full-scale biography, Walter Isaacson shows how the most fascinating of America's founders helped define our national character. In a sweeping narrative that follows Franklin's life from Boston to Philadelphia to London and Paris and back, Isaacson chronicles the adventures of the spunky runaway apprentice who became, during his 84-year life, America's best writer, inventor, media baron, scientist, diplomat, and business strategist, as well as one of its most practical and ingenious political leaders. He explores the wit behind Poor Richard's Almanac and the wisdom behind the Declaration of Independence, the new nation's alliance with France, the treaty that ended the Revolution, and the compromises that created a near-perfect Constitution. Above all, Isaacson shows how Franklin's unwavering faith in the wisdom of the common citizen and his instinctive appreciation for the possibilities of democracy helped to forge an American national identity based on the virtues and values of its middle class.