

  • Beyond Band of Brothers

    作者:Dick Winters,Cole C.

    Now in paperback! The New York Times bestseller and war memoir from the commander of the legendary Band of Brothers––now with a new preface from Dick Winters. They were called Easy Company—but their mission was never easy. Immortalized as the Band of Brothers, they suffered 150% casualties while liberating Europe—an unparalleled record of bravery under fire. Winner of the Distinguished Service Cross, Dick Winters was their legendary commander. This is his story—told in his own words for the first time. On D-Day, Winters assumed leadership of the Band of Brothers when its commander was killed and led them through the Battle of the Bulge and into Germany—by which time each member had been wounded. Based on Winters’s wartime diary, Beyond Band of Brothers also includes his comrades’ untold stories. This is a moving memoir by the man who earned the love and respect of Easy Company—and who is a hero to new generations worldwide.
  • 亲历兄弟连


    《亲历兄弟连:温特斯少校回忆录》不是一部虚构作品。书里讲的都是二战中的真人真事,是作者的部下和战友的故事。直到现在,六十多年以后,他们仍跟依然健在的许多人保持着联系。回忆录中包涵了士兵档案,战争,成功的十条法则等精彩内容。首先需要说明的是,这不是一部虚构作品。书里讲的都是二战中的真人真事,是我的部下和战友的故事。直到现在,六十多年以后,我仍跟依然健在的许多人保持着联系。 斯蒂芬·安布罗斯在他的书里把我们称做“兄弟连”。其实,我们相互关心、相互保护,一同欢笑,一同痛哭,比亲兄弟还要亲密。我们像孪生兄弟,一人有事,大家感同身受。 安布罗斯写完《兄弟连》之后便着手写下一部书,是部鸿篇巨制:《D 日:第二次世界大战的高潮之战》,为此,他要清理一下书桌、地板。他的清理方法就是把他写《兄弟连》时所获得的所有当事人的回忆录装了一大箱,寄给了我。我的家便成了这些回忆录的储藏室。我用了整整一个冬天来整理这些材料,完善和补充我本来就有的士兵档案。按照他所用的章节,安布罗斯把材料粗粗地分成几摞,所以要从中找出关于每个士兵的回忆,我必须做大量的整理和阅读工作。 在阅读的时候,我发现了许多精彩的故事由于篇幅所限没有写入《兄弟连》。我当时觉得,现在我还是这么想,这些故事被“埋没”是件憾事。《兄弟连》出版之后,特别是由汤姆·汉克斯和史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导的电视连续剧上演以后,洪水一般的书信向我涌来,有人提问题,有人想了解更多的故事,从我这里或者从其他的战士那里。