

  • Professional Cooking

    作者:Wayne Gisslen

    Packed with more than 650 recipes plus 600 variations and more information than ever before, the Seventh Edition of this cornerstone professional resource offers complete, step-by-step instruction in cooking principles and the techniques necessary for success as a professional chef. Wayne Gisslen's Professional Cooking has been used by hundreds of thousands of chefs to master the basics of their craft, including knife skills, knowledge of ingredients, and plating techniques. More than 100 new recipes, including fresh ideas for meats, poultry, vegetables, and grains, as well as an increased focus on international recipes Updated information on the latest nutrition guidelines and enhanced coverage of topics including food science, molecular gastronomy, and culinary math More than 1,000 instructive illustrations and photos, including more than 220 all-new color photos highlighting new recipes and procedures Wayne Gisslen is also the author of Advanced Professional Cooking, Professional Baking , and The Chef's Art , all from Wiley Whether you are studying or training in professional food preparation or just want to take your home cooking to a higher level, this authoritative text is your essential guide to all the most vital professional techniques.
  • Jamie at Home

    作者:Jamie Oliver

    Home is where the heart is . . . This book is very close to my heart. It's about no-nonsense, simple cooking with great flavors all year round. When I began writing it, I didn't really know what recipes I would come up with, but something began to inspire me very quickly . . . my vegetable patch! I came to realize last year that it's not always about looking out at the wider world for inspiration. Being at home, feeling relaxed and open, can also offer this. I love to spend time at home in the village where I grew up, working with the boss, Mother Nature, in my garden and seeing all my beautiful veggies coming out of the ground. Inside you'll find over one hundred new recipes, plus some basic planting information and tips if you fancy having a go at getting your hands dirty as well!
  • 吃心望想


  • 安東尼.波登之廚房機密檔案

    作者:安東尼.波登(Anthony Bourd

    曝露餐飲世界的黑暗面,寫下震撼世人的廚房祕辛 對我來說,烹飪生涯有如長期戀愛,有莊嚴的時刻,也有荒唐的時刻。可是就像戀愛,回首前塵時,記憶最深的都是快樂的時光,是那些在一開頭時吸引你的事物,那些讓你一再回過頭來需索的事物。 經過28年的放浪形骸之後,身兼大廚和小說家雙重身分的安東尼.波登決定把他的故事和盤托出。從他在法國吉隆特第一次吃牡蠣,到他在美國普羅溫斯敦的一個低級吵雜的餐廳裡當地位低下的洗碗工;從洛克菲勒大廈頂層彩虹會所的廚房,到紐約東村的毒品地;從東京到巴黎,再回到紐約。波登廚房裡的故事既出乎意料又充滿激情,既滑稽可笑又令人震驚。
  • The 4-Hour Chef

    作者:Timothy Ferriss

    WHAT IF YOU COULD BECOME WORLD-CLASS IN ANYTHING IN 6 MONTHS OR LESS? The 4-Hour Chef isn’t just a cookbook. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the world of rapid learning. #1 New York Times bestselling author (and lifelong non-cook) Tim Ferriss takes you from Manhattan to Okinawa, and from Silicon Valley to Calcutta, unearthing the secrets of the world’s fastest learners and greatest chefs. Ferriss uses cooking to explain “meta-learning,” a step-by-step process that can be used to master anything, whether searing steak or shooting 3-pointers in basketball. That is the real “recipe” of The 4-Hour Chef. You'll train inside the kitchen for everything outside the kitchen. Featuring tips and tricks from chess prodigies, world-renowned chefs, pro athletes, master sommeliers, super models, and everyone in between, this “cookbook for people who don’t buy cookbooks” is a guide to mastering cooking and life. The 4-Hour Chef is a five-stop journey through the art and science of learning: 1. META-LEARNING. Before you learn to cook, you must learn to learn. META charts the path to doubling your learning potential. 2. THE DOMESTIC. DOM is where you learn the building blocks of cooking. These are the ABCs (techniques) that can take you from Dr, Seuss to Shakespeare. 3. THE WILD. Becoming a master student requires self-sufficiency in all things. WILD teaches you to hunt, forage, and survive. 4. THE SCIENTIST. SCI is the mad scientist and modernist painter wrapped into one. This is where you rediscover whimsy and wonder. 5. THE PROFESSIONAL. Swaraj, a term usually associated with Mahatma Gandhi, can be translated as “self-rule.” In PRO, we’ll look at how the best in the world become the best in the world, and how you can chart your own path far beyond this book.
  • 超好吃吐司變化100種


    吃吐司吧!預約一份幸福的感動 「我上次自己做吐司早餐,新鮮香蕉、草莓,裹上一點鮮奶油,好吃的不得了!」 「我媽曾嘗試把吐司當潤餅皮,灑上花生粉、糖粉及生菜,吃起來好幸福喔!」 上一次的朋友聚會中,大家很熱烈地討論到這個話題。 原來,吐司也能吃出一種美味的幸福感,以前總覺得吐司跟米飯一樣,只為了填飽肚子,頂多改塗個果醬或乳瑪琳就很完美了,沒料到吐司還能冒充「潤餅皮」,真是太有趣了! 其實吐司的變化相當多,它可以烤、炸,還能裹蛋汁一起煎,加上容易購買,價廉物美的特性,現代人常隨手一袋吐司,將美味、營養一同拎著走。 基於這個快速、方便及有趣的概念,本期推出了100種超好吃的吐司變化料理,從3分鐘就能輕鬆完成的元氣早餐、適合假日動手作的快樂吐司餐、營養滿點的吐司三明治、三五好友品嚐的浪漫下午茶點、甜蜜愛心吐司料理,到西餐主廚設計的特別款吐司料理,都是喜愛吐司的你不可錯過的! 還有還有,為了不浪費吐司邊,我們設計了10道吐司邊的創意吃法,幫你食材再利用!除了100種好吃吐司料理,書中還介紹了20種美味經典吐司,提供多種夢幻的醬、配料介紹,及好吃吐司的經典名店大搜查。 看到這兒,你也想預約一份吐司的幸福滋味嗎?別等了,今天就一起動手做吐司吧! 本書特色 1.料理方便、有趣,只要短短幾分鐘,就能快速帶著走的美味吐司餐,符合現代人求快的需求。 2.想預約一份幸福的吐司嗎?本期告訴你如何換個花樣,就可做出100種令人感動的吐司料理! ●3分鐘完成!20道元氣早餐 ●假日好心情!10道開心吐司 ●營養滿點!10道正餐吐司 ●浪漫午後!15道吐司茶點 ●甜蜜首選!15道愛心吐司 ●食材再利用!10道吐司邊料理 ●職人絕活!20道特別款吐司料理 3.20種不同口味的經典吐司,光用看的,就能給你視覺上最直接的美味感受! 4.透過吐司必備的14種完美配料、15種夢幻醬料,mix意想不到的美妙新滋味!
  • 爱因斯坦的厨房


    我从来没有想过介绍食物科学的书籍可以如此引人入胜,令人爱不释手。但是,当我一开始阅读沃克教授的这部聪慧、机智且迷人的著作时,就再也停不下来了。对于蛋糕为什么会膨胀,蛋白酥为什么会塌陷,烤肉该用木炭还是瓦斯感到纳闷的厨师,最好看看这本书。 ——美国烹饪协会副主席 史蒂夫·雷科恩 科学可以增加烹饪上的乐趣。沃克对于每一位好奇的大厨可能会提出的问题,都端出了搭配机智与知识酱汁的答案。 ——1981年诺贝尔化学奖得主 罗纳德·霍夫曼 多年以来,我一直很享受阅读罗伯特·沃克在《华盛顿邮报》上的科学专栏,他的书是烹饪方面最好的科学读物。沃克不仅拥有良好的专业素养,也是机智而有天份的写作高手,能让读者轻易了解厨房里面发生的各种魔法,书中精致的食谱更是锦上添花。 ——《一切皆美味》作者 马克·比特曼 烹饪是一门科学,也是艺术,但是学习这门科学从来不曾像阅读《爱因斯坦的厨房》样子易近人,而且充满乐趣。罗伯特·沃克让学习食物化学的过程充满神奇与惊奇。 ——纽约大学食品营养系主任 马里恩·内斯托博士 明确而清楚地表达科学理论非常困难,若是希望在阅读的同时还能富有乐趣,更是一件几乎不可能的事情。沃克却让两者都显得很容易。你将会爱上这本书,还能学到生活上的许多知识。 ——《洛杉矶时报》饮食版主笔 鲁斯·帕瑞桑
  • Mastering the Art of French Cooking

    作者:Julia Child,Louisett

    The perfect gift for any follower of Julia Child—and any lover of French food. This boxed set brings together Mastering the Art of French Cooking, first published in 1961, and its sequel, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume Two, published in 1970. Volume One is the classic cookbook, in its entirety—524 recipes. “Anyone can cook in the French manner anywhere,” wrote Mesdames Beck, Bertholle, and Child, “with the right instruction.” And here is the book that, for nearly fifty years, has been teaching Americans how. Mastering the Art of French Cooking is for both seasoned cooks and beginners who love good food and long to reproduce at home the savory delights of the classic cuisine, from the historic Gallic masterpieces to the seemingly artless perfection of a dish of spring-green peas. The techniques learned in this beautiful book, with more than one hundred instructive illustrations, can be applied to recipes in all other French cookbooks, making them infinitely usable. In compiling the secrets of famous Cordon Bleu chefs, the authors produced a magnificent volume that continues to have a place of honor in American kitchens. Volume Two is the sequel to the great cooking classic—with 257 additional recipes. Following the publication of the celebrated Volume One, Julia Child and Simone Beck continued to search out and sample new recipes among the classic dishes and regional specialties of France—cooking, conferring, tasting, revising, perfecting. Out of their discoveries they made, for Volume Two, a brilliant selection of precisely those recipes that not only add to the repertory but, above all, bring the reader to a new level of mastery of the art of French cooking. Each of these recipes is worked out step-by-step, with the clarity and precision that are the essence of the first volume. Five times as many drawings as in Volume One make the clear instructions even more so. Perhaps the most remarkable achievement of this volume is that it will make Americans actually more expert than their French contemporaries in two supreme areas of cookery: baking and charcuterie. In France one can turn to the local bakery for fresh and expertly baked bread, or to neighborhood charcuterie for pâtés and terrines and sausages. Here, most of us have no choice but to create them for ourselves. Bon appétit!
  • 百吃不厭家常菜


    如何讓烹飪更有趣,食材口感迷人作法更簡單呢?讓您輕鬆學會美味食材的必殺技。 任何人在初學烹飪時,都會一再地經歷失敗。但是,請不要害怕失敗,繼續保持對烹飪的興趣,不斷地動手嘗試,鑽研過程中的每一步驟,慢慢地,當你在看有關料理的書籍或電視節目時,就會不經意地脫口說出「沒什麼嘛!」這句話。 只要你時常在腦海中思考著「為什麼?」那麼你就一定能夠做出令人垂涎的美味料理。 料理有著「前後因果」的法則,每個人後來都一定能夠迅速地懂得「原來如此」。如果各位在做料理時遇到了瓶頸,或著想不出來「該用什麼?」時,這本書可以協助你解決疑問。同時也教給您一些讓菜餚更美味的撇步如蔬菜的挑選方法、食材的保存方法、調出美味的調味醬,以及善用食材的訣竅。 大家都知道烹飪是很耗時費力的。 在書中詳細介紹各種肉類、海鮮、蔬菜、加工品等食材的烹飪方法如煎、烤、熱炒、油炸、燉煮、蒸悶、涼拌等,只要有一道菜是稍微下了點工夫的,那就會是讓掌廚者和享用者都覺得非常完美的「佳餚」。 就像我家一樣,餐桌雖然小,但只要能吃到用心製作的料理,家人自然而然就會覺得好幸福。請大家也一定要透過這本書一起享受幸福的滋味!
  • My Life in France

    作者:Julia Child,Alex Pru

    In her own words, here is the captivating story of Julia Child’s years in France, where she fell in love with French food and found ‘her true calling.’ From the moment the ship docked in Le Havre in the fall of 1948 and Julia watched the well-muscled stevedores unloading the cargo to the first perfectly soigné meal that she and her husband, Paul, savored in Rouen en route to Paris, where he was to work for the USIS, Julia had an awakening that changed her life. Soon this tall, outspoken gal from Pasadena, California, who didn’t speak a word of French and knew nothing about the country, was steeped in the language, chatting with purveyors in the local markets, and enrolled in the Cordon Bleu. After managing to get her degree despite the machinations of the disagreeable directrice of the school, Julia started teaching cooking classes herself, then teamed up with two fellow gourmettes, Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle, to help them with a book they were trying to write on French cooking for Americans. Throwing herself heart and soul into making it a unique and thorough teaching book, only to suffer several rounds of painful rejection, is part of the behind-the-scenes drama that Julia reveals with her inimitable gusto and disarming honesty. Filled with the beautiful black-and-white photographs that Paul loved to take when he was not battling bureaucrats, as well as family snapshots, this memoir is laced with wonderful stories about the French character, particularly in the world of food, and the way of life that Julia embraced so wholeheartedly. Above all, she reveals the kind of spirit and determination, the sheer love of cooking, and the drive to share that with her fellow Americans that made her the extraordinary success she became. Le voici. Et bon appétit!