

  • Boundaries

    作者:Maya Lin

    Walking through this park-like area, the memorial appears as a rift in the earth -- a long, polished black stone wall, emerging from and receding into the earth. Approaching the memorial, the ground slopes gently downward, and the low walls emerging on either side, growing out of the earth, extend and converge at a point below and ahead. Walking into the grassy site contained by the walls of this memorial, we can barely make out the carved names upon the memorial's walls. These names, seemingly infinite in number, convey the sense of overwhelming numbers, while unifying these individuals into a whole... So begins the competition entry submitted in 1981 by a Yale undergraduate for the design of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. -- subsequently called "as moving and awesome and popular a piece of memorial architecture as exists anywhere in the world." Its creator, Maya Lin, has been nothing less than world famous ever since. From the explicitly political to the unashamedly literary to the completely abstract, her simple and powerful sculpture -- the Rockefeller Foundation sculpture, the Southern Poverty Law Center Civil Rights Memorial, the Yale Women's Table, Wave Field -- her architechture, including The Museum for African Art and the Norton residence, and her protean design talents have defined her as one of the most gifted creative geniuses of the age. Boundaries is her first book; an eloquent visual/verbal sketchbook produced with the same inspiration and attention to detail as any of her other artworks. Like her environmental sculptures, it is a site, but one which exists at a remove so that it may comment on the personal and artistic elements that make up those works. In it, sketches, photographs, workbook entries, and original design are held together by a deeply personal text. Boundaries is a powerful literary and visual statement by "a leading public artist." (Holland Carter). It is itself a unique work of art.
  • 林璎

    作者:张克荣 编著

    108个人,108个故事;历时4年,数次越洋实地拍摄。抽丝剥茧,讲述成败得失,可遇而不可求的撼动,得以丈量他们的心路历程。拉近距离,与你分享足以感动每一个中国人的光荣与梦想。   每个人的故事都有使人内心驿动的理由。时有穷通,地有广隘,位有荣辱,一生的 际遇,浮沉冷暖,在这里这些都已不再重要。   让我们去接近,去触摸这一个个性格迥异又极具魅力的人物,相信在这个富于变化的年代,那些深埋在心底的动人故事和闪着人性光芒的成长经历,会让人进入他们的内心世界和生命旅程、思想轨道与情感世界,感受和领悟一次来自心灵深处的、伤感的、最温柔的倾诉及他们的存在对时代生活及文化变迁所施加的影响。   《华人纵横天下》是华语电视史上第一次全景记录全球顶尖华人的大型记录片,现已开始在新加坡、日本、韩国、美国、加拿大、英国、法国以及国内包括台湾、香港凤凰卫视中文台、欧洲台、美洲台在内的100家电视台陆续播出。超过40家电视台的收视排名列当地前十名。   这是一部真正令人大开眼界和引人入胜的作品,它使我们得以一窥那些几近狂妄的名人——政治家、科学家、建筑师及企业家,而他们正是我们这个世界的造型师。当我了解这个庞大的项目只是由一个来完成的时候,这完全超乎了我理性知觉的空间。诚如作者所表露的,生命于他是一场真实与幻想、浮面与内里潜藏的神秘不断交织的过程。这也使得他的作品产生了独特惊人的心灵撞击效果,他清楚地呈现出了我们这个时代最具才华,最具桃战性的人物的所言所思,他们的表象与真实面。