

  • 我和比尔·盖茨是同学


  • Idea Man

    作者:Paul Allen

    By his early thirties, Paul Allen was a world-famous billionaire-and that was just the beginning. In 2007 and 2008, Time named Paul Allen, the cofounder of Microsoft, one of the hundred most influential people in the world. Since he made his fortune, his impact has been felt in science, technology, business, medicine, sports, music, and philanthropy. His passion, curiosity, and intellectual rigor-combined with the resources to launch and support new initiatives-have literally changed the world. In 2009 Allen discovered that he had lymphoma, lending urgency to his desire to share his story for the first time. In this long-awaited memoir, Allen explains how he has solved problems, what he's learned from his many endeavors-both the triumphs and the failures-and his compelling vision for the future. He reflects candidly on an extraordinary life. The book also features previously untold stories about everything from the true origins of Microsoft to Allen's role in the dawn of private space travel (with SpaceShipOne) and in discoveries at the frontiers of brain science. With honesty, humor, and insight, Allen tells the story of a life of ideas made real.
  • 盖茨是这样培养的


    比尔·盖茨年幼的时候,家人觉得他看起来呆呆的、不善交际、行动缓慢,有一天,比尔从半地下室的房间里看着外面发呆,他的妈妈问他:“你在那里干嘛?” 很少回答这类问题的比尔突然回应道:“妈妈,我在思考。难道你们不思考吗?” 这句话引发了老盖茨先生写作本书的愿望。 随着年岁与阅历的增长,今年83岁的他发现自己对于生活、事业、家庭、子女教育、慈善活动等方面,其实进行了很多思考。身为一位众人眼中的偶像级人物,他深感自己需要把身为父亲、律师、慈善活动家以及美国公民的思考与世界上的其他人分享,因此这些本来只属于盖茨家族的家训得以在他83岁高龄时面世。在这些他原本写给儿女及孙辈的文章中,他谈论了与每一个人都息息相关的重要议题,比如克服障碍、专注工作、实现梦想、帮助他人实现梦想、珍惜时间、善用时间的力量…… 三年前,比尔·盖茨设立了“威廉·H·盖茨公共服务立法奖学金”,奖学金总额为3330万美元,计划将持续80年,此计划将专门授予致力于公共服务事业的法律专业学生。 这是比尔献给父亲的80岁生日礼物。 而老盖茨先生这样形容儿子:“他不是最聪明的人,也并不总是最富有的人,但他一定是最幸运的人。”这样的父子关系让我们对老盖茨先生更为好奇。 他怎样看待生活中人人都会遇到的问题? 他的家训如何影响了比尔·盖茨的人生? 为什么巴菲特和比尔·盖茨都视他为偶像? 为什么在八十高龄的时候,他仍旧愿意全身心投入运作全球最大的慈善机构——盖茨基金会? 答案将在他家书一般的温情讲述中慢慢呈现。