Ideal for anyone wishing to know more about one of the most defining figures of the 20th century Asian history Fascinating story of Mao's life - from his childhood to his time as leader of China Considers Mao the man as well as Mao the leader - exploring the major events in his life and his revolutionary writings Examines the events that led to the Cultural Revolution and its historical impact Part of the bestselling Very Short Introductions series - over five million copies sold worldwide As a giant of 20th century history, Mao Zedong played many roles: peasant revolutionary, patriotic leader against the Japanese occupation, Marxist theoretician, modernizer, and visionary despot. This Very Short Introduction chronicles Mao's journey from peasant child to ruler of the most populous nation on Earth. He was a founder of both the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army, and for many years he fought on two fronts, for control of the Party and in an armed struggle for the Party's control of the country. His revolution unified China and began its rise to world power status. He was the architect of the Great Leap Forward that he hoped would make China both prosperous and egalitarian, but instead ended in economic disaster resulting in millions of deaths. It was Mao's growing suspicion of his fellow leaders that led him to launch the Cultural Revolution, and his last years were dogged by ill-health and his despairing attempts to find a successor whom he trusted. Delia Davin provides an invaluable introduction to Mao, showing him in all his complexity; ruthless, brutal, and ambitious, a man of enormous talent and perception, yet a leader who is still detested by some and venerated by others. -
二一世紀世界の天空に羽ばたく超大国中国。日本をしのぎ、アメリカに迫らんとする、眠りから覚めた東アジアの巨龍中国。その全体像を、現代中国を築きあげた二人の最高実力者毛沢東と鄧小平の対照的な国家プランを対比しながら描き出す。 -
《读毛泽东札记》呈现的,是毛泽东读书做人的内修之道和治国理政的经验智慧。青年时代的毛泽东是怎样一个人?他是怎样被历史选择为中国共产党的领袖的?他深厚的主观素养和非凡的历史功绩有什么联系?怎样看毛泽东在当代中国的影响和意义? 毛泽东是如何从前人的经历中吸取经验教训的? 他是怎样知人善任、重视人才的? 他怎样评点党内一些重要领导干部? 他为什么重视培养党内领导干部的理论素质和工作方法?
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友