

  • M. C. Escher

    作者:Volk, A.

    Imaginary worlds, impossible stairways, paradoxical haliways, enigmatic patterns, and mind-boggling graphics are the trademarks of M.C. Escher's artwork. His two-dimensional drawings bring to life a fourth dimension where the surfaces of things come together like a Mobius strip. The profoundly original work of Escher has inspired countless artists, designers, and filmmakers and can be considered a genre in itself. This guide provides a mind-bending introduction to the great master's work.
  • 激情香水I I


    情色漫畫經典作品《激情香水I》續集 馬那哈腦袋,的確裝滿了情色! 這次,他讓蛋頭教授發明的「隱形香水」成為歹徒們爭相搶奪的最佳犯案利器,有人用它來搶銀行,還有激進份子想用它炸掉大使館…… 更有人隱形後,除了幹盡一切壞事,還看見人們最不可告人的祕密!包括:在房裡蠢蠢欲動的寂寞女子、豪宅裡的雜交派對、跟女兒的鋼琴教師偷歡的貴婦、有特殊性癖好的大老闆、電梯內的偷情場面……更可以潛入別人的臥房,替缺乏熱情的丈夫代行職責,讓妻子重新發現她們無盡的潛能……
  • Notebooks

    作者:Leonardo da Vinci

    'Study me reader, if you find delight in me...Come, O men, to see the miracles that such studies will disclose in nature.' Most of what we know about Leonardo da Vinci, we know because of his notebooks. Some 6,000 sheets of notes and drawings survive, which represent perhaps one-fifth of what he actually produced. In them he recorded everything that interested him in the world around him, and his study of how things work. With an artist's eye and a scientist's curiosity he studied the movement of water and the formation of rocks, the nature of flight and optics, anatomy, architecture, sculpture, and painting. He jotted down fables and letters and developed his belief in the sublime unity of nature and man. Through his notebooks we can get an insight into Leonardo's thoughts, and his approach to work and life. This selection offers a cross-section of his writings, organized around coherent themes. Fully updated, this new edition includes some 70 line drawings and a Preface by Martin Kemp, one of the world's leading authorities on Leonardo. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
  • Drawing on the Artist Within

    作者:Betty Edwards

    AH-HA I SEE IT NOW Everyone has experienced that joyful moment when the light flashes on -- the Ah-Ha of creativity.Creativity. It is the force that drives problem-solving, informs effective decision-making and opens new frontiers for ambition and intelligence. Those who succeed have learned to harness their creative power by keeping that light bulb turned on.Now, Betty Edwards, author of "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, " the million-copy best-seller that proved all people can draw well just as they "can read well, " has decoded the secrets of the creative process to help you tap your full creative potential and apply that power to everyday problems. How does Betty Edwards do this? Through the power of drawing -- power you can harness to "see problems in new ways."Through simple step-by-step exercises that require no special artistic abilities, Betty Edwards will teach you how to take a new point of view, how to look at things from a different perspective, how to see the forest "and" the trees, in short, how to bring your "visual, perceptual brainpower" to bear on creative problem-solving.You will learn how the creative process progresses from stage to stage and how to move your own problem-solving through these key steps: * First insight* Saturation* Incubation* Illumination (the Ah-Ha )* VerificationWhether you are a business manager, teacher, writer, technician, or student, you'll find "Drawing on the Artist Within" the most effective program ever created for tapping your creative powers. Profusely illustrated with hundreds of instructional drawings and the work of master artists, this book is written for people with no previous experience in art.
  • The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

    作者:Betty Edwards

    illustrated with 12-page color photo insert and line art throughout A revised and expanded edition of the classic drawing-instruction book that has sold more than 2,500,000 copies. When Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain was first published in 1979, it hit the New York Times bestseller list within two weeks and stayed there for more than a year. In 1989, when Dr. Betty Edwards revised the book, it went straight to the Times list again. Now Dr. Edwards celebrates the twentieth anniversary of her classic book with a second revised edition. Over the last decade, Dr. Edwards has refined her material through teaching hundreds of workshops and seminars. Truly The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, this edition includes: * the very latest developments in brain research; * new material on using drawing techniques in the corporate world and in education; * instruction on self-expression through drawing; * an updated section on using color; and * detailed information on using the five basic skills of drawing for problem solving. Translated into thirteen languages, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is the world's most widely used drawing-instruction guide. People from just about every walk of life--artists, students, corporate executives, architects, real estate agents, designers, engineers--have applied its revolutionary approach to problem solving. The Los Angeles Times said it best: Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is "not only a book about drawing, it is a book about living. This brilliant approach to the teaching of drawing . . . should not be dismissed as a mere text. It emancipates."
  • 我手画我心


    《我手画我心》内容简介:这里是图画之河。那些在图画河流中流淌的,有绚烂如花的美丽,有青春岁月中黯然神伤的残骸,有一方洁白的手帕,有温暖如太阳般的支持,有串成岁月项链的泪珠,有生命的旋律,有生命之书,有如雾般涌上来的忧愁,有象征爱情的爱心项链,有飞鸟般的思想,有像大地一样深沉的爱。 做一个记图画日记的人吧!留住那些飞鸟的痕迹,描画那些淡淡的忧伤,把那些残骸和陈渣处理成繁华的琼浆,浇灌那些岁月之河岸边的花儿。
  • 面部表情大全

    作者:[美] 马克·西门

  • 心灵之镜


    荣格曾在其自传《回忆·梦·思考》中说,很长一段时间,他画了很多的“曼陀罗”,自己都记不清到底画了多少,也并不知道为什么要这样做。但是,似乎是一种莫名的需要,一种自然而然的涌现与形成,凝聚为美轮美奂,犹如心镜的“曼陀罗”。荣格说:(只是事后)“我才逐渐发现,什么是真正的曼 陀罗:‘成形、变形、永恒的心灵的永恒创造。’而这便是自性,即人格的完整性” 陈灿锐博士在其博士论文的基础上,完成了这本《心灵之镜:曼陀罗绘画疗法》专著,他是心理分析专业的硕士和博士,加上大学四年,已是十年磨一剑。这是国内首次对曼陀罗绘画疗法的系统研究,也是第一部有关曼陀罗绘画疗法的原创性著作。作者对于曼陀罗本义、其佛教的传统与内涵、荣格自性的理论与分析心理学方法,以及曼陀罗绘画的结构与方式等,都有独到的阐释与发展。 ——摘自申荷永老师所写序言
  • 绘画心理学


    “房树人绘画测验”,从名字就可以看出主要是围绕Tree、House、Person这三个元素展开的,所以又被简称为THP。 当我们拿起笔,在纸上画出最简单的“房、树、人”三种元素后,再对照书中的解析,就能清晰了解自己内心深处真实的想法。 想了解真实的自己?想知道身边人的真实想法?想看看潜在在自己和别人内心深处不能说的秘密?翻开这本书吧!
  • 埃舍尔魔镜


    本书将带您认识一位世界艺术史中最特别的绘画奇才,他从事物的数学特性中发掘 美,创造出空前绝后的奇妙之作;他打开您观看世界的第三只眼,促使您重新审视内心的既有观念;也像魔术师一般构造起不可能的世界,使我们乐于陶醉在视觉的"欺骗"中。 艺术家中的“数学家” 计算出来的柱子形状 难于归类的艺术家 生平简介 欣赏艺术的态度 如何使用本书 埃舍尔名作鉴赏 作品中西文目录
  • 涂鸦日记

    作者:[美]Babara Ganim,[美]S

    体验推荐! 严文华 《心理画外音》作者 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院 副教授 / 博士 _ 阅读本书之后,我有了马上行动起来的冲动,想要找一个属于自己的不受打扰的空间,按自己的喜好布置好案桌、鲜花、音乐、画笔、画本;深呼吸,或做轻微的放松运动,让自己的心和自己在一起,暂时和那些不断评价、判断的语言告别,享受内心感受浮现和流动的过程,并且看着它从自己的画笔下流淌而出。也许你会兴奋,也许你会好奇,也许你会觉得陌生,通过图画与自己的内心相逢。那些你以为早已不再存在心灵花园、心灵森林、心灵之海,原来从来没有消失过,只是你早已忘记通往它们的路径。图画帮助你找到它们。 _ 与这本书相遇,是你生命中的一个礼物。这件礼物的神奇之处不在于你的阅读,而在于你的行动。如果以前你读心理学的书是那个看风景的人,这本书邀请你成为风景的一部分。当你和自己在一起时,当你和自己的心在一起时,那些线条,那些构图,那此色彩,会喷涌而出,那是解读你内心声音的密码,也是自我整合的有效方式之一。图画可以比文字走得更远,你可以比现在走得更远、更轻松。 _ 封底的图画是我读完本书后的涂鸦:那些感受如同喷泉,如同礼花,有从内心喷涌而出的力量。那些摇曳的小花,是和自己内心相遇时的美丽绽放。那些蓝色的线条,代表着内心深处的海底世界,自由流动,和谐有序,似乎听得到大海深处的韵律……
  • 艺术治疗


  • 儿童绘画与心理治疗

    作者:Cathy A.Malchiodi

  • 儿童绘画心理学


  • 心理画


    绘画是把人看不见、摸不着的情绪和人格倾向以图像化的形式表达出来的一种方法。 可以直接反映深层次的动机、情绪、焦虑、冲突、价值观和愿望。 在绘画心理分析中,你无法隐瞒任何事情。通过房子画、树画、人物画,来发现他人隐藏的内心和未知的自己。人们在画画时,会把自己的性格倾向、心理需要、心理问题投射到图画中。通过绘画分析我们可以确定一个人的情绪和人格特征、内部心理现实,而且还能看出绘画者的人生经历。本书在传统的线条绘画心理分析技术之上,开创了色彩分析技术,整合色彩心理学和绘画心理学,在技术和理论上都进行了创新。本书图例均以大量真实中国案例为基础,所有释义均符合中国人的心理特点。
  • 张葱玉日记诗稿


  • 马列维奇


  • 影响世界画坛的十五个流派

    作者:艺术与设计杂志社 编译

  • 温迪嬷嬷讲述绘画的故事


  • 遇见名画中的女人


    《遇见名画中的女人》内容简介:每位艺术家背后都有一位伟大的女性。她们是艺术家创作的灵感、艺术的缪思,甚至情人、伴侣、灵魂按摩师。这些女性,有的出身名门,有的出身寒微,有的才华横溢,她们在艺术家的创作中扮演了举足轻重的角色。《遇见名画中的女人》将美丽的模特儿当做主角,再现了数百年来她们隐藏在画布上的故事与情绪。 《遇见名画中的女人》讲述了数百年来欧洲数十幅著名作品背后画家和模特儿的故事。故事中的一切,均以女模特儿为主,达•芬奇、拉斐尔、毕加索、梵•高等著名画家都只充当了配角。