他是篮球史上最成功的主帅之一,他拥有诚实和卓越的特质。现在,他将从自己的观点讲述一个非同寻常的赛季——洛杉矶湖人2003-2004赛季的特别之旅 。 曾赢得9枚总冠军戒指的NBA主帅菲尔·杰克逊熟知聚光灯下的一切——他清楚如何在高强度高压力的赛季执教那些性格迥异的球员,与此问时,置身媒体温床的他们的每一个举动都有可能是报刊头条,每一次变动都可能成为一场肥皂剧。但是,没有什么——哪怕是与迈克尔·乔丹、丹尼斯·罗德曼、斯科特·皮蓬一起为公牛赢得6个总冠军,和湖人的沙克和科比一起完成三连冠——都没有像湖人的2003-2004这样让他手足无措,这是一个独属好莱坞的戏剧式赛季。 在本书中,杰克逊讲述了这个赛季的所有内幕故事,一切都证明伟大的湖人王朝已经日薄西天。从夏日的开始——未来的名人堂成员卡尔·马龙和加里·佩顿的加入带来无限期待崇敬;然后是科比·布莱恩特,一个超级巨星突然卷入性侵犯丑闻的超级新闻——杰克逊描述了麻烦是如何顽固地横亘在自己面前并日趋严峻。变戏法式地压抑超级明星的狂妄自我,协调各种关系和冲突,面对伤病,处理合约纠纷,科比·布莱恩特所引来的媒体马戏团无处不在,即便如此,菲尔·杰克逊依然率领他的军队在执教的5年中第四次杀入了总决赛。然后在总决赛中,他的球队倒在了路上,失败者杰克逊以令人敬佩的诚实和睿智来审慎一切。 很少有赛季在戏剧化程度上能与这个赛季抗衡,也很少有主帅能像菲尔·杰克逊这样从容本色地写下一切;二者结合在一起带来了《终极赛季》,它不仅讲述了篮球执教,也讲述了人生哲学。 -
在这部富于启迪性的书中,杰克逊讲述了许多关于迈 克尔・乔丹、斯科蒂・皮蓬,托尼・库克,以及其他公牛 队队员的故事。作者回顾了自己如何引导队员以明悟清晰 的头脑走上球场――全神贯注到不假思索的境地,也就是 说,用心而不是用思想去指挥每一个动作;并教育队员对 敌手要保持敬意,要做到攻而不生怒,攻而不行暴;更重 要的是,要让队员们在赛场上的每分每秒,在最混乱紧张 的氛围中保持平静,从而让每个队员的“自我”最终成为 球队的“我们”的仆人。 这本催人思考的书将你带入一个与众不同的明星教练 的心灵王国。读者可以从中了解他是如何建立起迄今为止 篮坛最优秀的球队之一,如何面对球队成长中的各种不可 避免的起落与变化,包括迈克尔・乔丹出人意料的归队等 动人心弦的故事。 -
Eleven Rings
During his storied career as head coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, Phil Jackson won more championships than any coach in the history of professional sports. Even more important, he succeeded in never wavering from coaching his way, from a place of deep values. Jackson was tagged as the “Zen master” half in jest by sportswriters, but the nickname speaks to an important truth: this is a coach who inspired, not goaded; who led by awakening and challenging the better angels of his players’ nature, not their egos, fear, or greed. This is the story of a preacher’s kid from North Dakota who grew up to be one of the most innovative leaders of our time. In his quest to reinvent himself, Jackson explored everything from humanistic psychology and Native American philosophy to Zen meditation. In the process, he developed a new approach to leadership based on freedom, authenticity, and selfless teamwork that turned the hypercompetitive world of professional sports on its head. In Eleven Rings, Jackson candidly describes how he: Learned the secrets of mindfulness and team chemistry while playing for the champion New York Knicks in the 1970s Managed Michael Jordan, the greatest player in the world, and got him to embrace selflessness, even if it meant losing a scoring title Forged successful teams out of players of varying abilities by getting them to trust one another and perform in sync Inspired Dennis Rodman and other “uncoachable” personalities to devote themselves to something larger than themselves Transformed Kobe Bryant from a rebellious teenager into a mature leader of a championship team. Eleven times, Jackson led his teams to the ultimate goal: the NBA championship—six times with the Chicago Bulls and five times with the Los Angeles Lakers. We all know the legendary stars on those teams, or think we do. What Eleven Rings shows us, however, is that when it comes to the most important lessons, we don’t know very much at all. This book is full of revelations: about fascinating personalities and their drive to win; about the wellsprings of motivation and competition at the highest levels; and about what it takes to bring out the best in ourselves and others.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友