

  • Michael Wolf

    作者:Michael Wolf

  • 摄影构图从入门到精通


    《摄影构图从入门到精通》内容简介:为什么会用相机,但是拍不出好照片?总觉得拍出的照片缺乏个人风格?为什么别人拍出的照片很有特色?为什么大师总有用不完的拍摄手法?不计其数的拍摄技巧需要都记住?摄影爱好者们都会遇到这样的瓶颈——构图。 构图是学好摄影的第一步,而且有规律可循。《摄影构图从入门到精通》从构图的概念讲起,内容包含构图的元素、构图的基础、构图的原则、构图的技巧、构图的形式等,让读者认清形形色色的照片背后的拍摄规律。此外,《摄影构图从入门到精通》从旅行与风景摄影、人像摄影和静物摄影三大类题材着眼,介绍构图在实拍中的具体应用,揭示构图与时间、空间、画幅、光线、色彩、器材等诸多因素之间的内在联系。通过学习《摄影构图从入门到精通》,摄影入门读者和有一定实拍经验的爱好者都会受益匪浅,愿《摄影构图从入门到精通》能为您的摄影学习节省宝贵的时间。
  • The Adventures of Guille and Belinda

    作者:Alessandra Sanguinet

    This is the story or, more accurately, part of the story, of two young cousins named Guille and Belinda. In 1999, when they were 10 and 9 years old and living in a rural province of Buenos Aires, their paths crossed with photographer Alessandra Sanguinetti. Drawn to the girls, whose evident affection for each other is somehow magnified by their mismatched physiques, Sanguinetti took pictures to 'crystallize their rich yet fragile and unattended world'. As with her previous, much-acclaimed monograph 'On the Sixth Day' [Nazraeli Press, 2006] this work is far more than straight documentary. To witness the evolving relationship between Guille and Belinda is to be privy to a touching, entertaining and utterly captivating interaction. At the same time there is the subtle awareness of a second relationship, that of this delightful pair and their photographer. 'The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of their Dreams' follows the cousins for five years, from pre-teen to adolescent, as they play, dream and unwind their way through the secret enchantment that is childhood.
  • Lee Friedlander

    作者:Lee Friedlander

    Enduring icons of American culture, the car and the highway remain vital as auguries of adventure and discovery, and a means by which to take in the country's vast scale. Lee Friedlander is the first photographer to make the car an actual "form" for making photographs. Driving across most of the country's 50 states in an ordinary rental car, Friedlander applied the brilliantly simple conceit of deploying the sideview mirror, rearview mirror, the windshield and the side windows as a picture frame within which to record the country's eccentricities and obsessions at the turn of the century. This method allows for fascinating effects in foreshortening, and wonderfully telling juxtapositions in which steering wheels, dashboards and leatherette bump up against roadside bars, motels, churches, monuments, suspension bridges, landscapes and often Friedlander's own image, via sideview mirror shots. Presented in the square crop format that has dominated his look in recent series, and taken over the past decade, the nearly 200 images in America by Car are easily among Friedlander's finest, full of virtuoso touch and clarity, while also revisiting themes from older bodies of work (Friedlander occasionally used aspects of automotive architecture in photographs from the late 1960s and early 1970s). Never has America been photographed so penetratingly and ingeniously as in Friedlander's latest body of work.
  • 数码摄影创意暗房


  • 摄影照片修饰完全自学手册


    《摄影照片修饰完全自学手册》内容简介:数码相机日渐普及,无论是外出旅行,还是家庭聚会,我们都会随手拍摄几张照片留作纪念。在拍摄之后,照片的后期修饰则是展现完美作品的重要手段。《摄影照片修饰完全自学手册》以深入浅出的方式为读者详细讲解了数码照片后期修饰的各种方法和技巧,使读者首先掌握调整图像的亮度、饱和度、色彩、色调等基本技法,然后针对人像照片的调色、人像照片精修、特殊效果的人像照片制作、风光照片的调色、风光照片的瑕疵处理、特殊效果的风光照片制作进行专题讲解,在讲解的同时结合具体实例,让读者一目了然。 《摄影照片修饰完全自学手册》适合数码摄影、平面设计、照片修饰等领域的读者阅读,无论是专业人士,还是业余爱好者,都可以从中获得不同的收获。
  • 风景摄影用光与构图


  • 世博日记


  • 光影要略


    《光影要略》内容简介:我从事摄影工作60余年,深知摄影基础的重要。要摄影,需学好有关它。数码相机的诞生是相机发展史上的一次革命。数码摄影是用光电物理学原理数字成像,通过电脑进行储存、修改、复制、传输,自主便捷。尽管其见证特性存在质疑,但使用数码相机的人最多。胶片相机使用者若小看数码摄影,则是一大偏见。 胶片摄影是用光化学原理模拟成像,已有百年历史,非常成熟。当今的摄影画册、大型广告,多数都是彩色反转片拍的。黑白摄影更有其独特的艺术魅力,不会被彩色摄影所取代。数码相机使用者不接触胶片更是一大损失。 《光影要略》是一本双修摄影工具书,值得一读。
  • 人像摄影构图与模特姿势200例


  • Jungjin Lee: Wind

    作者:Jungjin Lee,Vicki Go

    Wind showcases the most recent work of the widely acclaimed and exhibited Korean photographer Jungjin Lee. Known for her laborious and textured photographic process, Lee brushes liquid emulsion onto the surface of handmade rice paper, endowing her images with a uniquely painterly effect. Wind captures the ethereal quality of the element in a series of landscapes dominated by windswept expanses and atmospherically foreboding cloud formations--panoramas that reveal an adventurous spirit, yet resist casual entry. Manmade objects, such as a dilapidated school bus or windblown prayer flags, all appear deeply inscribed by an invisible hand that runs through the entire corpus of this volume, leaving evidence of its handiwork on all surfaces. Lee's landscapes are imbued with an elemental vastness that strikes us as atonce powerful and serene.
  • 旅游摄影指南


    《旅游摄影指南》通过大量精美的照片来介绍旅游摄影的相关知识,内容包括出发前的准备工作、器材的选择与运用、各种主题内容的拍摄技巧、不同季节照片的拍摄方法及拍摄地点、旅游摄影的其他相关知识、照片的后期创意制作等。通过阅读《旅游摄影指南》读者可以全方位地了解旅游摄影的相关知识,在享受出行快乐的同时,拍摄出自己满意的作品,为旅途增加更多的乐趣。   《旅游摄影指南》适合不同层次的摄影爱好者,特别是热衷于旅游及风光摄影的读者阅读。
  • 徜徉加勒比


    一、边走边想边拍 二、徜徉加勒比 三、语言 人种 建筑——殖民印痕 四、蔗糖 雪茄 海滩——经济支柱 五、热舞 湿吻 老爷车——独特风情 六、不远的将来
  • 大师的人体摄影


  • 星野摄影


    本书探讨星座、银河、星云、星团等天体的中、高级天文摄影的技术与艺术,以帮助读者创造世界一流的照片为目标,内容并重底片与数位、理论与实作、美学与科学。本书不只适合发烧级天文摄影爱好者,其揭橥的知识与科学精神亦值得一般天文同好学习、并应用到其它种类天文观测。 全书目次 前言 何谓星野摄影 PART I 基本学理知识 1 视角与成像大小 2 天文学的基本知识 2-1 各种天体 2-2 天空 3 摄影学的基本知识 3-1 焦比 3-2 底片特性曲线 3-3 倒数律失效 3-4 暗房 4 数位影像的基本知识 4-1 感光元件 4-2 基本影像处理 4-3 讯噪比及其应用 PART II 星野摄影器材 5 底片 5-1 选择底片的一般考量 5-2 正负片及其特性 5-3 黑白底片 5-4 片幅 5-5 底片的保存 6 相机 6-1 底片相机 6-2 片匣 6-3 大型相机 6-4 冷却CCD 6-5 数位相机 6-6 数位vs. 底片 7 光学系统 7-1 相机镜头 7-2 折射式望远镜 7-3 牛顿式望远镜 7-4 盖赛格林家族 7-5 施密特家族 7-6 马克斯托夫家族 7-7 其它 8 赤道仪 8-1 追踪精度与周期误差 8-2 其它要求 9 导星系统 9-1 导星镜vs. 离轴导星,以及器材的非同步变形 9-2 系统刚性测试 9-3 导星目镜与导星用CCD 10 滤镜 10-1 直切式滤镜 10-2 干涉型滤镜 10-3 色修正滤镜 10-4 三色滤镜 10-5 滤镜的物理特性 11 其它配件 11-1 云台 11-2 防雾装置 11-3 星图 11-4 笔记本 11-5 拍摄记录纸 11-6 参考书 PART III 星野摄影方法 12 选择摄星地 13 器材的调校 13-1 极轴校对 13-2 光轴校正 14 对焦 14-1 相机构造与底片位置 14-2 显微对焦 14-3 刀口对焦 14-4 Ronchi Sreen 对焦法 14-5 底片相机与片匣的吸引改造 14-6 温度对焦点的影响 14-7 像面弯曲与对焦 15 取景 16 导星 16-1 误差来源 16-2 极轴误差 16-3 大气折射效应 16-4 导星实作 17 曝光时间的决定 17-1 基本考量 17-2 重新定义星野摄影的曝光 17-3 正负片的不同考量 17-4 画面阶调的掌控 17-5 暗天体的拍摄与长时间曝光的注意事项 17-6 摄影极限星等 18 高解析力天文摄影 18-1 最小星像直径 18-2 数位摄影的星像直径 18-3 光学系统与解析力 18-4 底片与解析力 18-5 视相与解析力 19 数位相机与冷却CCD 的摄影 19-1 焦距 19-2 导星 19-3 对焦 19-4 曝光与感度设定 19-5 色彩合成 19-6 RAW 档转换与基本影像处理 19-7 数位摄影的极限星等 PART IV 星野摄影的特殊技巧 20 控制画面的反差 20-1 负片重叠 20-2 翻拍 20-3 局部反差的控制(Unsharp Mask) 21 提升底片的能力 21-1 预先感光法 21-2 气浴法 21-3 氢气增感 22 历史回顾(已被淘汰的技术) 22-1 三色分解合成 22-2 冷冻相机 23 数位影像处理于星野摄影的应用 23-1 数位影像处理的基本工具 23-2 影像阶调的修正 23-3 多幅影像的叠加 23-4 影像结构的强化与去杂讯 23-5 周边减光与不规则背景光的修正 24 马赛克 24-1 事前准备与仪器规划 24-2 影像处理 A 附录 A1 移动天体的导星摄影 A2 摄影极限星等 A3 极轴误差的计算
  • Guy Bourdin

    作者:Oliviero Toscani

  • 黑白摄影教程


  • Dorothea Lange

    作者:Lange, Dorothea (PHT

    This is a stunning collection of photographs showcasing one of the most crucial periods in Dorothea Lange's career. In 1935, photographer Dorothea Lange joined Franklin D. Roosevelt's Farm Security Administration project, charged with the task of inventing an iconography that would record and convey the tales of Depression-era America. It was a task that forced Lange's photography to evolve from its then portrait-based character, as she stepped out into the streets to document the woes of the Great Depression, thus creating what is today her most legendary body of work. "Dorothea Lange: The Crucial Years" gathers together more than 130 of the most iconic and important images from this formative period in Lange's career.
  • Dream Street

    作者:Alan Trachtenberg

    In 1955, having ended his high-profile career with "Life" magazine, W. Eugene Smith spent a year in Pittsburgh compiling nearly 16,000 photographs. Only a fragment of the work was ever seen, despite Smith's conviction that it was his greatest set of photographs. Now, in an assemblage of pictures that Smith asserted were the "synthesis of the whole", we see a portrayal not just of Pittsburgh but also of mid-20th-century America by a master photojournalist.
  • Irving Penn Portraits

    作者:Sandy Nairne,Magdale

    From Penn's early work of the 1940s to recent images made in the twenty-first century, "Irving Penn Portraits" honors a selection of photographs with reproductions of superb quality. Among those featured are Giorgio de Chirico, Igor Stravinsky, Pablo Picasso, Duke Ellington, Marlene Dietrich, Woody Allen, Rudolf Nureyev, Helmut Newton and Jasper Johns. Irving Penn was born in 1917, in Plainfield, New Jersey. In a career of more than sixty years, he created an extensive and influential body of photographs in portraiture, fashion and still life. His work resides in the permanent collections of major museums internationally and has been published in over twenty-five monographs and exhibited throughout the world. The full list of contents include: Giorgio de Chirico, The Angel, Cecil Beaton with Nude, Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning, Peter Ustinov, Edith Piaf, Elsa Schiaparelli, Truman Capote, Igor Stravinsky, Ballet Society, Joan Miro and his daughter, Dolores, Tarragona, Caffe Greco, Marlene Dietrich, Alberto Giacometti, Colette, Tennessee Williams, Pablo Picasso, Francis Bacon, Saul Bellow, Rudolph Nureyev, Barnett Newman, Saul Steinberg, Duke Ellington, Woody Allen, Issey Miyake, Louise Bourgeois, Helmut Newton, Ellsworth Kelly, Chuck Close, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Kenneth Noland. This title accompanies a major exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, London (18 February-6 June 2010), followed by a European tour. It is the first book ever dedicated to the portraits of Irving Penn. It includes thirty stunning tri-tone photographic reproductions. Photographs are drawn from across seven decades, from the celebrated 'Portrait Series of 1947-8' to an arresting image of Jasper Johns captured as recently as 2006.